Friday, March 7, 2025

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-March 7 results

Tag Festival XV Group Stage Round 5 Matches:

1. Bracket D Match: Creed Gaston and Derek Vamp beat Knightwings
2. Non Tournament Match: Jeffery Alpha beat Chris Sabin
3. Non Tournament Match: Mark Lite beat Xavier Woods
4. Bracket A Match: Wyatt Sick beat Crow Brothers
5. Bracket D Match: Chris Prime and Matt Pigen beat Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock
6. Non Tournament Match: Jordynne Grace beat Victoria Lanley
7. Non Tournament Match: Alex Shelley beat Jim Brooks
8. Bracket A Match: War Machine beat Donity Brothers
9. Bracket D Match: Carl War and Brent Jet beat Solo Sukoa and Jacob Fatu
10. Non Tournament Match: King Stan wrestled CM Punk to a Contest when Roman Empire members ran attacking both.  eWo made the save Stan and Punk looked at each other to end the show.

This Day In Wrestling History-March 7 (Machine Gone Crazy, Problems with Real Americans, Punk/HBK/Jericho, Hostile City Showdown 2010, Money In The Bank and 12 Way TLC Qualifying Matches, HHH/Steen, American Heroes sit in lead to forbidden door opened, Kyle Donty touches a nerve)

This Day In Wrestling History-March 7:
Wednesday Night Brawl-3/7/2001 results:

1. Crash Holly beat Mike Sanders
2. Essa Rios beat Duke
3. Super Crazy beat Spirit
4. Falcon beat K-Kwik
5. Joe beat Mankind to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
6. Machine beat Chris Night
7. Mark Night beat Mike Bison
8. Shadow WX beat Christian
9. Venom and Chris Jericho beat Chris Benoit and Lance Storm.  The end came when Lady Doomsday threw powder into Benoit's eyes and a blinded Benoit accidentally put the crippler crossface onto Storm.  Venom kicked Benoit off the storm and threw him to the floor.  Jericho then hit the lionsault for the victory.
10. Triple H, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks beat Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Rick Steiner
11. Hardy Boys beat Naughty By Nature in a Ladder Match to win the EUWF World Heavyweight  Tag Team Titles.
12. Doomsday beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-3/7/2002 results:

1. Wildfire and Fire Woman beat Crazy and Crazy Woman
2. Vlad beat Spirit
3. Ninja Kid beat Snake Eyes
4. Ken and Ryu beat Dynamic Duo
5. Jeff Hardy beat Edge, Matt Hardy, Guile in a Four Way Dance.
6. Mankind beat Sho Funaki and Tajiri in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Temptress beat Scarlet and Lady Xtreme in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
8. Masato Tanaka beat Mike Bison to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
9. Jim Brooks beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF European Title.
10. Naughty By Nature beat APA to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
11. Chris Jericho beat The Rock to retain the EUWF US Title.
12. Triple H beat Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

TTWF 3/7/2003 results:

The show started with RJ Hammer announcing that CZW will be the first company in Viking Hall this saturday as part of agreement reach on wednesday.  Of course it was originally going to be reopened for companies in april but that changed on wednesday.
1. Ariel Bison beat Fire Woman to retain the TTWF World Ladies Title.
2. Simon Diamond and Swinger beat Night Brothers
3. Taion beat Spanky
4. Devon Storm beat Nick Mondo to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
Naughty By Nature were shown walking around Viking Hall and they changed the spray telling XPW to go to saying that XPW had left.
5. Matt Hardy beat James Maritato and Tony Mamaluke in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Junior Title.
6. Backseat Boyz beat Joey Mathews and Christian York to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Chris Benoit beat Nick Berk in a
Submission match to retain the TTWF US Title.
8. Michael Shane beat CM Punk to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/7/2005 results:

The show started with Hard Luck Fighter coming out and asking the 12 lightweight and junior heavyweight tag team ladder match changed into a new match.  They called it tiring and that everyone in EUWF, TTWF, ECW are tired of it every wrestlemania.  He said this time they should do a different match and asked it be the scramble cage match.  They said they could put the belts up above the ring or whatever but just to do something different at wrestlemania.
1. Austin Aries won the second 20 Man #1 Contenders Trophy Battle Royal to win the first spot in the #1 Contenders Trophy Match at Wrestlemania XXI on April 3.  Batistia, Red, Chris Jericho, Triple H, John Walters, Shadow WX, Sagat, Messiah, Deranged, Garrison Cade, Chad Colleyer, Danny Bashman, Bradshaw, Kane,  Gene Snitsky, Raven, Sho Funaki, Big Show, Rhendo were also in the match.
2. Sagat beat Chris Masters by dq.
3. Speedster Lite and RJ Hammer beat Triple H and Shawn Michaels to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  Michaels and Triple H continued attacking RJ and Lite after the match in anger till Doomsday Alliance members made the save.
4. Machine beat Shadow WX to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Homicide beat Alex Shelley to retain the EUWF and TTWF Unified World Hardcore Title.
6. Randy Orton beat Jesus Bison to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Chris Benoit beat John Walters to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Christopher Daniels won the second 20 Man #1 Contenders Trophy Battle Royal to win the final spot in the #1 Contenders Trophy Match at Wrestlemania XXI on April 3.  The winner of that match will get a title shot at Backlash 2005 on May 1.  Randy Orton, Speedster Lite, Jesus Bison, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Shelton Benjamin, Machine, Ruckus, Sabin, Izzy, La Park, Doug Bashman, Orlando Jordan, Undertaker, Rosey, John Hendinright, Blanka, Scotty Too Hotty, RJ Hammer were also in the match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/7/2007 results:

The show started with Machine apologizing for rude thing he did on monday and then did a rant about being a drunk, going in and out of rehab, and started destroying things until Spirit came stopping him.  Spirit hit him saying that parody of britney spears is not funny and machine said he thought it would be.  Lady Machine came in and pulled machine out of the room.  Spirit shrugged and apologized.
1. Players beat Jade and Jill Night in a Double Dog Collar Match.
2. Lady Doomsday beat Erica Tempted
Stone Cold Steve Austin made a surprise appearance coming to the ring and saying that he was hear to announce something.  He said that he was proud to announce that he will be going into the EUWF Hall Of Fame this year and then he saw what Doomsday Alliance pulled on Raw.  He said he really was angary about it and was interrupted by spirit and machine who came to the ring.  Spirit said that if anyone would understand what they did it would be him as he was held back by the old guard at one time just like they have been.  Machine got into austin's face and Spirit said if he doesn't like it they will do the same to him.  Austin hit stone cold stunner on machine and then spirit before opening up some beer and leaving.
3. Rhino beat Rob Van Dam to retain the ECW World TV Title.
4. Finley beat Nerco Butcher
5. Doomsday and Venom beat Edge and Christian Cage
6. Dudleyz beat Spirit/Machine, Backseat Boyz, Chris Hero/Larry Sweeny in a 4 Way Dance to win back the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  Before the match highlights of a match that took place after Raw went off the air between Spirit and Machine v.s. Dudleyz for ecw world heavyweight tag titles in a tables match that ended with surprise return from injury of sagat interfering leading to the new champs.  Sagat tried to interfere in this match too but Austin came back out and stunned him.  Security dragged Sagat to the back as Spirit was 3D for the win.
7. Matt Hardy beat Colt Cabana in a Non Title Match.
8. CM Punk beat Jeff Hardy in a Non Title Match.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-3/7/2008 results:

