The show began with the Wyatt Family and LHK coming to the ring. Bryatt says there two things to take care of. First that there seems to be people who didn't listen to their warnings. Naughty By Nature dragged a bloody Marc Briscoe from the back. Bryatt said that Jay wanted to join this war and this consequences. The other thing was that have a feeling who one of the mystery men for Team Honor is at Survivor Series 2016. He first looked at Bryan Danielson and then looked to Kevin Steen questioning his loyalty. Steen looked confused as Jay Briscoe, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal, Christopher Daniels, Sami Zayn, Ash Hyde, Seth Owens, Hollywood Doomsday, Mr. Venom, Rhendo, Blanka, Harrison Boss, Tommy Bernard, Spirit, Jack Crystal, The New Day ran down attacking wyatts. Other wyatt empire members came out to brawl with faces. As they brawled Bryatt continued to question Steen and steen asked why he even have to ask. A video played of steen talking to Cole and Bucks about what wyatt had planned and that he wasn't sure about it anymore. Steen said he was talking and LHK attacked Steen. Bryatt laughed as Sami Zayn, Seth Owens, Ash Hyde, Mr. Venom, Hollywood Doomsday cleared the ring of the heals. Sami and steen just looked at each other as Bo Wyatt got the ring. Steen hit a package piledriver on him leading to sami hitting a brain buster. Bryatt got away from faces and then looked over at Bryan. He started to mock him again even claiming that Brie is not pregnant with his baby but John Cena's. This made bryan go crazy and attack Bryatt. He had to pulled off by Ash and Seth. Steen and Zayn left in the ring till steen tried to leave but Sami. Sami put his hand out saying they needed him for SS2016 and steen didn't shake it. Looked like he was leaving and sami said he was sorry. Steen got back in the ring and hugged sami which surprised him. Steen says sorry and he is on for SS2016. They will bring down the empire and raised his arm.
1. Princess Kimber Lee beat Jade Thunder
2. The New Day beat Black Valkyrie
3. Adam Page beat Jake Gallagher
4. Mercedes Martinez beat Becky Lynch
Backstage Mick Foley informed that he reached a comprise when it comes to Bryan Danielson that he will be suspended from his commentary duties for the rest of Surviving Month 2016. He said something into Bryan ear and that made him smile.
5. Sin Cara and Lince Dorado beat Rhendo and Blanka
6. Ricochet beat Spirit
7. LuFisto beat Alexis Bliss
8. Roman Reigns and John Moxly beat Harrison Boss and Tommy Bernard
9. AJ Styles beat Jack Crystal
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