Saturday, March 26, 2016

This Day In Wrestling History-March 26 (Wrestlemania making Doomsday Inc split apart, Hostile City Showdown 2006, Problems Between Machines, Samoa Joe and Naomichi Marafuji vs Mike Bison and Cima, The Rock interference leads to chaos, Money In The Bank Qualifying Matches)

This Day In Wrestling History-March 26:

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/26/2001 results:
Doomsday Inc. was shown entering the building earlier in the day and there was two different groups in limos.  Venom, Mark Night, Chris Night, Jill night came in one limo and Doomsday, Naughty By Nature, Lady Doomsday came in another one.  Scott Steiner was shown waiting at the entrance for someone and the Undertaker road in on his motorcycle.  Undertaker attacks Steiner and the two are separated by security.  Triple H comes in from behind and hits Steiner with a sledge hammer.  Hunter stood over him and laughed.  He then walked away.
1. American Turncoats beat Sgt. and Roadblock to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Spirit beat Billy Kidman to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
3. Lance Storm beat Dean Malenko
4. Chris Benoit beat Elix Skipper
5. Hardy Boys beat Three Count to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Scott Steiner beat Undertaker
7. Big Show, Tazz, Rhyno, Jesus Bison, Mike Bison beat Speedster Lite, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, The Rock, Steve Austin, Mike Awesome
8. Venom, Mark Night, Chris Night beat Doomsday and Naughty By Nature.  Shadow WX and Miss Lee were shown coming into the building after returning from Japan.  Doomsday and Naughty By Nature wanted a hand shake after the match.  Chris and Mark shook Basher and Smasher's hands but Venom refused to shake Doomsday's hand.
Venom: "I did a lot of thinking this past week and I decide until after Wrestlemania we are enemies.  Nothing more Doomsday."  Venom walks out of the ring.  Mark Night and Chris Night follows.  Shadow WX and Miss Lee are shown watching Venom and Nights leave head to the back as the shown ends.

Wednesday Night Brawl-3/26/2003 results:
1. Night Brothers beat Three Count
2. Jeff Hardy beat Spirit
3. Jigglin Jimbro Brooks beat Mike Awesome
4. Homicide beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. to retain the EUWF European Title.
5. Speedster Lite beat Xavier
6. Juventud Guerrera beat Jason Jett
7. Hard Luck Fighters and Dudleyz beat New Demolition and Impact Players
8. Goldberg, Naughty By Nature, Briscoe Brothers beat The Rock, Carnage Crew, Divine Storm

TTWF 3/26/2004 Viking Hall results:
The show starts with Miss Lee and Shadow WX begging Barbecue to book WX in a Steel Cage rematch with Misterio Jr. for TTWF World Hardcore Title. Barbecue said he couldn't but did put WX in a #1 Contenders match for the title and the winner would face misterio jr. next friday.
1. Chris Benoit beat Chris Hero
2. Samoa Joe beat Jesus Bison
3. Shadow WX beat New Jack to earn a shot at the TTWF World Hardcore Title next friday.
4. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Vlad to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
5. Night Brothers beat CM Punk and Colt Cabana
6. Backseat Boyz and Taion beat Dudleyz
7. Jerry Lynn beat Matt Hardy to retain the TTWF US Title.
8. Doomsday and Red beat Jim Brooks and Sonjay Dutt

TTWF's Saturday Slam Bash-3/26/2005 results:
1. Jade beat Jill Night to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Night Brothers beat Crazy in a Scramble Cage Qualifying Match.
3. American Heroes (Duke and Brian Thunder) beat American Heroes (John Fire and Snake Eyes) in a Scramble Cage Qualifying Match.
4. Paul London and Spanky beat Hoodies in a Scramble Cage Qualifying Match.
5. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Knockout and Slasher in a Scramble Cage Qualifying Match.
6. Homicide beat Piloit to retain the EUWF and TTWF Unified World Hardcore Title.
7. Havana Pitbulls beat Mike Bison and Taion to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Samoa Joe beat Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, Bryan Danielson in a 4 Way Non Title Match.

ECW's Hostile City Showdown 2006-3/26/2006 results:
The show started with a bandaged Edge and Mike Bison in the back to pick the type of stipulation for their match later.  Edge said lets get this done quickly and Mike says he will let Edge pick it.  Edge said thanks and then picked an envelope.  He opened it and screamed NO WAY!  He then said that he won't do it and won't wrestle tonight.  Mick Foley said if doesn't then he won't wrestle at WM22 and will have the ECW World Heavyweight Title stripped.  Edge left and mike picked up the paper.  It says a no rope barbed wire match and mike smiled.
1. Ariel Bison and Erica Tempted beat Jade and Pink Dudley in a Special Interpromotional Double Dog Collar Match.
2. Piloit beat Claudio Castagnoli and Millano Collection AT in a Non Title 3 Way Match.
3. Delirious beat Super Dragon and Super Crazy in a Non Title 3 Way Match.
4. Balls Mahoney beat Nerco Butcher and Sabu in a Non Title 3 Way Match.
5. Nick Berk beat Jay Lethal and Jack Crystal in a Non Title 3 Way Match.
6. Naughty By Nature, Dudleyz, Hard Luck Fighters, Machine, Sagat beat Street Saviors, Night Brothers, Gothics, Knockout, Slasher in a Special Interpromotional Tables Match.
7. Mike Bison beat Edge in the No Rope Barbed Wire Non Title Lottery Pick Death Match.
8. CM Punk beat Rob Van Dam in a Non Title 2 Out Of 3 Falls Cage Match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/26/2007 results
1. Machine and MsChiff beat Mickie Knuckles and Roderick Strong.  Lady Machine didn't come out with Machine but did come from the back halfway through the match and watched from the entrance ramp.  After the pin she left without saying a word or going to Machine and Machine followed her to the back.  Later Machine was seen having caught up with her and he said if everything was fine between them.  LM said that it is but didn't want new attitude to change things and Machine said they won't.  The two walked off together.
2. Davey Richards and Venom beat Rhino and Christopher Daniels
3. Drake Younger, Burchill, Finley beat Tommy Dreamer, Nerco Butcher, Toby Klein
4. Booker T beat Rob Van Dam
5. Mr. America beat Chris Benoit in a Non Title Match.
6. Samoa Joe beat Nigel McGuiness in a Non Title Match.
7. CM Punk beat Colt Cabana in a Non Title Match.
8. Matt Hardy beat Jeff Hardy in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/26/2008 results:
1. Chris Hero beat Claudio Castagnoli
2. Edge and Chris Jericho beat CM Punk and Mr. America
3. Pink Dudley and AJ Styles beat HC Bytch and Bryan Danielson
4. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt
5. Dudleyz, Jimmy Jacobs, Nerco Butcher, Motor City Machine Guns beat Machine, Sagat, Doomsday, Venom, Naughty By Nature
6. Genki Horiguchi, Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi beat Briscoe Brothers and Elix Skipper
7. Iron Saints beat BxB Hulk/Shingo, Dragon Kid/Ryo Saito in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
8. Samoa Joe and Naomichi Marufuji beat Mike Bison and CIMA

