Public Enemy Tag Team International Memorial Tournament 18 Round 4:
1. Bracket 1: Jay Lethal and Jonthan Gresham beat Breezango
2. Bracket 2: Donity Brothers beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
3. Bracket 3: Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat Briscoe Brothers
4. Bracket 4: Street Profits beat PYT
5. Bracket 5: Prince Devitt and AJ Styles beat Sir Stan and Sir Felix
6. Bracket 6: Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic beat Bearnard Cast and Jacob Clark
7. Bracket 7: Eddie Venom and Bruce Doomsday beat PCO and Brody King
8. Bracket 8: King Gary and Prince Thomas beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
Non Tournament Matches:
9. Ali beat Marcus Dove
10. ECW World TV Title Match: Jim Brooks (c) beat East Dragon
2. Bracket 2: Donity Brothers beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
3. Bracket 3: Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat Briscoe Brothers
4. Bracket 4: Street Profits beat PYT
5. Bracket 5: Prince Devitt and AJ Styles beat Sir Stan and Sir Felix
6. Bracket 6: Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic beat Bearnard Cast and Jacob Clark
7. Bracket 7: Eddie Venom and Bruce Doomsday beat PCO and Brody King
8. Bracket 8: King Gary and Prince Thomas beat Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson
Non Tournament Matches:
9. Ali beat Marcus Dove
10. ECW World TV Title Match: Jim Brooks (c) beat East Dragon
Public Enemy Tag Team International Memorial Tournament 18 Quarer-Final Round:
11. Jay Lethal and Jonthan Gresham beat Donity Brothers
12. Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat Street Profits
13. Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic beat Prince Devitt and AJ Styles
14. King Gary and Prince Thomas beat Eddie Venom and Bruce Doomsday
Non Tournament Matches:
15. Seth Owens beat Jake Manning
16. EUWF IC Title Match: Shelton Benjamin (c) beat Eddie Edwards
12. Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat Street Profits
13. Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic beat Prince Devitt and AJ Styles
14. King Gary and Prince Thomas beat Eddie Venom and Bruce Doomsday
Non Tournament Matches:
15. Seth Owens beat Jake Manning
16. EUWF IC Title Match: Shelton Benjamin (c) beat Eddie Edwards
Public Enemy Tag Team International Memorial Tournament 18 Semifinal Round:
17. Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat Jay Lethal and Jonthan Gresham
18. King Gary and Prince Thomas beat Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic
Non Tournament Matches:
19. Joe Henry beat Bruno Crazy
20. TWF US Tag Team Title Match: Samurai Del Sol and Lince Dorado beat Hot Shots (c)
21. RUSH, Dragon Lee, Bandido, Flamita beat Harrison Boss, Cyrus Bourne, Mark Lite, Ash Hyde
18. King Gary and Prince Thomas beat Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic
Non Tournament Matches:
19. Joe Henry beat Bruno Crazy
20. TWF US Tag Team Title Match: Samurai Del Sol and Lince Dorado beat Hot Shots (c)
21. RUSH, Dragon Lee, Bandido, Flamita beat Harrison Boss, Cyrus Bourne, Mark Lite, Ash Hyde
Public Enemy Tag Team International Memorial Tournament 18 Final Round:
22. Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend beat King Gary and Prince Thomas. During the match it turned into a big brawl between TWF Mafia and Undsiputed Era v.s. Kings Of Wrestling. The distraction led to Gary trying almost every dirty trick in the book to win. Gary went for one last shot with euwf title belt but theodore ducked rolling Gary up for the win. Kings attacked Theodore and company till Samoa Joe's music hit. Joe made his return with Mike Bison leading former TWF Family (since Victor America still owns the right to the name) members to make the save. Mike helped Thedoreo up and Joe helped Adam Cole up. Mike and Joe offered their hand but Cole and Theodore left with their groups to end the show.
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