This Day In Wrestling History-August 13:
EUWF's New Blood Rising-8/13/2000 results:
1. Val Venis beat Crash The Terminator
2. Danny Doring and Roadkill beat Mike Bison and Duke
3. Vampiro, Gangrel, Demon beat Nova, Chris Chetti, Kid Kash to win EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
4. Blanka and Rhendo beat Chavo Guerrero to win EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles. It was handicap match because Steve Corino order the match to still go on despite Crash Holly being hurt and not at the event.
5. Sting beat Lance Storm in a Non Title Match.
6. Justin Credible beat Jeff Jarrett to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Perfect Event, Kronic, T.A. in a Four Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Mr. Venom, Undertaker, Kane, Acolytes beat Raven, Big Show, Rhino, Wall, Machine in a War Games Match.
2. Danny Doring and Roadkill beat Mike Bison and Duke
3. Vampiro, Gangrel, Demon beat Nova, Chris Chetti, Kid Kash to win EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
4. Blanka and Rhendo beat Chavo Guerrero to win EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles. It was handicap match because Steve Corino order the match to still go on despite Crash Holly being hurt and not at the event.
5. Sting beat Lance Storm in a Non Title Match.
6. Justin Credible beat Jeff Jarrett to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Perfect Event, Kronic, T.A. in a Four Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Mr. Venom, Undertaker, Kane, Acolytes beat Raven, Big Show, Rhino, Wall, Machine in a War Games Match.
Hardcore Rising-8/13/2000 results:
1. Falcon beat Guile to retain the HCW World Lightweight Title.
2. Great Muta beat Tajiri
3. Dynamic Duo beat Power Lightning/Speed Lightning, Snake Eyes/Shadow, Extreme Knight/Extreme Warrior in a Four Way Dance to retain the HCW World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Public Enemy beat Rey Misterio Jr./Juventud Guerrera and Yamakawa/Honma in a Three Way Dance to retain the HCW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Matsunaga beat Disco Inferno after burning him with a fireball while Miss Lee distracted the ref.
6. Jim Brooks beat Scott Steiner to retain the HCW World TV Title.
7. Hollywood Doomsday beat Masato Tanaka in a Light Tube Death Match to retain the HCW World Hardcore Title.
8. RJ Hammer beat Booker T to retain the HCW World Heavyweight Title.
2. Great Muta beat Tajiri
3. Dynamic Duo beat Power Lightning/Speed Lightning, Snake Eyes/Shadow, Extreme Knight/Extreme Warrior in a Four Way Dance to retain the HCW World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Public Enemy beat Rey Misterio Jr./Juventud Guerrera and Yamakawa/Honma in a Three Way Dance to retain the HCW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Matsunaga beat Disco Inferno after burning him with a fireball while Miss Lee distracted the ref.
6. Jim Brooks beat Scott Steiner to retain the HCW World TV Title.
7. Hollywood Doomsday beat Masato Tanaka in a Light Tube Death Match to retain the HCW World Hardcore Title.
8. RJ Hammer beat Booker T to retain the HCW World Heavyweight Title.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/13/2001 results:
The show with highlights from Sunday night. It then showed Matt Hardy, Jim Brooks, Doomsday, Chris Jericho siting at a table at a press conference. Michelle walks up to the mic between Doomsday and Brooks. Michelle was holding her ribs.
Michelle: "I'm going to make a statement and then you can ask any question you might have. First off last night my soon to be ex husband stole a chance at a world title from these four men. Last night he tried to make sure he didn't have defend the world title at Summerslam. For that action I have fined him $5,000. Rhyno last night gored my already injured ribs and I have decide to fine him $100,000. That is not just for last night but for all the times he has hurt women and wrestlers in recent months. I was going to suspend him too but I was asked not to by someone who wants to get revenge and he will very soon. Now onto Summerslam. RJ Hammer will defend the world title at Summerslam but not against one person. He will face in a five way dance with Matt Hardy, Jim Brooks, Doomsday, Chris Jericho. He doesn't face them this sunday in a world title match he will be stripped of the title and the four challengers will face each other to decide a new champion. Any questions?" Michelle points to someone as RJ Hammer and Rhyno are shown watching this.
