As some might know or not know today somewhat confirmed that long
time straight DC character Golden Age Green Lantern will now be gay.
Why the change? Why screw up one of your long standing characters who
has had children and pretty much telling fans of those characters they
will never exist anymore? No is talking. I got nothing against
characters. I kept reading Alpha Flight after Norhstar came out. I
read Authority without a problem. Batwoman one of the best DC books
post reboot though I do hate what they do to Flamebird. It's the
changing a character from what they were suppose to. Away from intent
of the original creators. Yes characters grow and change but so much
they are recognizable? Different then giving boring characters
personalities and there sexual orientation. I have no problem if dc
created newer characters as long as they are not stereotype like the in
Teen Titans. I mean seriously the pink/purple costume, showing his ass
to red robin. I'm not reading Earth 2 after issue one not just because
this not JSA or Earth 2 characters I want to read. Why couldn't Hawgirl
still be the red head we all know and liked. Why do you have to stick
her as black? That is another dc does replace characters with another
racist character. It is never worked despite them sticking down our
throats. Connor Hawke probably the most successful but they pretty much
erased him with the reboot. Firestorm canceled and not that far off
from again but not Ronnie in the book save how stupid it's gotten. Atom
canceled. Blue Beetle canceled and about to be canceled again. Not
race it's replacement characters. I was against Winter Soldier becoming
Captain America. I hated that idea and didn't read it. I'm a fan of
Luke Cage, Black Panther, Cassandra Cain, and other characters. I just
wish DC would tell good stories with these characters seem to busy
changing them from anything anyone wants to read them most of the time.
That is why in long run the reboot is a failure. Didn't save the
industry and didn't save comic shops. Only thing it did was give it
maybe few extra months. God I miss the real DCU.
PS: I don't count the reboot DCU as the real one.
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