This Day In Wrestling History-December 14:
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-12/14/1998 results:
Bison and Commander comes out to ringside with their men and Shawn Michaels. Bison grabs the mic.
"RJ Hammer you tried to bury me alive last night. You will pay very soon. Now last night announced that a former EUWF tag team champ will be joining our group. I lied. There is two former tag team champs joining us tonight. Lets bring the first team out. They were 7 time TWF Tag Team champs at the start of the decade. They won those during 91-94 and since losing them the last time have had much bad luck. They been traveling across the world working small wrestling shows and charity shows. I found them training wrestlers in the EUWF's training center. RJ didn't see them to fit into the plans for the tag team division but I have plans for them. Now re introducing White Lightning, Red Lightning."
Bison gives the mic to White Lightning.
"Never thought you see us again did you? There is only two of us this time."
"Bro how about we make it 8 or go for whatever the number those loser Public Enemy have for times as tag champions?"
"In do time my friends. Now Shawn is going to introduce our second team." Bison gives the mic to Michaels.
"Thank you. This team has been tag champ several times and have had chances to do it again. Something stops them time and time again. On December 27 they will take on the Nights and regain the belts. They are." RJ Hammer comes out but stops at the entrance way and interrupts. He has own mic.
"Hold it right there. Whoever this tag team is will have to wait. I already told the Outlaws they will be able to chose their own replacements. Now remember I can over rule anything you try to do. Now I allowed you to set the match last night only because I wanted revenge for Undertaker turning on the eWo. So whoever this tag team is you better tell them tough luck." Two mask men come from behind RJ and hit Total Elimination on him. They take off the masks to revel it to the Eliminators. Speedster Lite, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, Tommy Dreamer ran them off.
"I said it before and I will say it again. RJ Hammer don't trust anyone. Why not four of you guys take on my tag teams in a 8 man tag team match later tonight?" RJ was taking to the back and then the heals left. After the commercial, they showed RJ with an ice pack to the back of his head.
"Bison I accept your challenge. Me, Tommy, Speedster, and Jigglin against your four new guys. Eliminators, White Lightning, Red Lightning you are going down tonight.
1. Sagat beat Roadblock
2. Ariel Bison and Baroness beat Extreme Woman and Scarlet
3. American Heroes beat Trooper 1 and 2 to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Spike Dudley beat D-Lo Brown
5. Cactus Jack beat Machine
6. Al Snow beat Chris Jericho
7. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat Godfather and Val Venis
8. Christan beat Rey Misterio Jr
9. Gangrel and Edge beat Snake Eyes and Shadow Ninja
10. Dallas Page beat Goldust
11. Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Konnan
12. RJ Hammer, Speedster Lite, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, Tommy Dreamer beat White Lightning, Red Lightning, Eliminators. RJ grabbed Bison from ringside and dragged him in the ring. Then out runs another mask man and smashes a chair over RJ's head. He takes off his mask to revel it to be Buff Bagwell. He checks on Bison as Tommy Dreamer comes up behind but is attacked by Terry Funk. Cactus Jack runs to the ring and attacks Funk. Speedster and Brooks help Cactus get both Bagwell and Funk out of the ring. Eliminators grab Bison and the heals leave.
"RJ Hammer you tried to bury me alive last night. You will pay very soon. Now last night announced that a former EUWF tag team champ will be joining our group. I lied. There is two former tag team champs joining us tonight. Lets bring the first team out. They were 7 time TWF Tag Team champs at the start of the decade. They won those during 91-94 and since losing them the last time have had much bad luck. They been traveling across the world working small wrestling shows and charity shows. I found them training wrestlers in the EUWF's training center. RJ didn't see them to fit into the plans for the tag team division but I have plans for them. Now re introducing White Lightning, Red Lightning."
Bison gives the mic to White Lightning.
"Never thought you see us again did you? There is only two of us this time."
"Bro how about we make it 8 or go for whatever the number those loser Public Enemy have for times as tag champions?"
"In do time my friends. Now Shawn is going to introduce our second team." Bison gives the mic to Michaels.
"Thank you. This team has been tag champ several times and have had chances to do it again. Something stops them time and time again. On December 27 they will take on the Nights and regain the belts. They are." RJ Hammer comes out but stops at the entrance way and interrupts. He has own mic.
"Hold it right there. Whoever this tag team is will have to wait. I already told the Outlaws they will be able to chose their own replacements. Now remember I can over rule anything you try to do. Now I allowed you to set the match last night only because I wanted revenge for Undertaker turning on the eWo. So whoever this tag team is you better tell them tough luck." Two mask men come from behind RJ and hit Total Elimination on him. They take off the masks to revel it to the Eliminators. Speedster Lite, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, Tommy Dreamer ran them off.
