Sunday, May 18, 2014

This Day In Wrestling History-May 18 (Extreme Nightmare 15: For The Love Of The Business, Mike Out Of Control, SEX and Prophecy try to sneak out, Mr. America inspired by Flair, Extreme Nightmare 25: Judgement Day 2008, Samoa Joe's Historic Reign Ends)

This Day In Wrestling History-May 18:

Thursday Night War-5/18/2000 results:

1. Falcon beat Gangrel.  Vampiro attacked Falcon after the match.  Hollywood Doomsday, Road Dogg, X-Pac made the save.
2. Chris Candido beat D-Lo Brown
3. Justin Credible beat X-Pac
4. Naughty By Nature beat Too Cool to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Steve Corino beat Dean Malenko in a no dq match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title when Mr. Venom hit Malenko with a chair.
6. Kane, Machine, Duke beat New Jack, Balls Mahoney, Masato Tanaka
7. Lance Storm beat Eddie Guerrero to retain the EUWF IC Title.
8. Hollywood Doomsday beat Honma and Yamakawa in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
9. Tommy Dreamer and Sandman beat Kronic to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Jim Brooks beat Road Dogg to retain the EUWF US Title.
11. Speedster Lite beat Triple H to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
12. RJ Hammer, The Rock, Sting beat Rhino, Wall, Big Show

Saturday Slam Bash-5/18/2002 results:
1. Jesus Bison and Samantha Bison beat Power Lightning and Lady Lightning to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
2. Lady Hammer beat Lady Ninja to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
3. Piloit, Ken, Ryu beat Shadow Ninja, White Ninja, Blood Ninja to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
4. Vlad and Guile beat Night Brothers to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Raven beat Sagat to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
6. Nova beat Mankind to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. D'Lo Brown beat Super Crazy to retain the EUWF European Title.
8. Booker T beat Billy Kidman to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
9. Ric Blade beat X-Pac to retain the EUWF IC Title.
10. Hot Stuff beat Mike Bison and Taion to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
11. Chris Benoit and Hardy Boyz beat Rob Van Dam/Naughty By Nature and Chris Jericho/Backseat Boyz in a Three Way Dance.
12. Venom beat Shadow WX and Tommy Dreamer in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

