This Day In Wrestling History-August 17:
Saturday Slam Jam-8/17/1996 results:
1. Savio Vega beat Venom
2. Smoking Guns beat Crazy
3. Machine beat Doomsday
4. Undertaker beat Evan Hounda
5. Road Warriors beat Barbecue and Piloit
6. Bison beat Sgt.
7. Sagat beat Guile
8. Naughty By Nature beat Hoodies
9. Vader beat Fire Knight
10. Taz beat Fireball
11. Sabu beat Devon Storm
12. Bruise Brothers beat Hulk and Destroyer
2. Smoking Guns beat Crazy
3. Machine beat Doomsday
4. Undertaker beat Evan Hounda
5. Road Warriors beat Barbecue and Piloit
6. Bison beat Sgt.
7. Sagat beat Guile
8. Naughty By Nature beat Hoodies
9. Vader beat Fire Knight
10. Taz beat Fireball
11. Sabu beat Devon Storm
12. Bruise Brothers beat Hulk and Destroyer
HCW's Thursday Night Smackdown-8/17/2000 results:
RJ Hammer comes up to Jim Brooks in the back.
RJ: "You and RVD tonight is the main event."
Brooks: "What about you?"
RJ: "I got something to do before this weekends ECW Arena show."
1. Rikishi beat Matsunaga. After the match, Rikishi gave Matsunaga the stink face and then was about to give Miss Lee one but Shadow WX ran in. He threw a fire right into Rikishi's face. Matsunaga and Shadow WX stomped on Rikishi until Too Cool, Hardy Boys, Edge, Christian, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Hollywood Doomsday made the save.
2. Tajiri beat Chris Kanyon
3. Shadow WX beat Chris Jericho
4. Yamakawa and Honma beat Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko
5. Goldberg beat Masato Tanaka
6. Hollywood Doomsday beat Blood Ninja to retain the HCW World Hardcore Title.
7. Kurt Angle beat Speedster Lite to retain the HCW US Title.
8. Jim Brooks beat Rob Van Dam to retain the HCW World TV Title and HCW IC Title.
RJ: "You and RVD tonight is the main event."
Brooks: "What about you?"
RJ: "I got something to do before this weekends ECW Arena show."
1. Rikishi beat Matsunaga. After the match, Rikishi gave Matsunaga the stink face and then was about to give Miss Lee one but Shadow WX ran in. He threw a fire right into Rikishi's face. Matsunaga and Shadow WX stomped on Rikishi until Too Cool, Hardy Boys, Edge, Christian, Tommy Dreamer, Sandman, Hollywood Doomsday made the save.
2. Tajiri beat Chris Kanyon
3. Shadow WX beat Chris Jericho
4. Yamakawa and Honma beat Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko
5. Goldberg beat Masato Tanaka
6. Hollywood Doomsday beat Blood Ninja to retain the HCW World Hardcore Title.
7. Kurt Angle beat Speedster Lite to retain the HCW US Title.
8. Jim Brooks beat Rob Van Dam to retain the HCW World TV Title and HCW IC Title.
Saturday Slam Bash-8/17/2002 results:
Barbecue starts the show with announcing that their have been four new matches add to Summerslam 2002. A Hardcore Title Match, A Lightweight Tag Team Titles Match, Taion v.s. Donovan Morgan Match, and Scott Steiner and Jesus Bison v.s. Raven and Spirit match were add. Also said Hit Squad and Avenging Knights have been add to the Tag Title Unification Ladder Match. He also said that Booker T and Prototype were add to the US/IC/European Title Unification Ladder Match.
1. Vlad and Guile beat Ken and Ryu
2. Jason Jett beat Randy Orton
3. Shadow WX beat Goldust
4. Nova beat The Hurricane
5. Jim Brooks beat Tommy Dreamer
6. Sandman beat Jesus Bison
7. Prototype and Jerry Lynn beat AJ Styles and Booker T
8. Mike Bison beat Balls Mahoney. All through the show Mike Bison was avoiding anyone that was trying to take the hardcore title match. He was doing it while talking to Taion on the phone. He would do it by making the guy ram himself into a door or wall or a pile of tables.