"I said it before and I will say it again. RJ Hammer don't trust anyone. Why not four of you guys take on my tag teams in a 8 man tag team match later tonight?" RJ was taking to the back and then the heals left. After the commercial, they showed RJ with an ice pack to the back of his head.
"Bison I accept your challenge. Me, Tommy, Speedster, and Jigglin against your four new guys. Eliminators, White Lightning, Red Lightning you are going down tonight.
1. Sagat beat Roadblock
2. Ariel Bison and Baroness beat Extreme Woman and Scarlet
3. American Heroes beat Trooper 1 and 2 to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Spike Dudley beat D-Lo Brown
5. Cactus Jack beat Machine
6. Al Snow beat Chris Jericho
7. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat Godfather and Val Venis
8. Christan beat Rey Misterio Jr
9. Gangrel and Edge beat Snake Eyes and Shadow Ninja
10. Dallas Page beat Goldust
11. Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Konnan
12. RJ Hammer, Speedster Lite, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, Tommy Dreamer beat White Lightning, Red Lightning, Eliminators. RJ grabbed Bison from ringside and dragged him in the ring. Then out runs another mask man and smashes a chair over RJ's head. He takes off his mask to revel it to be Buff Bagwell. He checks on Bison as Tommy Dreamer comes up behind but is attacked by Terry Funk. Cactus Jack runs to the ring and attacks Funk. Speedster and Brooks help Cactus get both Bagwell and Funk out of the ring. Eliminators grab Bison and the heals leave.
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-12/14/2000 results:
1. Dynamic Duo beat Too Cool
2. Taion and Ariel Bison beat Crash Holly and Molly Holly
Miss Lee is shown in front of the big Christmas tree in New York City. She looks around and then sighs. Some guy dressed in a Santa suit holding flowers starts walking to her but is stopped by another guy in a Santa suit holding flowers. The second Santa taps the shoulder of the first and then a fireball comes out of the flowers of the second Santa. It hits the first Santa in the face. The second Santa takes off the fake bearded and shows it to be Mike Bison. He starts kicking Shadow WX. Miss Lee sees this and runs over to Mike and Shadow WX.
Lee: "Stop!"
Mike: "Hey Miss Lee. I'm your secret admirer."
Lee: "What?"
Mike: "I been sending the flowers and gifts."
Lee: "Then who is this?"
Mike: "Shadow WX probably." Miss Lee leans down and checks on the Santa.
Lee: "Why did you do this?"
Mike: "I like you and I didn't want him in the way. Come on. I got big plans tonight."
Lee: "Forget it."
Mike: "Why do you like this freak and not me?"
Lee: "He has a heart and you don't. You are just like your older brother." Mike slaps Miss Lee.
Mike: "Don't compare me to that crazy person who thinks he is Jesus." Miss Lee starts crying as Matsunaga, Yamakawa, Honma run from another part of the area and chases off Mike Bison. They checked on Miss Lee and the Santa.
3. Piloit beat Mankind
4. Barbecue beat Billy Gunn in a Non Title Match.
5. Sandman beat Devon Storm to retain the EUWF Unified World Hardcore Title.
6. Chris Jericho beat Rhino to retain the EUWF Unified IC Title.
7. Justin Credible beat Eddie Guerrero to retain the EUWF Unified World TV Title.
8. Edge and Christian beat Naughty By Nature to retain the EUWF Unified World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
9. Doomsday, Venom, Lady Doomsday beat Goodfather, Bull Buchanan, Ivory
10. Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko beat Shane Douglas, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks
2. Taion and Ariel Bison beat Crash Holly and Molly Holly
Miss Lee is shown in front of the big Christmas tree in New York City. She looks around and then sighs. Some guy dressed in a Santa suit holding flowers starts walking to her but is stopped by another guy in a Santa suit holding flowers. The second Santa taps the shoulder of the first and then a fireball comes out of the flowers of the second Santa. It hits the first Santa in the face. The second Santa takes off the fake bearded and shows it to be Mike Bison. He starts kicking Shadow WX. Miss Lee sees this and runs over to Mike and Shadow WX.
Lee: "Stop!"
Mike: "Hey Miss Lee. I'm your secret admirer."
Lee: "What?"
Mike: "I been sending the flowers and gifts."
Lee: "Then who is this?"
