This Day In Wrestling History-January 8:
Saturday Slam Jam-1/8/2000 results:
Saturday Slam Jam-1/8/2000 results:
1. Ranger beat Water Knight
2. Extreme beat Shark Knight
3. Trooper 2 beat Sand Knight
4. Nightmare beat Blood Knight and Prince Nightmare
5. Cyborg and Crystal Ball beat Disortley Conduct
6. Trooper 1 beat Dave Taylor
7. Snake Eyes beat Steven Regal
8. Joe and Barbecue beat Blanka and Rhendo
9. Edge and Christain beat Mark Night and Chris Night to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Impact Players beat Hardy Boys
11. Bruise Brothers beat Naughty By Nature
12. RJ Hammer beat Tazz
2. Extreme beat Shark Knight
3. Trooper 2 beat Sand Knight
4. Nightmare beat Blood Knight and Prince Nightmare
5. Cyborg and Crystal Ball beat Disortley Conduct
6. Trooper 1 beat Dave Taylor
7. Snake Eyes beat Steven Regal
8. Joe and Barbecue beat Blanka and Rhendo
9. Edge and Christain beat Mark Night and Chris Night to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Impact Players beat Hardy Boys
11. Bruise Brothers beat Naughty By Nature
12. RJ Hammer beat Tazz
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/8/2001 results:
1. Dynamic Duo beat FBI
2. Edge and Christian beat Sgt. and Roadblock to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Rhino beat Undertaker
4. Kane beat Shadow WX
5. Lance Storm beat Jim Brooks
6. Jerry Lynn beat Billy Kidman to retain the EUWF IC Title.
7. Goldberg beat Mike Bison
8. Steve Corino beat Jesus Bison to retain the EUWF US Title.
9. Chris Benoit beat Speedster Lite
10. Steve Austin beat Tommy Dreamer
11. RJ Hammer beat Kurt Angle
12. Doomsday beat Rob Van Dam to retain the EUWF World Heavyweigt Title.
2. Edge and Christian beat Sgt. and Roadblock to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Rhino beat Undertaker
4. Kane beat Shadow WX
5. Lance Storm beat Jim Brooks
6. Jerry Lynn beat Billy Kidman to retain the EUWF IC Title.
7. Goldberg beat Mike Bison
8. Steve Corino beat Jesus Bison to retain the EUWF US Title.
9. Chris Benoit beat Speedster Lite
10. Steve Austin beat Tommy Dreamer
11. RJ Hammer beat Kurt Angle
12. Doomsday beat Rob Van Dam to retain the EUWF World Heavyweigt Title.
Wednesday Night Brawl-1/8/2003 results:
The show began with a press conference announcing that this years royal rumble will have 4 Royal Rumble matches added onto the two big title matches featuring Doomsday v.s. Chris Jericho for the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and Eddie Guerrero v.s. Super Crazy for EUWF World Lightweight Title. There will be a co women's royal rumble and co tag team royal rumble with TTWF and EUWF. Last woman or team from each company will face their champ at Wrestlemania 18. There will be a TTWF Royal Rumble featuring only 30 wrestlers to be announced and the winner to face TTWF champion at Wrestlemania 18. The final one will be the EUWF Royal Rumble with only 30 wrestlers with 15 from Doomsday Alliance and 15 from Elite. Flair announced that there will be a surprised member of the elite in the royal rumble. Lady Speed then announced that there will be two surprises and of course the winner of the EUWF Royal Rumble gets a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania 18.
1. Raven beat Vlad
2. Homicide beat Shelton Benjamin to retain the EUWF European Title.
The lights went out when the show came back from commercial. A message showed up on the big screen.
Message: "The darkness has been forgotten and now it returns with vengeance. He is coming back deadlier then ever to use the darkness to swallow up any that has hurt him and any that cross his pass. The end is coming." The lights then came back on.
