Top 12 Least Favorite Christmas SpecialsWell after doing two lists of favorites I had to one for least favorites. Yes there are two comics to fill out but they are so bad. Why 12? Why not it's christmas!
12. Santa With Muscles. Oh Hulk Hogan. How was this movie a good idea? Hulkester playing a rich guy who loses memory and thinks he santa. This was stupid and not even in a funny way.
11. Power Rangers Zeo Christmas Episode. Ever wonder why there hasn't been a Power Rangers' christmas special for a long time till this year? Well maybe have to do with this really badly done episode. Were rangers start get controlled and argue over holidays. It really just breaks down into how bad Zeo season was at times. I didn't like a lot of season rangers for this season and this episode didn't help.
10. New Kids On The Block The Animated Series Christmas Special. Ever see linkara's review for the Christmas comic? Yeah they had a christmas special for there short lived cartoon and let just say it was worse then the comic.
9. Grandma's House We Go. Oh Olsen Twins. This was part of series of made for video movies. It hasn't aged well for me as the story looking back is bad as Twins try to sneak there way to there grandma. Simple plot the way they go about it sort dumb and really paint by numbers movie.
8. Home Alone 4. I will say this better 3 but I am not totally sure I count 3 as christmas movie. This horrible. Stick in plot of bringing parents back together with rehash stuff from first Home Alone Movie. It really doesn't work.
7. Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas. Another christmas special made to try to cash in on hot property but at least Power Rangers was hot at the time unlike #6. Just alpha and kids singing carols in commander center.
6. We Wish You A Turtle Christmas. Why does this exist? Why? I mean terrible songs, terrible costumes, strange time skips. This was a weird way to use the turtles.
5. Santa the Barbarian. This Maximum Press comic book is two 8 page stories and they both really suck. First one features Santa going all barbarian due to naughty list big about million times longer then nice list. So he goes and starts killing people. No not kids but grown ups we don't know what they did but at the end of the story it features a pile of bodies including Hitler. The time when this is suppose to take place? No idea. Second story features elves on strike and drunken santa fight a robot with horrible artwork.
4. Dexter's Lab Christmas episode. There was a short episode where Dexter decides to prove santa is fake. How you might ask? Capture him and shave off the beard to prove it was dad. As you might believe it didn't go to well.
3. Johnny Bravo Christmas. Really dumb. I hated this show and Christmas special was just as bad.
2. Santa's Slay. Pretty sad when the best actors movie are killed off in 5 minutes. James Caan is not even created for the movie. I don't blame him. I mean a Santa going evil isn't bad idea with a good story and play off how close the name isn't bad either. This is really insane. Bill Goldberg play Santa. I liked Bill as a movie but he is wrong for this movie.
1. Warrior Christmas Speical. Yeah I am cheating with it as not tv but there isn't anything as bad tv or comic wise then this piece of garbage. Barley a comic but as linkara oiubts out it's impled that Warrior rapes santa! WTF? You know if I talk to Warrior in person I like to ask him about this and rest of the series.
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