Pre Show:
1. Summer Tag Festival IX Double Elimination Round (Losers Bracket) Match: Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
Mike Bison walked into his and Eric's locker room asking him if his head is in the match tonight. Eric said that he is not sure after what on thursday. Mike said he can't let Bryatt get to him. That is what he wants. Eric says he knows and that they will win tonight. Then he will end Bryatt once and for all.
2. Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles Match: King Theodore III, Prince Thomas, Sir Tristan beat Fisher Star, Rex Lion, Felix Bolt (c)
1. #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinal Round Match: Ash Hyde beat Bruce Doomsday
2. Summer Tag Festival IX Double Elimination Round (Losers Bracket) Match: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
3. #1 Contenders Tournament Semifinal Round Match: Bubba Jones beat Eddie Venom
4. Summer Tag Festival IX Double Elimination Round (Losers Bracket) Match: The Revival beat Dogs Of War
5. No Holds Barred Match for Commander and Thomas Boss gains full control of TWF v.s. Loss of chance of ever having power: Bison Brothers beat Commander and Thomas Boss. Eric and Commander brawled around the building while Mike and Thomas fought in the ring. Mike went to super plex Thomas through light tubes across a bundle of light tubes. Stacy America came from the back low blowing mike and Taylor Lanley ran out. He hit stacy with light tubes. Thomas took mike to floor and they teased sending the other into barbed wire board on the floor. Mike suplexed Thomas on the floor and went to pick thomas up. Someone from the crowd jumped Mike and it was revealed to be Victor (Mr) America. He and thomas double teamed mike. Taylor grabbed Thomas turning him around and spitting green mist in his face. Blinded thomas floundered around and stacy through taylor into ring post. Victor told Thomas he throw to him and he will send him into the barbed wire. Victor went to but mike reversed it and thomas powerslammed Victor into the barbed wire board. By this time Eric and Commander made their way back to the ring. Commander begged Eric to join them but Eric said no. He went to hit him with a chair when the lights went out. Bryatt Wyatt was in the ring when they came on and put mandible claw on Eric. Eric rolled to the floor after bryatt let him go and left. Commander went to grab him but realized Mike was back in the ring. Commander tried to run from the ring but mike grabbed him hitting a half and half suplex. He then put on Bison Lock #1 with barbed wire singapore cane for the win. Mike and Taylor helped Eric to his feet to celebrate. Mike after the match challenged Victor and Stacy to Mixed Tag Hell In A Cell Death Match at Summerslam 2019. Eric then challenged Bryatt to a match at Summerslam.
6. Summer Tag Festival IX Double Elimination Round (Losers Bracket) Match: Taion and Guile beat oVe
7. Summer Tag Festival IX Double Elimination Round (Winners Bracket) Match: Street Profits beat Donity Brothers
8. #1 Contenders Tournament Final Round Match: Ash Hyde beat Bubba Jones to win TWF World Heavyweight Title Match at Summerslam 2019.
9. Barbed Wire Fence Match For TWF World Heavyweight Title: Gary J (c) beat Harrison Boss. The end came when Dogs Of War tried to come down cutting the barbed wire. Felix Bolt and Rex Lion chased them off but this let King Theodore to sneak in. He and Harrison double teamed Gary. They went to put gary through a barbed wire table but lights went out. Undertaker was in the ring when they came back on. He chokeslammed Theodore through the table and hit a tombstone on Harrison to let gary get the pin.
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