The show began with Mike Bison announcing that he is retiring at the end of the year. Being 42 and both knees bad. He hasn't had the energy or passion to do this for a while. Its time for EUWF look for another hero to step in when they need one. That taking rest of 2020 to clear the slate with anyone left for the rest of the year. That he said he like his last match be at Christmas Bash 2020 either against Chris Jericho or CM Punk. Mike was interrputed by The Miz who said if anyone need to finish things with mike it was him. Miz says he blamed Mike for all his issues over the last 10 plus years. That he has been held back by him and everytime he tried to be world champion mike or his buddies stopped him. Mike said Miz was delusional and tried to leave. Miz challenged mike to a match at Extreme Nightmare 49 but mike ignored it. Miz challenged him to a no rope barbed wire match and mike agreed.
1. Raymond Rowe beat Phillip Donity
2. Naomi and Mia Yim beat Daniel Westernlock and Delilah Doomsday
3. Johnny The Kid beat Stan Swiss
4. Bella Backlot beat Liv Morgan
5. Kofi Kingston beat Shelton Benjamin
6. 3 Way Pick Your Poison Match: Ulysses Taion beat Tony Neese and Andrade
7. Non Title Match: Trevor Lee beat Cederick Alexander
8. 3 Way Pick Your Poison Match: Velveteen Dream beat Kyle Donity and Austin Theory
9. Bruce Doomsday beat Drew Gulak
10. 3 Way Pick Your Poison Match: Theodore Borando beat Claudio Castagnoli and Big E.
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