My Top 30 Things To Watch At Christmas Time:
I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday and every year I start to watch my favorite specials, movies, etc around thanksgiving. Here is a list of some of my really favorite ones especially the ones I watch every year. I start before thanksgiving and that is why I am posting this.30. South Park and Robot Chicken christmas episodes.
29. Prancer
28. Animanicas: Helloooo Holidays
27. Ren and Stimpy: Have Yourself A Stinky Little Christmas
26. WWE Tribute To Troops
25. Ranma 1/2 Christmas TV and OVA episodes. Anime rarely have christmas episodes or specials but Ranma has a good time with it.
24. Live Action How The Grinch Stole Christmas. I know people are going to hate this but I love Jim Carrey as the grinch. I love this movie and how it fleshed out the character.
23. Jingle All The Way. I love this movie despite what NCritic said about it. It's funny and Arnold is just dad looking to get the gift for his son. That something all parents can relate with.
22. Micky's Christmas Carol. Fun retelling of the classic with Disney characters.
21. Justice League Christmas Episode
20. Xena Christmas Episode. Yeah it wacky origin of Santa but fun and well xena was wacky as it was. It knew it was and embraced it. Nice little bit at the end with the donkey and who they give it too.
19. Shrek the Halls. This is nice little christmas special about shrek dealing with having family and celebrating christmas. He never celebrated and shows dealing with changes in his life. It's nice and funny. All the cast from shrek movies are here too.
18. Powerpuff Girls Fight Before Christmas
17. Love Hina Christmas Special
16. Power Rangers: I'm Dreaming Of A White Ranger. I am a big power rangers fan and well I can't but help love this special. It's goofy but got rangers helping santa claus against Lord Zed and Rita.
15. Alf's Christmas Special. Another sort of forgotten special but touching and sad. Family go to old cabin for christmas Alf ends being mistaken for a toy. He is given to sick girl at a hospital and what happens and just brings me tears. Heart warming and is funny. Alf was great show and this great special.
14. Ziggy's Christmas Special. Sort of forgotten christmas special but very heart warming. It is dvd so I say track it down if you can. Ziggy tries to raise money for charity but ends up in a scheme that wasn't for kids. How it gets out of it and how un selfish he is truly a great thing. There isn't much dialogue wise but there didn't need to be.
13. Miracle on 34th Street (1994). Yes I do like the remake better then original. I just love the cast and this such a great story.
12. Garfield christmas special. I love garfield and this one awesome special. From wacky opening to really touching moments with awesome grandmother.
11. He-Man and She-Ra Christmas Special. I love this special as a fan of this show. I don't care anyone says if goofy but fun. Yes virgina there is a GI Joe christmas episode.
10. Frosty the Snowman
9. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
8. Any Muppet christmas special. Muppets are always fun but even if it's Christmas Special (guest starring Fraggle Rock, Seaseme Street, and cameo from Hensen himself) or Muppet Christmas Carol you can't talk about christmas without mentioning them.
7. Scrooged. Billy Murray is one of my favorite actors and this movie shows why. He funny and plays a great scrooge in modern times.
6. Ernest Saves Christmas. I love Ernest movies and this movie is goofy and funny. I know Critic hated it but I loved it. Just a great way to laugh and enjoy the holidays.
5. A Charlie Brown Christmas. I love Peanuts and this is true Christmas classic that holds up years later.
4. Home Alone 1/2. Yeah after two this series goes down but first two are funny and just enjoyable to watch.
3. Santa Clause Movies. Yes the squeals are no where as good as original but still the original is really and well squeals have there own charm.
2. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. I am a big fan of comedy and this movie is really funny. Chevy Chase is hilarious and so rest of the cast. Any time you think your family has problems then turned this movie on.
1. A Christmas Story. Okay I know this beloved christmas movie and for every reason. It's a classic and I enjoy watch if its on dvd or on tv during 24 hour maarathon. Who couldn't sympathize with a kid that really wants something for christmas but told he can't have it.
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