Saturday, October 10, 2015

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-October 10-Surviving Months 2015 Day 9 results

1. Ms. America beat Fire Woman
2. James Storm beat Dolph Ziggler.  Before the match another static message showed up saying only Warriors.   A mask man attack trooper 2 before his entrance throwing him off the stage.  Dolph then challenged anyone from the back to a match instead since obvious Trooper 2 was no shape.  James Storm came out accepting.  Later was revealed Trooper 2 will probably be out for indefinite period so Storm will be allowed take his place SM2015 Tournament.
3. Jade Thunder beat Crazy Woman
4. Seth Owens beat Jeffery Alpha
5. Star Pryde beat Justine Hounda
6. Apollo Crews beat Jack Pink
7. Janet Lee Bison beat Carol Ninja
8. Mr. America and Ash Hyde beat Kevin Steen and Bryatt Wyatt in a Cage Match when Steen walked out of the cage on Bryatt and Ash hit a diving elbow from the top of the cage on Bryatt.

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