3. Ric Blade beat Sho Funaki
4. Steve Austin beat Scott Steiner
5. Donovan Morgan beat Al Snow
6. Christopher Daniels beat Mike Awesome
7. Kurt Angle beat Somoa Joe
8. Joe, Barbecue, Edge, Doomsday, The Messiah beat New Demolition, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit
1. Raven beat Vlad
2. Homicide beat Shelton Benjamin to retain the EUWF European Title.
The lights went out when the show came back from commercial. A message showed up on the big screen.
Message: "The darkness has been forgotten and now it returns with vengeance. He is coming back deadlier then ever to use the darkness to swallow up any that has hurt him and any that cross his pass. The end is coming." The lights then came back on.
3. Ric Blade beat Sho Funaki
4. Steve Austin beat Scott Steiner
5. Donovan Morgan beat Al Snow
6. Christopher Daniels beat Mike Awesome
7. Kurt Angle beat Somoa Joe
8. Joe, Barbecue, Edge, Doomsday, The Messiah beat New Demolition, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-1/8/2004 results:
The show started with Mr. America coming throw the crowd with bull horn saying that the EUWF won't let him speak his mind and that's why he attacked Speedster Lite. He wouldn't to send a message to his bosses and it was safer then attack RJ Hammer or Lady Hammer or Lady Speed. Speedster Lite ran to the ring attacking Mr. America and the two fought till Ms America came in. She gave Lite a low blow and Mr. America took out the weaponed glove he had from Brawl. He gave another to Ms. America and then put the claw again on Lite's head. Ms. America put the glove on and went to claw Lite's family jewels when Lady Speed ran to the ring. Ms. America put the claw on her head instead. Venom and Mike Bison made the save. Lite asked Lady Hammer for Mr. America in a match after the commercial break and Michelle made the match.
1. Spirit beat Venom to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Ax and Smash from New Demolition beat Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak
Lady Hammer walked into AHLA locker room and jade welcomed her as the new GM. Michelle said that she was going around catching up with the groups and that she wanted to say she admired what Jade's group is trying to do. Jade said that she and her group would help Michelle in anyway she can. Michelle thanked her and left.
3. Los Guerreros beat Hard Luck Fighters to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Mike Bison beat Mike Awesome to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
5. Speedster Lite beat Mr. America in a Hardcore Match. The match originally a no contest because Lite attacked Mr. America before the match with a chair several times. Lady Hammer came out and made the match a hardcore rules match. Lite then covered Mr. America for the win.
6. Low Ki and Homicide beat American Heroes, FBI, Hoodies in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Joe beat Masato Tanaka to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Triple H, Randy Orton, Ric Flair beat Piloit, Mike Bison, AJ Styles
1. Spirit beat Venom to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Ax and Smash from New Demolition beat Garrison Cade and Mark Jindrak
Lady Hammer walked into AHLA locker room and jade welcomed her as the new GM. Michelle said that she was going around catching up with the groups and that she wanted to say she admired what Jade's group is trying to do. Jade said that she and her group would help Michelle in anyway she can. Michelle thanked her and left.
3. Los Guerreros beat Hard Luck Fighters to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Mike Bison beat Mike Awesome to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
5. Speedster Lite beat Mr. America in a Hardcore Match. The match originally a no contest because Lite attacked Mr. America before the match with a chair several times. Lady Hammer came out and made the match a hardcore rules match. Lite then covered Mr. America for the win.
6. Low Ki and Homicide beat American Heroes, FBI, Hoodies in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Joe beat Masato Tanaka to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Triple H, Randy Orton, Ric Flair beat Piloit, Mike Bison, AJ Styles
TTWF's Saturday Slam Bash-1/8/2005 results:
The show started with an angry Barbecue going up to Mad Man Pondo, Sexxy Eddy, Balls Mahoney after their invasion of the ECW show the night before. Pondo said that they did it because they deserve to be in ECW and not TTWF. Pondo said only reason he agreed to come was to be apart of the new ECW and he feels that Michelle stabbed him and the others in the back. Barbecue said it wasn't his problem and booked the three in a match later in the night.
1. Lady Trooper beat Ms. America to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Piloit beat Joe to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
John Cena went up Samoa Joe asking why he attacked him so angrily during the battle royal at tuesday. Samoa Joe said that because he wanted Cena to stop using the champ is here saying since he was using it first. Cena laughed saying he didn't know what he meant and Samoa Joe slapped him hard knocking him to the ground. He then walked away from Cena.