9. Naughty By Nature and Goldburg beat Brock Lensar and Hit Squad
10. Christopher Daniels and Ivory beat The Rock and Ariel Bison
11. Hardy Boyz and Night Brothers beat Edge, Christian, Impact Players
12. Rob Van Dam and Ric Flair beat Speedster Lite and Spirit by dq. The end comes when speedster lite brings out a glove with thumbtacks glued to it and hits RVD in the eye with a palm strike using the hand with the glove. Doomsday Alliance locker room emptied and ran to the ring right after to protect rvd. RVD was clutching at his eye blood pouring onto the mat. Lite and Spirit leaves the ring celebrating like they won to end show.
1. Vlad and Guile beat Ken and Ryu
2. Jason Jett beat Randy Orton
3. Shadow WX beat Goldust
4. Nova beat The Hurricane
5. Jim Brooks beat Tommy Dreamer
6. Sandman beat Jesus Bison
7. Prototype and Jerry Lynn beat AJ Styles and Booker T
8. Mike Bison beat Balls Mahoney. All through the show Mike Bison was avoiding anyone that was trying to take the hardcore title match. He was doing it while talking to Taion on the phone. He would do it by making the guy ram himself into a door or wall or a pile of tables.
9. Naughty By Nature and Goldburg beat Brock Lensar and Hit Squad
10. Christopher Daniels and Ivory beat The Rock and Ariel Bison
11. Hardy Boyz and Night Brothers beat Edge, Christian, Impact Players
12. Rob Van Dam and Ric Flair beat Speedster Lite and Spirit by dq. The end comes when speedster lite brings out a glove with thumbtacks glued to it and hits RVD in the eye with a palm strike using the hand with the glove. Doomsday Alliance locker room emptied and ran to the ring right after to protect rvd. RVD was clutching at his eye blood pouring onto the mat. Lite and Spirit leaves the ring celebrating like they won to end show.
TTWF 8/17/2004 Show results:
1. Night Brothers beat Jack Crystal and Spirit to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Colt Cabana beat Jerry Lynn to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
3. Jesus Bison beat Shadow WX to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Hotstuff beat Rhendo and Piloit to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Chris Hero beat CM Punk in a No Time Limit Match to retain the TTWF US Title.
6. Rob Van Dam beat Edge to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
2. Colt Cabana beat Jerry Lynn to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
3. Jesus Bison beat Shadow WX to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Hotstuff beat Rhendo and Piloit to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Chris Hero beat CM Punk in a No Time Limit Match to retain the TTWF US Title.
6. Rob Van Dam beat Edge to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/17/2005 results:
The show started with Paul Haymen in the ring officially announcing that AJ Styles is out of the ECW Main Event and called AJ to the ring. AJ came from the back on crutches but was also with Mike Bison, CM Punk, Doomsday and Paul said that AJ has to give up the title. AJ gives the belt to haymen and Mike got on the mic. He said they were out here to make sure haymen doesn't try to pull something tonight and that he better let AJ decide who will take his pace in the ECW main event at Summerslam 2005. Before Haymen could answer Jesus Bison, then Chris Jericho, then Booker T all came from the back one at a time each time interrupting him before he could say anything demanding they be put into the match. Haymen tries again to talk but AJ got on the mic and says that he wants all 3 to take their place in the match which didn't seem to make haymen happy at all. Haymen agreed to it with reservations and that the match will be one fall to a finish. That made everyone angary as haymen left.
1. Mike Bison beat Elix Skipper (Under a mask) to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title. Skipper came out dressed as the mask man who been interfering in matches recently and after the match Mike pulled the mask off revealing it was skipper. Mike got on the mic saying that he knows that Haymen put skipper up to this because the rumors is he is the real mask man and that the mind games he is playing won't work. He said that nothing will stop him from winning at summerslam.
2. Venom and Lady Venom beat Petey Williams and Pink Dudley
3. Carnage Crew, Justin Credible, Mad Man Pondo beat Dudleyz and Sexxy Eddy
4. FBI beat Super Crazy and Rey Misterio Jr.
5. Mike Awesome and Miss Lee beat Taion and Lady Trooper
6. America's Most Wanted beat Hard Luck Fighters
7. Backseat Boyz beat Night Brothers in a Non Title Match.
8. Mike Bison, Doomsday, CM Punk beat Chris Jericho, Jesus Bison, Booker T
1. Mike Bison beat Elix Skipper (Under a mask) to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title. Skipper came out dressed as the mask man who been interfering in matches recently and after the match Mike pulled the mask off revealing it was skipper. Mike got on the mic saying that he knows that Haymen put skipper up to this because the rumors is he is the real mask man and that the mind games he is playing won't work. He said that nothing will stop him from winning at summerslam.