RJ: "Rhyno don't worry about the fine. I will pay it and then you can break her in half. I will face all four of them and beat them. If Rocky survives the Hoody Gauntlet Match, I will beat him too."
1. Guile beat Hurricane Helms
2. Mike Bison beat Shadow WX in a Cage Match.
3. Jill Night, Edge, Christian beat Mark Night, Chris Night, Ariel Bison
4. Tommy Dreamer and New Jack beat Mankind and Low Ki
5. Ninja Kid beat Spirit in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
6. Matt Hardy beat Basketcase to retain the EUWF European Title.
7. Venom beat Danger in a Barbed Wire Bat Match to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
8. Jeff Hardy and Lita beat Nutcase and Crazy Woman to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
9. Jim Brooks beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
10. Chris Jericho beat Lance Storm and Tajiri in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF IC Title.
11. Doomsday beat RJ Hammer and Kurt Angle in a Three Way Non Title Match. Doomsday and Angle put a double ankle lock onto RJ. RJ tapped out to eliminate him. Lance Storm ran in when Angle had Doomsday in the ankle lock and hit him with the US Title belt. Storm but Doomsday onto angle for the win.
12. The Rock, Joe, Barbecue, Piloit, Naughty By Nature beat Rob Van Dam, Rhyno, Dudleys, Hit Squad in a Tag Team Table Elimination Match.
Michelle: "I'm going to make a statement and then you can ask any question you might have. First off last night my soon to be ex husband stole a chance at a world title from these four men. Last night he tried to make sure he didn't have defend the world title at Summerslam. For that action I have fined him $5,000. Rhyno last night gored my already injured ribs and I have decide to fine him $100,000. That is not just for last night but for all the times he has hurt women and wrestlers in recent months. I was going to suspend him too but I was asked not to by someone who wants to get revenge and he will very soon. Now onto Summerslam. RJ Hammer will defend the world title at Summerslam but not against one person. He will face in a five way dance with Matt Hardy, Jim Brooks, Doomsday, Chris Jericho. He doesn't face them this sunday in a world title match he will be stripped of the title and the four challengers will face each other to decide a new champion. Any questions?" Michelle points to someone as RJ Hammer and Rhyno are shown watching this.
RJ: "Rhyno don't worry about the fine. I will pay it and then you can break her in half. I will face all four of them and beat them. If Rocky survives the Hoody Gauntlet Match, I will beat him too."
1. Guile beat Hurricane Helms
2. Mike Bison beat Shadow WX in a Cage Match.
3. Jill Night, Edge, Christian beat Mark Night, Chris Night, Ariel Bison
4. Tommy Dreamer and New Jack beat Mankind and Low Ki
5. Ninja Kid beat Spirit in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
6. Matt Hardy beat Basketcase to retain the EUWF European Title.
7. Venom beat Danger in a Barbed Wire Bat Match to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
8. Jeff Hardy and Lita beat Nutcase and Crazy Woman to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
9. Jim Brooks beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
10. Chris Jericho beat Lance Storm and Tajiri in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF IC Title.
11. Doomsday beat RJ Hammer and Kurt Angle in a Three Way Non Title Match. Doomsday and Angle put a double ankle lock onto RJ. RJ tapped out to eliminate him. Lance Storm ran in when Angle had Doomsday in the ankle lock and hit him with the US Title belt. Storm but Doomsday onto angle for the win.
12. The Rock, Joe, Barbecue, Piloit, Naughty By Nature beat Rob Van Dam, Rhyno, Dudleys, Hit Squad in a Tag Team Table Elimination Match.
Wednesday Night Brawl-8/13/2003 results:
RJ Hammer started the show on the phone talking to booker t. He then announced that he had to strip Booker of the euwf title because of a back injury that would keep him out of action for more then the allowed 30 day time period. He said he would announce on smackdown on what will happen with the belt and the main event at summerslam 2003.
1. Tony Mamaluke beat Spike Dudley to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
2. Joe beat Rene Depree from La Resistance
3. Doomsday beat Kaos to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Homicide beat Jesus Bison
5. The Messiah beat John Cena
6. Speedster Lite beat Rodney Mack. Mack came out and claimed that Booker T being stripped of the title was another way to hold his people down. RJ came out and said that Mack should back his words up. Lite came out and beat Mack in less then a minute.