3. Taion beat Chris Hero to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
4. Paul London and Spanky beat Havana Pitbulls to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Mad Man Pondo, Sexxy Eddy, Balls Mahoney beat Masato Tanaka, JC Bailey, Nate Webb when Bailey and Tanaka turned on Webb just when the match started. It turned into a 5 on 1 massacre till Pondo finally decide to cover webb for the win.
6. Low Ki and Homicide beat American Heroes (Brian Thunder and Duke) to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Kurt Angle beat Bryan Daniels to retain the TTWF US Title.
8. Mike Bison and Samoa Joe beat Eddie Guerrero and John Cena
1. Lady Trooper beat Ms. America to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Piloit beat Joe to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
John Cena went up Samoa Joe asking why he attacked him so angrily during the battle royal at tuesday. Samoa Joe said that because he wanted Cena to stop using the champ is here saying since he was using it first. Cena laughed saying he didn't know what he meant and Samoa Joe slapped him hard knocking him to the ground. He then walked away from Cena.
3. Taion beat Chris Hero to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
4. Paul London and Spanky beat Havana Pitbulls to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Mad Man Pondo, Sexxy Eddy, Balls Mahoney beat Masato Tanaka, JC Bailey, Nate Webb when Bailey and Tanaka turned on Webb just when the match started. It turned into a 5 on 1 massacre till Pondo finally decide to cover webb for the win.
6. Low Ki and Homicide beat American Heroes (Brian Thunder and Duke) to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Kurt Angle beat Bryan Daniels to retain the TTWF US Title.
8. Mike Bison and Samoa Joe beat Eddie Guerrero and John Cena
New Year's Revolution 2006-1/8/2006 results:
1. Jade beat Erica Tempted in a Last Woman Standing Match to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title. Temptress didn't come out but Chris Hero did and then jade came out asking what was going on. Hero said Temptress is dead and then introduced Temptress as Erica Tempted. She was wearing a less provocative outfit with Chris Hero's colors and his symbol on her tights and red dyed hair. Hero said that Erica had been tempted by the sins of the EUWF and ECW has fought them off to re imagine herself. Members of the Saviors (Hero's group) came out trying to interfere but American Heroes took care of Knockout and Slasher while Mike Bison took care of edge. Hero went to hit Jade with Ladies Title but hit Erica instead and Christopher Daniels came out chasing Hero to the back while the shot from Hero knocked Erica out for the ten count.
2. Venom beat Low Ki to retain the ECW World TV Title. After the match Rottweilers attacked Venom and including 3 Minute Warning squashing him from the top. Naughty By Nature came out attacking 3MW while B-Boy and Low Ki went for a double stomp/Cop Killer combo since Homicide's shoulder is injured but Samoa Joe came out clearing the ring of the Rottweilers. Chris Hero and Edge ran out clipping Joe in the leg. Hero, Edge, Ki, B-Boy, Homicide worked on Joe including doing a conchairdo onto the ankle joe hurt last weekend. Mike Bison, Taion, Doomsday, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Kurt Angle, Bryan Danielson made the save.
3. Naughty By Nature beat 3 Minute Warning to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. This match was allowed to started soon after Venom and Joe were helped to the back as both teams had brawled around the building while the stuff was going on in the ring.
4. Backseat Boyz beat Knockout and Slasher by count-out. Knockout and Slasher retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles because of the count-out. Backseat Boyz had the win with the t-gimmick on Slasher but a bandaged Erica Tempted grabbed Slasher from the ring and them with Knockout ran to the back being counted out. Brian Thunder and Duke dragged Knockout and Slasher back out. Backseats, Brian, Duke worked over Knockout and Slasher till problems arouse between Backseats, Brian, Duke letting Knockout and Slasher leave.
5. Jack Evans beat Psicosis to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title. Psicosis was replacing Juvi who was pulled out of the match for some reason.
