Thursday, April 25, 2013

This Day In Wrestling History-April 25 (Ultimate Nightmare, Survivor Women's Tournament Fifth Round, King Jim Brooks, Sunday Night Party 84, Best Of Lightweight Tag Tean Tournament 10, Mike Shows RJ the truth)

This Day In Wrestling History-April 25:

Ultimate Nightmare-4/25/1999 results
1. Naughty By Nature beat Brood
2. Awesome Knight, Blood Knight, Crazy Knight, Doomsday Knight, Nightmare Knight beat Snake Eyes, White Ninja, Shadow Ninja, Samurai Kid, Ninja Kid
3. Machine and Evan Hounda beat Faarooq and Bradshaw
4. Duke beat Godfather
5. Guile beat Goldust
6. Taion beat Al Snow
7. Bill Goldberg beat Sagat
8. Sabu and Rob Van Dam beat New Age Outlaws
9. Undertaker beat Sting
10. Psycho beat Rocky Maivia
11. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Lance Storm and Chris Jericho to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. Steve Austin beat Bison to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Commander was the ref but refused to make the count for Austin several times.  Austin stone cold stunnered Commander and called for another ref.  He was taken out by Prince Nightmare.  Undertaker came out and dragged Austin to the floor.  The two battled until Prince Nightmare helped Undertaker.  Undertaker choke slammed Austin through a table.  He and Prince rolled Austin into the ring.  Bison crawled over and made the cover.  Commander made a quick count but Austin kicked out.  Prince Nightmare brought a table into the ring and Bison put Austin on the top rope.  Out comes Jim Brooks and Speedster Lite.  Bison screams that he will break Austin's neck.  Austin fights back and gets off the tope turnbuckle.  He puts Bison on it and hits a stone cold stunner through the table.  He goes for the cover but Commander doesn't make the count.  Austin hits another stunner on Commander and waves another ref in who makes the three count.  Out comes Sagat, Knights, Psycho come down.  They grab the world title belt, Bison, and Commander.  Commander raises the hand of Bison claming a dq on Austin but the second ref raises Austin's hand.  The rest of Bison and Commander's men come out to make sure Austin doesn't go after the belt.  They run into a big bus in the back and Psycho throws out the bus driver.  The bus drives off.  In the ring, Austin starts to celebrate and grabs the mic.
Austin: "You got away now Bison but I will get the belt back.  It belongs to me and I'm still the world champion.Show ends with Austin, Speedster, and Brooks heading to the back.