7. Kurt Angle beat Masato Tanaka
8. Mr. America beat Rhyno and Brock Lensar in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF US Title. EUWF European Title was not on the line.
1. Tony Mamaluke beat Spike Dudley to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
2. Joe beat Rene Depree from La Resistance
3. Doomsday beat Kaos to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Homicide beat Jesus Bison
5. The Messiah beat John Cena
6. Speedster Lite beat Rodney Mack. Mack came out and claimed that Booker T being stripped of the title was another way to hold his people down. RJ came out and said that Mack should back his words up. Lite came out and beat Mack in less then a minute.
7. Kurt Angle beat Masato Tanaka
8. Mr. America beat Rhyno and Brock Lensar in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF US Title. EUWF European Title was not on the line.
TTWF 8/13/2004 Viking Hall Show results:
1. Baroness beat Torrie Wilson to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Colt Cabana beat Billy Gunn to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
3. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Bashman Brothers
4. Rhendo beat Jim Brooks in the Semifinal Match of the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament.
5. SAT beat Gothics
6. Sandman and Shadow WX beat Mike Awesome and Jesus Bison in a Street Fight.
7. Hotstuff and Night Brothers beat Hardy Boyz and Naughty By Nature. After the match Shane and Nights attacked Matt Hardy bad leg with chairs till Naughty By Nature, Doomsday, Venom, Jeff, Spanky, Paul London made the save.
8. Venom and Chris Benoit beat Edge/CM Punk, Jerry Lynn/Red, Doomsday/Chris Hero, Bryan Danielson/Rey Misterio Jr., Rob Van Dam/Paul London in a 6 Way Dream Partner Tag Team Match.
2. Colt Cabana beat Billy Gunn to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
3. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Bashman Brothers
4. Rhendo beat Jim Brooks in the Semifinal Match of the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament.
5. SAT beat Gothics
6. Sandman and Shadow WX beat Mike Awesome and Jesus Bison in a Street Fight.
7. Hotstuff and Night Brothers beat Hardy Boyz and Naughty By Nature. After the match Shane and Nights attacked Matt Hardy bad leg with chairs till Naughty By Nature, Doomsday, Venom, Jeff, Spanky, Paul London made the save.
8. Venom and Chris Benoit beat Edge/CM Punk, Jerry Lynn/Red, Doomsday/Chris Hero, Bryan Danielson/Rey Misterio Jr., Rob Van Dam/Paul London in a 6 Way Dream Partner Tag Team Match.
TTWF's Saturday Slam Bash-8/13/2005 results:
1. Jade beat Melina to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Spanky beat Piloit to retain the TTWF US Title and #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
3. Christopher Daniels beat William Regal
4. Shelton Benjamin beat RC Haas to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
5. Frankie Karazarian beat Delirious to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Brian Thunder/Duke/Hoodies beat High Rollers/John Fire/Snake Eyes and Jimmy Rave/Fast Eddie/MNM in a 3 Way Dance.
7. Low Ki beat Booker T and Jay Lethal in a 3 Way Survivor 3 Semifinal Round Match.
8. Kurt Angle, Christian, Mr. America beat Spanky, Paul London, Joe
2. Spanky beat Piloit to retain the TTWF US Title and #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
3. Christopher Daniels beat William Regal
4. Shelton Benjamin beat RC Haas to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
5. Frankie Karazarian beat Delirious to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Brian Thunder/Duke/Hoodies beat High Rollers/John Fire/Snake Eyes and Jimmy Rave/Fast Eddie/MNM in a 3 Way Dance.
7. Low Ki beat Booker T and Jay Lethal in a 3 Way Survivor 3 Semifinal Round Match.
8. Kurt Angle, Christian, Mr. America beat Spanky, Paul London, Joe
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/13/2007 results:
The show started with Mr. America searching for Mark Henry backstage and found him laid out and bleeding. A sledge hammer was left by him with a note that says this will be Mr. America at Summerslam 2007 and Henry was stretchered out of the building.
1. B-Boy beat Sonjay Dutt
2. Low Ki beat Jay Lethal. After the match briscoes attack Ki laying him out with a double team jay driller. B-Boy tried to make the save and they hit him with Springboard doomsday device. Dutt and Lethal make the save.
