This Day In Wrestling History-February 6:
Saturday Slam Jam-2/6/1999 results:
The show opened with re showing of the brutal attack on Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks by Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. They then showed Machine, Evan Hounda, Dudleys, Nightmare, Trooper 9 and 10, Destroyer, Hulk, Massacre, and Bruise Brothers attack Gangstas and Public Enemy. This was from a TV taping for syndicate TV show that took place before Saturday Slam Jam went on the air. Machine and Evan Hounda was shown harassing Joey Styles after he talked about what they had done. They had the tag team title belts.
Joey: "I hope you two are proud of yourselves."
Machine: "We are Joey. What we have done is just the start. nWo want me, Evan, and the others you saw tonight to destroy all members of the eWo and D-X."
Joey: "What about Doomsday Inc., or Bison and Commander's men, or Dark Horseman?"
Evan Hounda: "They have no chance against us. We will take each member of eWo and D-X and destroy them."
Machine: "Watch your backs."
Joey: "Hey why do you have the tag title belts? They don't belong to you."
Machine: "Yes they do. We were cheated out of them by Ric Flair and RJ Hammer. We were never beat for them and we are the true champs. Don't question us or anything we do again or we will destroy you too."
1. Trooper 2 beat Trooper 3
2. American Heroes beat Sgt. and Roadblock to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Joe beat Spirit
4. Guile beat Barbecue
5. Chris Jericho beat Trooper 1
6. Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Damian
7. Super Crazy beat Hector Garza
8. Bam Bam Bigelow beat Trooper 10
9. Trooper 9 beat Glacier
10. New Age Outlaws beat Machine and E. Hounda by dq. Dudleys, Destroyer, Hulk, Massacre, Nightmare, Bruise Brothers, Trooper 9 and 10 attacked the ring. That caused the dq. Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Syxx tried to help but they were over numbered. Bison and Commander's men came out. They attacked the nWo members and the let D-X get away. nWo members left and headed to the back soon after D-X. Bison grabbed the mic.
Bison: "Machine tell your bosses that we are going to destroy you first. Don't ever think we are weak because next time you won't be able to get away."
11. Rob Van Dam and Sabu beat Snake Eyes and White Ninja
12. Cactus Jack beat Taz. Machine, E. Hounda, Dudleys, Destroyer, Hulk, Massacre, Nightmare, Bruise Brothers, Trooper 9 and 10 hit the ring again after the match. They attack both men. D-X, Joe, Barbecue, American Heroes, Sgt. Roadblock, Chris Benoit made the save.
Joey: "I hope you two are proud of yourselves."
Machine: "We are Joey. What we have done is just the start. nWo want me, Evan, and the others you saw tonight to destroy all members of the eWo and D-X."
Joey: "What about Doomsday Inc., or Bison and Commander's men, or Dark Horseman?"
Evan Hounda: "They have no chance against us. We will take each member of eWo and D-X and destroy them."
Machine: "Watch your backs."
Joey: "Hey why do you have the tag title belts? They don't belong to you."
Machine: "Yes they do. We were cheated out of them by Ric Flair and RJ Hammer. We were never beat for them and we are the true champs. Don't question us or anything we do again or we will destroy you too."
1. Trooper 2 beat Trooper 3
2. American Heroes beat Sgt. and Roadblock to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Joe beat Spirit
4. Guile beat Barbecue
5. Chris Jericho beat Trooper 1
6. Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Damian
7. Super Crazy beat Hector Garza
8. Bam Bam Bigelow beat Trooper 10
9. Trooper 9 beat Glacier
10. New Age Outlaws beat Machine and E. Hounda by dq. Dudleys, Destroyer, Hulk, Massacre, Nightmare, Bruise Brothers, Trooper 9 and 10 attacked the ring. That caused the dq. Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Syxx tried to help but they were over numbered. Bison and Commander's men came out. They attacked the nWo members and the let D-X get away. nWo members left and headed to the back soon after D-X. Bison grabbed the mic.
Bison: "Machine tell your bosses that we are going to destroy you first. Don't ever think we are weak because next time you won't be able to get away."
11. Rob Van Dam and Sabu beat Snake Eyes and White Ninja
12. Cactus Jack beat Taz. Machine, E. Hounda, Dudleys, Destroyer, Hulk, Massacre, Nightmare, Bruise Brothers, Trooper 9 and 10 hit the ring again after the match. They attack both men. D-X, Joe, Barbecue, American Heroes, Sgt. Roadblock, Chris Benoit made the save.
Sunday Night Party 24-2/6/2000 results:
1. Hollywood Doomsday beat Venom to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
2. Joe and Barbecue beat Crazy
3. Hardy Boys beat Dynamic Duo to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Sabu beat Tajiri
5. Billy Kidman beat Super Crazy to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
6. Mike Awesome beat Bam Bam Bigelow
7. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat Edge and Christian to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. New Age Outlaws beat Jim Brooks and Chris Jericho to win all the rights to D-X.
2. Joe and Barbecue beat Crazy
3. Hardy Boys beat Dynamic Duo to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Sabu beat Tajiri
5. Billy Kidman beat Super Crazy to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
6. Mike Awesome beat Bam Bam Bigelow
7. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat Edge and Christian to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. New Age Outlaws beat Jim Brooks and Chris Jericho to win all the rights to D-X.
Wednesday Night Brawl-2/6/2002 results:
1. Night Brothers beat Snake Eyes and Strong Ninja
2. Temptress and Samantha Bison beat Ariel Bison and Lady Trooper
3. American Heroes beat White Ninja and Shadow Ninja to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Low Ki beat Barbecue to retain the EUWF IC Title and EUWF European Title.
5. Hit Squad beat APA to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Joe beat Test
7. Vlad beat Tajiri to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Homicide and Masato Tanaka beat Rob Van Dam and Venom
2. Temptress and Samantha Bison beat Ariel Bison and Lady Trooper
3. American Heroes beat White Ninja and Shadow Ninja to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Low Ki beat Barbecue to retain the EUWF IC Title and EUWF European Title.