Mike: "Shadow WX probably." Miss Lee leans down and checks on the Santa.
Lee: "Why did you do this?"
Mike: "I like you and I didn't want him in the way. Come on. I got big plans tonight."
Lee: "Forget it."
Mike: "Why do you like this freak and not me?"
Lee: "He has a heart and you don't. You are just like your older brother." Mike slaps Miss Lee.
Mike: "Don't compare me to that crazy person who thinks he is Jesus." Miss Lee starts crying as Matsunaga, Yamakawa, Honma run from another part of the area and chases off Mike Bison. They checked on Miss Lee and the Santa.
3. Piloit beat Mankind
4. Barbecue beat Billy Gunn in a Non Title Match.
5. Sandman beat Devon Storm to retain the EUWF Unified World Hardcore Title.
6. Chris Jericho beat Rhino to retain the EUWF Unified IC Title.
7. Justin Credible beat Eddie Guerrero to retain the EUWF Unified World TV Title.
8. Edge and Christian beat Naughty By Nature to retain the EUWF Unified World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
9. Doomsday, Venom, Lady Doomsday beat Goodfather, Bull Buchanan, Ivory
10. Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko beat Shane Douglas, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks
Saturday Slam Bash-12/14/2002 results:
1. Quiet Storm beat Hoodies
2. Spike Dudley beat Psicosis
3. Xavier beat Prototype
4. Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman beat Night Brothers
5. Hardy Boyz and Jay Briscoe beat Marc Briscoe and Impact Players
6. Jerry Lynn beat Jim Brooks
7. Rob Van Dam beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
8. Low Ki, Ric Flair, Masato Tanaka, Eddie Guerrero beat Doomsday, Speedster Lite, Joe, Barbecue
2. Spike Dudley beat Psicosis
3. Xavier beat Prototype
4. Rey Misterio Jr. and Billy Kidman beat Night Brothers
5. Hardy Boyz and Jay Briscoe beat Marc Briscoe and Impact Players
6. Jerry Lynn beat Jim Brooks
7. Rob Van Dam beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
8. Low Ki, Ric Flair, Masato Tanaka, Eddie Guerrero beat Doomsday, Speedster Lite, Joe, Barbecue
Sunday Night Party 46-12/14/2003 results:
1. Lita beat Baroness to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Nightmare and Machine beat Rhyno and Hoodies to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. Venom and Lady Venom beat Mr. America and Ms. America to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
4. Gothics beat Maximo Brothers and Briscoe Brothers in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Randy Orton beat Masato Tanaka to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Spirit beat Justin Credible to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Homicide beat AJ Styles to retain the EUWF IC Title.
8. Mike Bison beat CM Punk to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
9. Nightmare beat Dudleyz to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Joe beat Barbecue to retain the EUWF US Title.
11. Rob Van Dam beat Jim Brooks to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
12. Speedster Lite beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
2. Nightmare and Machine beat Rhyno and Hoodies to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. Venom and Lady Venom beat Mr. America and Ms. America to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
4. Gothics beat Maximo Brothers and Briscoe Brothers in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Randy Orton beat Masato Tanaka to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Spirit beat Justin Credible to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Homicide beat AJ Styles to retain the EUWF IC Title.
8. Mike Bison beat CM Punk to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
9. Nightmare beat Dudleyz to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Joe beat Barbecue to retain the EUWF US Title.
11. Rob Van Dam beat Jim Brooks to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
12. Speedster Lite beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-12/14/2005 results:
1. Elix Skipper beat Little Guido and Jerry Lynn in a 3 Way Dance to win a shot at the ECW World TV Title at December To Dismember 2005.
2. Masato Tanaka beat Mad Man Pondo and Shadow WX in a 3 Way Dance to win a shot at the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title at December To Dismember 2005.
3. Colt Cabana and Ace Steele beat Carnage Crew and Night Brothers in a 3 Way Dance to win a shot at the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles at December To Dismember 2005.
4. Samoa Joe beat Booker T
5. Dudleyz beat High Rollers to retain the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title.
6. Edge and Jimmy Jacobs beat CM Punk and AJ Styles
7. Briscoe Brothers and Mr. America beat Naughty By Nature and Doomsday
8. Jesus Bison and Randy Orton beat Mike Bison and Taion
2. Masato Tanaka beat Mad Man Pondo and Shadow WX in a 3 Way Dance to win a shot at the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title at December To Dismember 2005.
3. Colt Cabana and Ace Steele beat Carnage Crew and Night Brothers in a 3 Way Dance to win a shot at the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles at December To Dismember 2005.