The show started with Edge coming to the ring and calling out Mr. America but instead Bryan Danielson came out.  Danielson said he is out here to explain why he helped Edge on Raw.  It was because just like Edge he doesn't like the direction the group has been going of late and blames it on JBL since it started when he joined.  That finally brought out Mr. America who said that the problems really began with Danielson deciding he can't get along with anyone.  MA said he doesn't know what Edge's problem is since he didn't do anything to him except to busy to talk to him and got speared by him for his troubles.  MA blamed Edge for having the Real Americans Alliance losing the tag titles and Edge said the spear was a accident.  MA said it wasn't interrupting what Edge was about to say and then said that he accidentally got away from the ring trying to get up.  Danielson and Edge said they don't believe him.  Edge then told MA that this was about AJ Styles turning on his brother Christian in TNA and before that the rest of RAA leaving him Christian dry at Extreme Nightmare last november.  MA called Christian dead weight that needed to be dropped and then said that if Edge and Danielson don't careful they will be dead weight and dropped too.  RJ Hammer came from the back saying all this was nice but he wants to get on with the show and wrestling.  RJ then made a match between Edge and MA for wrestlemania for leadership of Real Americans Alliance and loser leaves the group.  Edge liked the idea and MA didn't telling RJ to stay out of their business.  RJ said this company is his business and if he doesn't like it he go find work somewhere else.
1. Kevin Steen, El Generico, Hardy Boyz beat Doomsday/Venom/Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt and Blackout in a 3 Way Dance
2. AJ Styles beat Christopher Daniels
CM Punk did a interview saying that the reason he is in this years Best Of Lightweights Tournament is because he wants to make sure he gets his title shot that he is suppose to.  He is tired of waiting for a date when he will even get it let alone the actually match.  Punk said that because of Mike Bison and Samoa Joe's selfishness the WM24 main events are messed up.  He said after he wins the tournament he is going to force his hand.  Chris Jericho interrupted him saying that he shouldn't be sure that he is going to win especially since he is in the tournament too.  Punk said that he already beat him this week and will do it again.  Shawn Michaels then interrupted both of them saying that he will win the tournament and get the title shot he feels that been denied to him.  Punk laughed saying that he beat him to this week and said that could beat both of them in one match.  Jericho said that sounded like a good idea and then challenged Michaels and Punk to the match.  They both agreed for it to be at WM24 and Punk said he is so confident that he will put his title shot he won at Royal Rumble 2008 on the line.
3. Colt Cabana beat Spirit
4. Bryan Danielson beat Machine after the ref accidentally got hit and Pink Dudley ran in hitting Machine with a low blow letting Danielson roll up Machine.  Danielson didn't seem happy and Hardcore Bytch came out from the back.  The two brawled till Pink made her way to the entrance ramp where the dudleyz came out standing infront of her to protect her.  HC got back into the ring and got a mic saying that she tired of Pink running from her.  She then challenged Pink to a No Rope Barbed Wire, Weapons, Taipei, Last Amazon Standing Death Match.  Pink said she wouldn't do it and RJ came from the back announcing the match was on anyway.  If pink doesn't show up not only will she be stripped of the ECW World Ladies Title but Dudleyz will be stripped of ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.  Brian Thunder and Duke came out for their match against dudleyz as RJ, Machine, HC chased Pink to the back.
5. Dudleyz beat Brian Thunder and Duke in a Non Title Match.
6. Jim Brooks beat Jack Crystal to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
7. Nigel McGuiness Speedster Lite
8. Mike Bison and Samoa Joe beat Real Americans Alliance (Mr. America and JBL) to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-3/7/2009 results:

1. Speedster Lite beat Venom in a Non Title Match.
2. Matt Hardy beat Jerry Lynn
3. Crazy beat Sgt. and Roadblock
4. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Colt Cabana in a Non Title Match.
5. Hoodies beat Duke and Snake Eyes
6. Motor City Machine Guns beat Cheech and Cloudy
7. Delirious, Jimmy Jacobs, Irish Airborne beat Ruckus, Sabian, Drake Younger, Danny Havoc
8. Kurt Angle, CM Punk, Sagat, Spirit beat Mike Bison, AJ Styles, Machine, Jack Crystal

ECW's Hostile City Showdown 2010-3/7/2010 results:

1. Masada beat Thumbtack Jack to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
2. Sheamus beat Eric Stevens to retain the ECW IC Title.
3. Machine and Sagat beat Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Claudio Castagnoli beat Homicide to retain the ECW World TV Title.
5. Chris Jericho and Briscoe Brothers bat American Wolves and Chris Hero
Doomsday, Venom, Cyrus Bourne beat Colt Cabana, Bryan Danielson, Kofi Kingston and AJ Styles, Low Ki, Samoa Joe in a 3 Way Dance.  TWF team was the only one that got along as Cabana and Danielson refused tag each other.  Joe and AJ couldn't get alone either.
7. American Heroes and Big Show beat Night Brothers and High Flyers

8. Mike Bison and Edge beat Shawn Michaels and CM Punk.  Michaels and Punk would refuse to tag either at times.  This eventually lead to Mike rolling Punk up for the win.  After the match Punk got on the mic brining up HBK's problems with Punk and asking him what change since Punk wrestled HBK and Jericho two years ago at WM24.  HBK said that the reason is that found out the truth about Punk and that he is atheist.  That offends him and his religion.  Mike tried to hold Punk back as he was mad that HBK brought it up but couldn't stop him as goes after him.  Danielson attacks Punk before he could get there and Mike tried to help but Hernadez and Brian Kendrick came from the crowd attacking Mike and Punk.  Edge and Colt Cabana came back evening the sides sending HBK's group running.  Punk, Mike, Edge, Cabana went back to the ring.  Punk says he never brought up his believes can't believe Michaels would go there as Edge speared Mike out of nowhere.  Punk then ask Edge what he was doing and edge went to spear Punk but hit cabana.  Punk then hit go to sleep on Edge and Mike got back up holding his ribs.  He asked if Punk was going to attack him to and that surprised Punk.  It looked Punk may or may not have going to but Mike beat him to punch with ECW World Heavyweight Title belt to punk's head.  Michaels sneaked in and hit sweet chin music on mike.  He then stand tall above Punk, Edge, Mike to end the show.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/7/2011 results:

The show began with Triple H coming to the ring explaining where he has been including the movie and injuries.  He said he to do a lot of thinking during that time almost didn't come back but he decide he wanted to for two reason.  To make up for what he tried to do get revenge on those in Alliance who turned his back on him while he was away.  That starts with Kings Of Wrestling and he challenged them to a match at WM27.  Chris Hero came to the ring saying that he accepts it as matter of fact but tag titles on the line.  He laughed at Triple H trying to find a partner since he either turned on all his friend and no one team up with.  Triple H says he wants all four of them and attacked Hero but Claudio came from the crowd hitting with one of tag belts.  Randy Orton came in making the save.
1. Justin Gabriel beat Doomsday Kid
2. Speedster Lite beat Nick Jackson in a Non Title Match.
3. Matt Jackson beat Jim Brooks in a Non Title Match.
4. Mr. America beat Ricochet to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Edge, Wade Barrett, Heath Slater, Ezekiel Jackson beat CM Punk, Machine, Sagat, Eddie Edwards and Mike Bison, RJ Hammer, Davey Richards, AJ Styles in a  3 Way Dance.  After the match Barrett and Jackson attacked AJ but Samoa Joe made the save leading to a brawl into the back between the four.  While this went on Edge spears Mike and then went to spear Punk but he moved and hit GTS.

Money In The Bank Qualifier-Triple Threat Matches:

1. Christopher Daniels beat Amazing Red to Qualify for Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 27.
2. El Generico beat Roderick Strong to Qualify for Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 27.
3. Colt Cabana beat Wade Barrett to Qualify for Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 27 after AJ came out distracting him.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/7/2012 results:

1. Tommaso Ciampa beat Heath Slater
2. Super Smash Brothers beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous
3. Mr. America beat CM Punk
4. WN Alpha beat Christopher Daniels
5. Colt Cabana and El Generico beat Tyler Black and Alex Riley
6. Machine and Sagat beat Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger
7. Naughty By Nature beat North American Dragons in a Non Title Match.
8. Zach Ryder beat Mike Bison in a Non Title Match.  Before the match was doing a interview about getting the monkey known as Mr. America off his back and looking forward to WM28 when he brought up with Doomsday Inc. last week.  Doomsday confronted him and told him to stay out of it.  This was between Doomsday Inc. and Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Hot Shots.  This was old scores to be settled and not a another civil war between twf guys.  Mike seemed still bothered by it but Doomsday said to leave it alone before leaving.

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-3/7/2013 results:
12 Way TLC Triple Threat Qualfying Matches:

1. Night Brothers beat Wildfire.  Nights and Crazy advance.
2. Brian Thunder and Duke beat WN Omega and Sigma.  Brian Thunder/Duke and New Demolition advance.
3. New Gantgas beat Doomsday and Venom.  New Public Enemy and New Gangtas advance.
4. Masion Dixie and Jackson Rouch beat Dynamic Duo.  Masion/Jackson and Spirit/Jack advance.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-3/7/2014 results:

1. Davey Richards beat Brian Thunder
2. Roman Reigns beat Tyler Black
3. Bryan Danielson beat Peter Spider in a Non Title Match.
4. Jackson Rouch beat Adam Cole
5. Bloody Donity beat Ricochet
6. Rich Swan beat Speedster Lite
7. Jim Brooks beat Sami Callihan
8. Freddie Waldeno beat Randy Orton in a Non Title Match.  Orton went for RKO but blocked into back slide for the win.  Peter Spider attacked Freddie as he tried to leave hitting him with lightweight title belt.  He threw Freddie back into the ring and Orton hit rko on him.  Peter grabbed a chair putting Freddie's head in the chair and Orton went for a punt but Cyrus Bourne, Dolph Ziggler, Jackson Rouch, Masion Dixie, Piloit, Brett Wayfield made the save.