5. Hit Squad beat APA to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Joe beat Test
7. Vlad beat Tajiri to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Homicide and Masato Tanaka beat Rob Van Dam and Venom
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdow-2/6/2003 results:
The show starts with Night Brothers walking around backstage mad about recent things happening and about the strike to start on raw. They stop seeing the Backseat Boyz talking to flair ahead of them and complaining how Backseat Boyz have only kissed but to have a job in this company. They also said it as the only reason they still have one and said that themselves have bleed, sweat, cried, broken their bodies and mind for their job. Backseats walk towards the Nights having heard about the blood part as they walked. Trent said that they don't need to bleed to prove themselves in this or any company and they don't kiss ass to keep their job. The four looked about to get into a fight till Flair got in between the two teams and made a first blood elimination match for the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles later tonight.
1. Konnan beat John Cena
2. Curry Man beat Rikishi. This match was made at the request from Christopher Daniels to Flair.
3. Crash The Terminator beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Backseat Boyz beat Night Brothers in a First Blood Elimination Match to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. It was down to Mark and Kashmere when Trent came back in. They hit the gator mouth to win the match. The guy dressed as Jason The Terrible came from the crowd and attacked Trent. He then head butted Kashmere busting him open and then left through the crowd.
4. Eddie Guerrero beat Rey Misterio Jr., Chavo Guerrero Jr., Billy Kidman in a Four Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Low Ki beat Jigglin Jimbro Brooks to retain the EUWF US Title.
6. Goldberg beat Kurt Angle
8. Chris Jericho beat Chris Benoit to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
1. Konnan beat John Cena
2. Curry Man beat Rikishi. This match was made at the request from Christopher Daniels to Flair.
3. Crash The Terminator beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Backseat Boyz beat Night Brothers in a First Blood Elimination Match to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. It was down to Mark and Kashmere when Trent came back in. They hit the gator mouth to win the match. The guy dressed as Jason The Terrible came from the crowd and attacked Trent. He then head butted Kashmere busting him open and then left through the crowd.
4. Eddie Guerrero beat Rey Misterio Jr., Chavo Guerrero Jr., Billy Kidman in a Four Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Low Ki beat Jigglin Jimbro Brooks to retain the EUWF US Title.
6. Goldberg beat Kurt Angle
8. Chris Jericho beat Chris Benoit to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
TTWF 2/6/2004 Viking Hall results:
1. Chris Hero beat Billy Gunn
2. Sonjay Dutt beat Billy Kidman to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
3. Shadow WX beat Samoa Joe to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Gothics beat Backseat Boyz to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Taion beat Rey Misterio Jr. to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
6. Doomsday beat Jerry Lynn to retain the TTWF US Title.
7. Dudleyz beat Night Brothers to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Chris Benoit and Bryan Danielson beat CM Punk/Colt Cabana and Christopher Daniels/BJ Whitmer in a 3 Way Dance.
2. Sonjay Dutt beat Billy Kidman to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
3. Shadow WX beat Samoa Joe to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Gothics beat Backseat Boyz to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Taion beat Rey Misterio Jr. to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
6. Doomsday beat Jerry Lynn to retain the TTWF US Title.
7. Dudleyz beat Night Brothers to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Chris Benoit and Bryan Danielson beat CM Punk/Colt Cabana and Christopher Daniels/BJ Whitmer in a 3 Way Dance.
Blood Bowl XI: Super Bloody Tokyo Dome Show Down 2005-2/6/05 results:
Super Pre Show III:
1. Dynamic Duo beat Hoodies, Izzy/Deranged, Crazy, Slasher/Knockout, Hard Luck Fighters in a Scramble Tag Match to Win a shot at the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Title on the PPV.
2. Azrael and Dixie beat Wildfire and Maximo Brothers in a Scramble Tag Match to Get a shot at the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match on the PPV.
3. Rocky Romero beat Jeff Hardy to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
4. Ricky Reyes beat Ace Steele to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
5. Christopher Daniels beat Chad Collyer to retain the EUWF US Title and Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
6. Paul London beat Homicide to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
7. Colt Cabana beat Nova to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
8. Batistia beat La Park to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
9. Joe beat Spanky to Advances To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
10. Spike Dudley beat Ultimo Dragon to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
11. Shadow WX beat Ric Flair to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title and to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
12. Piloit beat Jimmy Rave to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
13. Super Crazy beat Billy Kidman to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
14. Shelton Benjamin beat Ruckus to retain the EUWF IC Title and to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
15. Low Ki beat Booker T to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
16. Roderick Strong beat Christian to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
17. Shawn Michaels beat Randy Orton to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
18. Chris Jericho beat Red in a Non Title Match to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
19. Danny Maff beat Kenzu Suzuki to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
20. Edge beat Doug Williams to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
21. Triple H beat Jesus Bison and AJ Styles in a 3 Way Dance to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
22. Jim Brooks beat Raven to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
23. Samoa Joe beat Petey Williams to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
24. Chris Hero beat Bryan Danielson to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
25. SAT beat Dangerous Trio, New Demolition, La Resistance, Hoodies/Street Warrior, Dudleyz in a 6 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
26. Elix Skipper beat Nate Webb and Jay Lethal in a 3 Way Dance to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
27. Chris Sabin beat Tajiri to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
28. Sonjay Dutt beat Rey Misterio Jr. to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
29. Austin Aries beat Bradshaw to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
30. Alex Shelley beat Speedster Lite to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
31. Taion beat John Cena, JC Bailey, Jack Crystal in a 4 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World TV Title and Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
32. Doomsday beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
33. Mike Bison beat Sexy Eddy in a 200 Light Tube Death Match to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
34. John Walters beat Jimmy Jacobs, Dunn, Marcos, Matt Sydal, Delirious, Jamie Knoble, Michael Shane, Mr. America, Nick Berk, Spirit to retain the EUWF World TV Title and Advance to the Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
35. Jade beat Lady Trooper, Trish Stratus, Dominatrixic, Victoria, Ms. America, Crazy Woman, April Hunter, Ariel Bison, Alexis Larie, Lady Gangster, Christine, Lady Doomsday, Fire Woman, Lady Basher in a Gauntlet Battle Royal to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
36. Baroness beat Lady Speed, Miss Lee, Lacy, Nadia, Jill Night, Scarlet, Lady Backlot Assassin, Jane, Julie, Lady Trooper, Pink Dudley, Lady Venom, Temptress, Molly Holly, Lady Smasher, Tracy Brooks in a Gauntlet Battle Royal to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
1. Taion won the 31 Man Blood Bowl Battle Royal to win a shot at the TTWF World Heavyweight Title later in the night. Christopher Daniels earned a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and Doomsday earned a shot at the ECW World Title for being the last two men for their company in the battle royal. Havana Pitbulls, Paul London, Colt Cabana, Batistia, Joe, Spike Dudley, Shadow WX, Piloit, Super Crazy, Shelton Benjamin, Low Ki, Roderick Strong, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Danny Maff, Edge, Triple H, Jim Brooks, Chris Hero, Elix Skipper, Sonjay Dutt, Austin Aries, Alex Shelley, Mike Bison, John Walters were also in the match.