4. Samoa Joe beat Booker T
5. Dudleyz beat High Rollers to retain the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title.
6. Edge and Jimmy Jacobs beat CM Punk and AJ Styles
7. Briscoe Brothers and Mr. America beat Naughty By Nature and Doomsday
8. Jesus Bison and Randy Orton beat Mike Bison and Taion
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-12/14/2007 results:
1. Nattie Neidhart beat Sabrina to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. No Remorse Core beat Dangerous Trio to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Night Brothers to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Jack Crystal beat Mr. America
5. Spirit beat Chris Hero
6. Human Tornado beat Jeff Hardy to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Doomsday and Joe beat Venom and Barbecue
8. Bryan Danielson and Randy Orton beat Mike Bison and Chris Jericho
2. No Remorse Core beat Dangerous Trio to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Night Brothers to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Jack Crystal beat Mr. America
5. Spirit beat Chris Hero
6. Human Tornado beat Jeff Hardy to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Doomsday and Joe beat Venom and Barbecue
8. Bryan Danielson and Randy Orton beat Mike Bison and Chris Jericho
ECW's December To Dismember 2008-12/14/2008 results:
1. Tyler Black beat Drake Younger to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title Rematch.
2. Miss Lee beat Jill Night in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title Rematch.
3. Colt Cabana beat Austin Aries to win back the ECW World TV Title.
4. Jack Crystal beat Power Backlot Assassin to retain the ECW IC Title.
5. Machine and Sagat beat Dudleyz in a Tables Match to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles Rematch.
6. LAX beat Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black to retain the ECW/EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Blood and Nightmare Backlot Warriors to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Mike Bison beat Claudio Castagnoli in a Last Warrior Standing Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
2. Miss Lee beat Jill Night in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title Rematch.
3. Colt Cabana beat Austin Aries to win back the ECW World TV Title.
4. Jack Crystal beat Power Backlot Assassin to retain the ECW IC Title.
5. Machine and Sagat beat Dudleyz in a Tables Match to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles Rematch.
6. LAX beat Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black to retain the ECW/EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Blood and Nightmare Backlot Warriors to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Mike Bison beat Claudio Castagnoli in a Last Warrior Standing Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw 2009 Slammy Special-12/14/2009 results:
1. Colt Cabana beat MVP in a Non Title Match.
2. CM Punk beat Kenny Omega
3. Doomsday and Venom beat New Demolition in a Non Title Match.
4. Night Brothers and Hernadez beat Brian Thunder, Duke, Homicide
5. Machine beat John Cena
6. AJ Styles beat Chris Jericho
7. American Wolves beat D-X in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.
8. Eric Bison beat Taion in a Non Title Match.
9. Tyler Black beat Austin Aries in a Non Title Match.
CM Punk came out to accept his Match Of The Decade Slammy but was attacked by Hero and Claudio. Hero said that they were robbed out of every award tonight including tag team of the decade. He said they did more then the Dudleyz and Dudleyz came from the back. Bubba said lets prove it in the ring challenging Hero and Claudio to a match. They head to the ring but KOTW attacked them Punk got involved and Cabana came out helping to. This lead to a 3 way brawl
10. Dudleyz beat Kings Of Wrestling, CM Punk/Colt Cabana, Eddie Kingston/Hernadez in a 4 Way Dance to win the EUWF/ECW/TWF US Tag Team Titles. Star Pryde came from the back after the match congratulating Dudleyz on the win saying they better enjoy it for 11 more days because at Christmas Bash 2009 they are facing but she never as American Wolves came from the crowd attacking them. Star then said that Wolves cashing in there rematch clause at Christmas Bash 2009. D-X ran out making the save but Dudleyz were mad at them and they started going at. Wolves and Kings attacked both team and Kingston ran back out attacking Hero. Punk and Cabana ran out creating a whole and big crazy brawl. This went on till security and wrestlers came from the back splitting them apart. It was announced that the winner Dudleyz/Wolves will defend the EUWF/ECW/TWF US Tag Team Titles against Loser of the match, D-X, Punk/Cabana, Kingston/partner of his choosing, Claudio/Partner of his choosing at Starcade 2009 on December 27.
