The show began with Gary J, Fisher Star, Rex Lion, Felix Bolt celebrating their wins on sunday. Gary went to talk but his mic was cut everytime he started. Commander and TWF Mafia came out saying that Gary doesn't have a right to celebrate as he stole the TWF World Heavyweight Title from Harrison Boss. Commander said that since Mike Bison didn't have a ref licensed that Gary's victory is null and void. He won't be given the Money In The Bank briefcase back either. He ordered Gary to give Harrison the belt back but he wouldn't. Mike Bison interupted on tron from a hotel. Mike said that Commander has no authority and that Mike did get a temp ref license. Gary will remain TWF World Heavyweight Champion as Commander was fired from being GM of TWF as of this past Monday at 1pm. Mike guessed that Commander hadn't been checking his e-mail and showed the e-mail. The e-mail said on a vote 7-1 Commander has been relieved of his duties as GM. Due to his recent corrupt actions including involving corrupt ref and actions at TWF War 2019. Ownership and Board of Directors can no longer find be objective GM as he found. A new General Manger will be announce on thursday and Commander can stay remain of his new contract as manger with TWF Mafia/Kings Of Wrestling. Signed Triple H, Stepahnie McMahon, Vince McMahon, Mark Lite, Rachel Lite, Mike Bison, RJ Hammer, and board of directors. Commander demanded to know who is knew GM and Machine came out announcing he was the new GM. That he has no loyality to TWF Mafia and no put up with their crap. He then changed the main event to a 6 Man Tag Team Match with Gary J, Cyrus Bourne, Eric Bison v.s. Harrison Boss, Prince Thomas, Commander in a Hardcore Match. Commander said he was forced retirement and Machine said that would be one night only thing.
1. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 9 Match: Connor Stark and Bruce Blood beat Dagger and Knight Hunter
2. Buddy Murphy beat Felix Bolt
3. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 9 Match: Dogs Of War beat Bruno Crazy and Gabriel Locke
4. Carol Ninja and Taylor Lanley beat Nikki Cross and Stacy America
5. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 9 Match: Creed Gatson and Derek Vamp beat Will Nightmare and Bubba Jones
6. Drew Gulak beat Rex Lion
7. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 9 Match: Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Shepard Mars and Edison Samurai
8. Hardcore Match: Gary J, Eric Bison, Cyrus Bourne beat Harrison Boss, Prince Thomas, Commander
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