2. Venom beat Raven, Mad Man Pondo, Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Necro Butcher in a Hardcore Match.
3. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Azrael and Dixie to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Gothics beat Dynamic Duo to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Randy Orton and Masato Tanaka beat Samoa Joe and John Cena
6. B-Boy beat Jimmy Jacobs, Ultimo Dragon, AJ Styles, Jimmy Rave, Nick Berk in a 6 Way Mayhem Match to retain the 6 Way Mayhem Match.
7. Doomsday beat Shadow WX in a Weapons Match to win the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
8. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Havana Pitbulls in a 3 Fall Match. Pitbulls retain the ROH Tag Team Titles in the first. Lite and Brooks retain the EUWF World Tag Team Titles in the second and won the third too to win the match itself.
9. America's Most Wanted beat Dudleyz and Naughty By Nature in a 3 Way TLC Legal Match to retain the ECW World Tag Team Titles.
10. CM Punk beat Doomsday to retain the ECW World Title.
11. Eddie Guerrero beat Taion to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
12. Chris Benoit beat Christopher Daniels to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
1. Dynamic Duo beat Hoodies, Izzy/Deranged, Crazy, Slasher/Knockout, Hard Luck Fighters in a Scramble Tag Match to Win a shot at the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Title on the PPV.
2. Azrael and Dixie beat Wildfire and Maximo Brothers in a Scramble Tag Match to Get a shot at the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match on the PPV.
3. Rocky Romero beat Jeff Hardy to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
4. Ricky Reyes beat Ace Steele to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
5. Christopher Daniels beat Chad Collyer to retain the EUWF US Title and Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
6. Paul London beat Homicide to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
7. Colt Cabana beat Nova to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
8. Batistia beat La Park to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
9. Joe beat Spanky to Advances To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
10. Spike Dudley beat Ultimo Dragon to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
11. Shadow WX beat Ric Flair to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title and to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
12. Piloit beat Jimmy Rave to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
13. Super Crazy beat Billy Kidman to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
14. Shelton Benjamin beat Ruckus to retain the EUWF IC Title and to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
15. Low Ki beat Booker T to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
16. Roderick Strong beat Christian to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
17. Shawn Michaels beat Randy Orton to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
18. Chris Jericho beat Red in a Non Title Match to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
19. Danny Maff beat Kenzu Suzuki to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
20. Edge beat Doug Williams to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
21. Triple H beat Jesus Bison and AJ Styles in a 3 Way Dance to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
22. Jim Brooks beat Raven to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
23. Samoa Joe beat Petey Williams to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
24. Chris Hero beat Bryan Danielson to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
25. SAT beat Dangerous Trio, New Demolition, La Resistance, Hoodies/Street Warrior, Dudleyz in a 6 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
26. Elix Skipper beat Nate Webb and Jay Lethal in a 3 Way Dance to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
27. Chris Sabin beat Tajiri to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
28. Sonjay Dutt beat Rey Misterio Jr. to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
29. Austin Aries beat Bradshaw to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
30. Alex Shelley beat Speedster Lite to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
31. Taion beat John Cena, JC Bailey, Jack Crystal in a 4 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World TV Title and Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
32. Doomsday beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
33. Mike Bison beat Sexy Eddy in a 200 Light Tube Death Match to Advance To Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
34. John Walters beat Jimmy Jacobs, Dunn, Marcos, Matt Sydal, Delirious, Jamie Knoble, Michael Shane, Mr. America, Nick Berk, Spirit to retain the EUWF World TV Title and Advance to the Blood Bowl Battle Royal.
35. Jade beat Lady Trooper, Trish Stratus, Dominatrixic, Victoria, Ms. America, Crazy Woman, April Hunter, Ariel Bison, Alexis Larie, Lady Gangster, Christine, Lady Doomsday, Fire Woman, Lady Basher in a Gauntlet Battle Royal to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
36. Baroness beat Lady Speed, Miss Lee, Lacy, Nadia, Jill Night, Scarlet, Lady Backlot Assassin, Jane, Julie, Lady Trooper, Pink Dudley, Lady Venom, Temptress, Molly Holly, Lady Smasher, Tracy Brooks in a Gauntlet Battle Royal to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
1. Taion won the 31 Man Blood Bowl Battle Royal to win a shot at the TTWF World Heavyweight Title later in the night. Christopher Daniels earned a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and Doomsday earned a shot at the ECW World Title for being the last two men for their company in the battle royal. Havana Pitbulls, Paul London, Colt Cabana, Batistia, Joe, Spike Dudley, Shadow WX, Piloit, Super Crazy, Shelton Benjamin, Low Ki, Roderick Strong, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Danny Maff, Edge, Triple H, Jim Brooks, Chris Hero, Elix Skipper, Sonjay Dutt, Austin Aries, Alex Shelley, Mike Bison, John Walters were also in the match.