Wednesday Night Brawl-4/25/2001 results:
1. Low Ki beat Cyborg
2. Jade beat Fire Girl in a Fifth Round Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
3. Crazy and Crazy Woman beat Blood Lightning, Power Lightning, Lady Lightning
4. Lita beat Ivory in a Fifth Round Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
5. Ariel Bison beat Queen Bison in a Fifth Round Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
6. Miss Lee beat Womankind in a Fifth Round Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
7. Strong Ninja, Blood Ninja, Snake Eyes beat Ninja Kid and Dynamic Duo
8. Scarlet beat Lady Hammer in a Fifth Round Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.
9. Piloit and Night Brothers beat Extreme Knight, Extreme Warrior, Extreme Ninja to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
10. Matt Hardy beat Spirit
11. Shadow WX beat Steve Blackman to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.  Tazz attacked Shadow WX after the match and put the Tazmission onto Shadow.  He held it on till Joe, Piloit, Hardy Boys, Barbecue, Dynamic Duo, Ninja Kid made the save.
12. Lady Speed beat Molly Holly in a Fifth Round Match Of The Survivor Women's Tournament.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-4/25/2002 results:
RJ Hammer and all the EUWF title holders comes to the ring.  RJ congratulates all of his champions until he gets to Piloit, Ken, Ryu.  He goes off on them for almost screwing up his perfect plans.  Undertaker comes to the ring looking very angry.  UT says he wants a piece of RJ for what happen to his brother last sunday.  RJ tried to get Undertaker to take his problems out on the guys who really injured Kane but UT wanted RJ ass for ordering the attack.  Ric Flair makes his return after being out on Monday due to injuries from Brock Lensar.  Flair was bandaged up and shoulder in a sling.  Flair made a match between UT and RJ for extreme nightmare 13.  He then tried to make the parts of ownership of the company on the line too but RJ would not have it.  Flair then proposed a second plan that features the company split in half.  The plan would have if RJ wins he would control Raw and Bash while Flair would control Smackdown and Brawl.  If undertaker wins Flair would control Raw and Bash while RJ controls Brawl and Smackdown.  Flair also mentioned a draft to take place the Monday after Extreme Nightmare and the week after the split will start.  Also only the people with the EUWF title belts can't be drafted.  RJ has a conference with Jesus Bison and his wife Lady Hammer.  He then agrees to it and then says that his match with UT at Extreme Nightmare 13 will have a very special gimmick to it that he will decide.  UT agrees saying that he will beat him in anything.  Flair then makes a Table Match for 6 man tag team title match at Extreme Nightmare 13 between the champs and the S.A.T. RJ tries to reverse it but Piloit says they will defend there titles.  Flair then tries to make a three way EUWF World title match for Extreme Nightmare 13 between Venom, Doomsday, Barbecue but RJ said that Barbecue and Doomsday will have to earn that match in #1 contenders matches tonight.  Flair agreed but said that if Doomsday and Barbecue win that the EUWF world title match at extreme nightmare will be a very special match.
1. Jesus Bison, Vlad, Guile beat Taion, Snake Eyes, Ninja Kid
2. Red beat Piloit
3. Eddie Guerrero beat Basher
4. Ken and Ryu beat Maximo Brothers
5. Smasher beat Jim Brooks
6. Ric Blade beat Super Crazy to retain the EUWF IC Title.
7. Chris Jericho beat Rob Van Dam to retain the EUWF US Title.  The end came when Ric Blade ran down and knocked RVD out with the IC title.  Chris Benoit ran down after the match and all four got into a fight.  RVD jump to floor onto Benoit and Jericho.  Ric Blade had run to the back.  Benoit attacked both RVD and Jericho.  The three fought until security brook it up.  Ric Flair made a three way dance between RVD, Jericho, Benoit for the US Title at Extreme Nightmare 13 on May 19.
8. Barbecue beat Booker T to get a title shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Extreme Nightmare 13.
9. Doomsday beat Scott Steiner to get a title shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Extreme Nightmare 13.  Venom looks really pissed after the match.  Venom goes up to flair and begs him to tell him the special type of match at extreme nightmare but flair would not budge.  Flair then said he would tell him and everyone else this coming Monday night on raw.
10. RJ Hammer and Backseat Boyz beat Undertaker and Hardy Boyz