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-3/26/2010 results:
1. Edge beat Bryan Danielson
2. Shawn Michaels beat Colt Cabana in a Non Title Match.
3. CM Punk beat Low Ki
4. Undertaker beat Mike Bison in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-3/26/2011 results:
1. Pink Dudley and Motor City Machine Guns beat Kong, Masada, Drake Younger
2. Homicide and Jimmy Jacobs beat Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler
3. Doomsday and Venom beat All Night Express
4. Briscoe Brothers beat Machine and Sagat
5. Heart Dynasty beat Night Brothers
6. Edge beat Low Ki
7. CM Punk beat John Morrison
8. Kofi Kingston beat Mike Bison in a Non Title Match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/26/2012 results:
1. Blonde Ambition and Briscoe Brothers beat Glamazon Trio and Future Shock
2. Kane and Vampire Nation beat RJ Hammer and Hot Shots
3. Brian Thunder, Duke, Young Bucks beat All Night Express and Colony
4. Night Brothers and Bloody Donity beat Doomsday, Venom, Power Warrior
5. Kevin Steen and Chris Jericho beat Chris Hero and AJ Styles
6. Machine, Brett Wayfield, WN Alpha, Zach Ryder, Sagat beat Roderick Strong, Claudio Castagnoli, Tyler Black, Christopher Daniels, CM Punk
7. New Demolition beat North American Dragons in a Non Title Match.
8. Jim Brooks and Bubba Jones beat Mike Bison/Speedster Lite and Mr. America/John Cena in a 3 Way Dance.  The end came when The Rock came out distracting Mike leading to Jim rolling up for the win.  Mike and Rock argued after the match and then jim laughed at them.  He told just to get out of the way and Mike hit jim with Triple Crown Title belt.  Mike then turned around and got rocked bottomed by The Rock.  Mr. America ran out hitting the rock with the triple crown title belt and then went after Jim Brooks.  Bubba Jones came out pulling him off but Speedster Lite came back out attacking Jones, Brooks, MA.  This lead to huge brawl till Mike, Lite, Rock clear the ring.  Mike and Rock start aruging again and Lite keeps them apart to end the show.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-3/26/2013 results:
1. New Gangtas, Doomsday, Venom, Bubba Jones beat New Public Enemy, Zangief, Masada, Drake Younger in a No Rope Barbed Wire, Light Tubes, Weapons Match.

Money In The Bank Finals Qualfying Matches:

1. Peter Spider beat Roadblock
2. WN Alpha beat Bloody Donity
3. Machine beat Taion

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/26/2014 results:
1. Eddie Kingston and Homicide won the #1 Contenders Tag Team Battle Royal For Title Shot of their chosing at WM30. Doomsday/Venom, Naughty By Nature, Jay Lethal/Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston/Ron Killings, Michel Elgin/Roderick Strong, Wildfire, Crazy, Davey Richards/Tyler Black, Roman Reigns/Eddie Edwars, Guile/Eric Bison, Ascension, Chuck Taylor/Johnny Gargano, New Bruise Brothers, Kings Of Wrestling, Dogs Of War, Black Valkyrie, Spirit/Jack Crystal, Alex Havoc/Jeff Shot, Piloit/Brett Wayfield were also in the match.  Piloit and Brett were eliminated thanks to interference by Tristin Heartsend and Richie Borando.  After the match Kingston and Homcidie challenged Wyatt Family saying they want EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles Title Shot they just earned.  The Lee and Rowan came from the back getting into fight with Kignston and Homicide till security split them up.
2. Colony beat Donity Brothers
3. Samoa Joe beat Ash Hyde in a Non Title Match.
4. Dolph Ziggler beat Mr. America
5. Bryatt Wyatt beat Cyrus Bourne
6. Bryan Danielson beat Jackson Rouch
7. Randy Orton beat Adam Cole in a Non Title Match.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-3/26/2015 results:
1. Uso Brothers and reDragon beat Bad Influence and Hoodies v.s.
2. Mike Bison and Taion beat Eric Bison and Guile
3. Jim Brooks and Pac beat Low Ki and Bryatt Wyatt
4. Dolph Ziggler, TJ Wilson, Joe Henning, Damien Shadow, John Moxly, Mr. Venom, Hollywood Doomsday beat Kings Of Wrestling, Bryan Danielson, Mr. America, Ash Hyde, AJ Styles in a Elimination Match.

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