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-3/7/2015 results:

1. Jack Pink (Formerly WN Pink) beat Slasher
2. Taylor Wad beat Rock Hider
3. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Bruce Blood and Kent Wonder
4. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Brian Thunder and Duke
It was announced that Pac will defend the Unified World Lightweight Title in Best Of Lightweight 29 tournament.  If he loses the belt before the tournament or during it then the new champion must defend it.  Also announced BOLT Japan winner Jushin Liger will return for the tournament.  Also KENTA (first BOLT in 6 years) and Prince Devitt will compete in their first since singing contracts with the EUWF.
5. Charles Black beaet Harrison Boss
6. Dog Of War #1 beat Rhendo
7. Aaron Valkyrie beat Thomas Bernard
8. Night Brothers beat Hoodies in a Non Title Match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/7/2016 results:

The show began with aughty By Nature claiming to be dominating tag team that no team could beat them.  They played by everyone else's rules and at WM32 they play by their rules.  Calling out any team for a Double Tables Match at WM.  Dudleyz and Hollywood Doomsday/Mr. Venom both came out accepting.  It was decided the two teams will face each other on Smackdown to see who faces NBN at Wrestlemania 32.
1. Paige, Brie Bella, Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Naomi, Tamina, Sasha Banks beat Firebird, Moonshine, Pink Dudley, Hardcore Bytch, Jade Thunder, Julie Fire, Ms. America
2. Uso Brothers beat All Night Express
Special video aired as tribute to Hayabusa who passed away on Thursday.
3. Bad Influence beat Brian and Duke Thunder in a Non Title Match.
4. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Lucha Dragons
It was announced that Tyler Breeze will defend his Unified World Lightweight Title during Best Of Lightweight Tournament 31.
5. Power Donity beat Kane
6. Young Bucks beat Marvel Warriors
RJ Hammer came from the back saying that there is a bit unfinished business to take care of.  Though Power Donity will finish the job at WM32 he wants to close the chapter with Brock Lensar this saturday at Eye Of The Storm special on EUWF Network.  That will be a No Holds Barred Match.  Lesnar and Haymen came out accepting.  Lesnar and RJ started fighting till Warriors came down attack Lesnar.  HHH and Undertaker came down clearing the way of Warriors.  Shane McMahon came out diving on everyone on the floor and Lesnar grabbed him.  RJ broke his cane over Lesnar's bad arm hooking in a fujiwara armbar trying to break it off till he got pulled off by Warriors, Shane, and security.
7. reDragon beat Night Brothers
8. Black Valkyrie beat Briscoe Brothers
HHH came out calling Kevin Steen saying its about time he confronts him and Steen came out saying that HHH finally has the balls to.  HHH said Steen betrayal was worse then anything else and more personal.  He will take care of him personally at Eye Of The Storm special this saturday with Triple Crown Title on the line.  Steen says he has no problem with that as he has been used by HHH and Authority.  That he was never cared about and was just place holder for when Randy Orton came back or Seth Owens was ready.  Except they didn't give a crap about Owens either and HHH attacked Steen.  He tried to hit a pedigree but steen got out leaving.
9. Eric Bison, Guile, Taion, Sagat, Mr. America beat Wyatt Family
10. Kevin Steen, Young Bucks, Roderick Strong, Adam Cole beat Sami Zayn, Seth Owens, Cyrus Bourne, Ash Hyde, Chris Jericho

EUWF's Smackdown Live-3/7/2017 results:

The show began with Undertaker coming to the ring.  He was interputed by Power Donity who looks at Wresltemania sign and Undertaker laughs.  He goes to leave and Power pulls him back.  Taker choke slams him and tells him if he wants him at WM33 then he got him.  But be careful what you wish for and leaves.
1. Johnny The Kid beat John Moxly in a Non Title Match.
2. Briscoe Brothers beat Machine and Sagat in a Non Title Match.
3. Bad Influence beat Wyatt Brothers
4. AJ Styles and Samoa Joe beat Cyrus Bourne and Seth Owens

12 Way TLC Qualfiying Matches:

1. Black Valkyrie beat Vaudevillains
2. Motor City Machine Guns beat Tony Neese and Drew Gulak
3. Lince Dorado and Akira Tozawa beat Ricochet and Rich Swan
4. Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Ascension

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/7/2018 results:

1. Candice LaRae, Misty Dawnner, Asuka, Bayley beat Queens Of Wrestling, Ruby Riot, Sarah Logan
2. Adam Cole and Jay Lethal beat Sheamus and Johnny Gargano
3. Prince Devitt beat Tommy End
4. Claudio Castagnoli and King Theodore III beat Roderick Strong and Power Donity 

12 Way TLC Triple Threat Qualfying Matches:

1. Tyler Breeze and Fandago beat Road Knights.  Breeze/Fandago and Hype Brothers advance.
2. oVe beat Crazy Lightning.  oVe and ANX advance
3. Jack Gallagher and Lince Dorado beat Gambit Inc.  Gallagher/Dorado and reDragon advance
4. The New Day beat Tommy Bernard and Harrison Boss.  The New Day and Los Ice Creams advance.

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-3/7/2019 results:

1. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Brandon Scarlet (Extreme Knight II) (2-5-0) beat Sgt. Savior (2-17-0)
2. Quarter-Final Round Match Of Wrestleamnia 35 TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Tournament: Ash Hyde beat Marcus Croft
3. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Rock Holider (2-4-0) beat General Savior (2-16-0)
4. Quarter-Final Round Match Of Wrestleamnia 35 TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Tournament: Cyrus Bourne beat Power Donity
5. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Crasher Jack (2-4-0) beat Crazy Warrior (2-14-0)
6. Quarter-Final Round Match Of Wrestleamnia 35 TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Tournament: Brett Wayfield beat Mark Night
7. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Dance Warriors (2-2-0) beat Fire Ninja (2-10-0)
8. Quarter-Final Round Match Of Wrestleamnia 35 TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot Tournament: Sir Tristan beat Freddie Waldeno

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-3/7/2020 results:

1. Elimantion Match: Stacy America, Samantha Bison, Candice LaRae, Bianca Blair, Faith Fire beat Queens Of Wrestling, Nikki Cross, Alexia Bliss, Deonna Purrazzo
2. Outliners, reDragon, Vincent Vlad, Ian Imapler beat The North, Creed Gatson, Derek Vamp, Silas Young, Josh Woods
3. Hardcore Elimination Match: Chris Hero, Mustafa Ali, Drew McIntyre, Guardian Knights, The Revival, Uso Brothers beat American Brothers, Marcus Croft Tyson Bronx, Eric Bison, Tommy End, Nightwings, Keith Lee

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/7/2022 results:

The show began with American Heroes having sit in the ring.  They weren't leaving till Victor America was inserted into Wrestlemania EUWF World Title Match.  First Adam Pearce came out but was interrupted by Mike Bison.  Mike says he can't give victor spot in the.  He could give American heroes a match at WM38.  He said that he has been on phone about special things at WM38 and forbidden door been blow open.  As their friends from Impact Wrestling been having a problem with a group called Honor No More and ask for help.  Mike announced Honor No More versus American Heroes for WM38.  Victor wasn't happy but said that if Claudio throws the belt in trash it's on mike's head.

Tag Festival XII Round 6 Matches:

1. Non Tournament Match: Eliana Flynn beat Liv Morgan
2. Bracket A Match: Gary J and Rex Lion beat Stew Rosen and Leo Ambrose
3. Bracket D Match: Road Knights beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
4. Bracket A Match: American Brothers beat Colin East and Colton West
Paul Haymen and Roman Reigns were interviewed.  Paul said that since forbidden door been blown up Roman got something to say about it.  He then told CM Punk to acknowledge him.
5. Bracket D Match: Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit beat Hoodies
6. Bracket A Match: Angel Garza and Humberto beat Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin
7. Bracket D Match: Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune beat Dogs Of War
8. Non Tournament Pick Your Poison Match: AJ Styles beat Eddie Edwards.  Honor No More attacked AJ after the match till American Heroes made the save to end the show

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-3/7/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 5 Matches:

1. Bracket E Match: Gambit Inc beat Road Knights
2. Non Tournament Match: Ash Hyde beat Solo Sukoa
3. Bracket B Match: Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire beat Apollo Crews and Ricochet
4. Bracket E Match: Nate Blaster and Caleb Scare beat Isaac Block and Trey Widow
5. Non Tournament Match: Charlotte Flair beat Queen Tabitha
6. Bracket B Match: Uso Brothers beat Dean Nuke and Nick Acid
7. Bracket E Match: Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed beat Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher
8. Non Tournament Match: Cody Rhodes beat Brett Wayfield.  Cody cut a promo on Kyle Donity after the match.  Kyle came out saying that Cody run from everywhere he has been when things get tough.  He ran from EUWF when he couldn't get beyond mid card.  He ran from Impact, ROH, New Japan.  He ran from AEW when booked himself into corner he couldn't get out of.  Kyle never ran from anything.  He spent years fighting to get where he was despite his brother always holding him.  He had turn on his brother.  Yeah he attack Cody at war but wasn't for Phillip but because it was not Phill's turn.  When he beats Cody at WM39 maybe Tony Khan will take Cody back.  This lead to a bloody pull apart brawl between Cody and Kyle to end the show.