Extreme Nightmare 15: For The Love Of The Business-5/18/2003 results:
The show started with the first in a series of videos that reviewed the history of group wars.  It showed Devil Bison and his original group's first appearance in original TWF.  A series of videos would air through the night showing the whole history of the war.
Jade went to RJ Hammer's office.  She complained about her group being forced into the main event and with Briscoe Brothers, Spirit, Mankind being with them.  RJ said that they asked to help your team out and that tonight will end the group wars once and for all.  Jade said they she didn't want ownership of the company.  RJ said that if her group wins they can stay around but only as peace keepers with Doomsday Alliance.  Jade said that is okay as long as it prevents attacks on women by men.  RJ shrugged and said okay. 
1. Naughty By Nature beat Carnage Crew in a 200 Light tube, Barbed Wire Tables Elimination Weapons Match. 
2. Raven beat Shadow WX in a Barbed Wire Strap Match
3. Night Brothers beat Christopher Daniels and Donovan Morgan in first fall to retain EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. American Heroes beat Dynamic Duo to retain in second fall TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  The match was a 2 Fall Dog Collar, Lumber Jack Weapons Match for both tag belts. Mike Quackenbush/Reckless Youth, La Resistance, America's Most Wanted, New Church was also involved in the match.
4. Chris Hero beat CM Punk in 90 Minute 2 Out Of Three Falls Table and Ladders Legal Match to win EUWF European Title
5. Tommy Dreamer beat Vic Grimes in the first fall to retain TTWF World Hardcore Title.  Sabu beat Masato Tanaka in the second fall to retain EUWF World Hardcore Title.  This was a 2 Fall 200 Light tubes No Rope Barbed Wire Match.  Devil Bison, Hellfire, Sandman, Balls Mahoney, New Jack, Brimstone, Mike Awesome was also involved in the match.
6. Goldberg beat Kojima
7. Dudleyz beat New Demolition and SAT in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
8. Speedster Lite beat Kaos to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
9. Chris Benoit beat Shawn Michaels
10. Rob Van Dam beat Taiyo Kea
11. Chris Benoit beat Spanky, Trent Acid, Johnny Kashmere, Taion, Rey Misterio Jr., American Dragon, Eddie Guerrero, Ric Blade, Paul London, Red, Quiet Storm, Samoa Joe, Ruckus, John Cena, Jason Jett, Steve Corino, Maven, Chris Divine, Brian XL, Psicosis, Venom, Barbecue, David Young, Sony Sasaki, Elix Skipper in a Gauntlet Match to win #1 Contenders Trophy for TTWF World Heavyweight Title Match and get a shot at the belt later in the night.
12. Doomsday beat Joe, Matt Hardy, Homicide, CM Punk, Chris Hero, Lance Storm, Booker T, Justin Credible, Billy Kidman, AJ Styles, Xavier, Jay Briscoe, Marc Briscoe, Low Ki, Konnan, Little Guido, CW Anderson, Nick Mondo, Juventud Guerrera, Super Crazy, Tajiri, Glen Gilbirde, Mike Sanders, Perry Saturn in a Gauntlet Match to win #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match and got shot at the belt later in the night
13. Jim Brooks beat Jerry Lynn and Chris Benoit in a 3 Way Dance to win the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
14. Mike Bison beat The Messiah and Doomsday in a 3 Way No Rope Barbed Wire Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Doomsday challenged Mike and Messiah to make the match a No Rope Barbed Wire Match after he won the Gauntlet Match.  They accepted the challenge.  Mike beat the crap out of Messiah leading to him being eliminated.  He then continued on Doomsday until beating him till he was knocked out but Mike wouldn't stop.  RJ Hammer came to the ring and awards the match to Mike but Mike didn't stop.  Jill got into the ring and tried to stop but Mike hit her.  Mike then stopped realizing that he had hit Jill and he apologized.  The two hugged and Mike realize what he had done to mike.  Mike got on the mic and apologized.  He and Jill then left without mike's belt.
15. Rhyno/High Rollers/Hoodies/Street Warrior/Briscoe Brothers/Spirit/Mankind beat Dusty Rhodes/Doomsday/Venom/Triple H/Rob Van Dam/Joe/Barbecue/Hulk Hogan/Mike Bison and Ric Flair/Raven/Devil Bison/Christopher Daniels/Scott Steiner/Chris Jericho/Chris Benoit/A-Train/Big Show/Donovan Morgan in a 3  Way Ultimate Jeopardy In Hell 3 Match.  That means that Evil Alliance must split up forever.  Also that Jade's group can stay together and RJ Hammer retains ownership of the EUWF and TTWF.  Doomsday Alliance wins the Best Of 9 Series 5 to 4.  Evil Alliance Eliminated the Doomsday Alliance to make it 5 to 4.  Doomsday Alliance had won it already.  The rules stated that if Evil Alliance won the whole thing that Jade's group and Doomsday Alliance must split but since Jade's group won only Evil Alliance.  SEX and Prophecy tried to quiet the Evil Alliance during the match but RJ said that it doesn't matter since RJ made sure the contract said the Prophecy, SEX, Elite would have to split up if they lose.  The same trick was tried to pulled last year but RJ made sure that it wouldn't happen this time.

