Tuesday, April 28, 2015

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-April 28 results

The show began with Mr. America and TWF Army coming to the ring.  MA said that this has been a moment in the making for a while.  Something he has been working for as everyone asks why TWF not on same page as members split apart.  They got tired of being disrespected, held down, and treated like crap by non twf members.  This isn't about taking over as two TWF Army members own this companies.  This about redemption of TWF and getting the respect they have earned.  Randy Orton came out calling TWF losers who don't deserve any respect and second rate champions.  He will end TWF just like he did the TTWF 10 years ago and MA said that was big talk.  Orton said that MA might have united TWF locker room but their actions might have just united the rest of locker room against them.
During the show Cyrus Bourne and Ash Hyde were confronted by Sami Zayn and Dolph Ziggler about summer tag festial v and last night.  They apologized for it but it was Joe who started it.  Samoa Joe and Mr. America tentivily agreed to try to work together but not with Eric Bison.

Summer Tag Festival V:

1. Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
2. Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen beat Macrus Dove and Owen Star
3. Richie Borndo and Tristin Heartsend beat Vlad and Impaler
4. GQ Wiley and Taylor Wad beat New Bruise Brothers
5. Crazy beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
6. East/West Dragons beat Sgt. and Roadblock
7. Rhendo and Blanka beat Eric Bison and Sagat
8. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous

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