2. Venom beat Raven, Mad Man Pondo, Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Necro Butcher in a Hardcore Match.
3. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Azrael and Dixie to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Gothics beat Dynamic Duo to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Randy Orton and Masato Tanaka beat Samoa Joe and John Cena
6. B-Boy beat Jimmy Jacobs, Ultimo Dragon, AJ Styles, Jimmy Rave, Nick Berk in a 6 Way Mayhem Match to retain the 6 Way Mayhem Match.
7. Doomsday beat Shadow WX in a Weapons Match to win the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
8. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Havana Pitbulls in a 3 Fall Match. Pitbulls retain the ROH Tag Team Titles in the first. Lite and Brooks retain the EUWF World Tag Team Titles in the second and won the third too to win the match itself.
9. America's Most Wanted beat Dudleyz and Naughty By Nature in a 3 Way TLC Legal Match to retain the ECW World Tag Team Titles.
10. CM Punk beat Doomsday to retain the ECW World Title.
11. Eddie Guerrero beat Taion to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
12. Chris Benoit beat Christopher Daniels to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/6/2006 results:
1. Chris Sabin, Elix Skipper, Petey Williams beat New Demolition to win the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles. Chris Hero came out before the match announcing that Saviors have 3 new members and they will be challenging New Demolition for the belts. He then introduced Sabin, Skipper, Williams who came out with Erica Tempted. After the match James Gibson came out confronting Sabin and Sabin just said the same thing he did on smackdown. Sabin also that he didn't Gibson anymore and with Skipper and Williams attacked Gibson till Roderick Strong made the save with a chair. Gibson then challenged Gibson to team up with one of his new buddies to take on him and Strong on Smackdown on Friday. Sabin agrees and leaves.
2. Jimmy Rave beat Little Guido
3. Spirit beat AJ Styles
Brian Thunder went up to Shawn Michaels and wished him luck with his title match against Hero tonight. Michaels says thanks and then said unlike Hero he would love to defend the EUWF World Heavyweight Title against Brian at Wrestlemania XXII. Brian said thanks and two shook hands.
4. Jack Evans beat Trent Acid to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
Backlot Assassins came to the ring with almost all of them were bandaged up, on crutches, or in a wheel chair. Power and Blood were the only 2 not. Lady Backlot Assassin got on the mic saying that they were abused by EUWF by putting them into a match with Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Bobby Lashley to the point where Kane chokeslamed her. She said that they were thinking of legal action against those four and EUWF. Lights went out and when they came back on Undertaker and Kane were in the ring. The two cleared the ring of Backlot Assassins and Kane went for another chokeslam on Lady Backlot Assassin but was pull out by Power and Blood Backlot Assassin.
5. Speedster Lite beat Johnny Kashmere to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Gothics beat Colt Cabana and Ace Steele to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Brian Thunder beat Doomsday to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Chris Hero beat Shawn Michaels in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. After the match Saviors came out with a bloody and beaten Brian Thunder. They threw him into the cage and helped Hero tied Michaels up in the rope. They then handcuff Brian to the cage and Erica Tempted came from the back with chairs and baseball bats. The members of Saviors beat on Brian's arm with the weapons while Doomsday Alliance members tried to make the save but were stopped. Undertaker and Kane come to the ring got them to stop and leave. Doomsday Alliance checked on Brian and Shawn to end the show.
2. Jimmy Rave beat Little Guido
3. Spirit beat AJ Styles
Brian Thunder went up to Shawn Michaels and wished him luck with his title match against Hero tonight. Michaels says thanks and then said unlike Hero he would love to defend the EUWF World Heavyweight Title against Brian at Wrestlemania XXII. Brian said thanks and two shook hands.
4. Jack Evans beat Trent Acid to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
Backlot Assassins came to the ring with almost all of them were bandaged up, on crutches, or in a wheel chair. Power and Blood were the only 2 not. Lady Backlot Assassin got on the mic saying that they were abused by EUWF by putting them into a match with Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Bobby Lashley to the point where Kane chokeslamed her. She said that they were thinking of legal action against those four and EUWF. Lights went out and when they came back on Undertaker and Kane were in the ring. The two cleared the ring of Backlot Assassins and Kane went for another chokeslam on Lady Backlot Assassin but was pull out by Power and Blood Backlot Assassin.
5. Speedster Lite beat Johnny Kashmere to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Gothics beat Colt Cabana and Ace Steele to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Brian Thunder beat Doomsday to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Chris Hero beat Shawn Michaels in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. After the match Saviors came out with a bloody and beaten Brian Thunder. They threw him into the cage and helped Hero tied Michaels up in the rope. They then handcuff Brian to the cage and Erica Tempted came from the back with chairs and baseball bats. The members of Saviors beat on Brian's arm with the weapons while Doomsday Alliance members tried to make the save but were stopped. Undertaker and Kane come to the ring got them to stop and leave. Doomsday Alliance checked on Brian and Shawn to end the show.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/6/2008 Card:
The show began with the announcement of some of the talent signed for March's Best Of Lightweights Tournament 12. List from New Japan's Tiger Mask. DDT's KUDO and MIYAWAKI. Noah's Naomichi Marufuji and Go Shozuki. From Mexico El Pantera and Lince Darado. Dragon Gate's Shingo, CIMA, Dragon Kid, Nauroki Doi, Masato Yoshino, Genki Horiguchi, BXB Hulk. Chikara's Los Ice Creams, Colony, Shane Storm, Hydra. UK's Pac. Also indy works Shawnye Hawke, Billy Roc, Olson Twins, Player Uno, Devon Moore, OMG, Team Andrew, Northstar Express. Return of NWA Anarchy's Tod Sexton and Kory Chavis (Rainman). Also newcomers to EUWF/ECW Dustin Lee, Scotty Vortex, Kurt Hawkins, Zach Ryder, Joker, Danny Havoc. Of course all the current favorites including at least 9 out of the 10 living former Tournament Winners (Matt Hardy still in question) and making his return to the tournament Chris Jericho. With a new crop of young and hungry new comers to tournament can Rey Misterio Jr. be first to not only repeat in tournament win but be first to win two tournaments. Can last year's runners ups Chris Sabin, Human Tornado, or Mike Quackenbush win this year? Can a international wrestler finally win the tournament? Can another TWF wrestler win the second straight march/april tournament? Will Mike Bison keep his record setting year and a half and win a second tournament? If he does will it hurt him heading into wrestlemania XXIV? Those questions and more to be answered on March 23 at Easter Bash 2008.