2. Venom and Lady Venom beat Petey Williams and Pink Dudley
3. Carnage Crew, Justin Credible, Mad Man Pondo beat Dudleyz and Sexxy Eddy
4. FBI beat Super Crazy and Rey Misterio Jr.
5. Mike Awesome and Miss Lee beat Taion and Lady Trooper
6. America's Most Wanted beat Hard Luck Fighters
7. Backseat Boyz beat Night Brothers in a Non Title Match.
8. Mike Bison, Doomsday, CM Punk beat Chris Jericho, Jesus Bison, Booker T
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-8/17/2007 results:
1. Nick Berk beat Rocky Romero
2. Matt Hardy beat Mr. America. After the match Great Kahli came out and beat down Matt. MA got on the mic announcing that Kahli is his new insurance policy for Summerslam and that he will destroy Triple H for him.
3. Val Venis beat Doomsday
4. Petey Williams beat John Morrison
5. Briscoe Brothers beat Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal to become the #1 Contenders for EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles and get a shot at the belts at Summerslam 2007.
6. Mike Quackenbush beat Chris Hero in a Non Title Match.
7. Mr. Kennedy beat Booker T
8. Venom beat Jack Crystal to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
2. Matt Hardy beat Mr. America. After the match Great Kahli came out and beat down Matt. MA got on the mic announcing that Kahli is his new insurance policy for Summerslam and that he will destroy Triple H for him.
3. Val Venis beat Doomsday
4. Petey Williams beat John Morrison
5. Briscoe Brothers beat Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal to become the #1 Contenders for EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles and get a shot at the belts at Summerslam 2007.
6. Mike Quackenbush beat Chris Hero in a Non Title Match.
7. Mr. Kennedy beat Booker T
8. Venom beat Jack Crystal to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
EUWF's Summerslam 2008-8/17/2008 results:
1. Brian Kendrick beat Paul London in a Street Fight.
2. Jill Night beat Miss Lee, MsChif, Ariel Bison, Lady Trooper, Hardcore Bytch in the first even Women's Elimination Chamber Match to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
It was announced that Shadow WX, Ryuji Ito, Jaki Numazawa, Yuko Miyamoto, Takeshi Sasaki, Jun Kasai from Big Japan Wrestling will be appearing in this year's King Of The Death Matches XI Tournament. This year is the ten year anniversary of the first KOTDM and there will be a big surprise entry that will not be announced and have not been in a EUWF KOTDM Tournament before. Also announced that the tournament final will take place in the first ever Ultimate Elimination Chamber Death Match.
3. Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Duke and Snake Eyes in a Last Team Standing Match to win the EUWF/ECW US Tag Team Titles.
4. Machine and Sagat beat Jimmy Jacobs/Delirious, Briscoe Brothers, Dudleyz, Guile/Tyler Black, Taion/Austin Aries, Nerco Butcher/Mad Man Pondo in a TLC Match to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
5. Kevin Steen and El Generico beat Kurt Hawkins and Zach Ryder in a Guerrilla Warfare Match to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Mike Bison beat Eric Bison in a Personal Revenge Death Match (No Ref, No Rules, Any Weapons, Only Way To Win Is Someone To Throw Towel In) The end came when Mike handcuffed Eric to the ropes and put a barbed wire bat to lower nut sack region of him. He stood on it but no one came out and then he took out a lighter. He set the thing on fire and then bat on back on Eric causing Samantha to run really quickly out with a towel giving Mike the win.
7. Mark Night beat King Jim Brooks, Chris Jericho, John Cena, Jeff Hardy in a 5 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. Jim Brooks was eliminated by a low blow with a chair by Jericho who then rolled him up. The end came down to Mark, Jericho, Cena and Jericho went to hit Mark but instead hit cena letting him roll cena up eliminating him. Jericho later went for the walls of jericho and Mark rolled him up for the win. Jericho beat on Mark after the match and Cena came back out joining in on the beating. Jim and Jeff came back out brawling with Jericho and Cena to the back. Chris Night ran out from the back with a strand of barbed wire and started choking him with the barbed wire. Chris started screaming at mark that this was supposed to be his belt, his night, and that mark always stole the spotlight and everything else from him. Brian Thunder, John Fire, Naughty By Nature, Mike Bison, Taion made the save.