6. Jack Crystal beat AJ Styles to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title. During the match Nick Berk was on the entrance ramp and Jack confronted him after the match as he made his way to the back. The two got into a screaming match as it was heard Berk said that the line is growing to beat Jack for his title since everyone thinks he is a pushover. Berk backed off after something Jack said and Jack turned around into a Gore by Rhino who came out while the other two were arguing with each other. Berk grabbed the belt and him and Rhino left.
7. Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelley beat Briscoe Brothers to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. The end came when rave sprayed Jay Briscoe with something and rolled him up for the win. After the match Machine and Sagat went into the embassy locker room demanding a shot at the belts. Lady Machina pretty much threatening Prince Nana into at least giving them one if Sagat beat Abyss tomorrow night on Raw and Sagat agreed.
8. Chris Hero beat Christopher Daniels, Kurt Angle, Bryan Danielson, RJ Hammer, Doomsday to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and Mike Bison beat Edge, Samoa Joe, CM Punk, Venom, Jesus Bison to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title in the Duel Elimination Chamber Match. After the match Edge and Hero attacked Mike Bison. The rest of the saviors and also the Rottweilers ran out attacking Mike. This went on till the American Heroes, Taion, a limping Samoa Joe, Doomsday, Venom, Danielson, RJ, Angle, Danielson, Daniels, Naughty By Nature made the save. In the confusion Mr. America ran out grabbed the ECW World Heavyweight Title belt from ringside and left. The faces look for the belt and wonder what happen to end the show.
2. Venom beat Low Ki to retain the ECW World TV Title. After the match Rottweilers attacked Venom and including 3 Minute Warning squashing him from the top. Naughty By Nature came out attacking 3MW while B-Boy and Low Ki went for a double stomp/Cop Killer combo since Homicide's shoulder is injured but Samoa Joe came out clearing the ring of the Rottweilers. Chris Hero and Edge ran out clipping Joe in the leg. Hero, Edge, Ki, B-Boy, Homicide worked on Joe including doing a conchairdo onto the ankle joe hurt last weekend. Mike Bison, Taion, Doomsday, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Kurt Angle, Bryan Danielson made the save.
3. Naughty By Nature beat 3 Minute Warning to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. This match was allowed to started soon after Venom and Joe were helped to the back as both teams had brawled around the building while the stuff was going on in the ring.
4. Backseat Boyz beat Knockout and Slasher by count-out. Knockout and Slasher retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles because of the count-out. Backseat Boyz had the win with the t-gimmick on Slasher but a bandaged Erica Tempted grabbed Slasher from the ring and them with Knockout ran to the back being counted out. Brian Thunder and Duke dragged Knockout and Slasher back out. Backseats, Brian, Duke worked over Knockout and Slasher till problems arouse between Backseats, Brian, Duke letting Knockout and Slasher leave.
5. Jack Evans beat Psicosis to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title. Psicosis was replacing Juvi who was pulled out of the match for some reason.
6. Jack Crystal beat AJ Styles to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title. During the match Nick Berk was on the entrance ramp and Jack confronted him after the match as he made his way to the back. The two got into a screaming match as it was heard Berk said that the line is growing to beat Jack for his title since everyone thinks he is a pushover. Berk backed off after something Jack said and Jack turned around into a Gore by Rhino who came out while the other two were arguing with each other. Berk grabbed the belt and him and Rhino left.
7. Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelley beat Briscoe Brothers to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. The end came when rave sprayed Jay Briscoe with something and rolled him up for the win. After the match Machine and Sagat went into the embassy locker room demanding a shot at the belts. Lady Machina pretty much threatening Prince Nana into at least giving them one if Sagat beat Abyss tomorrow night on Raw and Sagat agreed.