TTWF 5/18/2004 results:
1. Venom and Edge beat Maximo Brothers and Gothics in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Doomsday beat Rey Misterio Jr. and Justin Credible in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF US Title.
3. Red beat Spanky and Rhendo in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
4. Trent Acid beat Bryan Danielson and Colt Cabana in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
5. Naughty By Nature beat Hardy Boyz and Night Brothers in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Venom beat Shadow WX and New Jack in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
7. Edge beat Chris Benoit and Samoa Joe in a 3 Way Dance to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Doomsday beat Christopher Daniels and Jerry Lynn in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/18/2005 results:
The show started with the announcement that Ultimo Dragon has been voted off the ECW Survivor 3 Team.
1. Mike Bison beat Shadow WX in a Leather Strap Match in Fall 2 Of The Best Of 7 Series.
2. Jimmy Jacobs beat Spike Dudley
3. Taion beat Little Guido
4. Trent Acid beat Sho Funaki
5. Edge beat Alex Shelley
6. Super Crazy beat Sexy Eddy
7. Sonjay Dutt beat Tajiri to retain the ECW World TV Title.
8. B-Boy beat Nova
9. CM Punk beat Venom
10. Doomsday beat Chris Hero
11. Mike Bison beat Shadow WX in a Barbed Wire Board Death Match in Fall 3 Of The Best Of 7 Series.  Mike now leads 2 falls to 1.
12. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels beat Rey Misterio Jr. and Homicide in a Dream Partner Tag Team Match.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/18/2007 results:
The show began with a camera man running to Doomsday and Venom's locker room.  Chris Hero, Mr. America, Vampire Nation, Nick Berk, Shawn Michaels, Ray Gordy, Randy Orton, Ken Doane, Johnny Jetter, Roderick Strong, Davey Richards, Rocky Romero, Backlot Assassins were beating Doomsday and Venom down.  This went on till other members of Extreme Alliance and MVW made the save.
1. The Players, Kevin Thorn, Sabrina beat Machine, HC Bytch, Queens Of Wrestling
2. Ray Gordy beat Jeff Hardy to win the EUWF World TV Title.
Again a camera was seen running to a locker room this time to Hardy Boyz locker room where the heals were attacking the Hardy Boyz this time and this went on till Extreme Alliance and MVW made the save.
3. Spirit beat Jack Evans to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.  Spirit announced after the match that he has open invitation for sunday at Extreme Nightmare 23 for Ladder for his Lightweight Title.  He said he is doing this to make up for the lack of defenses during the feud against Vampire Nation.
4. Low Ki and B-Boy beat Vampire Nation (Vlad and Impaler) to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Ric Flair and RJ Hammer beat Chris Hero and Shawn Michaels.  After the match heals came out attacking RJ and Flair.  Mr. America got on the mic saying that they got a surprise for Flair and video of heals attacking Flair's estranged son David with a baseball breaking his hand.  Mr. America said that thank flair because if it wasn't for the inspiration of their attacks they wouldn't be doing this.  America said that they got it all from the new Ric Flair and Four Horseman DVD.  America said that he was inspired by the dvd that he has decide wrestling need a new Horsemen group as a matter of fact two of them and without the old man ric flair.  America announced that He, Nick Berk, Chris Hero, Shawn Michaels are EUWF one and ECW one will CM Punk, AJ Styles, Edge, Christian Cage.  America said there is one thing left to do and was about to break Ric's hand too but Extreme Alliance and MVW made the save.
6. Briscoe Brothers beat Joe and Piloit to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  Before the match it was announced Briscoes would defend their titles this sunday at Extreme Nightmare 23 in Tag Team Scramble Match with Tables, Ladders, Chairs Legal.
7. Bryan Danielson beat Davey Richards to win the EUWF US Title.
During the run down for Extreme Nightmare 23 two ECW matches were announced for the PPV.  Doomsday Kid and Venomous will make their first defense of ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles against Naughty By Nature in a 200 Light Tube, Fans Bring The Weapons TPE Brawl Game Match.  The other match features Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) answering one of Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks open contracts for ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles but this time in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match.
8. Mr. America and Nick Berk v.s. Hardy Boyz v.s. Doomsday and Venom in a 3 Way Dance never got started as the heals tried to attacked the Hardy Boyz, Doomsday, Venom as Hardy made their way to the ring and Doomsday and Venom were already in it.  Doomsday and Venom dived to the floor help the hardyz.  MVW and Extreme Alliance came cleared the area of the heals as the faces stood tall in the ring to end the show.