TTWF 4/25/2003 Viking Hall results:
1. Ariel Bison beat Jazz to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Simon Diamond and Swinger beat American Heroes
3. Tommy Dreamer beat Sgt. to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Reckless Youth and Mike Quackenbush beat Island Boyz to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Spanky beat Barbecue to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Taion beat Ric Blade to retain the TTWF US Title.
7. Jigglin Jimbro Brooks beat Masato Tanaka to retain #1 Contenders Trophy for TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Jerry Lynn beat Paul London to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-4/25/2005 results:
The show started with Jim Brooks and Speedster Lite talking backstage about this sunday at Backlash 2005.  Lite mentions how he is going to defending his lightweight title in the money in the bank ladder match and wished brooks luck in the 3 way match for his title.  Lite then asks how things where with April and Jim just stood there quiet till April and Lady Speed walked up to the two.  Rachel (lady speed) says that she and april were talking about some stuff about spirit and this sunday.  April mentions how jealous Spirit gets mention even that he got jealous of Machine winning the TTWF World Heavyweight Title last year and that it almost brook up their friendship.  Lite and Brooks laugh at spirit saying that the two of them never got jealous of one another being champ.  Lite says Brooks being champ just pushes him and it's all for friendly competition.  He also says he knows sooner or later him and brooks will wrestle for title.  Brooks says just to make sure to win Survivor 3 or Money in the bank match at backlash.  Lite says just to make sure he has the title by summerslam and he will be there.  Brooks says he will and Lite says that he is go get ready for later.  Brooks smiles waving Rachel and Lite walk away.  He looked to April and mentioned that Spirit gets jealous real easy.  He gave her a kiss on the lips and asked if that worked.  April stood there smiling and said that probably did.
1. Austin Aries beat Matt Stryker and Chad Collyer in a 3 Way Dance to win Red's spot and points in Survivor 3 Tournament.  Before the match it was announced that John Walters, Randy Orton, Red were all pulled from tournament.  Red was by request and Walters and Orton because of injuries.
2. Spirit beat Jack Evans and Orlando Jordan in a 3 Way Dance to win John Walters' spot and points in Survivor 3 Tournament.
3. Bradshaw beat Shelton Benjamin, Michael Shane, William Regal in a 4 Way Dance.
4. Nigel McGuiness beat Jack Crystal to win Randy Orton's spot and points in Survivor 3 Tournament.
5. Machine beat Shawn Michaels in a Non Title Match.
6. Chris Jericho and Roderick Strong beat John Cena and Booker T
7. Speedster Lite beat Jack Evans to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Jim Brooks and April Hunter beat Austin Aries/Victoria and Spirit/Christine in a 3 Way Dance.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-4/25/2007 results:
1. Nerco Butcher beat Mad Man Pondo in a #1 Contenders Trophy Rivalry Tournament Match. During the match Dudleyz came out and watched the match.  Afterwards they signaled liked they wanted another shot at the hc tag title belts before leaving.
2. Guile beat Eric Bison in a #1 Contenders Trophy Rivalry Tournament Match.
Mike Bison was interview about tonight's tournament and about his world title shot at Summerslam 2007.  Mike said right now he has other thing on his mind because he was no idea who he will face and then made a special challenge for drake younger for this sunday at hostile city showdown 2007.  A scream was heard and then camera panned over to see MsChiff beating on mickie knuckles and then choking her.  Mike ran over getting her off mickie.
3. Colt Cabana beat Homicide #1 Contenders Trophy Rivalry Tournament Match.
4. Jim Brooks beat Speedster Lite in a #1 Contenders Trophy Rivalry Tournament Match.
5. Ruckus beat Trent Acid in a #1 Contenders Trophy Rivalry Tournament Match.
6. Chris Sabin beat Alex Shelley in a #1 Contenders Trophy Rivalry Tournament Match.
7. Brian Thunder beat Duke in a #1 Contenders Trophy Rivalry Tournament Match.
8. Raven beat Tommy Dreamer in a #1 Contenders Trophy Rivalry Tournament Match.
9. Colt Cabana beat Jack Crystal.  Before the match these two were shown brawling in the back and haymen had them split up and take it to the ring for a match.  Jack looked frustrated after the match as cabana won with a tug of the tights.
10. CM Punk and Takeshi Morishima beat Samoa Joe and Mike Bison in a Dream Partner Tag Team Match.  Punk introduced Morishima as his surprise partner and Joe fought with both never getting a chance to announce his.  Mike ran out making himself the partner for joe.  It was pretty obvious that Joe wasn't going to pick him and there was tension between the two all match.  After the match Haymen came out announcing Morishima v.s. Joe for ECW World Heavyweight Title this saturday and Mike Bison v.s. Drake Younger in a 200 Light Tube Death Match for ECW World Triple Crown HC Title this sunday at Hostile City Showdown 2007.  He also announced for Hostile City Showdown 2007 Mickie Knuckles v.s. MsChiff in a Street Fight for ECW World Ladies Title, Colt Cabana v.s. Jack Crystal in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match, Nerco Butcher and Toby Klein v.s. Dudleyz in a Falls Count Anywhere Match for ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles, a special #1 Contenders match for ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-4/25/2008 results:
The show started with Jim Brooks being crowned King Of The Ring Ceremony.  He said that this is a great moment for him and has been long road for him since his last giant win in 2004 when he won second TTWF World Heavyweight Title.  He started off a list of names that he complains did deserve to world champion who won after his last world title win.  Names included Chris Hero, Spirit, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Randy Orton, Nick Berk.  He says after Samoa Joe kicks Michaels and Finley's ass sunday he will take EUWF World Heavyweight Title from Joe at Extreme Nightmare 25.  HBK comes from the back and Michaels says that he will be the man holding both belts after sunday.  He goes to superkick Brooks but he blocks and the two start fighting.  A few refs separate the two and hits the superkick on brooks.  Samoa Joe runs to the ring attacking Michaels and then Triple H ran in attacking Joe.  Speedster Lite came from the back attacking Triple H and Michaels.  Brooks, Lite, Joe clear the ring of Michaels, Triple H, the refs.  Brooks and Joe have a stare off before Lite gets Brooks to leave.
1. Matt Sydal beat Santino Marella in a Non Title Match.
2. Speedster Lite and Human Tornado to retain the EUWF US Title.
3. Kenny King beat Nigel McGuiness
4. Alex Shelley beat Chris Sabin
5. Doomsday and Venom beat Paul London and Spanky to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles Rematch.  After the match Doomsday and Venom announced that they will defend their belts in the tournament.
6. Best In The World (Bryan Danielson and Edge) beat Real Americans Alliance (Chris Hero and Larry Sweeny) to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Shawn Michaels beat Mr. America to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Samoa Joe beat Delirious, Chuck Taylor, Jay Lethal in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and ECW World Heavyweight Title.