3. Kevin Thorn, Dagger, Impaler beat New Demolition
4. Roderick Strong and Ray Gordy beat John Morrison and Petey Williams
5. Nick Berk beat John Cena
6. Jack Crystal beat Mr. Kennedy
7. Booker T beat Chris Hero in a Non Title.
8. Venom beat Spirit to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
1. B-Boy beat Sonjay Dutt
2. Low Ki beat Jay Lethal. After the match briscoes attack Ki laying him out with a double team jay driller. B-Boy tried to make the save and they hit him with Springboard doomsday device. Dutt and Lethal make the save.
3. Kevin Thorn, Dagger, Impaler beat New Demolition
4. Roderick Strong and Ray Gordy beat John Morrison and Petey Williams
5. Nick Berk beat John Cena
6. Jack Crystal beat Mr. Kennedy
7. Booker T beat Chris Hero in a Non Title.
8. Venom beat Spirit to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/13/2008 results:
1. Drake Younger beat Elijah Burke
2. Brent Albright beat Shelton Benjamin
3. Colt Cabana and CM Punk beat Doomsday and Venom
4. Super Crazy beat Little Guido to win the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
5. Dudleyz and Guile beat Taion, Machine, Sagat
6. Jimmy Jacobs, BJ Whitmer, Tyler Black beat Nerco Butcher and Briscoe Brothers
7. Eric Bison and Samantha Bison beat Mike Bison and Miss Lee
8. James Gibson and MsChiff beat Claudio Castagnoli/Jill Night, Jerry Lynn/Ariel Bison, Tommy Dreamer/HC Bytch, AJ Styles/Lady Trooper in a 5 Way Dance.
2. Brent Albright beat Shelton Benjamin
3. Colt Cabana and CM Punk beat Doomsday and Venom
4. Super Crazy beat Little Guido to win the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
5. Dudleyz and Guile beat Taion, Machine, Sagat
6. Jimmy Jacobs, BJ Whitmer, Tyler Black beat Nerco Butcher and Briscoe Brothers
7. Eric Bison and Samantha Bison beat Mike Bison and Miss Lee
8. James Gibson and MsChiff beat Claudio Castagnoli/Jill Night, Jerry Lynn/Ariel Bison, Tommy Dreamer/HC Bytch, AJ Styles/Lady Trooper in a 5 Way Dance.
TWF/EUWF's Superstars-8/13/2009 results:
1. Cyrus Bourne beat Rhendo
2. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Jack Swagger
3. Chris Hero beat Tyler Black
4. Mike Bison beat Christian Cage and Tommy Dreamer in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
2. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Jack Swagger
3. Chris Hero beat Tyler Black
4. Mike Bison beat Christian Cage and Tommy Dreamer in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-8/13/2010 results:
1. Jinx, Lady Speed, Star Pryde beat Jade Thunder, Julie Fire, Laurie Hammer in a NO DQ Match
2. Kenny King beat Jack Swagger
3. Austin Aries beat Dolph Ziggler
4. Tyler Black beat The Miz in a Non Title Match.
5. Heart Dynasty beat Wildfire
6. Mr. America beat Brian Thunder in a Non Title Match.
7. Joe, Piloit, Mark Night beat Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Randy Orton
8. Eric Bison, House Of Truth, Bryan Danielson beat Edge, Christian Cage, Brett Wayfield, Matt Sydal, Matt Hardy
2. Kenny King beat Jack Swagger
3. Austin Aries beat Dolph Ziggler
4. Tyler Black beat The Miz in a Non Title Match.
5. Heart Dynasty beat Wildfire
6. Mr. America beat Brian Thunder in a Non Title Match.
7. Joe, Piloit, Mark Night beat Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Randy Orton
8. Eric Bison, House Of Truth, Bryan Danielson beat Edge, Christian Cage, Brett Wayfield, Matt Sydal, Matt Hardy
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-8/13/2011 results:
1. Super Smash Brothers beat Tristin Heartsend and Richie Borndo
2. Kenny King beat Taion
3. Matt Sydal beat John Moxly
4. Johnny Gargano beat. Adam Cole
5. Austin Aries, Sheamus, Ares beat Kofi Kingston, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli
6. WN Alpha beat Rich Swan
7. Sami Callihan beat Kenny Omega
8. Briscoe Brothers beat Doomsday/Venom, Homicide/Low Ki, Machine/Sagat in a ECW Bracket Finale-STFM (400).
2. Kenny King beat Taion
3. Matt Sydal beat John Moxly
4. Johnny Gargano beat. Adam Cole
5. Austin Aries, Sheamus, Ares beat Kofi Kingston, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli
6. WN Alpha beat Rich Swan
7. Sami Callihan beat Kenny Omega
8. Briscoe Brothers beat Doomsday/Venom, Homicide/Low Ki, Machine/Sagat in a ECW Bracket Finale-STFM (400).
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/13/2012 results:
The show began with offical contract signing for Summerslam 2012 Main Event with Lensar being repersented by Paul Haymen and Mike Bison being repersented by Janet Lee Bison. Brock's music started after which surprised everyone but brock didn't come out. Janet low blowed a distracted Paul and she said that was little payback to lensar for trying to break Eric's arm.
1. Lady Hammer beat Ariel Bison
2. Wade Barrett beat Colt Cabana
3. Tyler Black beat Randy Orton
4. Christian Cage beat Jimmy Jacobs
5. Chris Jericho beat Kevin Steen in a Non Title Match.
6. Laurie Hammer beat Sara Del Rey. Lady Hammer attacked her daughter Laurie after the match with leather strap whipping her strap and choking her till Janet and Ariel made the save.
7. Samoa Joe beat The Miz
8. AJ Styles beat Jim Brooks
9. Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, Briscoe Brothers, D-Von Dudley (filling in for Bully Ray) beat Machine, Sagat, Kings Of Wrestling, Taion
10. John Moxly, John Cena, Cyrus Bourne, Power Donity beat Speedster Lite, Mr. America, RJ Hammer, CM Punk
1. Lady Hammer beat Ariel Bison
2. Wade Barrett beat Colt Cabana
3. Tyler Black beat Randy Orton
4. Christian Cage beat Jimmy Jacobs
5. Chris Jericho beat Kevin Steen in a Non Title Match.
6. Laurie Hammer beat Sara Del Rey. Lady Hammer attacked her daughter Laurie after the match with leather strap whipping her strap and choking her till Janet and Ariel made the save.
7. Samoa Joe beat The Miz
8. AJ Styles beat Jim Brooks
9. Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, Briscoe Brothers, D-Von Dudley (filling in for Bully Ray) beat Machine, Sagat, Kings Of Wrestling, Taion
10. John Moxly, John Cena, Cyrus Bourne, Power Donity beat Speedster Lite, Mr. America, RJ Hammer, CM Punk
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-8/13/2013 results:
1. New Gangtas beat Night Brothers to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
2. Blonde Ambition beat Lady PE, Gangtas Women, The Players in a 3 Way Dance to win the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
3. Donity Brothers beat Doomsday and Venom
4. Nattie Neidhart beat Laurie Hammer and Harley Wayfield in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Title:
5. East/West Dragons beat Wildfire
6. Jackson Rouch beat Spirit
7. Jack Crystal beat Masion Dixie
8. Brett Wayfield beat Joe to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title. After the match Joe announced his retirement starting right then. He says he knees are in horrible shape and he has done everything he could ever dream in this business times 100. Joe said that he gotten to wrestle around the world over and over again. Got to wrestle and with legends. Despite all the bs over the years he wouldn't anything. Locker room came to thank Joe to end the show.
2. Blonde Ambition beat Lady PE, Gangtas Women, The Players in a 3 Way Dance to win the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
3. Donity Brothers beat Doomsday and Venom
4. Nattie Neidhart beat Laurie Hammer and Harley Wayfield in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Title:
5. East/West Dragons beat Wildfire
6. Jackson Rouch beat Spirit
7. Jack Crystal beat Masion Dixie
8. Brett Wayfield beat Joe to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title. After the match Joe announced his retirement starting right then. He says he knees are in horrible shape and he has done everything he could ever dream in this business times 100. Joe said that he gotten to wrestle around the world over and over again. Got to wrestle and with legends. Despite all the bs over the years he wouldn't anything. Locker room came to thank Joe to end the show.
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