Being Taped For Peacock/EUWF Network Exclusively:
Preliminary Round Matches Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 45:

1. Kagen Kass (1-1-0) beat Xander Seed (1-5-0)
2. Malik Blade (1-1-0) beat Shaggy Brown (1-5-0)
3. Wes Lee (1-1-0) beat Jeff Yang (1-5-0)
4. Dutch Lane (1-3-0) beat Isaac Block (1-5-0)
5. Fabian Aichner (1-3-0) beat Giovanni Kappa (1-5-0)
6. Hunter Knight (1-3-0) beat Fernando Kappa (1-5-0)
7. Mace MacAlister (1-3-0) beat Clyde Neptune (1-5-0)
8. Martin Flap (1-3-0) beat Trey Widow (1-4-0)

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-3/7/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 5 Matches:

1. Bracket B Match: Thunder Brothers beat Donity Brothers
2. 4 Way #1 Contenders Match For TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Johnny The Kid and Ezekiel Street beat Theodore Borando/Tristan Heartsend, Night Brothers, Dean Nuke/Nicky Acid
3. Bracket E Match: Bishop Rider and Arthur Star beat Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz
4. Bracket B Match: DIY beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
5. Non Tournament Match: Doc Gallows beat King Stan
6. Bracket E Match: Brentley Justice and Percy Grimm beat Tom Master and Remy Who
7. Bracket B Match: King Stan and Thomas Berad beat Simon Seyes and Stephan Shadow
8. Non Tournament Match: DIY and Austin Theory beat LA Knight and Donity Brothers

Thursday, March 6, 2025

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-March 6 results

Tag Festival XV Group Stage Round 5 Matches:

1. Bracket E Match: Barney White Black Jack beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
2. Non Tournament Match: Akira Tozawa beat Prince Devitt
3. Bracket B Match: Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Fisher Star and Felix Bolt
4. Bracket E Match: Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson beat Tom Master and Remy Who
5. Non Tournament Match: Charlotte Flair beat Alicia Jacks
6. Bracket B Match: Hank Walker and Tank Ledger beat Prince Devitt and Punishment Martinez
7. Bracket E Match: Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
8. Non Tournament Match: Lexis King and Pretty Deadly beatTheodore Borando and Night Brothers

This Day In Wrestling History-March 6 (RJ Hammer Apologizes, Best Of Wrestlemania Part 3, Hostile City Showdown 2011 and 2016, 12 Way TLC and Money In The Bank Ladder Qualifying Matches)

This Day In Wrestling History-March 6:
Saturday Slam Jam-3/6/1999 results:

1. Sgt., Roadblock, American Heroes, Crystal beat Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja, White Ninja, Samurai Kid, Ninja Kid
2. Taion beat Kaz Hayashi
3. Rhendo beat El Dandy
4. Mike Bison beat Scott Riggs
5. Sagat beat Horace
6. Joe beat Blitzkrieg
7. John Kronus beat Chavo Guerrero Jr
8. Juventud Guerrera beat Trooper 1
9. Rey Misterio Jr beat Bison
10. Billy Kidman beat Trooper 2
11. Psycho beat Meng
12. Awesome Knight beat Barbarian
13. Dean Malenko beat Chris Jericho to retain the EUWF World Cruiserweight Title.
14. Lance Storm beat Perry Saturn
15. Cactus Jack beat Booker T to retain the EUWF US Title.
16. Steve Austin beat Scott Norton

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/6/2000 results:

1. Psicosis beat Cyborg
2. Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja, Ninja Kid beat Three Count and Young Dragons in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. Kurt Angle beat Wall
4. Chris Jericho beat Lex Luger
5. Tommy Dreamer beat Curt Henning
6. Barbecue beat D-Lo Brown
7. Hollywood Doomsday beat Fit Finley
8. Joe beat Perry Saturn
9. Hardy Boys beat Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Bam Bam Bigelow, Sandman, Balls Mahoney, New Jack beat Dudleys, Rhino, Tajiri
11. Steve Corino beat Rick Flair to retain the EUWF IC Title.
12. Mike Awesome beat Terry Funk to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
13. Jim Brooks beat RJ Hammer to retain the EUWF US Title.
14. Speedster Lite beat Great Muta to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

Wednesday Night Brawl-3/6/2002 results:

1. Nutcase beat Basketcase, Fire Knight, Fireball in a Four Way Dance.
2. Snake Eyes beat Speed Lightning, Extreme Knight, Extreme Warrior, Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja, Knight, Justice in a 8 Way Dance.
3. Ken and Ryu beat Sgt. and Roadblock to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Mankind beat Vlad and Spirit in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Temptress beat Extreme Woman to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
6. Joe and Scarlet beat Matt Hardy/Lita and Power Lightning/Lady Lightning in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
7. Undertaker beat Shadow WX
8. Masato Tanaka beat Jeff Hardy to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
9. Eddie Guerrero beat Rob Van Dam and Tajiri in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
10. Naughty By Nature beat Mike Bison and Guile to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
11. Chris Jericho beat Kurt Angle to retain the EUWF US Title.
12. Triple H beat Steve Austin to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-3/6/2003 results:

1. Island Boyz beat Street Knights
2. Homicide beat Eddie Guerrero to retain the EUWF European Title.  Eddie's Lightweight Title wasn't on the line.
3. AJ Styles beat Rey Misterio Jr.
4. The Messiah and Crash The Terminator beat Tommy Dreamer and Shadow WX
Jim Ross sat down with RJ Hammer in a private gym.
JR: "Its good to be here today but I'm kinda confused as to why I'm here."
RJ: "I asked you here for one simple reasons and that is to clear some stuff up.  Last two years for both of us have been a long hard trip."
JR: "Yes it has."
RJ: "First thing I want to say is that I'm sorry for firing you last year the day after wrestlemania.  I never said that before but I just want you to know I was a different person at that time."
JR: "I understand but what happen that caused that.  We will get to wrestlemania this year in a bit but why did you change so much about two year ago?"
RJ: "A lot of people thought it was to many concussions to the head that made me crazy.  It wasn't that.  It was that I was tired of fighting the endless war against heal group after heal group that would try to take the ownership of the company.  In the end I just couldn't take it anymore.  I wanted it to end and I was willing to do anything to stop it.  Unforently I made the mistake of crossing the people most important in my life in the process.  I ended up in a rock and a hard place.  I chose the hard place and that was the worst thing I could ever do.  Then last year at wrestlemania I had to tried to make up for everything I had done but no one trusted me.  Not even you and you had every right to.  After everything I did I had no right to be trusted.  I made another terrible decision by rejoining with the scum and my wife.  Everything changed when I lost ownership of my company and my family.  I broke down and I looked at my life.  I realized all the bad things that I had done in the last year was horrible and I knew it would take a lot to get everybody back.  So I been for the last year trying to get everyone back.  It's been a long and hard trip that's not done yet."
JR: "Good luck on that but why did you decide to come back for a match at wrestlemania?"
RJ: "As you know last year at Wrestlemania was supposed to be my last match but I made another horrible decision to come back.  I damaged my knees worse and I could barley get around at times.  The match with funk was supposed to be my retirement match but then what happen with Flair made me changed my mind.  I couldn't take seeing Flair taking over the company.  Rachel couldn't take being owner anymore and I felt I had to earn the ownership back.  I had to do it myself and not have anyone else do it.  I'm taking a huge chance but I have to.  It's part of this journey and trip to get everything back.  I promise everyone at wrestlemania and after wrestlemania you are going to see a whole RJ Hammer.  One you may have seen before and one you may have not seen yet.  Only time will tell."
JR: "Good luck."
RJ: "Same to you."
5. Speedster Lite beat Donovan Morgan
6. Michael Shane, Impact Players, Backseat Boyz beat Booker T, Venom, Michael Shane, Hit Squad
7. Jigglin Jimbro Brooks beat Christopher Daniels
8. Chris Jericho, Ric Flair, The Rock, Scott Steiner beat Rob Van Dam, Doomsday, Goldberg, Undertaker

Saturday Slam Bash-3/6/2004 results:

This was Best Of Wrestlemania Part 3 with highlights, in full, and video of matches from EUWF's Wrestlemania 11-15.
1. Headhunters v.s. Bruiser Brothers in a Extreme Warfare Match (911 Special Guest Enforcer) (Wrestlemania 11-3/31/96)
2. Joe v.s. Barbecue v.s. Sabu v.s. Eddie Guerrero. v.s. Snake Eyes in a 5 Way Dance (Wrestlemania 11-3/31/96)
3. RJ Hammer v.s. Shawn Michaels in a 60 Minute Iron Man Match (Wrestlemania 11-3/31/96)
4. RJ Hammer v.s. Steve Austin in a Barbed Wire Cage Match (RJ's First Retirement Match) (Wrestlemania 12)
5. Doomsday v.s. Venom (Wrestlemania 14-4/18/99)
6. Falcon v.s. Duke (Wrestlemania 14-4/18/99)
7. Steve Austin v.s. Booker T in a Fifth Round of EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament (Wrestlemania 14-4/18/99)
8. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks v.s. Lance Storm and Chris Jericho v.s. Public Enemy v.s. New Age Outlaws v.s. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko v.s. Gangstas v.s. Dudleyz v.s. Night Brothers v.s. and Road Warriors in a 10 Way Dance (Wrestlemania 14-4/18/99)
9. Steve Austin v.s. Cactus Jack in the Finals of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Tournament (Wrestlemania 14-4/18/99)
10. Lady Doomsday v.s. Jade v.s. Lady Ninja v.s. Lady Trooper v.s. Princess Ariel in a Five Way Dance (Wrestlemania 15-4/2/00)
11. Extreme Knight, Extreme Warrior, Extreme Ninja v.s. Snake Eyes, White Ninja, Ninja Kid in a Ladder Match (Wrestlemania 15-4/2/00)
12. Night Brothers beat Hardy Boyz in a Ladder Match (Wrestlemania 15-4/2/00)
13. Doomsday v.s. Steve Corino (Wrestlemania 15-4/2/00)
14. Barbecue v.s. Billy Kidman v.s. Chris Candido v.s. Falcon v.s. Tajiri in a Five Way Dance (Wrestlemania 15-4/2/00)
15. Tommy Dreamer, Vampiro, Bam Bam Bigelow, Public Enemy v.s. Rhino, Big Show, Dudleyz, Venom in a War Games Match (Wrestlemania 15-4/2/00)
16. Kurt Angle v.s. Sting (Wrestlemania 16-4/2/00)
17. Jim Brooks v.s. Super Crazy (Wrestlemania 15-4/2/00)
18. Speedster Lite v.s. RJ Hammer (Wrestlemania 15-4/2/00)

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/6/2006 results:

1. AJ Styles beat Shawn Michaels
2. Jade, Julie, Lady Machine beat Erica Tempted, Dominatrixic, Crazy Woman
3. Backseat Boyz beat FBI
4. Hardy Boyz beat Rey Misterio Jr. and Nate Webb
5. Doomsday, Briscoe Brothers, Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, Jack Evans, Bryan Danielson beat Jimmy Yang, Gothics, Knockout, Slasher, Elix Skipper, Petey Williams in a War Games Match
6. Kurt Angle, John Fire, Duke, Snake Eyes, Speedster Lite, James Gibson beat Chris Hero, 2 Backlot Assassins, RC Haas, Chris Sabin in a War Games Match.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-3/6/2009 results:

The show began with the announcement that despite rumors Low Ki has not been pulled out of ECW's Wrestlemania 25 Main Event but will be off till wrestlemania and will still compete in Best Of Lightweight 15 before taking time off.  Also officially announced for BOLT 15 Kota Ibushi, Kudo, Kenny Omega, Blue Demon Jr., Incognito, Magno, Alex Koslov, and returning Nate Webb.  Plus returning from injury Human Tornado and Matt Sydal who recently got cleared from doctors.  Also announced that next week will start the all co shows till Wrestlemania 25.  Meaning starting monday till WM25 all ECW and EUWF shows will feature talents from both.  Also announced for WM25 is Samoa Joe v.s. Undertaker at the request of Joe.
1. Dynamic Duo beat Vlad and Impaler in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
2. Wildfire beat Hot Shots in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
3. Joe and Piloit beat Trooper 3 and 4 in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
4. Rhendo and Blanka beat Warrior Ninja 1 and 2 in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
5. Hard Luck Fighters beat Gran Akuma in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
6. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Brian Thunder and John Fire in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Bryan Danielson beat Chris Jericho
8. Edge beat John Cena in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Saturday Night's At The Arena-3/6/2010 results:

Due to a bad staph infection in her leg and it need surgery.  That is why Alexis Lariee was official stripped of ECW World Ladies Title this week and why the battle royal is taking place tonight.
1. Cheerleader Melissa won the 20 Woman Battle Royal to win the Vacant ECW World Ladies Title. Star Pryde, Daize Haze, Lady Doomsday, Scarlet, Lady Trooper, HC Bytch, Amazing Kong, Ayako Hamada, Daffney, Erica Tempted, Pink Dudley, Beth Phoenix, LuFisto, MsChiff, Katie Lea Burchill, Mercedes Martinez, Sara Del Ray, Firebird, Christine Crystal were also in the match.  Beth wasn't to happy about Melissa winning as she and Del Ray were eliminated at the same time by Melissa.  The two got into after the match till other females in the battle royal came back to split them apart.
2. Machine beat Sonjay Dutt
3. Rey Misterio Jr. beat B-Boy
4. Jay Lethal beat Sagat
5. Homicide and Masada beat Claudio Castagnoli and Thumbtack Jack
6. Low Ki beat AJ Styles
7. Chris Hero beat Doomsday to retain the ECW US Title.
8. Mike Bison beat Davey Richards in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Hostile City Showdown 2011-3/6/2011 results:

1. Samoa Joe, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Ezekiel Jackson beat Maison Ryan, David Otunga, Joe Henning, Duke Rotunda in a Elimination Match.  Punk left during the match and didn't come back.  After the match Slater, Gabriel, Jackson came back turning on him and attacking him.  This went on till Bison Brothers and Taion made the save.
2. All Night Express beat Motor City Machine Guns and Heart Dynasty in a 3 Way Dance:
3. Night Brothers, Doomsday, Venom beat Machine, Sagat, Naughty By Nature.  After the match the heals attacked Nights, Doomsday, Venom with chairs and light tubes.  This went on till Bison Brothers, Taion, GL, Flash, RJ Hammer made the save.  Machine said this must end and at WM27.  He then challenged Nights, Doomsday, Venom to a Last Team Standing Death Match and even invited GL, Flash, RJ if they want to join in.  He said they will find partners if need be and Doomsday agreed to it.
4. Low Ki beat Hernadez to win entry into the ECW's Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 27.
5. Kofi Kingston beat Homicide  to win entry into the ECW's Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 27.
6. John Morrison beat Sonjay Dutt to win entry into the ECW's Money In The Bank Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 27.
7. Kings Of Wrestling beat Hoodies, Dynamic Duo, Briscoe Brothers in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Mike Bison and Triple H beat CM Punk/Undertaker and Edge/Wade Barrett in a 3 Way Dream Partner Tag Team Match.

TWF's Tuesday Night Brawl-3/6/2012 results:

1. Johnny The Kid beat Bloody Donity
2. Naughty By Nature beat Christian Gales and Tommy Knight
3. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Night Brothers in a Non Title Match.
4. Doomsday and Venom beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/6/2013 results:

1. LuFisto beat Lady Warrior
2. Rockness Monsters beat Night Brothers
3. Doomsday beat Austin Aries
4. Eddie Kingston, Joey Ryan, Brodie Lee beat Kofi Kingston, Sheamus, El Generico
5. New Public Enemy beat Super Smash Brothers in a Non Title Match.
6. All Night Express beat Colony
7. 3.0 beat Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel
8. Cyrus Bourne and Samoa Joe beat Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk.  Punk told Joe to attack Cyrus during the match but he refused to.   After Bourne got the win with a roll up punk and ziggler attacked him after the match.  Joe pushed them and look like he was attack Cyrus but instead says screw haymen.  He then attacks punk and ziggler clearing the ring of them to end the show

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-3/6/2014 results:

1. Lady Doomsday and Lady NBN beat Ariel Bison, Samantha Bison, Lady Trooper
2. Jim Brooks beat Street Hustler
3. Car Jacker beat Power Donity
4. Venom beat Eric Bison to retain the Unified World HC Title.
5. Duke beat Bloody Donity
6. Speedster Lite beat Brian Thunder
7. Mr. America beat Jackson Rouch
8. Ash Hyde beat Brett Wayfield to retain the Unified World TV Title.

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-3/6/2015 results:

1. Young Buks beat Hoodies in a Non Title Match.
2. Hollywood Doomsday and Taion beat Sami Zayn and Brodie Lee
3. Austin Aries and Roman Reigns beat Bubba Jones and Machine
4. Mr. Venom beat TJ Wilson in a Non Title Match.
5. Naughty By Nature beat American Wolves
6. Rockness Monsters beat Briscoe Brothers
7. Colony beat Hot Shots
8. Randy Orton, Jeffery Alpha, Kevin Steen beat Cyrus Bourne, Ash Hyde, Mike Bison

ECW's Hostile City Showdown 2015-3/6/2016 results:

Pre Show:
1. Night Brothers, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks beat Brian Thunder, Duke, Marvel Wariors
2. reDragon beat Uso Brothers
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Heath Slater and Adam Rose in a 12 Way TLC 16 Qualifying Match.
4. All Night Express beat Colony in a 12 Way TLC 16 Qualifying Match.