8. Chris Hero beat Christopher Daniels, Kurt Angle, Bryan Danielson, RJ Hammer, Doomsday to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and Mike Bison beat Edge, Samoa Joe, CM Punk, Venom, Jesus Bison to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title in the Duel Elimination Chamber Match. After the match Edge and Hero attacked Mike Bison. The rest of the saviors and also the Rottweilers ran out attacking Mike. This went on till the American Heroes, Taion, a limping Samoa Joe, Doomsday, Venom, Danielson, RJ, Angle, Danielson, Daniels, Naughty By Nature made the save. In the confusion Mr. America ran out grabbed the ECW World Heavyweight Title belt from ringside and left. The faces look for the belt and wonder what happen to end the show.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/8/2007 results:
Beat The Clock Tournament with the one with the lowest time will winner #1 Contenders Trophy and EUWF World Heavyweight Title shot at Royal Rumble 2007.
1. Spirit beat Nigel McGuiness and Nick Berk in a 3 Way Beat The Clock Tournament Match (8:52)
2. Booker T beat Mr. America Beat The Clock Tournament Match (7:30
3. James Gibson wrestled Ray Gordy and Eric Young to a Time Limit Draw in a 3 Way Beat The Clock Tournament Match.
4. Taion beat Randy Orton Beat The Clock Tournament Match. (7:02)
5. Davey Richards wrestled Jeff Hardy to a Time Limit Draw in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match.
6. Chris Hero beat Roderick Strong in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match (0:10). Before the match Hero's agent Larry Sweeny distracted the ref letting Hero attack Strong with a chair behind the refs back getting the win just seconds after the bell rang. Some of the remaining contest protest in RJ Hammer's office after the match and RJ said he had no choice but to award the #1 Contenders Trophy to Hero. RJ said not to worry because the remaining four matches will be for a title shot this friday on smackdown.
7. Jimmy Rave beat Ric Flair in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match (6:20)
8. Venom wrestled Undertaker to a Time Limit Draw in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match.
9. Shawn Michaels beat Low Ki in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match (6:18)
10. Doomsday beat Triple H in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match (5:20) During the match Triple H injured his leg and Lady Doomsday distracted the ref. Venom ran in and threw a chair to doomsday. Doomsday beat on Hunter and then covered him for the win. Doomsday and Venom beat on Triple H with Lady Doomsday grabbing a sledge hammer from under the ring giving it to venom. Shawn Michaels tried to make the save but Venom hit him with the sledge hammer as he ran in. Doomsday and Venom continued the beat down till Guile, Taion, Duke, Snake Eyes, RJ Hammer, High Flyers came out to make the save to end the show.
1. Spirit beat Nigel McGuiness and Nick Berk in a 3 Way Beat The Clock Tournament Match (8:52)
2. Booker T beat Mr. America Beat The Clock Tournament Match (7:30
3. James Gibson wrestled Ray Gordy and Eric Young to a Time Limit Draw in a 3 Way Beat The Clock Tournament Match.
4. Taion beat Randy Orton Beat The Clock Tournament Match. (7:02)
5. Davey Richards wrestled Jeff Hardy to a Time Limit Draw in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match.
6. Chris Hero beat Roderick Strong in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match (0:10). Before the match Hero's agent Larry Sweeny distracted the ref letting Hero attack Strong with a chair behind the refs back getting the win just seconds after the bell rang. Some of the remaining contest protest in RJ Hammer's office after the match and RJ said he had no choice but to award the #1 Contenders Trophy to Hero. RJ said not to worry because the remaining four matches will be for a title shot this friday on smackdown.
7. Jimmy Rave beat Ric Flair in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match (6:20)
8. Venom wrestled Undertaker to a Time Limit Draw in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match.
9. Shawn Michaels beat Low Ki in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match (6:18)
10. Doomsday beat Triple H in a Beat The Clock Tournament Match (5:20) During the match Triple H injured his leg and Lady Doomsday distracted the ref. Venom ran in and threw a chair to doomsday. Doomsday beat on Hunter and then covered him for the win. Doomsday and Venom beat on Triple H with Lady Doomsday grabbing a sledge hammer from under the ring giving it to venom. Shawn Michaels tried to make the save but Venom hit him with the sledge hammer as he ran in. Doomsday and Venom continued the beat down till Guile, Taion, Duke, Snake Eyes, RJ Hammer, High Flyers came out to make the save to end the show.
