The show began with Kevin Steen coming to the ring accusing Mike Bison of working with Triple H and even showing footage of the two talking somewhat friendly. Mike came out saying that Kevin is becoming more paranoid then ever and that conversation was about WM32. He has to work with HHH as business partner and will never like him. Kevin says he knows the truth and was tired of back stabbing. Kevin says he going to get a group of people he can trust and won't be involving Honor Brigade, TWF Army, Authority, The Family. Steen left leaving mike frustrated and confused.
1. Eric Bison and Guile beat Bo and Bryatt Wyatt
2. Chris Jericho beat Mr. America
3. Ash Hyde beat Rusev
4. Samoa Joe beat Cyrus Bourne
Triple H came to the ring announcing Undertaker as his partner for WM32 and announced the match to be Hell In A Cell Match. RJ Hammer came from the back saying he is not surprised as Taker is the only person who HHH and Stephanie hasn't pissed off around here. RJ then said that he spent the last week thinking about who he should get as a partner. Someone that would get under HHH and Steph's skin. Shane McMahon was introduced as his partner and Shane said he has sat back long enough watch HHH, Steph, Mike, Laurie ruin the McMahon legacy. He is here to set things right and help RJ do that.
5. Alberto Del Rio beat Hollywood Doomsday
6. Dolph Ziggler beat Pac
7. Sheamus beat Mr. Venom
8. reDragon beat Uso Brothers
9. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Young Bucks
10. Kevin Steen and AJ Styles beat Seth Owens and Sami Zayn. After the match Steen went after Zayn but Seth and AJ grabbed him stopping him. Young Bucks, Adam Cole, Roderick Strong attacked AJ and Seth. The 5 leave Zayn, AJ, Seth laying and then hug. The show ends with Steen and company standing tall.
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