1. Moonshine beat Becky Lynch to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Lucha Dragons beat Hallowicked and Frightmare in a 12 Way TLC 16 Qualifying Match.
3. Bad Influence beat Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods in a 12 Way TLC 16 Qualifying Match.
4. Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio beat Ash Hyde and Cyrus Bourne, Goldust/Cody Rhodes, Beer Money in a 4 Way Dance to win back the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
5. Jack Crystal beat Eric Rowan, Brodie Lee, Spirit in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Hardcore Title.
6. Naughty By Nature beat Hype Brothers to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Donity Brothers ane 4 Warriors beat Boss Gang, Tommy Bernard, Harrison Boss in a Fans Bring The Weapons Match.
8. Kevin Steen beat AJ Styles to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/6/2017 results:

The show began offical confirmation that Claudio Castagnoli will challenge Robert Roode for ECW World Heavyweight Title, Samoa Joe/Christopher Daniels/AJ Styles will challenge for EUWF World Heavyweight Title, and Ash Hyde will challenge Seth Owens for TWF World Heavyweigh Title at Wrestlemania 33.
1. Apollow Crews v.s. Jeffery Alpha
2. Briscoe Brothers, Machine, Sagat beat Brodie Lee, Braun Strowman, War Machine
3. Ash Hyde beat Bryatt Wyatt.  Ash after the match challenged Seth Owens to make their match at WM33 into a 60 Minute Iron Man Death Match.
4. AJ Styles beat Bo Wyatt
Goldberg came out calling RJ Hammer and Brock Lesnar out.  This lead to a three way pull apart brawl and Goldberg spearing RJ as a laughing Lesnar watched on.
5. Samoa Joe beat Seth Owens in a Non Title Match.  Before the match Seth accepted the challenge saying that he doesn't think Ash will get one fall in the match.
6. Christopher Daniels beat Cyrus Bourne in a Non Title Match.

12 Way TLC Qualfiying Matches-Triple Threat:

1. Vaudevillains beat Blk Jeez and Pepper Parks. Vaudevillains and Black Valkyrie advance.
2. Motor City Machine Guns beat Rex Lion and Gary J.  Guns and Tony Neese/Drew Gulak
3. Ricochet and Rich Swan v.s. Gran Metalik and Akira Tozawa beat Hot Shots.  Metalik/Tozawa and Ricochet/Rich Swan advance.
4. Ascension beat Uso Brothers. Brian Thunder/John Fire and Ascension advance.

EUWF's Smackdown Live-3/6/2018 results:

1. Ruby Riot beat Jade Thunder
2. Sir Tristan beat John Cena.  Tristan after the match mocked Cena and Cena got up hitting him with AA.  Angry cena then hit tristan with one the announce table.  Security tried to stop him but couldn't.  Triple H came from the back and two exchange words.  Cena hit a AA on him on the floor and left.
Ronda Rousy came to the ring making challenge anyone in the back to a match at Wrestlemania 34.  Pink Dudley came to the ring accepting the match saying she better be careful as she now in her world.  Ronda took her down and two brawled till security split them up.
3. Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan beat War Machine
4. The Miz, Robert Roode, Wyatt Brothers, Matt Hardy beat Rusev, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Aiden English, AJ Styles

12 Way TLC Triple Threat Qualfying Matches:

1. Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat Grey/Gold Dragons.  Gulak/Neese and Ricochet/Cederick Alexander advance.
2. Bad Influence beat Rex Lion and Gary J.  BI and Phoenix Edge/Scott Shock advance.
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Connor Stark and Bruce Summers.  Briscoes and Uso Brothers advance.
4. Lucha Dragons beat Patrick Throne and Colt Star.   Dragons and Motor City Machine Guns advance.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/6/2019 results:

1. Seth Owens beat Johnny Garganno
2. Mark Night beat Drew Gulak
3. Eddie Venom beat Joe Henning
4. Bruce Doomsday beat Tony Neese
5. Ascension and Drew McIntyre beat Street Profits and Andrade Almas
6. Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson, Ash Hyde v.s. Uso Brothers and Eric Rowan
7. The Revival and Mike Bison beat Brisoce Brothers and Mr. America
8. 6 Way Dream Partner Tag Team Match: Roderick Strong and Johnny Garganno beat Bryan Danielson/Tyler Black, Hardy Boyz,The Miz/Kevin Steen, Adam Cole/Kyle O'Reily, Ricochet/Tommy End

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-3/6/2020 results:

1. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Bruce Doomsday and Eddie Venom beat Donity Brothers
2. Shane Strickland beat Nathan Blaster
3. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Drew Gulak and Tony Neese wrestled Benson Fire and Clay Ninja to a 15 Minute Draw.
4. Lacy Evans beat Queen Tabitha
5. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: War Machine beat Crow Brothers
6. Theodore Borando beat Eric Rowan
7. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Guardian Knights beat Vincet and Beteman
8. Kofi Kingston beat Jay Lethal
9. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Kushida and Alex Shelley beat Naughty By Nature

ECW's Saturday Nights In The Thunderdome-3/6/2021 results:
Tag Festival XI Round 6 Matches:

1. Non Tournament Match: Josie Jinx beat Pink Dudley
2. Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Dark Brothers
3. Black Valkyrie beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
4. Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire beat Danny Red and Bishop Rider
5. Ash Hyde and Mark Lite wrestled Bruise Brothers to a 15 Minute Draw.
6. Colt Star and Patrick Thorne beat Connor Stark and Bruce Summers
7. AJ Styles and Prince Devitt beat Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin
8. Non Tournament Falls Count Anywhere Match: Randy Orton, King Gary, Sir Rex, Sir Fisher, Sir Felix beat Stanley Hammer, Seth Owens, Jim Brooks, Akira Tozawa, Elias

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/6/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 5 Matches:

1. Bracket D Match: Rafel Lake and Horus Venus beat Chad Gable and Otis
2. Non Tournament Match: Montz Ford beat Jack Crystal
3. Bracket A Match: Mac Yates and Mane MacAlister beat Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune
4. Bracket D Match: Bishop Rider and Arthur Star beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
Eddie Venom and Cyrus Bourne came to the ring.  They were mad as being EUWF Tag Team Champions that didn't have match at WM39.  Demanded to have one.  John Cena came to the ring mocking their complaints.  Eddie said why don't john face them at Wrestlemania.  Oh wait he doesn't have a partner.  John said he find one.  Eddie laughed and he cyrus went to attack John.  John had advantage and went for AA on Cyrus till Eddie spewed green mist into face.  Security came out to hold Eddie and Cyrus back.  Eddie says they will see John and his partner at Wrestlemania.
5. Non Tournament Match: Jade Thunder beat Indi Hartwell
6. Bracket A Match: Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit beat Nightmare
7. Bracket D Match: Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday beat American Brothers
8. TWF US Title Match: Shelton Benjamin beat Sami Zayn (c)

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/6/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 5 Matches:

1. Bracket F Match: Cheesy Warriors beat Road Knights
2. Non Tournament Match: Victor America, Bron Steiner, Karion Kross beat Leoroy Piloit, Pete Dunne, Chad Gable
3. Bracket C Match: Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday beat Barbecue Jones and Joe Jr.
4. Bracket F Match: The Masters beat Baker Badar and Kagen Kass
5. Non Tournament Match: Molly Moonshine beat Valetina Forez
6. Bracket C Match: Hoodies beat Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka
7. Bracket F Match: Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc beat Nate Blaster and Caleb Scare
8. Non Tournament Match: Raymond Roadblock and Ariel Lanley beat Walter and AJ Stine

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-March 5 results

Tag Festival XV Group Stage Round 5 Matches:

1. Guanltet Match: Bianca Belair beat Mia Yim, Lucy Warrior, Zelina Vega, Patricia Bryan, Janet Lee Lanley
2. Bracket C Match: Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire beat Phat Boys
3. Bracket F Match: Morvel Warriors beat PYT
4. Bracket C Match: Stub Bomb and Rick Knife beat Austin Theory and Greyson Waller
5. Bracket F Match: Mickey Sensation and Shaggy Brown beat Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune
6. Bracket C Match: Bronco Nima and Lucien Price beat Andrade and Dragon Lee
7.  Non Title Elimination Match: Greyson America, Cyrus Bourne, Harrison Boss, Phillip Donity, Eddie Venom beat Victor America, Andrade, Greyson Waller, AJ Styles, Penta

This Day In Wrestling History-March 5 (Barbecue realizes he is an idiot, Scott Steiner threatens Stephanie, Prophecy Uses Freebird Rule, MVW Apologizes For Their Actions, Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches, Hostile City Showdown 2017)

This Day In Wrestling History-March 5:
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/5/2001 results:

Barbecue walks out of a cab and walks into the Old School Kings locker room.
Barbecue: "Hey guys.  I'm sorry about what my attitude of later.  I been a big idiot."
Mankind: "We all been of late.  Glad you realized it."
Barbecue: "2 days in jail will do that to you.  I had time to think about this.  Me and Joe has to end this once and for all at Wrestlemania.  I will put my commissionership and career up against the lightweight title and Scarlet.  No dq and anything goes.  Anyone interfere and cost someone the match, no one will lose anything."  Scott Steiner was then shown holding Stephanie's arm and dragging her along backstage. He then heads to the ring with her. 
Scott: "Hunter get out here or I will break your wife's neck!"  Triple H heads to the ring but gets attacked by Big Show, The Wall, Sagat.  They throw Hunter into the ring and Steiner hits him with a led pipe.  He then puts him into the Steiner recliner.  Jesus Bison and Mike Bison get into the ring and make Stephanie watch what Steiner was doing.  Jesus screams something at Stephanie and she leaves the ring with Big Show, The Wall, Sagat, Mike Bison.  Jesus Bison then tells Scott something and he lets go.  Those two leave and head into the back.  Stephanie gets into a limo and it pulls away.
1. Tazz beat Sean O'Haire
2. Tajiri beat Billy Kidman
3. Super Crazy beat Rey Misterio Jr.
4. Lance Storm beat Steve Corino
5. Rhino beat Dallas Page
6. Joe and Piloit beat Mankind and Barbecue
7. Chris Jericho beat Jeff Jarrett
8. Naughty By Nature, Shadow WX, Night Brothers beat Mike Bison, Christian, Justin Credible, X-Pac, Perry Saturn
9. Venom beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
10. Jim Brooks beat Dean Malenko to retain the EUWF IC Title.
11. Speedster Lite beat Eddie Guerrero to retain the EUWF US Title.
12. Scott Steiner and Jesus Bison beat Triple H and Doomsday

Wednesday Night Brawl-3/5/2003 results:

The show started with Jonathan Coachman finally getting an answer from The Messiah on why he rejoining the Prophecy.  Messiah said that he felt abused and mistreated in the Doomsday Alliance and wanted to go back to his real friends.  He then walked away from Coach.
1. EZ Money beat Johnny Stamboli
2. Chris Kanyon beat Shelton Benjamin
3. Street Knights beat Spirit and Mankind
4. Rhyno beat Crush from New Demolition
5. Kane beat Samoa Joe
6. Jeff Hardy beat RC Haas
7. Balls Mahoney beat Crash The Terminator
8. Prophecy beat Doomsday and Venom in a 2 Out Of Three Falls Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  Lady Speed comes out to give Doomsday and Venom the tag belts because Daniels and Morgan were not there to defend the belts.  Xavier and The Messiah came out and said that when Ric Flair was in charge he made it so any member of the Prophecy can defend the belts.  Lady Speed tried to reverse it but Doomsday and Venom wanted to win and earn the belts instead of being given it.  Lady Speed made the match then.

TTWF 3/5/2004 Viking Hall results:

1. Ultimo Dragon beat Vlad
2. Naughty By Nature beat Bashman Brothers
3. CM Punk beat Justin Credible
4. Chris Hero beat D'Lo Brown
5. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Lance Storm
6. Chris Jericho beat Samoa Joe
7. Backseat Boyz, Sonjay Dutt, Taion beat Dudleyz, SAT
8. Christopher Daniels, Chris Benoit, BJ Whitmer beat RJ Hammer, Jim Brooks, A-Train

TTWF's Saturday Slam Bash-3/5/2005 results:

1. Homicide won the first 20 Man #1 Contenders Trophy Battle Royal to earn a spot in the match for the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania XXI.  He will face the winner of the second battle royal.  Taion, Rocky Romero, Elix Skipper, John Fire, Snake Eyes, Booker T, Piloit, Spirit, Nick Berk, Rhyno, Joe, John Cena, Basketcase, Power Backlot Assassin, Sexy Eddy, Nate Webb, Spanky, Maven, Petey Williams were also in the battle royal.
2. Mr. America beat John Cena to retain the TTWF US Title.
3. Elix Skipper beat Taion
4. Chris Hero beat Nick Berk
5. Bryan Danielson beat Masato Tanaka to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
6. Ring Crew Express beat Night Brothers to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Havana Pitbulls beat Joe and Piloit to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  Before the match the Pitbulls, Homicide, Low Ki attacked Joe and Piloit beating the crap out of them till they forced the ref to count three in the Pitbulls favor.  The doomsday alliance locker room emptied to make the save.
8. Mike Bison won the second 20 Man #1 Contenders Trophy Battle Royal to earn the final spot in the match for #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania XXI.  Mike Bison will face Homicide for the trophy at Wrestlemania XXI on April 3.  The winner of that match will get a title shot at the title at Backlash 2005 on May 1.  Low Ki, Ricky Reyes, Kurt Angle, Chris Hero, Brian Thunder, Duke, Jay Lethal, Jack Crystal, Mr. America, Jimmy Rave, Samoa Joe, Crazy Backlot Assassin, Nutcase, Blood Backlot Assassin, Balls Mahoney, JC Bailey, Paul London, William Regal, Little Guido were also in the battle royal.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/5/2007 results:

The show started with Doomsday, Venom, Spirit, Machine standing behind a microphone for a press conference.  Doomsday started and said that they are being forced to apologize for their recent actions or being suspend indefinitely.  Doomsday apologized for injuring shawn michaels this past saturday at the ecw arena show and then apologize for not doing it sooner.  He then apologized for letting Michaels wrestle in ECW Arena in front of ECW fans who didn't deserve to punished that way.  Venom then stood up and apologize for all the things Michaels has done.  He then said that they would like to apologize in advance for what they will do to Ric Flair when they get the chance and all things flair has done.  He then apologized for not putting ric flair out of his and everyone else misery sooner.  Spirit then stood up and apologized for taking out Roderick Strong and Jack Evans.  Spirit said even though they deserved it he may have gone to far and then apologized for not doing it sooner to save himself and others the permeant scarring of the chest from Strong.  He then apologized to Jack Evans for being in the way and then had a mocking moment of silence followed by a 5 bell solute for career of Michaels, hand of strong, ankle of evans with the bell solute done by Machine.  Spirit said five and not 10 because of the fact they ain't worth 10 and then apologized for that.  Spirit asked Machine if he has anything to say and Machine stood up.  He apologized for what he just did and Spirit said that he already apologized.  Machine said not that and then the room started to empty out from a smell.  Machine just stayed and shrugged.
1. Jack Crystal beat Randy Orton
2. Doomsday and Venom beat Paul London and Spanky
3. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Guile and Taion
4. Homicide and Ricky Reyes beat Low Ki and B-Boy in a Non Title Match.
5. Rob Van Dam beat Chris Hero
6. Mr. America beat Ric Flair (filling in for Shawn Michaels) in a Non Title Match.  Doomsday and Venom ran down attacking Flair after the match but Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks ran down making the save.
7. Samoa Joe beat Booker T
8. CM Punk and Colt Cabana beat Hardy Boyz

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/6/2008 results:

1. Blackout beat Joe, Piloit, Doomsday, Venom
2. Milano Collection At beat Petey Williams
3. Eric Stevens beat Brian Thunder
4. James Gibson beat Chuck Taylor to retain the ECW US Title.
5. Eric Bison, Guile, Taion (With Mike Bison in their corner) beat LAX and Ricky Reyes (With Samoa Joe in their corner)
6. Rhino beat Nigel McGuiness to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
7. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat AJ Styles and Colt Cabana
8. Chris Jericho and Jay Lethal beat Bryan Danielson and CM Punk

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-3/5/2010 results:

1. Vlad beat Gran Akuma
2. House Of Truth beat Saviors
3. Harry Smith beat Player Uno
4. Hallowicked beat Rhett Titus
5. Jigsaw beat Speedster Lite
6. Bryan Danielson and Brian Kendrick beat Christian Cage and Colt Cabana
7. Kofi Kingston and Tyler Black beat Austin Aries and Kenny King
8. CM Punk and Edge beat Hernadez and Triple H

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-3/5/2011 results:

1. Samoa Joe beat Maison Ryan
2. Machine, Sagat, HC Bytch beat Doomsday, Venom, Lady Doomsday
3. Motor City Machine Guns beat All Night Express
4. Heart Dynasty beat Briscoe Brothers
5. Mike Bison beat Chris Hero in a Non Title Match.

Money In The Bank Qualifiers-Triple Threat Matches:

1. Low Ki beat Drake Younger.  Ki and Hernadez advance.
2. Kofi Kingston beat Claudio Castagnoli. Homicide and Kofi Kingston advance.
3. John Morrison beat Austin Aries.  Morrison and Sonjay Dutt advance.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/5/2012 results:

1. Jim Brooks beat Nick Jackson
2. Speedster Lite beat Kyle O'Reily
3. Rich Swan beat Matt Jackson
4. TJ Wilson beat Chuck Taylor
5. Bryan Danielson beat Adam Cole
6. Roderick Strong and Michel Elgin beat Kings Of Wrestling
7. RJ Hammer beat Kane
8. Mike Bison beat Randy Orton in a Non Title Match.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-3/5/2013 results:
Former World Champions Wrestlemania Title Shot Tournament:
TWF Bracket-Quarter-Final Round:

1. Doomsday beat Chris Night
2. Mr. America beat Brian Thunder
3. Mark Night beat Sagat
4. Eric Bison beat Machine

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/5/2014 results

1. Night Brothers and Ariel Bison beat Bad Influence and Emma
2. Briscoe Brothers beat 3.0
3. Ash Hyde beat Brodie Lee in a Non Title Match.
4. Venom beat Dolph Ziggler in a Non Title Match.
5. Christian Cage beat Doomsday in a Non Title Match.
6. Bryatt Wyatt beat Samoa Joe
7. Cyrus Bourne beat Eric Rowan
8. Randy Orton beat Colt Cabana in a Non Title Match.  After the match Orton punted Cabana.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-3/5/2015 results:

1. Mr. America beat Kevin Steen
2. Randy Orton beat Mike Bison
3. Bryan Danielson beat Peter Spider
4. TJ Wilson beat Ash Hyde
5. Joe Henning beat Mr. Venom
6. Damien Shadow beat Hollywood Doomsday
7. John Moxly beat AJ Styles
8. Claudio Castagnoli beat Rhino in a Non Title Match.