2. CM Punk beat Kenny Omega
3. Doomsday and Venom beat New Demolition in a Non Title Match.
4. Night Brothers and Hernadez beat Brian Thunder, Duke, Homicide
5. Machine beat John Cena
6. AJ Styles beat Chris Jericho
7. American Wolves beat D-X in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.
8. Eric Bison beat Taion in a Non Title Match.
9. Tyler Black beat Austin Aries in a Non Title Match.
CM Punk came out to accept his Match Of The Decade Slammy but was attacked by Hero and Claudio. Hero said that they were robbed out of every award tonight including tag team of the decade. He said they did more then the Dudleyz and Dudleyz came from the back. Bubba said lets prove it in the ring challenging Hero and Claudio to a match. They head to the ring but KOTW attacked them Punk got involved and Cabana came out helping to. This lead to a 3 way brawl
10. Dudleyz beat Kings Of Wrestling, CM Punk/Colt Cabana, Eddie Kingston/Hernadez in a 4 Way Dance to win the EUWF/ECW/TWF US Tag Team Titles. Star Pryde came from the back after the match congratulating Dudleyz on the win saying they better enjoy it for 11 more days because at Christmas Bash 2009 they are facing but she never as American Wolves came from the crowd attacking them. Star then said that Wolves cashing in there rematch clause at Christmas Bash 2009. D-X ran out making the save but Dudleyz were mad at them and they started going at. Wolves and Kings attacked both team and Kingston ran back out attacking Hero. Punk and Cabana ran out creating a whole and big crazy brawl. This went on till security and wrestlers came from the back splitting them apart. It was announced that the winner Dudleyz/Wolves will defend the EUWF/ECW/TWF US Tag Team Titles against Loser of the match, D-X, Punk/Cabana, Kingston/partner of his choosing, Claudio/Partner of his choosing at Starcade 2009 on December 27.
2009 Slammy Nominees and Winners:
1. Wrestler Of The Year Nominees:
1. Chris Hero
2. Bryan Danielson
3. John Cena
4. Machine
5. Mike Bison
6. Eric Bison
Winner: Mike Bison
2. Wrestler Of The Decade Nominees:
1. Mike Bison
2. AJ Styles
3. CM Punk
4. Doomsday
5. Venom
6. Speedster Lite
7. Jim Brooks
8. Chris Jericho
9. Samoa Joe
10. Eddie Guerrero
11. Chris Hero
12. Triple H
13. Bryan Danielson
14. Kurt Angle
Winner: Mike Bison (but gave it to Vickie Guerrero excepting for Eddie)
3. Tag Team Of The Year Nominees:
1. Priceless
2. Spirit and Jack Crystal
3. Colon Brothers
4. Heart Dynasty
5. MVP and Kofi Kingston
6. Vlad and Impaler
Winners: Priceless
4. Tag Team Of The Decade Nominees:
1. Dudleyz
2. Mike Bison and Taion
3. Kings Of Wrestling
4. D-X
5. Naughty By Nature
6. Doomsday and Venom
7. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks
Winners: Dudleyz
5. Women's Wrestler Of The Year Nominees:
1. Laurie Hammer
2. Sara Del Rey
3. MsChiff
4. Nattie Neidhart
5. Miss Lee
6. Lady Speed
7. Jade Thunder
Winner: Nattie Neidhart
6. Women's Wrestler Of The Decade Nominees:
1. Lady Speed
2. Miss Lee
3. Trish Stratus
4. Alexis Lariee
5. Jade Thunder
Winner: Jade Thunder
7. Feud Of The Year Nominees:
1. D-X v.s. Kings Of Wrestling
2. Mike Bison v.s. Randy Orton
3. Chris Jericho v.s. Austin Aries
4. John Cena v.s. Samoa Joe
5. ECW Extermination Squad v.s. ECW
6. Machine v.s. Eric Bison
7. D-X v.s. American Wolves
Winner: ECW Extermination Squad v.s. ECW
8. Feud Of The Decade Nominees:
1. Naughty By Nature v.s. Dudleyz
2. Mike Bison v.s. Randy Orton
3. ECW v.s. CZW
4. TTWF v.s. IWA Mid-South
5. Mike Bison v.s. Eric Bison
6. Mike Bison v.s. Chris Hero
7. Mike Bison v.s. Edge
8. Doomsday v.s. Venom
9. Speedster Lite v.s. Jim Brooks
10. Joe v.s. Barbecue
11. Mike Bison v.s. Paul Haymen
12. Chris Hero v.s. CM Punk
Winner: Naughty By Nature v.s. Dudleyz
