The show started with Mike Bison honoring Danny Havoc who sadly passed away over the weekend. When he was about to leave he was interputed by Randy Orton. Orton came out saying that despite what Mike said that he feels they're is unfinished business between them. Orton challenged Mike to a match but not one mike wants or likes being in. But a normal wrestling match at War 2020. Mike agrees to it.
1. Tag Festival X Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Prince Thomas and Sir Stan
2. Tag Festival X Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Sir Rex and Sir Fisher beat The Forgetton Sons
3. Tag Festival X Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Shane Thorne and Brendon Vink beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
Meeting of the Kings Of Wrestling was aired. Filmed at their castle yesterday. Most of the groups members left were there or on call from ipad. King Gary was sitting at front of a table and only seen from chest up. He laid out plan to regain dominance over EUWF, TWF, ECW. Begins with Mark Lite winning back TWF World Heavyweight Title next weekend and then Claudio Castagnoli winning #1 Contenders Tournament and EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Great American Bash 2020. Then Sir Stan will win #1 Contenders Match on Wednesday (he lost earlier so that won't happen) or Best Of Lightweight Tournament and then ECW World Heavyweight Title at Summerslam 2020. If stan doesn't he still has he rematch clause which can be transformed into ECW World Heavyweight Title shot instead when he is healthy. Stan asked what if he wins? Gary said that they would have a match. Stan stood up looking mad and Gary said that he didn't mean in a bad way. That he is not trying to screw Stan like Mike said he was. That match will be fair and square match. Stan said he be happy to have at anytime or place after he wins the belt and Gary is cleared to return to the ring. Gary said now three of them has some business to take care of and asked everyone in the room to leave. Camera people included. Guardian Knights escorted camera people out as a familar voice heard saying it was about that got to business. Gary said they had to get cameras out first as door closed on camera.
4. Tag Festival X Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Otis and Braun Strowman beat Guardian Knights
5. Tag Festival X Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Rock Holder and Crusher Jack
6. 4 Way Dance: Raymond Roadblock beat Akira Tozawa, Marcus Croft, Ace Austin
7. Tyler Breeze beat Masion Dixie
8. 4 Way Dance For Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles: Penny Firebird and Molly Moonshine beat Iconics, Lucy/Sophia Warrior, Alexia Bliss/Nikii Cross
9. Braun Strowman won the Battle Royal For Living Dangerous 2020 ECW World Heavyweight Title Shot: Otis, Brian Thunder, John Fire, Sir Rex, Sir Fisher, Shane Thorne, Brendon Vink, Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, Raymond Roadblock, Tyler Breeze were also in the match.
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