Sunday, August 11, 2019

EUWF's Summerslam 2019 results

Pre Show:
1. Weapons Match For ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles: Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch (c) beat reDragon.  Brett announced before the match that Usos were not here due to their recent arrest.  So they were challenging any team to a match tonight.  reDragon accepted the challenge.
2. Ladder Rematch For Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles: King Theodore III, Sir Tristan, Prince Thomas (c) beat Rex Lion, Felix Bolt, Fisher Star
3. Rematch For EUWF IC Title: Shelton Benjamin (c) beat Brian Thunder


1. Tables Match For The Rights To Dudley Name: Sagat. Pink Dudley, Hardcore Bytch beat Bully Ray and Allure
2. Eric Bison beat Bryatt Wyatt by DQ.  The end came after Eric got to the ropes in mandicable claw.  Bryatt decided to go after Eric's eye and the ref dqed him for not stopping.
3. Trish Stratus beat Queen Particia
4. Submission or Knockout Match For Unified World Ladies Title: Becky Lynch beat Carol Ninja (c)
5. Goldberg and Brock Lesnar beat Harrison Boss and Dolph Ziggler.  Harrison walked out on Dolph.
6. 3 Way Dance For TWF World Heavyweight Title: Ash Hyde beat Gary J (c) and Cyrus Bourne.  Seth Owens came out distracting the ref when Harrison Boss came from the crowd hitting Gary with the TWF World Heavyweight Title Belt.  This let ash win.
7. 4 Way Dance For ECW World Heavyweight Title: Adam Cole beat Ricochet (c), Roderick Strong, Kevin Steen
Gary J was seen trashing things backstage and was told to stop by Machine.  Gary said he wanted his rematch right now.  Machine said he can't do that.  Gary said then on Raw and Machine said that won't happen either.  Ash snuck a clause in contract that Gary obviously didn't read that said he didn't get a rematch.  That Gary going to have to earn a rematch for the title but somewhere down the line.  Like winning surviving months or Kings Of The Death Matches Tournament.  Gary said that he will both nothing will stop him from winning what he is rightfully his and if machine tries to screw him then he be next on his hit list after Harrison Boss.
8. 3 Way Dance For Uified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Street Profits beat War Machine (c) and Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno
9. 3 Way Dance For EUWF World Heavyweight Title: Johnny Garganno beat Drew McIntyre (c) and Drew Gulak
10. Hell In A Cell Death Match: Bison Brothers and Taylor Lanley beat Victor America, Bryatt Wyatt, Stacy America.  Mike and Taylor were about to make americas sumbit to double bisons lockes when lights went out.  Bryatt Wyatt was in the ring.  This lead to mike being tied up in the ropes and Bryatt was going to put mandicable claw on Taylor when bandaged up Eric Bison showed up from under the ring.  Eric smashes bryatt's hand with a chair.  This lead to bisons and taylor putting Bryatt and Americas in bison locks for the win.  Three baby faces celebrated sitting in the ring and mike kissed taylor on her head saying he was proud of her.  Three celebrated as Bryatt and Americas went to the back saying it wasn't over to end the show

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