9. Match Of The Year Nominees:
1. Mike Bison v.s. Randy Orton v.s. Low Ki v.s. AJ Styles v.s. CM Punk (WM 25)
2. Trooper 1 and 2 v.s. Joe and Piloit v.s. Brian Thunder and John Fire in a 3 Way Ladder Match (St. Valentine's Day Massacre 09)
3. Bryan Danielson vs Brent Albright v.s. Chris Jericho v.s. Homicide v.s. James Gibson in a King Of The Mountain Match (EN 27)
4. Mike Bison v.s. Samoa Joe (EN 27)
5. Hoodies v.s. Power and Blood Warrior v.s. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks v.s. Naughty By Nature in a 4 Way Hardcore Ladder Match (SNP 79)
6. Mike Bison, Taion, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Jack Crystal, Alexis Lariee, Miss Lee, Mickie Knuckles v.s. Colon Brothers, Hoodies, Spirit, Star Pryde, Nattie Neidhart, Laurie Hammer in a Tables and Ladders Are Legal Elimination Match (GBA 09)
7. Rhendo v.s. Chris Hero v.s. John Cena v.s. Piloit in a 4 Way Ladder Match (15 Year Birthday Bash)
8. Team EUWF (D-X, Chris Hero, Davey Richards, John Morrison, Chris Jericho, Bryan Danielson) v.s. Team ECW (Randy Orton, Doomsday, Venom, CM Punk, Matt Hardy, Claudio Castagnoli, Rey Misterio Jr.) in the Bragging Rights Cibernetico Match
9. CM Punk v.s. Samoa Joe in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match (Blood Bowl 15)
10. Chris Hero v.s. CM Punk (EN 28)
11. American Wolves v.s. Roderick Strong and Eric Stevens v.s. Delirious and Hallowicked v.s. John Morrison and The Miz in a 30 Minute Iron Man TLC Legal Match (EN 27)
12. Trooper 1 and 2 v.s. Motor City Machine Guns v.s. Wildfire v.s. Crazy v.s. Hard Luck Fighters v.s. Duke and Snake Eyes v.s. Cheech and Cloudy v.s. Rhendo and Blanka v.s. Hoodies v.s. Dynamic Duo v.s. Joe and Piloit v.s. Sgt. and Roadblock in a 12 Way TLC 9 Elimination Match
13. MVP v.s. Jimmy Rave v.s. Christopher Daniels v.s. Taion v.s. Christian Cage v.s. Necro Butcher v.s. Chris Jericho v.s. Jeff Hardy in a 8 Man Money In The Bank Ladder Match
14. Spirit, Eric Bison, Ted Dibiase Jr., Colon Brothers v.s. Mike Bison, Taion, Jerry Lynn, Tyler Black, Machine in a Anything Goes Elimination Match (LD 09)
15. Davey Richards v.s. Machine v.s. Low Ki v.s. Christopher Daniels in a 4 Way Dance (NTR 09)
16. Tyler Black v.s. CIMA (EB 09 Night 3)
17. Kota Ibushi v.s. Jerry Lynn (EB 09 Night 1)
18. KENTA v.s. Jason Hades (EB 09 Night 2)
19. Hardy Boyz v.s. Kudo and Kota Ibushi (SNP78)
20. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels v.s. Team No Limit (SNP78)
21. Motor City Machine Guns v.s. Jushin Liger and KENTA (SNP78)
22. Jushin Liger v.s. Davey Richards (EB 09 Night 3)
Winner: Motor City Machine Guns v.s. Jushin Liger and KENTA (SNP78)
10. Match Of The Decade Nominees:
1. Doomsday v.s. Venom (Halloween Havoc 08)
2. Mike Bison v.s. Samoa Joe in a Last Warrior Standing Match
3. Chris Hero v.s. CM Punk in a 90 Minute 2 Out Of 3 Tables and Ladders Match (5/18/03)
4. Speedster Lite v.s. RJ Hammer (Wrestlemania 16)
5. Speedster Lite v.s. RJ Hammer in a Iron Man Match (5/21/00)
6. Rob Van Dam v.s. Low Ki (Extreme Nightmare XII) (11/25/01)
7. Venom v.s. Doomsday v.s. Speedster Lite v.s. Matt Hardy v.s. Jeff Hardy v.s. Christian v.s. Edge v.s. The Hurricane v.s. Mankind v.s. Spider-Man v.s. Ki v.s. Jim Brooks v.s. Lance Storm v.s. Justin Credible in a Four Falls match (Christmas Bash 01) (12/25/01)
8. Jim Brooks v.s. Speedster Lite in a Ladder Match (Royal Rumble 02)
9. S.A.T. v.s. Divine Storm and Brian XL v.s. Briscoe Brothers and Ruckus v.s. Rey Misterio Jr., Psicosis, Juventud Guerrera in a 4 TLC Match (Wrestlemania 13) (3/17/02)
10. Mike Bison v.s. Samoa Joe (Wrestlemania 24)
11. AJ Styles v.s. Rob Van Dam-9/21/02)
