Thursday, June 1, 2017

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-June 1 results

The show began with press conference taking place earlier in the day for the contract signing for Explosion Match for TWF World Heavyweight Title on sunday.  Thomas Boss announced that this will be last match between Seth and Ash for the rest of 2017.  The fued has escalated to the point where it would go next scares him.  There will be no rematch even if Seth loses.  Thomas gives Ash the contract and as signs it he says that he already had his lawyer look through it.  Seth asked who was his lawyer and as introduced Joseph Parks as his lawyer.  Seth as he signs the contract says he could have sworn he seen he somewhere before but shook it off.  As seth made one last check of contract ash announced he will be paying tribute this sunday to a death match legend.  Seth hinted he might do the same as he signed the contract and handed it to thomas.  Seth and Ash stood up exchange words while security kept them apart.
1. Ash Hyde and Carol Ninja beat Seth Owen and Kathy Uranosis.  Before the match Seth interview was interrputed by Kathy trying to get him to join with Young Guns Army in Broken Empire.  This was interputed by Kevin Steen who told him that he should join RE: Evolution as part of new LHK (Love us, Hate Us, Sometimes want to kill us) no longer his student.  Seth says he not really ready to decide but needed Kathy for tonight's match.  Steen says that its bros before hos.

Money In The Bank Qualifying Match:

1. Power Donity beat Stanley Cross, Taion, Darkness Warrior in a 4 Way Dance.
2. Jim Brooks beat Harrison Boss, Sagat, Jack Crystal in a 4 Way Dance.
3. Hollywood Doomsday beat Eric Bison, Jackson Rouch, Roadblock in a 4 Way Dance.

Summer Tag Festival VII:

1. Kappa Knights beat Mark Night and Brian Thunder
2. Black Valkyrie beat Mr. America and John Fire
3. Doomsday and Darkness Warriors beat Chris Gun and Jack Flap
4. Hoodies beat Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom

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