The show began with CM Punk making his case for being the only man facing Jay Lethal at WM29. Punk says he will bring the belt back to fold of Haymen Hustle and Chris Hero came out. Hero said he will be the one bringing back the belt. The two argued till Haymen came out spliting them apart. Hero said that he never layed down for Punk and won't for Haymen. Hero leaves.
1. Zangief beat RJ Hammer
2. Brett Wayfield beat Mark Henry
3. Samoa Joe and BJ Whitmer beat Jimmy Rave and Steve Corino
4. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Super Smash Brohters in a Non Title Match.
Mike Bison comes to the ring announcing that he will face Matt Tremont next monday on raw. He says that Tremont was someone he has had his eye on for a while but didn't think he was ready. Matt had to get Haymen to get in and told Matt that Haymen hates his style of hardcore wrestling. It wasn't the way to do things and The Rock came from the back. Rock mentions that he better not forget him and mike says that he hasn't. Mike says in 13 days he will kick The Rock's ass all over new jersey. First thing is first he takes care of Tremont next week and whole thing of making sure he is not 100% for WM29 will backfire. The Rock attacks Mike and the two brawl back and forth. Tremont came from the crowd attacking Mike with a chair. The Rock and Tremont went after Mike till Doomsday, Venom, Machine, Sagat, American Heroes made the save. Mike then announced The Rock will wrestle a next week against "The Game" Triple H.
5. Machine beat Kofi Kingston
6. El Generico beat Michel Elgin in a Non Title Match.
7. Future Shock beat New Public Enemy Non Title Match.
8. Young Bucks beat Brian Thunder and Duke
9. Sami Callihan beat Bryan Danielson in a Non Title Match.
10. Kings Of Wrestling, Dudleyz, Chris Jericho, Jack Swagger, Jimmy Jacobs, Rhino, Matt Tremont beatJay Lethal, Bison Brothers, Cyrus Bourne, Doomsday, Venom, Mr. America, American Wolves in a Elimination Match.
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