8. Claudio Castagnoli beat Jerry Lynn, James Gibson, Tommy Dreamer, AJ Styles in a 5 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
2. Jill Night beat Miss Lee, MsChif, Ariel Bison, Lady Trooper, Hardcore Bytch in the first even Women's Elimination Chamber Match to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
It was announced that Shadow WX, Ryuji Ito, Jaki Numazawa, Yuko Miyamoto, Takeshi Sasaki, Jun Kasai from Big Japan Wrestling will be appearing in this year's King Of The Death Matches XI Tournament. This year is the ten year anniversary of the first KOTDM and there will be a big surprise entry that will not be announced and have not been in a EUWF KOTDM Tournament before. Also announced that the tournament final will take place in the first ever Ultimate Elimination Chamber Death Match.
3. Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Duke and Snake Eyes in a Last Team Standing Match to win the EUWF/ECW US Tag Team Titles.
4. Machine and Sagat beat Jimmy Jacobs/Delirious, Briscoe Brothers, Dudleyz, Guile/Tyler Black, Taion/Austin Aries, Nerco Butcher/Mad Man Pondo in a TLC Match to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
5. Kevin Steen and El Generico beat Kurt Hawkins and Zach Ryder in a Guerrilla Warfare Match to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Mike Bison beat Eric Bison in a Personal Revenge Death Match (No Ref, No Rules, Any Weapons, Only Way To Win Is Someone To Throw Towel In) The end came when Mike handcuffed Eric to the ropes and put a barbed wire bat to lower nut sack region of him. He stood on it but no one came out and then he took out a lighter. He set the thing on fire and then bat on back on Eric causing Samantha to run really quickly out with a towel giving Mike the win.
7. Mark Night beat King Jim Brooks, Chris Jericho, John Cena, Jeff Hardy in a 5 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. Jim Brooks was eliminated by a low blow with a chair by Jericho who then rolled him up. The end came down to Mark, Jericho, Cena and Jericho went to hit Mark but instead hit cena letting him roll cena up eliminating him. Jericho later went for the walls of jericho and Mark rolled him up for the win. Jericho beat on Mark after the match and Cena came back out joining in on the beating. Jim and Jeff came back out brawling with Jericho and Cena to the back. Chris Night ran out from the back with a strand of barbed wire and started choking him with the barbed wire. Chris started screaming at mark that this was supposed to be his belt, his night, and that mark always stole the spotlight and everything else from him. Brian Thunder, John Fire, Naughty By Nature, Mike Bison, Taion made the save.
8. Claudio Castagnoli beat Jerry Lynn, James Gibson, Tommy Dreamer, AJ Styles in a 5 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/17/2009 results:
1. Santino Marella beat Christian Gales
2. Chuck Taylor beat John Cena
3. Smash beat Ax to Gets Into 5 Title Ladder Match at Summerslam 2009. Ax was mad after the match but told smash to make sure Cyrus doesn't win anything sunday.
4. Jack Swagger beat Eddie Edwards
5. Chris Hero beat Hernadez
6. Cyrus Bourne and Triple H beat MVP/Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, New Demolition, American Wolves in a 5 Way Non Title Match.
7. James Gibson, Kenny King, Austin Aries beat Homicide, Jimmy Yang, Chris Jericho
8. Brian Thunder beat Christian Cage in a Non Title Match.
2. Chuck Taylor beat John Cena
3. Smash beat Ax to Gets Into 5 Title Ladder Match at Summerslam 2009. Ax was mad after the match but told smash to make sure Cyrus doesn't win anything sunday.
4. Jack Swagger beat Eddie Edwards
5. Chris Hero beat Hernadez
6. Cyrus Bourne and Triple H beat MVP/Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, New Demolition, American Wolves in a 5 Way Non Title Match.