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-1/8/2010 results:
1. MVP and Kingston beat D-X in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match. In the end came when CM Punk came out distracting michaels and letting MVP roll him up for the win.
2. Dude Busters beat Night Brothers in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match.
3. John Moxly and Sami Callihan beat Eric Bison and Guile in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match.
4. Undertaker and Kane beat Ax and Smash in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match. Kane pretty was alone for the match and UT was never seen. The end came when Kane went for a chokeslam on Ax and Smash went for the save but lights went out. When they came on Smash was knocked out on the floor and kane was pinning for Ax for the win.
5. Priceless beat Vlad and Impaler in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match.
6. Austin Aries, Kenny King, Rhett Titus beat Heart Dynasty and Ray Gordy in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:
7. Bryan Danielson beat CM Punk in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match when D-X music played distracted Punk and leading Danielson to get roll up for the win.
8. Shawn Michaels, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Brian Thunder, Carlton, Colt Cabana, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Night Lucky Lottery Royal Rumble Style Battle Royal: Names To Be Picked At Random Out Of A Hat. Final 8 advance for EUWF World Heavyweight Title. Eric Bison, Luke Gallows, Duke, Dagger, CM Punk, Triple H, Mark Henry, Trooper 1, Saviors, Goldust, Primo Colon, Harry Smith were also in the match. During the match Punk went after Michaels but was cut off by Triple H who spinbustered him and then eliminated him. Punk tried to get back into the ring but security stop him.
2. Dude Busters beat Night Brothers in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match.
3. John Moxly and Sami Callihan beat Eric Bison and Guile in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match.
4. Undertaker and Kane beat Ax and Smash in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match. Kane pretty was alone for the match and UT was never seen. The end came when Kane went for a chokeslam on Ax and Smash went for the save but lights went out. When they came on Smash was knocked out on the floor and kane was pinning for Ax for the win.
5. Priceless beat Vlad and Impaler in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match.
6. Austin Aries, Kenny King, Rhett Titus beat Heart Dynasty and Ray Gordy in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match:
7. Bryan Danielson beat CM Punk in a Royal Rumble Qualifying Match when D-X music played distracted Punk and leading Danielson to get roll up for the win.
8. Shawn Michaels, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Brian Thunder, Carlton, Colt Cabana, Dolph Ziggler, Mark Night Lucky Lottery Royal Rumble Style Battle Royal: Names To Be Picked At Random Out Of A Hat. Final 8 advance for EUWF World Heavyweight Title. Eric Bison, Luke Gallows, Duke, Dagger, CM Punk, Triple H, Mark Henry, Trooper 1, Saviors, Goldust, Primo Colon, Harry Smith were also in the match. During the match Punk went after Michaels but was cut off by Triple H who spinbustered him and then eliminated him. Punk tried to get back into the ring but security stop him.
EUWF's Saturday Nights At The Arena-1/8/2011 results:
1. Night Brothers and Ariel Bison beat Machine, Sagat, HC Bytch in a Hardcore Match
2. CM Punk and Chris Hero beat Mike Bison and Taion. At the start Punk tried to avoid being in the same ring with Mike leading him to lay down for him to entice him to get in. Teddy Long came out saying that if Punk doesn't really wrestle this match then he will forfeit his Royal Rumble Qualifying 2011 Match on Wednesday and if he continued this beyond tonight he be suspended without pay till the end of his contract. Punk then viciously attacked Mike.
2. CM Punk and Chris Hero beat Mike Bison and Taion. At the start Punk tried to avoid being in the same ring with Mike leading him to lay down for him to entice him to get in. Teddy Long came out saying that if Punk doesn't really wrestle this match then he will forfeit his Royal Rumble Qualifying 2011 Match on Wednesday and if he continued this beyond tonight he be suspended without pay till the end of his contract. Punk then viciously attacked Mike.
