The show began with Mike Bison calling out three World Heavyweight Champions one at a time. First calling out Bryan Danielson saying that he still doesn't trust after saturday and not sure he still not with Hero's Brigade. Danielson said that Mike would do the same in that situation. He then called out El Generico congrulating him on his win and telling him Austin Aries will get his rematch at December To Dismember 2013. He then called out Jackson Rouch and lucky coward that barley beat CM Punk on saturday. That his luck will run out before making it to WM30 as champion as Jackson said was his dream. He then brought out Drake Younger as he said that he made his choice for Christmas Bash 2013. Drake said that Jackson wasn't worth challenging and El Generico got to deal with Austin Aries. He said that he came real close to beating Danielson a couple of weeks ago and knows he can at CB2013. He said he choses him and Danielson leaves. Eddie Kingston and Wrestle Factory (aka former Chikara wrestlers) attack Mike and Generico. Drake and Jackson join in on the attack till American Heroes, Doomsday, Venom, Hoodies, Honor Brigade made the save. Mike then challenge Eddie to a match at CB2013 and he agreed.
1. Katylin and Page beat Star Pryde and Jade Thunder
2. Ash Hyde beat WN Black. Before the match Alpha and Omega didn't come when announced. Eventually the former Alpha came out saying that he was weirdly ousted from Warrior Ninjas. Since he is no longer Alpha or apart of WN then he came up with a new wrestling name. He is calling himself Ash (From Army Of Darkness/Evil Dead) Hyde (From Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde). He calls out the new Alpha who does come out saying that Ash's selfishness. That he made the group all about him and not the group as a whole. Alpha said that he will bring new sucess to the group and that he won't wrestle Ash. He sent WN Black to the ring instead saying that maybe he will wrestle Ash at CB2013.
3. Kofi Kingston beat Jim Brooks in a Non Title Match.
4. Peter Spider, Freddie Waldeno, Richie Borndo,Tristin Heartsend beat Hoodies, Doomsday Kid, Venomous
5. Xavier Woods beat Speedster Lite
6. Team Rhodes Scholar beat Hot Shots
7. Jackson Rouch and Austin Aries beat CM Punk and El Generico
8. Dolph Ziggler and Cyrus Bourne beat Young Bucks
9. American Wolves beat Donity Brothers in a Non Title Match. After the match Wolves challenged Donitys to one more match at CB2013 for Lightweight Tag Titles. Power said that they accept only if it's TLC Match and Wolves as team will have to split up if they lose. Davey accepts.
10. Drake Younger, Eddie Kingston, Chris Hero beat Bryan Danielson and Bison Brothers. Problems between Mike and Danielson continued leading to Mike accidently pushing Danielson towards the end leading to Drake rolling him up for the win. After the match they continued aruging till Eric split them apart to end the show
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