ECW US Tag Team Tournament-First Round:
1. Doomsday and Venom beat Spirit/Jack Crystal and General/Sgt. Savior in a 3 Way Dance.
2. LAX beat Jimmy Yang/James Gibson and Sgt./Roadblock in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Eddie Kingston/Joker and Cheech/Cloudy in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Roderick Strong and Ray Gordy beat Bison Brothers and Dudleyz in a 3 Way Dance.
5. CM Punk and Colt Cabana beat Davey Richards/Rocky Romero and Hard Luck Fighters in a 3 Way Dance.
6. Machine and Sagat beat Tommy Dreamer/Balls Mahoney and Crazy in a 3 Way Dance.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Naturals and Wildfire in a 3 Way Dance.
8. Low Ki and Elix Skipper beat Hoodies and Elijah Burke/Shelton Benjamin in a 3 Way Dance.
2. LAX beat Jimmy Yang/James Gibson and Sgt./Roadblock in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Eddie Kingston/Joker and Cheech/Cloudy in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Roderick Strong and Ray Gordy beat Bison Brothers and Dudleyz in a 3 Way Dance.
5. CM Punk and Colt Cabana beat Davey Richards/Rocky Romero and Hard Luck Fighters in a 3 Way Dance.
6. Machine and Sagat beat Tommy Dreamer/Balls Mahoney and Crazy in a 3 Way Dance.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Naturals and Wildfire in a 3 Way Dance.
8. Low Ki and Elix Skipper beat Hoodies and Elijah Burke/Shelton Benjamin in a 3 Way Dance.
Non Tournament Match:
1. Iron Saints beat Samoa Joe, Eric Stevens, Matt Cross
1. Iron Saints beat Samoa Joe, Eric Stevens, Matt Cross
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-2/6/2009 results:
The show began with the announcement of that the East Bash 2009 featuring Best Of Lightweight Tournament 15 will now be two days April 11 and 12. The tournament will split over two days instead of the recent years long all day show. No official international talent is ready to be announced but there maybe a few big surprises for this years.
1. Jade Thunder and John Fire beat Alexis Lariee and Trooper 1
2. Davey Richards beat Homicide
3. Hernadez beat Eddie Edwards
4. Roderick Strong and Eric Stevens beat Colon Brothers
5. James Gibson beat Christopher Daniels
6. Austin Aries beat Brent Albright to retain the EUWF IC Title.
7. Doomsday beat Chris Jericho to win the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
8. RJ Hammer, John Cena, Brian Thunder, Mark Night beat Edge, Christian Cage, Triple H, Shawn Michaels
1. Jade Thunder and John Fire beat Alexis Lariee and Trooper 1
2. Davey Richards beat Homicide
3. Hernadez beat Eddie Edwards
4. Roderick Strong and Eric Stevens beat Colon Brothers
5. James Gibson beat Christopher Daniels
6. Austin Aries beat Brent Albright to retain the EUWF IC Title.
7. Doomsday beat Chris Jericho to win the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
8. RJ Hammer, John Cena, Brian Thunder, Mark Night beat Edge, Christian Cage, Triple H, Shawn Michaels
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-2/6/2010 results:
1. Alexis Lariee and Scarlet beat Erica Tempted and Sara Del Rey
2. Chris Hero beat Human Tornado
3. Delirious beat Spirit
4. Venom beat Necro Butcher to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
5. Sheamus and Davey Richards beat Mike Bison and Doomsday
6. Claudio Castagnoli won the Battle Royal for St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2010 ECW World Heavyweight Title Shot. Rey Misterio Jr., Abyss, Eddie Kingston, Eric Stevens, Christopher Daniels, Nigel McGuiness, Low Ki, Necro Butcher, Masada, Machine, AJ Styles, Shelton Benjamin, Eddie Edwards, Bison Smith was also in the match.
2. Chris Hero beat Human Tornado
3. Delirious beat Spirit
4. Venom beat Necro Butcher to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
5. Sheamus and Davey Richards beat Mike Bison and Doomsday
6. Claudio Castagnoli won the Battle Royal for St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2010 ECW World Heavyweight Title Shot. Rey Misterio Jr., Abyss, Eddie Kingston, Eric Stevens, Christopher Daniels, Nigel McGuiness, Low Ki, Necro Butcher, Masada, Machine, AJ Styles, Shelton Benjamin, Eddie Edwards, Bison Smith was also in the match.
Blood Bowl 17-2/6/2011 results:
Super Pre Show 15:
1. Blonde Ambition beat Queens Of Wrestling
2. Jade Thunder and Julie Fire beat Lady Gangster and Hardcore Bytch to retain the ECW/TWF/EUWF World Ladies Tag Team Titles. After the match Blonde Ambition challenged the champs to a title match at SNP 89 and they agree.