12. Naughty By Nature v.s. Los Guerreros v.s. Low Ki and Homicide v.s. Christopher Daniels and BJ Whitmer in a 4 Fall 4 Way Match (New Year's Bash 2003-2004 Day 2) (1/1/04)
13. Taion v.s. American Dragon in a 2 Out Of Three Falls Match (10/25/2003)
14. Venom v.s. American Dragon v.s. Taion v.s. Eddie Guerrero v.s. CM Punk v.s. Chris Jericho v.s. Paul London v.s. Michael Shane v.s. Chris Benoit v.s. Rob Van Dam in a 10 Way Double Elimination TLC Legal Match (12/27/2003)
15. Mike Bison v.s. Chris Jericho (4/5/2003)
16. Low Ki v.s. Edge v.s. Rey Misterio Jr. in a Ladder Match (2/17/03)
17. Eddie Guerrero v.s. Low Ki v.s. AJ Styles v.s. Spanky v.s. Rey Misterio Jr. v.s. Juventud Guerrera v.s. Psicosis v.s. Tajiri in a Triple Title Ladder Match (3/28/03)
18. KENTA and Marufuji v.s. Dragon Kid and Ryo Saito v.s. Cima and Naruki Doi v.s. Joe and Barbecue v.s. New Troopers v.s. America's Most Wanted in a Special Scramble Tag Team Attraction (WM 22) (4/2/06)
19. CM Punk and Colt Cabana v.s. Mike Bison and Taion in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match (Sunday Night Party 52)
20. Samoa Joe v.s. Machine (No Mercy 2007)
21. Masato Tanaka v.s. Speedster Lite in a 30 Minute Iron Man Match (3/30/03)
22. Rhyno v.s. Chris Jericho v.s. Homicide v.s. CM Punk v.s. Lance Storm v.s. Justin Credible v.s. Super Crazy v.s. Juventud Guerrera in a Ladder Match (Summerslam 03)
23. Jim Brooks v.s. Speedster Lite v.s. CM Punk v.s. Billy Kidman in a 30 Minute TLC Legal Iron Man Match (Halloween Hell 03)
24. Naughty By Nature v.s. Los Guerreros v.s. Low Ki and Homicide v.s. Christopher Daniels and BJ Whitmer in a 4 Fall 4 Way Match (New Year's Bash 2003-2004 Day 2) (1/1/04)
25. Booker T v.s. Shelton Benjamin v.s. Taion v.s. Jimmy Jacobs v.s. Doug Williams v.s. Jimmy Rave v.s. Machine v.s. Chris Jericho v.s. B-Boy v.s. Chris Sabin in a 3 Fall Match (Christmas Bash 04)
26. American Heroes (Brian Thunder and Duke) v.s. American Heroes (John Fire and Snake Eyes) v.s. Homicide and Low Ki v.s. Night Brothers v.s. Rhendo and Blanka v.s. Paul London and Spanky v.s. Crazy v.s. Wildfire v.s. Spirit and Jack Crystal v.s. Rey Misterio Jr. and Bryan Danielson v.s. Billy Kidman and Trent Acid v.s. Havana Pitbulls v.s. Blackout in a 2 Fall Match (Christmas Bash 04)
27. Speedster Lite v.s. Kurt Angle v.s. Christopher Daniels v.s. AJ Styles v.s. Edge v.s. Rob Van Dam in a 2 Fall Match (CB04)
28. Chris Jericho v.s. John Cena v.s. Machine v.s. Sagat v.s. Jay Lethal v.s. Speedster Lite v.s. Shawn Michaels v.s. Nigel McGuiness v.s. Frankie Karazarian v.s. Roderick Strong v.s. Shelton Benjamin v.s. Chad Collyer v.s. Christian v.s. Ultimo Dragon v.s. Rey Misterio Jr. v.s. Booker T v.s. Nick Berk in a 6 Title and Money In The Bank Ladder Match (Backlash 05)
29. KENTA and Marufuji v.s. Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelley v.s. Dynamic Duo v.s. Ring Crew Express v.s. Joe and Piloit v.s. Tajiri and Super Crazy v.s. Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera v.s. Wildfire v.s. Crazy v.s. Briscoe Brothers v.s. Jim Brooks and Speedster Lite v.s. Chris Sabin and James Gibson in a 12 Way TLC Match
30. Erica Tempted v.s. Jade in a Hair v.s. Title 30 Minute I Quiet Light tube Match (RR06)
31. AJ Styles v.s. CM Punk in a 60 Minute Iron Man Match
32. Mike Bison v.s. AJ Styles in a 30 Minute Iron Man Match
Winner: Chris Hero v.s. CM Punk in a 90 Minute 2 Out Of 3 Tables and Ladders Match (5/18/03)
11. Gone and Don't Come Back Nominees:
1. Larry Sweeny
2. Adam Pearce
3. Jimmy Rave
4. Jimmy Jacobs
Winner: Larry Sweeny (Chris Hero accepted it for him but didn't say anything. He just trash the award and left)
12. New Breakout Star Of The Decade Nominees:
Note: These stars in recent years that have made impact on EUWF or ECW or TWF without becoming a top star.