7. James Gibson, Kenny King, Austin Aries beat Homicide, Jimmy Yang, Chris Jericho
8. Brian Thunder beat Christian Cage in a Non Title Match.
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-8/17/2010 results:
1. Wildfire beat Dude Busters
Mike Bison was interviewed and he clarified that the reason he was at Raw last night was because of post summerslam meetings with Michelle to clear things with protests Hero was making and stuff. The others were also there for meetings as there were meeting all day before raw on things like summerslam and King Of The Death Matches XIII.
2. Joe and Barbecue co won the Battle Royal for Forever 2010 title shot. Mark Night, Guile, Brian Thunder won the Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament shots but depending on some stuff they may not get it till day 3 or another date. Mike Bison, Nightmare, New Demolition, Doomsday, Hoodies, Naughty By Nature, Dangerous Trio, Troopers, Sgt., Roadblock, Duke, John Fire, Snake Eyes, Chris Night, Commander, Sagat, Vampire Nation, , Crazy, Wildfire, Sagat, Taion was also in the match.
Mike Bison was interviewed and he clarified that the reason he was at Raw last night was because of post summerslam meetings with Michelle to clear things with protests Hero was making and stuff. The others were also there for meetings as there were meeting all day before raw on things like summerslam and King Of The Death Matches XIII.
2. Joe and Barbecue co won the Battle Royal for Forever 2010 title shot. Mark Night, Guile, Brian Thunder won the Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament shots but depending on some stuff they may not get it till day 3 or another date. Mike Bison, Nightmare, New Demolition, Doomsday, Hoodies, Naughty By Nature, Dangerous Trio, Troopers, Sgt., Roadblock, Duke, John Fire, Snake Eyes, Chris Night, Commander, Sagat, Vampire Nation, , Crazy, Wildfire, Sagat, Taion was also in the match.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/17/2011 results:
The show began with a man coming to the ring saying he is a lawyer for Mr. America and Real Patriots. He said that Mr. America refuses to ever appear on ECW till it goes PG and hardcore wrestling is banned. Also till EUWF and ECW officials admit that 9/11 was a inside job. Homicide came out and hit a cop killer on the lawyer.
1. Homicide beat Eddie Kingston, John Moxly, Kenny Omega, Claudio Castagnoli, Jack Swagger to win a Spot In Forever 2011 Title Shot.
2. Ronin and Icarus beat WN Alpha, Sigma, Red, Black
3. Doomsday beat Dolph Ziggler
4. Alex Shelley beat Venom
5. Jimmy Jacobs beat Machine
6. Cody Rhodes beat Sonjay Dutt
7. CM Punk beat Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, Low Ki, Matt Sydal, Chris Hero to win the Bruise Brody Memorial Tournament 2011 Day 2 Title Shot.
1. Homicide beat Eddie Kingston, John Moxly, Kenny Omega, Claudio Castagnoli, Jack Swagger to win a Spot In Forever 2011 Title Shot.
2. Ronin and Icarus beat WN Alpha, Sigma, Red, Black
3. Doomsday beat Dolph Ziggler
4. Alex Shelley beat Venom
5. Jimmy Jacobs beat Machine
6. Cody Rhodes beat Sonjay Dutt
7. CM Punk beat Samoa Joe, Christian Cage, Low Ki, Matt Sydal, Chris Hero to win the Bruise Brody Memorial Tournament 2011 Day 2 Title Shot.
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-8/17/2012 results:
1. RJ Hammer and Lady Hammer beat Power Donity and Laurie Hammer
2. Chris Hero beat Frankie Kazarian
3. Cyrus Borune beat CM Punk
4. Machine and Lady Warrior beat Bully Ray and Pink Dudley. Machine announced after the match HC Bytch will wrestle sunday.
5. Christopher Daniels beat Claudio Castagnoli
6. Tyler Black beat Dolph Ziggler to win the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
7. Kevin Steen beat Chris Jericho to retain the Unified IC Title.
8. John Moxly beat Speedster Lite in a Non Title Match.
2. Chris Hero beat Frankie Kazarian
3. Cyrus Borune beat CM Punk
4. Machine and Lady Warrior beat Bully Ray and Pink Dudley. Machine announced after the match HC Bytch will wrestle sunday.
5. Christopher Daniels beat Claudio Castagnoli
6. Tyler Black beat Dolph Ziggler to win the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
7. Kevin Steen beat Chris Jericho to retain the Unified IC Title.
8. John Moxly beat Speedster Lite in a Non Title Match.
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