The show starts with Honor Brigade of Ash Hyde, Seth Owens, Cyrus Bourne, Dolph Ziggler, Sami Zani coming to ring celebrating Sami win last night. They then brought out Bryan Danielson who said that he is been kept off tv by the quack in the back, Authority, The Family who all say they are worried about his health. He is been cleared by multiple doctors and time to either let him be free or use me.
1. Charlotte, Becky Lynch, Lady NBN beat Moonshine, Firebird, Hardcore Bytch, Pink Dudley
2. Chris Jericho beat Johnny Gargano
3. AR Fox beat Piloit
4. ACH beat Jackson Rouch
Seth Owens was seen talking Ash Hyde into trying to get Honor Brigade to help Kevin Steen out against The Family. Not for steen but for Seth ans Ash says he think about it.
5. Alberto Del Rio beat Jeffery Alpha
6. Power Donity beat John Fire
7. Jay Lethal and Speedster Lite beat Kevin Steen and Seth Owens
8. Sami Zayn and Mr. America beat Bo and Bryatt Wyatt
9. Briscoe Brothers beat Brian and Duke Thunder in a Non Title Match.
10. Jim Brooks, Naughty By Nature, Samoa Joe, Sheamus beat Ash Hyde, Cyrus Bourne, Brett Wayfield, Dudleyz in a The Family Birthday Party Hardcore Match. After the match the family began celebrating RJ Hammer's birthday. They were celebrating it singing for him and bringing out a large cake. Speedster Lite said there is surprise inside and RJ went to open the top just to find Brock Lensar in it. Lensar breaks out attacking The Family members and lensar grabs Power Donity to F5 him. RJ breaks cane over lensar's bad arm and out comes Kevin Steen to try to help but numbers were against him. Honor Brigade ran out to make the save but numbers again against them but this lead to TWF Army with Mike Bison to make the save. Mike and Lensar stare off for a few seconds before Lensar left to end the show
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