The show started with Triple H coming to the ring introducing the returning Batista who will be joining the 2014 Royal Rumble. As Hunter left Mike came from the back questioning him as it made the match have 31 men. Batista got on the mic saying he is back to win EUWF World Triple Crown Title at WM30. He will win royal rumble no matter what. Brock Lensar came from the back and the two had a stare down. Haymen said that Brock was going to win and looked like the two were about to go at when Young Guns Army came out keeping them apart. Security and more wrestlers came from the back to keep them apart before Lensar and Haymen left. It was announced later that on Smackdown a Battle Royal will happen in last 3 for EUWF, ECW, TWF will go to royal rumble match this sunday. That will make the match 40 Man Royal Rumble.
1. Mark Night beat Alberto Del Rio
2. Chris Hero beat Robert Roode
3. Joe Henning beat Peter Spider
4. The Miz beat Cyrus Bourne
5. Ash Hyde beat TJ Wilson
6. WN Alpha beat Adam Cole in a Non Title Match. Before the match a interview Michael Cole did with Lady Warrior Ninja aired. The interview was done in a secret hidden location. Lady WN was wearing sunglass in the interview said that she looks forward to be being free after sunday. Cole tried to get LWN to try to open up more and take sunglass off. She does showing the bruises around her eyes under the mask. The interview was then stopped by the warrior ninjas who didn't want anymore to come out. Cole said afterwords that EUWF doesn't condone what WN Alpha doing to LWN.
7. Jim Brooks beat Austin Aries
8. Samoa Joe beat Speedster Lite
9. Brett Wayfield and Jack Crystal beat Michel Elgin
10. Roman Reigns, Eddie Edwards, Mr. America, Power Donity, CM Punk, AJ Styles beat Jackson Rouch, Machine, El Generico, Kofi Kingston, Drakee Younger, Randy Orton
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