Extreme Nightmare 25: Judgment Day 2008-5/18/2008 results:
1. Hardcore Bytch beat Sabrina in a 4 Corners Of Barbed Wire Match (Each corner with a barbed wire weapon and each corner wrapped in barbed wire) to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
2. Sara Del Rey beat Beth Phoenix in a 20 Minute Iron Man Match to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
3. Machine and Sagat beat Nerco Butcher/Tyler Black and Eric Stevens/Matt Cross in a Anything Goes Warfare Match to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
4. Rhino beat Shadow WX, Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney, Stevie Richards, Sexxy Eddy, Sabu, Justin Credible, Sandman in a Hardcore Rumble Match to retain the ECW World Triple Crown Hardcore Title.
5. Best In The World (Colt Cabana, Ace Steel, Carlito) beat Real Americans Alliance (AJ Styles, JBL, John Cena) in a Elimination Match.
6. Delirious and Hallowicked beat Doomsday and Venom in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Austin Aries beat Jimmy Jacobs in a I Quiet Street Fight Match.
8. Best In The World (Edge and surprise return of Christian Cage) beat Team Fist, Harry Smith/TJ Wilson, Rhendo/Blanka, Joe/Piloit, LAX, Chris Hero/Matt Sydal, Kevin Steen/El Generico in a Tables, Ladders, Chairs Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
9. James Gibson beat Claudio Castagnoli to retain the ECW US Title.
10. Naomichi Marufuji, Takeshi Moorish, Go Shiosaki beat Chris Jericho, Christopher Daniels, Umaga
11. Davey Richards and Rocky Romero beat Motor City Machine Guns to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. King Jim Brooks win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and Mike Bison wins the ECW World Heavyweight Title in a Double Title King Of The Mountain Match. This began Jim's second EUWF World Heavyweight Title reign (3 World Title reign overall) and Mike Bison third ECW World Heavyweight Title reign (13th World Title reign overall) Samoa Joe, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Roderick Strong, RJ Hammer, Mr. America were also in the match.  Rules were different then the normal King Of The Mountain Match where you only had to win was hang the belt above the ring and no pinfalls or any crazy stips with boxes.  Jim had already won the EUWF Title and Mike was about to win with no left to stop him RJ waved to the back from the floor and Backlot Assassins ran out stopping mike.  King Jim Brooks, Shadow WX, Rhino, Speedster Lite, Chris Jericho, Doomsday, Venom cleared the ring of backlot assassins.  Chris Hero and Larry Sweeny ran to the ring tried to help Roderick and Mr. America get the win.  Jerry Lawler attacked Sweeny and Punk attacked hero.  Samoa Joe and Jeff stopped Mr. America and Strong from climbing the ladder.  All eight men ended up brawling away from the ring with real americans members trying to keep joe from the ring like they been doing all match long.  RJ got back in the ring grabbing the belt from where it was dropped not knowing Mike had gotten back up and that he had a chair with light tubes tapped to it.  He hit RJ over the head with the chair and then handcuffed RJ to the bottom rope.  Mike grabbed the belt and hung it above the ring for to win the ECW World Heavyweight Title.  This ended Samoa Joe's 13 Month and 102 Defenses ECW World Heavyweight Title reign.  Joe had won it last year at Wrestlemania 23 beating CM Punk in a 60 Minute Iron Man Match.  RJ screamed at Mike that this isn't over as he King Jim Brooks, Speedster Lite, Jerry Lawler, Doomsday, Venom, Jericho, Lite, Jeff Hardy,  Rhino, Shadow WX, Eric Bison, Taion, Guile, Jill Night, Ariel Bison, American Heroes, Night Brothers, Machine, Sagat, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Hoodies, Joe, Barbecue, Piloit, Scarlet, Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney, Rhendo, Blanka, Wildfire, Crazy, Sandman come to the ring celebrating the wins.  Samoa Joe came in to celebrate but first says that he wants his rematch next sunday at ECW's Wrestlepoolza 2008 PPV and Mike agreed to it.  Joe congratulated him and said that he and Jim won the match fair and square.  Joe raised Mike's hand and then Jim's hand holding them both up to end the show.  Everyone left leaving a screaming RJ in the ring after ppv went off the air eventually someone came with a key to let him out.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-5/18/2009 results:
The show began with the announcement that tonight's title matches have been changed to non title matches with the titles matches taking place instead on Saturday at Owen Hart Memorial Show 2009.  Sadly saturday is 10 year anniversary of the death of own.  Also added a cage match with Jimmy Jacobs, Broadie Lee, MsChiff v.s. Eric Bison, Sagat (Eric claims Guile is hurt), and Samantha Bison.  Also Samoa Joe, Machine, Mike Bison have been added to the ECW World Heavyweight Title match making it a 6 Way Dance.  Also added Randy Orton v.s. Jerry Lynn, Smith/Wilson/Priceless/Ray Gordy v.s. Blackout/?, and Colon Brothers v.s. Mark Night and Venom in a revenge match for their part in what happen to Jack Crystal and almost happen to Machine.
1. Gail Kim beat Star Pryde in a Non Title Match.
2. The Brian Kendrick beat Jay Briscoe in a Non Title Match.
3. Christopher Daniels beat Jeff Hardy in a Non Title Match.
4. Austin Aries beat James Gibson in a Non Title Match.
5. Kenny King and Jason Blade beat Shelton Benjamin/Charlie Haas and Cryme Tyme in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
6. Christian Cage beat Chris Hero in Fall 4 Of Their Best Of 5 Series to tie the series at 2.
7. Davey Richards beat Christopher Daniels in Fall 4 Of Their Best Of 5 Series to tie the series at 2.
8. John Cena and Austin Aries won the Tag Team Battle Royal in first part of the #1 Contenders Tournament. Cena/Aries faces off on Smackdown for Sunday Night Party 79 title shot on June 7 and #1 Contenders Trophy, Runner ups Jeff Hardy/Homicide faces off on Smackdown for Ultimate Championship Wrestling 10 title shot.  Losers Enter UWC 10 Tournament. Edge/Chris Jericho, Batistia/Umaga, Kane/Triple H, James Gibson/Big Show, Jay Briscoe/The Brian Kendrick, Brent Albright/MVP, Eddie Edwards/Ricky Reyes, Rocky Romero/Roderick Strong, Eric Stevens/Jack Swagger, Jay Lethal/William Regal, The Miz/Jimmy Yang, John Morrison/Sonjay Dutt, Chuck Taylor/Ricky Ortiz, Mr. Kennedy/Kenny King, Jason Blade/Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas/Ricochet were also in the match and will advance to Ultimate Wrestling Championship 10 on June 6.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-5/18/2010 results:
1. Guile beat Luke Gallows
2. Basher beat Commander
3. Eric Bison beat Smasher in a Non Title Match.
4. Mark Night beat Drew McIntyre to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-5/18/2011 results:
1. Kenny Omega beat Yoshitatsu
2. Rhett Titus beat Chris Night
3. Mark Night beat Kenny King
4. Doomsday and Venom beat John Moxly and Jack Swagger
5. Claudio Castagnoli beat Johnny Gargano
6. Chuck Taylor beat Chris Hero
7. Mike Bison beat Homicide in a Pick Your Poison Series Match.
8. CM Punk beat Dan Maff in a Pick Your Poison Series Match.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-5/18/2012 results:
1. Blonde Ambition, Power Warrior, Future Shock beat Alcarda Vania/Ariel Bison/Star Pryde/Vlad/Impaler/TJ Wilson and Glamazon Trio/Bryan Danielson/Young Bucks in a 3 Way Dance.
2. CM Punk beat Kane in a Pick Your Posion Match.
3. Mike Bison beat Machine in a Pick Your Posion Match.
4. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Kings Of Wrestling in a Non Title Pick Your Posion Match.
5. Mr. America beat Colt Cabana, Doomsday, Kofi Kingston in a 4 Way Pick Your Posion Match,
6. AJ Styles beat Sagat, Tyler Black, Ron Killings in a 4 Way Pick Your Posion Match.
7. Randy Orton beat Cody Rhodes, Brian Thunder, Frankie Kazarian in a 4 Way Pick Your Posion Match,
8. Jim Brooks beat Speedster Lite, The Miz, Christopher Daniels in a 4 Way Pick Your Posion Match.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-5/18/2013 results:
1. Pink Dudley beat HC Bytch in a Anything Goes Match.
2. Taion beat Jack Crystal in a Non Title Match.
3. All Night Express and Steve Corino beat Doomsday, Venom, Thomas Bernard
4. Bryan Danielson beat BJ Whitmer in a Non Title Match.
5. Sheamus beat Kevin Steen in a Non Title Match.
6. Cyrus Bourne, El Generico, Motor City Machine Guns beat Dolph Ziggler, Big E. Langsten, New Public Enemy in a Elimination Match.

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