Royal Rumble 2011 Qualifying Matches:
1. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas beat Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel
2. Briscoe Brothers beat Duke Rotunda and Joe Henning
3. Claudio Castagnoli beat Jack Swagger
4. Alex Shelley beat Finley
5. Chris Sabin beat Sami Callihan
6. Samoa Joe beat John Moxly
2. Briscoe Brothers beat Duke Rotunda and Joe Henning
3. Claudio Castagnoli beat Jack Swagger
4. Alex Shelley beat Finley
5. Chris Sabin beat Sami Callihan
6. Samoa Joe beat John Moxly
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-1/8/2013 results:
1. Star Pryde beat Becky Knight
2. Moonshine beat Lady Trooper
3. The Rock won the 17 Battle Royal For TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot. Losers Go To Royal Rumble. Mike Bison, Venom, Machine, Sagat, Night Brothers, Brian Thunder, Brett Wayfield, Mr. America, Piloit, Bubba Jones, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Jackson Rouch, Vlad, WN Alpha were also in the match. It was down to Mike and Venom. They were trying to eliminate each other when the rock came from the crowd eliminating both men. Since Mike hit first he is going to Royal Rumble and Venom gets TWF World Heavyweight Title shot at Raw 20th Anniversary Show. Mike was held back from going after The Rock and he said do anything to end the show.
2. Moonshine beat Lady Trooper
3. The Rock won the 17 Battle Royal For TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot. Losers Go To Royal Rumble. Mike Bison, Venom, Machine, Sagat, Night Brothers, Brian Thunder, Brett Wayfield, Mr. America, Piloit, Bubba Jones, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Jackson Rouch, Vlad, WN Alpha were also in the match. It was down to Mike and Venom. They were trying to eliminate each other when the rock came from the crowd eliminating both men. Since Mike hit first he is going to Royal Rumble and Venom gets TWF World Heavyweight Title shot at Raw 20th Anniversary Show. Mike was held back from going after The Rock and he said do anything to end the show.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/8/2014 results:
1. Katylin beat Jinx
2. Zach Ryder beat Jigsaw
3. TJ Wilson beat Willie Mack
4. Kevin Steen and Young Bucks beat El Generico, CM Punk, Colt Cabana
5. Venom beat Frankie Kazarian in a Non Title Match.
6. Christopher Daniels beat Doomsday in a Non Title Match.
7. Kofi Kingston won the Battle Royal For Royal Rumble 2014 Title Shot and Rey Misterio Jr. won the Gulity As Charged 2014 Title Shot. Dolph Ziggler, Samoa Joe, CM Punk, Austin Aries, AJ Styles, TJ Wilson, Robert Roode, Kevin Steen, Christopher Daniels, Zach Ryder advance to 2014 royal rumble match. Wyatt Family, Rhino, Jimmy Jacobs, Ron Killings, Jigsaw, Hallowicked, James Storm, Colt Cabana, Kevin Steen, Justin Gabriel, 3MB, Colony, Kenny King, Sonjay Dutt, Curt Hawkins, Willie Mack, Chris Sabin, TJ Perkins, Tommaso Ciampa, Amazing Red, Mike Bennet, 3.0, Frankie Kazarian were also in the match
2. Zach Ryder beat Jigsaw
3. TJ Wilson beat Willie Mack
4. Kevin Steen and Young Bucks beat El Generico, CM Punk, Colt Cabana
5. Venom beat Frankie Kazarian in a Non Title Match.
6. Christopher Daniels beat Doomsday in a Non Title Match.
7. Kofi Kingston won the Battle Royal For Royal Rumble 2014 Title Shot and Rey Misterio Jr. won the Gulity As Charged 2014 Title Shot. Dolph Ziggler, Samoa Joe, CM Punk, Austin Aries, AJ Styles, TJ Wilson, Robert Roode, Kevin Steen, Christopher Daniels, Zach Ryder advance to 2014 royal rumble match. Wyatt Family, Rhino, Jimmy Jacobs, Ron Killings, Jigsaw, Hallowicked, James Storm, Colt Cabana, Kevin Steen, Justin Gabriel, 3MB, Colony, Kenny King, Sonjay Dutt, Curt Hawkins, Willie Mack, Chris Sabin, TJ Perkins, Tommaso Ciampa, Amazing Red, Mike Bennet, 3.0, Frankie Kazarian were also in the match
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