3. Ms. America beat Lady Speed to retain the EUWF World Ladies Titles.
4. Kong beat Star Pryde to win the ECW World Ladies Title.
5. Bravados beat Crazy
6. Taion beat Jack Crystal
7. Frankie Kazarian beat Trent Bretta
8. New Demolition beat Throwbacks
9. Piloit, Maison Dixie, Jackson Rouch, Brett Wayfield, Harley Wayfield beat Joe, Barbecue, Saviors, Scarlet in a Hardcore Elimination Match.
10. Tyler Black beat Claudio Castagnoli
11. Austin Aries beat Amazing Red
12. David Otunga, Joe Henning, Duke Rotunda beat Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Ezekiel Jackson
13. Osirin Portal beat Wildfire
14. Chuck Taylor beat Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Johnny Gargano in a 4 Way Dance.
15. Rich Swan beat Kenny King and Michel Elgin in a 3 Way Dance.
16. Ares beat Rhett Titus
17. Roderick Strong beat Sonjay Dutt and Drew McIntyre in a 3 Way Dance.
18. Naughty By Nature beat Uso Brothers to retain the EUWF/TWF/ECW US Tag Team Titles.
19. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Rhendo and Blanka to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
20. Young Bucks beat Heart Dynasty to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
21. Venom beat Broadie Lee to retain the ECW World TC Hardcore Title.
22. Homicide beat Alberto Del Rio
23. Cima and Dragon Kid beat Motor City Machine Guns
24. Naruki Doi beat Kenny Omega
25. Low Ki beat Akira Tozawa
26. Christopher Daniels beat Masato Yoshino
27. Pac beat Rey Misterio Jr.
28. Jim Brooks beat Yamoto and Bryan Danielson in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF US Title.
29. Mr. America beat Ricochet to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
30. Kofi Kingston beat John Moxly and Sami Callihan in a 3 Way Ladder Match to win the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
1. Speedster Lite beat Chris Hero to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
2. CM Punk beat Edge and Wade Barrett in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Beer Money to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Mark Night, Doomsday, Eric Bison beat Sagat, Street Warrior, Drake Younger in a Light Tube and Weapon Elimination Match. Doomsday beat Street Warrior to win the match and the other Hoodies came out to attack him after the match. Venom and Naughty By Nature made the save but NBN attacked Doomsday and Venom with chairs. Ripping off their Doomsday Inc jersey as Hoodies looked to get back in the ring but NBN stopped them. Basher said this was between them and not Hardcore Warriors. Smasher got on the mic saying there were tired of fighting between Doomsday and Venom every once in a while. Basher said they were best tag team in wrestling history even better then dudleyz. They are younger and are still a tag team but they claim they have been held back because of Doomsday and Venom crap in recent years. This went while they beat on Doomsday and Venom till Bison Brothers, Mark Night, Taion made the save. Basher says as they leave they are done with Doomsday and Venom and want nothing to do with them.
5. Hoodies beat American Wolves in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. The match could be won by pinfall, submission or escape the cage. Richards and Street Hustler got out brawled to the back. Edwards looked to escape by the door when Sagat ran from the back attacking Edwards before he could get out of the cage. This let Car Jacker escape the cage for the win. Sagat left with Car Jacker as Davey came back and Davey tried to help Eddie up but he pushed away. Edwards tried to leave but Davey stopped him and said he was sorry for not stopping Sagat. The two hug but Edwards low blows him and then rams him in the cage. Edwards then scream it was all daveys fault for the embarrassment of losing to Hoodies as he rammed him into the cage again and again. He even said he to hold his true feelings about Davey was going to retire last year but changed his mind. Edwards screamed that did he ever care about what it made him feel. The cage was raised as security came from the back to pull Edwards off of Davey.
6. John Morrison wrestled BxB Hulk to a no contest to retain the ECW IC Title. A couple of minutes in John Moxly, Yamoto, Akira Tozawa, Gran Akuma throwing Morrison out of the ring. Pac, Yoshino, Homicide made the save. CIMA, Dragon Kid, Ricochet, Naruki Doi, Broadie Lee attacked both teams with Alberto Del Rio attacking homicide after losing to him on pre show. This lead to a huge brawl between 3 groups that was split up by security and other wrestlers. RJ Hammer appeared on the titantron and said that they should be let go. He said oh wait he is the boss and made the 3 way match.
7. BxB Hulk, Pac, Masato Yoshino, Homicide, John Morrison beat CIMA/Dragon Kid/Ricochet/Naruki Doi/Broadie Lee and John Moxly/Yamoto/Akira Tozawa/Gran Akuma/Alberto Del Rio in a 3 Way Dragon Gate/Lucha Libre Tag Rules Match.
8. Mike Bison beat Machine in a Barbed Wire Massacre Match to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title. Mike tried to get Machine to apologize and start to make up for his actions after the match. Machine instead spit in Mike's face before he was helped to the back to end the show.
1. Blonde Ambition beat Queens Of Wrestling
2. Jade Thunder and Julie Fire beat Lady Gangster and Hardcore Bytch to retain the ECW/TWF/EUWF World Ladies Tag Team Titles. After the match Blonde Ambition challenged the champs to a title match at SNP 89 and they agree.
3. Ms. America beat Lady Speed to retain the EUWF World Ladies Titles.
4. Kong beat Star Pryde to win the ECW World Ladies Title.
5. Bravados beat Crazy
6. Taion beat Jack Crystal
7. Frankie Kazarian beat Trent Bretta
8. New Demolition beat Throwbacks
9. Piloit, Maison Dixie, Jackson Rouch, Brett Wayfield, Harley Wayfield beat Joe, Barbecue, Saviors, Scarlet in a Hardcore Elimination Match.