1. Kofi Kingston
2. Shelton Benjamin
3. John Morrison
4. Matt Sydal
5. Davey Richards
6. Cyrus Bourne
7. Power Warrior
8. Roderick Strong
9. Homicide
10. Colt Cabana
Winner: Colt Cabana
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-12/14/2010 results:
1. Brian Thunder, Duke, Eric Bison beat Machine, Sagat, Guile
2. Piloit beat Joe
3. Barbecue beat Brett Wayfield
4. Mike Bison, Taion, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks beat Mr. America, The Miz, Hoodies in a Holiday Brawl Match.
2. Piloit beat Joe
3. Barbecue beat Brett Wayfield
4. Mike Bison, Taion, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks beat Mr. America, The Miz, Hoodies in a Holiday Brawl Match.
ECW's Wedneday Night Brawl-12/14/2011 results:
1. Beth Phoenix beat Rose
2. Crusher Watson beat TJ Wilson
3. Sabrina beat Nattie Neidhart
4. Bryan Danielson beat Bruiser Watson
5. Doomsday and Venom beat Hoodies in a Non Title Match.
6. Eddie Edwards beat Christopher Daniels in a Non Title Match.
7. Chris Hero beat Jack Crystal in a Non Title Match.
8. Mike Bison beat Jack Swagger in a Submission Match.
2. Crusher Watson beat TJ Wilson
3. Sabrina beat Nattie Neidhart
4. Bryan Danielson beat Bruiser Watson
5. Doomsday and Venom beat Hoodies in a Non Title Match.
6. Eddie Edwards beat Christopher Daniels in a Non Title Match.
7. Chris Hero beat Jack Crystal in a Non Title Match.
8. Mike Bison beat Jack Swagger in a Submission Match.
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-12/14/2012 results:
1. Chris Hero beat Peter Spider
2. Michel Elgin beat Percy Watson in a Non Title Match.
3. Jackson Rouch beat Roderick Strong
4. Young Bucks beat Vlad and Impaler
5. Claudio Castagnoli beat Hernadez
6. Speedster Lite beat Drew McIntyre
7. Tyler Black beat Bubba Jones
8. Alberto Del Rio, Low Ki, Homicide beat American Wolves and Jay Lethal
2. Michel Elgin beat Percy Watson in a Non Title Match.
3. Jackson Rouch beat Roderick Strong
4. Young Bucks beat Vlad and Impaler
5. Claudio Castagnoli beat Hernadez
6. Speedster Lite beat Drew McIntyre
7. Tyler Black beat Bubba Jones
8. Alberto Del Rio, Low Ki, Homicide beat American Wolves and Jay Lethal
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-12/14/2013 results:
1. Star Pryde beat MsChiff in a Non Title Match.
2. Eddie Kingston and Hallowicked beat Bison Brothers
3. Christopher Daniels beat Brett Wayfield
4. Doomsday and Venom beat Donity Brothers, Young Bucks, Naughty By Nature in a 4 Way Non Title Match.
5. Austin Aries beat CM Punk
6. Mr. America beat Cody Rhodes and Samoa Joe in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
7. Cyrus Bourne beat Brodie Lee
8. El Generico beat Frankie Kazarian in a Non Title Match.
2. Eddie Kingston and Hallowicked beat Bison Brothers
3. Christopher Daniels beat Brett Wayfield
4. Doomsday and Venom beat Donity Brothers, Young Bucks, Naughty By Nature in a 4 Way Non Title Match.
5. Austin Aries beat CM Punk
6. Mr. America beat Cody Rhodes and Samoa Joe in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
7. Cyrus Bourne beat Brodie Lee
8. El Generico beat Frankie Kazarian in a Non Title Match.
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