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-3/5/2016 results:

1. Dinah Spade and Felicia Sword beat Lady Donity and Savage Girl Warrior
2. Power Donity beat Tommy Bernard
3. Tom Master beat Bobby Fish
4. Jim Brooks beat Kyle O'Reily
5. Aaron Valkyrie beat Speedster Lite
6. Remy Who beat Chris Night
7. Charles Black beat Duke Thunder
8. Brian Thunder beat Mark Night

ECW's Hostile City Showdown 2017-3/5/2017 results:

Pre Show:
1. TJ Perkins beat Matt Tavern
2. Young Bucks beat Jump Start
3. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson to win the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
4. Mathew Tremont beat Mike Bison


1. Claudio Castagnoli beat Bryatt Wyatt, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Night, Jackson Rouch in a Elimination Chamber Match to win the Wrestlemania 33 Title Shot.  Down to Claudio and Bryatt when ref got bumped.  Wyatt Family came from under the chamber attacking Claudio.  This happen to #BrokenHardies came from under with Mike Bison, Hollywood Doomsday, Mr. Venom, Chris Hero to make the save.  Matt hit a twist of fate on bryatt leading to claudio winning.
2. Sasha Banks beat Ariel Bison to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
3. Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom beat War Machine to win the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
4. Drew Gulak beat Kofi Kingston to retain the ECW IC Title.
5. Brisoce Brothers beat The New Day to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Hollywood Doomsday beat King Peter and Sagat in a 3 Way Dane to retain the ECW World Hardcore Title.
7. Robert Roode beat Chris Hero, Adam Cole, Shinsuke Nakumara, Kevin Steen, Eddie Kingston in a Elimination Chamber Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/5/2018 results:

1. Sarah Logan beat Ms. America
2. AJ Styles beat Stanley Cross
3. Cyrus Bourne beat Matt Hardy
4. Aiden English beat The Miz to retain the EUWF US Title. After the match Brock Lesnar attacked both men laying them out.  He went to hit another F5 on Aiden when Mr. America came out with a barbed wire bat to make the save.  MA took Brock and Haymen's challenge for WM34.

Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches:

1. Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan beat Heath Slater and Rhino
2. War Machine beat Bo Wyatt and Braun Strowman

12 Way TLC Qualfying Matches-Fatal Four Way:

1. Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat Hot and Spicy.  Gulak/Neese, Ricochet/Cederick Alexander, Grey/Gold Dragons advance.
2. Bad Influence beat. Masion Dixie and Piloit, Bad Influence, Rex Lion/Gary J, Phoenix Edge/Scott Shock advance.
3. Uso Brothers beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood.  Usos, Briscoe Brothers, Connor Stark/Bruce Summers advance.
4. Motor City Machine Guns beat Black Jack and Danny Red.  MCMG, Lucha Dragons, Patrick Throne/Colt Star advance.

EUWF's Smackdown Live-3/5/2019 results:

1. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Tommy End (11-3-0) beat Freddie Waldeno (32-15-0)
2. Non Title Match: Nikki Cross beat Ms. America
3. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Bloody Donity (18-17-0) beat John Moxly (28-14-0) (BOLT 22 Winner)
4. Dogs Of War beat Lucha Dragons
5. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37:  Eddie Edwards (19-10-0) beat Jackson Rouch (18-10-0)
6. 12 Way TLC 19 Qualifying Match: Brian Kendrick and Jack Gallaher beat Crusher Jackson and Rock Holder
7. Preliminary Round Match Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 37: Prince Devitt (28-10-0) beatBrett Wayfield (27-18-0)
8. EUWF World Heavyweight Title v.s. Kofi's Wrestlemania Spot Match: Kofi Kingston beat Chris Hero (c).  Before the match Hero said Kofi didn't deserve to be in WM35 main event again.  Challenged Kofi to his spot on the line in the match but Kofi said that as long as belt is on the line.

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-3/5/2020 results:

1. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc beat Steven Doomsday and Anthony Venomous
2. WM36 Title Shot Tournament Quarter-Final Round Match: Ash Hyde beat Jack Crystal
3. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Snake Byte beat Lucha Dragons
4. WM36 Title Shot Tournament Quarter-Final Round Match: Cyrus Bourne beat Leoroy Piloit
5. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: oVe wrestles PYT to a 15 Minute Draw.
6. WM36 Title Shot Tournament Quarter-Final Round Match: Prince Devitt beat Joaquin Wilde
7. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Ligi Brothers bear Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal
8. WM36 Title Shot Tournament Quarter-Final Round Match: Angel Garza beat Dominik Dijakovic
9. Tag Festival X Round 9 Match: Deaners beat Ugly Ducklings

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-3/5/2021 results:

1. Shinsuke Nakumara and Punshiment Martinez beat Bruce Doomsday and Cyrus Bourne
2. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen
3. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight beat Colin East and Colton West
4. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Chris Gun and Jack Flap
5. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Claudio Castagnoli and Sheamus beat Dogs Of War
6. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Brandom Scarlet and Braden Olsen beat Team Apocalypse
7. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Alan Jacks and Tony Torpedo bea Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode
8. Hardcore 3 Way For Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles: Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai (c) beat Helena Bytch/Pink Dudley and Nia Jax/Shayna Baszler

ECW's Saturday Nights Back On The Road-3/5/2022 results:
Tag Festival XII Round 6 Matches:

1. Bracket C Match: Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday wrestled Bruise Brothers to a Draw.
2. Bracket F Match: Shinsuke Nakumara and Rick Boggs beat Elijah Crash and John Rose
3. Bracket C Match: Macrus Dove and Owen Star beat War Machine
4. Bracket F Match: Prowl Brothers beat Hot and Spicy
5. Bracket C Match: Naughty By Nature beat Jump Start
6. Bracket F Match: Apollo Crews and Ricochet beat Dark Brothers
7. Bracket C Match: Sheamus and Ridge Holland beat Gavin Guile and Ulysses Taion
8. Bracket F Match: Bruno Crazy and Fin Sandy beat Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson
9. Non Tournament Match: Dolph Ziggler, Rey Misterio Jr, Eric Bison Robert Roode beat Prince Devitt, Pete Dunne, Joe Gacy, Matt Riddle

EUWF House Show-3/5/2023 results:

1. TWF World Ladies Title Match: Sophia Warrior (c) beat Charlotte Flair
2. Unified US Tag Team Titles: Street Profits (c) beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
3. EUWF World Ladies Title: Jade Thunder (c) beat Candice LaRae
4. EUWF IC Title Match: Bronson Reed (c) beat Gary J
5. Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles: Hurt Business (c) beat American Brothers and Mark Night
6. 3 Way Dance For ECW World Heavyweight Title Match: Walter (c) beat Pete Dunne and Sheamus
7. Falls Count Anywhere Match: Mark Lite, Jim Brooks, King Stan, Bray Wyatt beat Uso Brothers, Solo Sukoa, Karrion Kross
8. Cage Match: Kevin Steen and Cody Rhodes beat Kyle Donity and Sami Zayn

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-3/5/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 5 Matches:

1. Bracket E Match: Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher beat Johnny The Kid and Ezekiel Street
2. 4 Way 12 Way TLC Qualifying Match: King Stan and Thomas Berad beat Uso Brothers, Punishment Martinez/Prince Devitt. Taylor Wad/GQ Wiley
3. Bracket B Match: Good Brothers beat Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend
4. Bracket E Match: Chris Prime and Matt Pigen beat Rafel Lake and Horus Venus
5. 4 Way 12 Way TLC Qualifying Match: Good  Brothers beat Simon Seyes/Stephan Shadow, Solomon Spirit/Jack Crystal, Dominik Mysterio/Shinsuke Nakumara
6. Bracket B Match: Night Brothers beat Nightmare
7. Bracket E Match: Dean Nuke and Nick Acid beat MetaFour
8. 4 Way 12 Way TLC Qualifying Match: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks beat Dogs Of War. Nightmare, Ash Hyde/Seth Owens
9. 12 Way TLC Qualifying Rematch For Unified US Tag Team Titles: Donity Brothers (c) beat DIY