10. Tyler Black beat Claudio Castagnoli
11. Austin Aries beat Amazing Red
12. David Otunga, Joe Henning, Duke Rotunda beat Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Ezekiel Jackson
13. Osirin Portal beat Wildfire
14. Chuck Taylor beat Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Johnny Gargano in a 4 Way Dance.
15. Rich Swan beat Kenny King and Michel Elgin in a 3 Way Dance.
16. Ares beat Rhett Titus
17. Roderick Strong beat Sonjay Dutt and Drew McIntyre in a 3 Way Dance.
18. Naughty By Nature beat Uso Brothers to retain the EUWF/TWF/ECW US Tag Team Titles.
19. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Rhendo and Blanka to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
20. Young Bucks beat Heart Dynasty to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
21. Venom beat Broadie Lee to retain the ECW World TC Hardcore Title.
22. Homicide beat Alberto Del Rio
23. Cima and Dragon Kid beat Motor City Machine Guns
24. Naruki Doi beat Kenny Omega
25. Low Ki beat Akira Tozawa
26. Christopher Daniels beat Masato Yoshino
27. Pac beat Rey Misterio Jr.
28. Jim Brooks beat Yamoto and Bryan Danielson in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF US Title.
29. Mr. America beat Ricochet to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
30. Kofi Kingston beat John Moxly and Sami Callihan in a 3 Way Ladder Match to win the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
1. Speedster Lite beat Chris Hero to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
2. CM Punk beat Edge and Wade Barrett in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Beer Money to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Mark Night, Doomsday, Eric Bison beat Sagat, Street Warrior, Drake Younger in a Light Tube and Weapon Elimination Match. Doomsday beat Street Warrior to win the match and the other Hoodies came out to attack him after the match. Venom and Naughty By Nature made the save but NBN attacked Doomsday and Venom with chairs. Ripping off their Doomsday Inc jersey as Hoodies looked to get back in the ring but NBN stopped them. Basher said this was between them and not Hardcore Warriors. Smasher got on the mic saying there were tired of fighting between Doomsday and Venom every once in a while. Basher said they were best tag team in wrestling history even better then dudleyz. They are younger and are still a tag team but they claim they have been held back because of Doomsday and Venom crap in recent years. This went while they beat on Doomsday and Venom till Bison Brothers, Mark Night, Taion made the save. Basher says as they leave they are done with Doomsday and Venom and want nothing to do with them.
5. Hoodies beat American Wolves in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. The match could be won by pinfall, submission or escape the cage. Richards and Street Hustler got out brawled to the back. Edwards looked to escape by the door when Sagat ran from the back attacking Edwards before he could get out of the cage. This let Car Jacker escape the cage for the win. Sagat left with Car Jacker as Davey came back and Davey tried to help Eddie up but he pushed away. Edwards tried to leave but Davey stopped him and said he was sorry for not stopping Sagat. The two hug but Edwards low blows him and then rams him in the cage. Edwards then scream it was all daveys fault for the embarrassment of losing to Hoodies as he rammed him into the cage again and again. He even said he to hold his true feelings about Davey was going to retire last year but changed his mind. Edwards screamed that did he ever care about what it made him feel. The cage was raised as security came from the back to pull Edwards off of Davey.
6. John Morrison wrestled BxB Hulk to a no contest to retain the ECW IC Title. A couple of minutes in John Moxly, Yamoto, Akira Tozawa, Gran Akuma throwing Morrison out of the ring. Pac, Yoshino, Homicide made the save. CIMA, Dragon Kid, Ricochet, Naruki Doi, Broadie Lee attacked both teams with Alberto Del Rio attacking homicide after losing to him on pre show. This lead to a huge brawl between 3 groups that was split up by security and other wrestlers. RJ Hammer appeared on the titantron and said that they should be let go. He said oh wait he is the boss and made the 3 way match.
7. BxB Hulk, Pac, Masato Yoshino, Homicide, John Morrison beat CIMA/Dragon Kid/Ricochet/Naruki Doi/Broadie Lee and John Moxly/Yamoto/Akira Tozawa/Gran Akuma/Alberto Del Rio in a 3 Way Dragon Gate/Lucha Libre Tag Rules Match.
8. Mike Bison beat Machine in a Barbed Wire Massacre Match to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title. Mike tried to get Machine to apologize and start to make up for his actions after the match. Machine instead spit in Mike's face before he was helped to the back to end the show.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/6/2012 results:
The show started to come out saying that Mr. America has been complaining all day about what happen last night. He is going to give MA one more chance and Jericho been complaining about not being in the tournament. So the if Jericho team or MA team win on friday they get in elimination chamber match at SNP 95 as one of the first four in the match. RJ was about to leave when undertaker came from the back looking to the wrestlemania sign pretty much challenging RJ to a match then. RJ looked at him and then the sign. He said sorry but I can't and left.
Elimination Chamber Qualifying Tournament:
Bracket 1:
1. Randy Orton beat Claudio Castagnoli
2. Roderick Strong beat Chuck Taylor
3. Gran Akuma beat Adam Cole
4. Tyler Black beat Homicide
Bracket 2:
1. Low Ki beat Michel Elgin
2. Kyle O'Reily beat Eddie Edwards
3. Sami Callihan beat Primo
4. Wade Barrett beat Davey Richards
1. Randy Orton beat Claudio Castagnoli
2. Roderick Strong beat Chuck Taylor
3. Gran Akuma beat Adam Cole
4. Tyler Black beat Homicide
Bracket 2:
1. Low Ki beat Michel Elgin
2. Kyle O'Reily beat Eddie Edwards
3. Sami Callihan beat Primo
4. Wade Barrett beat Davey Richards
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-2/6/2013 results:
The show began with New Public Enemy coming out trying to force Joey Styles to call them by NPE and not Naughty By Nature. Joey refused and was dragged into the ring. Basher was about to hit him with light tubes with New Gagntas ran out making the save. They demanded a match against NPE for both tag belts at SNP101 but were refused. Teddy Long did make a 8 person tag match for saturday and if new ganstas team wins they get shot at SNP101.
