The show began with Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx coming celebrating Marcus' win on sunday. He said it pays off to have an agent that comes with a great plan that worked so well in Star Pryde. Marcus said that thanks to her and Brock Lesnar he is now TWF World Heavyweight Champion. Youngest in modern TWF history and Forever 2017 won't change that as he will be champion for a long time. Seth Owens music hits and Marcus looks like he is a ghost as Seth comes out from the back with a new look. He had short blonde hair instead of his long black and blonde. Fans chanted welcome back and seth was about to talk when Marcus said if it ain't mister no nuts. Seth said that if this class that Marcus going to bring to the belt his champion reign will be embarrsing. Seth said he is coming to be a wake call to Marcus and that he will get his rematch that he couldn't get his while ash champion this sunday at Hardcore Heaven 2017. This made Marcus mad.
1. Pink Dudley beat Jule Fire
2. Jackson Rouch beat Alex Havoc
3. Tristin Heartsend beat Jack Pink
4. Black Jack and Danny Red beat War and Crash Warriors
Seth Owens was talking to Freddie Waldeno back stage about something when Kathy Uranosis jumped on his kissed him. Kathy said she missed him and seth said he missed her too. He needed to figure out where his head was at after War 2017 and where his future lies. Kathy asks if that future was with her and said as long as she be okay to go along with what he has planned. Kathy said yes and Seth said that three of them having somethings to talk about. Seth walks away with Kathy and Freddie.
5. Mr. America beat Richie Borndo
6. King Peter beat Jeffery Alpha
7. Freddie Waldeno beat Bloody Donity
8. Ash Hyde and Power Donity beat Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx
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