Saturday Nights At The Arena-4/25/2009 results:
The show started with the announcement that Samoa Joe will get his ECW World Heavyweight Title shot he earned at Wrestlemania 25 at Extreme Nightmare 27: The Ultimate Rematch (Only named if Mike is still champion) on May 17.  If mike is still champ it will be Joe and Mike's first match in almost a year.  Their last meeting was at Wrestlepoolza 2008 on May 25, 2008.  It was also announced that the EUWF World Heavyweight Title will be defended in a King Of The Mountain Match with qualifying on monday.  TWF World Heavyweight Title will be defended in one too and will have the four losers in the TWF's best of 3 series.
1. Jimmy Rave beat DJ Gabriel
2. Naughty By Nature beat Motor City Machine Guns in a Non Title Match.  Before the match Guns said they were so confident that they were going to win tomorrow that they will put EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles and IWGP Junior Tag Team Titles on the line through the tournament.
3. Petey Williams beat Delirious
4. Venom beat Claudio Castagnoli in a Non Title Match.
5. Matt Sydal beat Speedster Lite
6. Jack Crystal and Drake Younger beat Rey Misterio Jr. and Colt Cabana
7. Eric Bison beat Jimmy Jacobs
8. Machine and Necro Butcher beat Mike Bison and Taion

Sunday Night Party 84-4/25/2010 results:
EUWF's Best Of Lightweight Tag Team Tournament X:

Bracket 1-Round 1:

1. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks (BOTLTT I Winners) beat Matt Sydal and Jimmy Yang to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles
2. Osirin Portal beat East/West Side Dragons
3. Throwbacks beat Warrior Ninja 1 and 2
4. American Wolves beat Power and Blood Warrior
5. CIMA and Dragon Kid beat Doomsday and Venom (BOLTT VIII Winners)
6. Heart Dynasty beat Hard Luck Fighters
7. Lethal Consequences beat Crazy and Fire Backlot Warrior
8. Hot Shots beat Mike Bison and Taion (BOTLTT V Winners) v.s. Hot Shots.  Before the match Taion was looking for a partner when surprisingly Mike went up to him.  Mike said that did Taion really think he let him down.  After mike was pinned in a roll up he was again frustrated and walked out of the building right after the match.

Round 2:

1. Osirin Portal beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
2. American Wolves beat Throwbacks
3. Heart Dynasty beat CIMA and Dragon Kid
4. Lethal Consequences beat Hot Shots

Quarter-Final Round:

1. American Wolves beat Osirin Portal to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Heart Dynasty beat Lethal Consequences

Semifinal Round:

1. Heart Dynasty beat American Wolves to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.

Bracket 2-Round 1:

1. Young Bucks beat Brian Thunder (BOLTT II and III Winner) and Duke (BOLTT III Winner)
2. Naomichi Marufuji and Prince Devitt beat Crazy
3. Lince Dorado and Pinkie Sanchez beat Wildfire
4. Colony beat Saviors
5. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Motor City Machine Guns (BOLTT IX Winners)
6. Drake Younger and Scotty Vortekz beat Petey Williams and Eric Young
7. New Demolition beat Joey Ryan and Ernie Osirin
8. Austin Aries (BOTLTT VI Winner) and Kenny King beat Cheech and Cloudy

Round 2:

1. Young Bucks beat Naomichi Marufuji and Prince Devitt
2. Colony beat Lince Dorado and Pinkie Sanchez
3. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Drake Younger and Scotty Vortekz
4. Austin Aries and Kenny King beat New Demolition

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Young Bucks beat Colony
2. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Austin Aries and Kenny King

Semifinal Round:

1. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Austin Aries and Kenny King

Bracket 3-Round 1:

1. Irish Airborne beat John Fire (BOLTT II Winner) and Snake
2. Hoodies beat Dynamic Duo
3. Hallowicked and Frightmare beat Northstar Express
4. Unstable beat 2.0
5. Christopher Daniels and Low Ki beat Bryan Danielson and Brian Kendrick
6. John Moxly and Sami Callihan beat Warrior Nina #3 and 4
7. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Trooper 5 and 6
8. Roderick Strong (BOTLTT VI Winner) and Chris Jericho beat Trooper 3 and 4

Round 2:

1. Hoodies beat Irish Airborne
2. Hallowicked and Frightmare beat Unstable
3. John Moxly and Sami Callihan beat Christopher Daniels and Low Ki
4. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Roderick Strong and Chris Jericho

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Hoodies beat Hallowicked and Frightmare
2. John Moxly and Sami Callihan beat Trooper 1 and 2

Semifinal Round:

1. John Moxly and Sami Callihan beat Hoodies

Bracket 4-Round 1:

1. Delirious and Ultramantis Black beat Night Brothers (BOLTT IV Winners)
2. Priceless beat Eric Bison and Commander to win the TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Shingo and Yamoto beat El Generico and Player Dos
4. Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw beat Los Ice Creams
5. Naughty By Nature beat Naruki Doi and Masato Yoshino
6. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Team Fist
7. Vlad and Impaler beat Equinox and Helios
8. Jack Evans and Brett Wayfield beat Joe and Piloit (BOLTTT VII Winners)

Round 2:

1. Delirious and Ultramantis Black beat Priceless to win the TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Shingo and Yamoto beat Mike Quackenbush and Jigsaw
3. Naughty By Nature beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous
4. Jack Evans and Brett Wayfield beat Vlad and Impaler

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Shingo and Yamoto beat Delirious and Ultramantis Black to win the TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Naughty By Nature beat Jack Evans and Brett Wayfield

Semifinal Round:

1. Naughty By Nature beat Shingo and Yamoto to win the TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.

Final Round:

1. Naughty By Nature beat Heart Dynasty, Spirit/Jack Crystal, John Moxly/Sami Callihan in a 4 Way Dance to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles and win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.

Non Tournament Matches:

1. Colt Cabana beat Batistia
2. Tyler Black beat Chris Hero in a Non Title Match.
3. Jerry Lynn, Christian Cage, Kenny Omega beat Jack Swagger, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler
4. Matt Hardy beat Rhett Titus
5. Dynamic Duo beat Team Fist, Joe/Piloit, Northstar Express in a 4 Way Dance.
6. Harley Wayfield, Ariel Bison, Jade Thunder beat Nattie Neidhart, Star Pryde, Michelle McCool
7. Cheerleader Melissa beat Alexis Lariee to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
8. AJ Styles beat Homicide to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
9. CM Punk beat Triple H, Randy Orton, Christian Cage in a 4 Way Dance  to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  It was down to Punk and HHH with the ref Punk went for GTS but Batistia came in he went to spear Punk but Punk put Hunter in the way.  Batistia speared HHH and Punk hit GTS for the win.  After the match Triple H attacked Batistia in anger with a sledge hammer and then Orton punted him.  Hunter screamed at Batistia that he wasn't going to leave him like Shawn did and if he did it would be on his terms.  The two left Batistia laying before leaving.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-4/25/2011 results:
1. Justine Hounda beat Ms. America, Mercedes Martinez, Jinx in a 4 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel beat Naughty By Nature to win the EUWF/ECW/TWF US Tag Team Titles.
3. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous to win the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
4. Power/Blood Warrior beat Young Bucks and Colony in a 3 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Frankie Kazarian beat Jim Brooks to retain the EUWF US Title.
6. Roderick Strong beat Bryan Danielson to win the EUWF IC Title.
7. Davey Richards beat Cody Rhodes to win the EUWF World TV Title.
8. Mike Bison, Doomsday, Venom, Machine, Sin Cara beat CM Punk, Randy Orton, Kane, Chris Hero, Sheamus

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-4/25/2012 results:
The show starts with RJ Hammer (in a neck brace from WM) coming to the ring calling out Mike Bison demanding a answer from him.  Mike says he has 3 main reasons why he is doing what he is doing.  1. The backstage crap.  2. The fact that he feels RJ let ECW arena go way to easy.  Third one he was tired of putting up with RJ pull crap and that steems from the fact that RJ is jealous of Mike.  That Mike reminds him so much of him he when he was younger but is a lot healther then he was at same age.  That pisses him off and RJ says that he doesn't believe Mike.  He turns his back saying that this is all of plan of Mikes to take Jim down and won't hit him.  Mike looks at the crowd and then RJ.  He then looks at barbed wire signapore cane in his hand and then hits RJ in the back of the neck.  He beats on RJ with the cane over and over and signals for Kevin Steen to come out.  Mike puts RJ in cammel clutch with cane while steen comes out and Steen gets a chair.  They then hit a stuff package piledriver on the chair before security finally made them leave.
1. Kofi Kingston beat TJ Perkins
2. Vlad and Impaler beat Hot Shots and Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
3. Brett Wayfield beat Cody Rhodes and Taion in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
4. Doomsday, Venom, Lady Doomsday beat Night Brothers and Ariel Bison
5. CM Punk and El Generico beat Colt Cabana and Kevin Steen
6. Cyrus Bourne beat Frankie Kazarian in a Non Title Match.
7. TJ Wilson beat Power Warrior and Bryan Danielson in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
8. Jim Brooks beat Zach Ryder and Austin Aries in a 3 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Triple Crown Title.

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