1. Rhett Titus beat Justin Gabriel
2. Mike Bison beat Jack Swagger
3. Kofi Kingston beat James Storm
4. Sheamus beat Rhino in a Non Title Match.
5. El Generico beat Cody Rhodes in a Non Title Match.
6. Kevin Steen beat Dolph Ziggler
7. CM Punk beat Austin Aries
8. Bryan Danielson beat Cyrus Bourne in a Non Title Match.
1. Rhett Titus beat Justin Gabriel
2. Mike Bison beat Jack Swagger
3. Kofi Kingston beat James Storm
4. Sheamus beat Rhino in a Non Title Match.
5. El Generico beat Cody Rhodes in a Non Title Match.
6. Kevin Steen beat Dolph Ziggler
7. CM Punk beat Austin Aries
8. Bryan Danielson beat Cyrus Bourne in a Non Title Match.
TWF's Thursday Night Fire-2/6/2014 results:
1. Taion beat Venom in a Non Title Match.
2. Warrior Ninjas and Zangief beat American Heroes and Ash Hyde
3. Tristin Heartsend beat Car Jacker
4. Street Hustler beat Richie Borndo
5. Jim Brooks beat Bloody Donity
6. Power Donity beat Speedster Lite
7. Night Brothers beat Dogs Of War in a Non Title Match.
8. Freddie Waldeno beat Peter Spider
2. Warrior Ninjas and Zangief beat American Heroes and Ash Hyde
3. Tristin Heartsend beat Car Jacker
4. Street Hustler beat Richie Borndo
5. Jim Brooks beat Bloody Donity
6. Power Donity beat Speedster Lite
7. Night Brothers beat Dogs Of War in a Non Title Match.
8. Freddie Waldeno beat Peter Spider
ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-2/6/2015 results:
1. Jack Crystal beat Kevin Steen in a Non Title Match.
2. Mike Bison beat Rusev
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Hoodies in a Non Title Match.
4. Cyrus Bourne and Sami Zayn beat Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom
5. Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan beat Bad Influence in a Non Title Match.
6. Brian Thunder beat Pac in a Non Title Match.
7. Ash Hyde and Mr. America beat Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe
8. Kofi Kingston, Big E, Speedster Lite beat Kings Of Wrestling and Cody Rhodes
2. Mike Bison beat Rusev
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Hoodies in a Non Title Match.
4. Cyrus Bourne and Sami Zayn beat Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom
5. Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan beat Bad Influence in a Non Title Match.
6. Brian Thunder beat Pac in a Non Title Match.
7. Ash Hyde and Mr. America beat Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe
8. Kofi Kingston, Big E, Speedster Lite beat Kings Of Wrestling and Cody Rhodes
TWF's Saturday Night Fire-2/6/2016 results:
1. Alcardia Vania beat Savage Girl Warrior
2. Impaler and Dagger beat Kappa Knights
3. Ligi Brothers beat Nightmare
4. Dogs Of War beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
5. Jeffery Alpha, Jack Pink, Black Jack, Danny Red, Brent White beat American Heroes
6. Dolph Ziggler beat Jim Brooks in a Non Title Match.
7. Thomas Bernard and Harrison Boss beat Donity Brothers. After the match Warriors attacked Thomas and Harrison till American Heroes, Jack Crystal, Spirit, Young Guns Army made the save.
8. Seth Owens beat AJ Styles in a Non Title Match.
2. Impaler and Dagger beat Kappa Knights
3. Ligi Brothers beat Nightmare
4. Dogs Of War beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
5. Jeffery Alpha, Jack Pink, Black Jack, Danny Red, Brent White beat American Heroes
6. Dolph Ziggler beat Jim Brooks in a Non Title Match.
7. Thomas Bernard and Harrison Boss beat Donity Brothers. After the match Warriors attacked Thomas and Harrison till American Heroes, Jack Crystal, Spirit, Young Guns Army made the save.
8. Seth Owens beat AJ Styles in a Non Title Match.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-2/6/2017 results:
1. Joe Henning beat Taion
2. Brisoce Brothers beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
3. Rich Swan beat Masion Dixie
4. Randy Orton beat Seth Owens in a Non Title Match.
5. Sami Callihan beat Heath Slater
Goldberg came out accepting challenge from Brock Lesnar last week for 3 Way Last Man Standing Match with RJ Hammer being third man at WM33.
6. Samoa Joe and Ash Hyde beat Roman Reigns and John Moxly
7. The Miz beat Christopher Daniels
8. Sami Zayn beat Sheamus
9. AJ Styles beat Brodie Lee
10. John Cena and #BrokenHardies beat Cyrus Bourne and Wyatt Brothers
2. Brisoce Brothers beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
3. Rich Swan beat Masion Dixie
4. Randy Orton beat Seth Owens in a Non Title Match.
5. Sami Callihan beat Heath Slater
Goldberg came out accepting challenge from Brock Lesnar last week for 3 Way Last Man Standing Match with RJ Hammer being third man at WM33.
6. Samoa Joe and Ash Hyde beat Roman Reigns and John Moxly
7. The Miz beat Christopher Daniels
8. Sami Zayn beat Sheamus
9. AJ Styles beat Brodie Lee
10. John Cena and #BrokenHardies beat Cyrus Bourne and Wyatt Brothers
EUWF's Smackdown Live-2/6/2018 results:
1. Nattie Neidhart, Naomi, Nia Jox beat Riot Squad
2. Tony Neese beat Jack Crystal
3. Drew Gulak beat Spirit
4. Ricochet and Cederick Alexander beat Cyrus Bourne and Seth Owens
5. Mr. America and Brian Thunder beat Bad Influence
6. Rusev beat Bryatt Wyatt
7. Tyler Black beat Robert Roode
8. AJ Styles beat The Miz in a Non Title Match
2. Tony Neese beat Jack Crystal
3. Drew Gulak beat Spirit
4. Ricochet and Cederick Alexander beat Cyrus Bourne and Seth Owens
5. Mr. America and Brian Thunder beat Bad Influence
6. Rusev beat Bryatt Wyatt
7. Tyler Black beat Robert Roode
8. AJ Styles beat The Miz in a Non Title Match
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