This Day In Wrestling History-August 29:
Extreme Bowl 3-8/29/1996 results:
1. Machine beat Konan in a Dog Collar Match.
2. Barbecue and Piloit beat Crazy in a Street Fight Match.
3. Sgt. and Guile beat Trooper 1 and 2 in a Double Chain Match.
4. Raven beat Shane Douglas in a Cage Match.
5. Bret Hart beat Arn Anderson in a Submission Match.
6. Kevin Nash beat Sagat in a Street Fight Match.
7. Joe beat Barbecue and Piloit in a Ladder Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Mark Night beat Sabu in a Tables Match to retain the EUWF IC Title.
9. Sting beat Ric Flair in a Street Fight Match to retain the EUWF US Title.
10. Chris Jericho beat Chris Benoit in a Submission Match to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
11. Public Enemy beat Eliminators in a Brawl Game to retain the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
12. Nightmare beat Road Warriors in a Tables Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
13. British Bulldog beat Shawn Michaels in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
14. Machine won the 12 Man Extreme Bowl Battle Royal Match.
Saturday Slam Jam Special-Thriller In Philly 2-8/29/1998 results:
The show started with showing of the Dudleys hitting the Dudley Death Drop on Beulah. The screen went over to RJ Hammer in his locker room. "That Dudley Death Drop has haunted me for the last couple of weeks. I thought Dreamer and Sandman would finally put away those a$$h0les once and for all. It just won't end with them. They go on and on about taking out Beulah. Tonight Dreamer and Sandman are going to beat the tar out of you guys and then finish the job Monday with their partner in the barbed wire match. Dudleys this next couple of days is going to be done to avenge Beulah and get the ultimate revenge. Hey Taz your @$$ is mine soon because I'm ready to get back. I haven't gotten what you did and I never will because of the scar."
1. Joe and Barbecue beat F.B.I.
2. Doomsday and Venom beat Blue Meanie and Super Nova
3. Eddie Guerrero beat Jerry Lynn
4. Masato Tanaka beat Chris Candido
5. Taz beat Dean Malenko
6. Syxx beat Speedster Lite in a Ladder Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. New Age Outlaws beat Bruise Brothers to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Bret Hart beat Konnan
9. Rob Van Dam beat Bill Goldberg to retain the EUWF US Title.
10. RJ Hammer beat Bam Bam Bigelow
11. Sting beat Sabu
12. Dudleys beat Tommy Dreamer and Sandman. After the match, Dudleys continued to attack Dreamer and Sandman. RJ Hammer ran out from the back to help but was attacked from behind by Vader and Konnan. Big Dick was sent to the back as the Dudleys, Vader, and Konnan handcuffed RJ Hammer to the top rope. Big Dick came back out dragging Michelle Simonsen. He threw Michelle in the ring and the Dudleys hit the Dudley Death Drop on her. Konnan and Vader threw Sandman and Dreamer to floor. They worked over both and the Dudleys triple team RJ. Bill Goldberg ran out and speared all three of the Dudleys at once. Steve Austin ran out and confronted Goldberg. Taz then came out and confronted both. The three were about to fight each other when Giant runs in and choke slams both men. RJ covers Michelle while the rest of the members of Outsiders ran to the ring. Out came D-X and then the lights went out. When they came on, the Undertaker and Kane were standing in the ring. Both started to choke slam members of Outsiders and D-X. Both groups started to leave as Steiners, Sting, Luger, Dallas Page, Road Warriors, Gangstas, Public Enemy, Speedster Lite, Rachel Simonsen, and some medical people ran to the ring. The lights went out again. Kane and Undertaker were both gone when they came back on. Both Goldberg and Austin left on their own but Sandman and Dreamer needed help to the back. Michelle was stretchered to the back.
Superday 99: Night Of The Skywalkers 99-8/29/1999 results:
1. Rhendo and Blanka beat Lenny and Lodi
2. Crazy beat Green Lantern and Flash
3. Shadow Ninja beat Trooper 4
4. Snake Eyes beat Trooper 3
5. Falcon, Sgt., Roadblock beat Duke, Taion, Major Blood in a Skywalkers Match.
6. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Naughty By Nature in a Skywalkers Match.
7. Joe and Barbecue beat Night Brothers and Hardy Boys in a Three Way Skywalkers Match to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Dudleys in a Skywalkers Match.
Wednesday Night Brawl-8/29/2001 results:
1. Sho Funaki beat White Ninja
2. Essa Rios beat Extreme Knight
3. Ivory beat Lady Lightning
4. Piloit beat Machine
5. American Turncoats beat Blood Lightning and Speed Lightning
6. Dynamic Duo beat Trooper 1 and 2
7. Spike Dudley beat Zangief
8. Homicide beat Justin Credible
9. Hardcore Holly beat Mankind
10. Low Ki beat Crash Holly to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
11. Hit Squad beat Hardy Boys
12. Mike Bison, Guile, Venom beat Shadow WX, Matsunaga, Spirit
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-8/29/2002 results:
The show starts with Joe coming to the ring. His left arm was in a sling.
Joe: "Last sunday was supposed to be battle of two guys respect each other between me and Chris Benoit. I found out the hard way the Benoit has no respect for me or my talent. He does a great move to reverse my finisher and wins the match but holds onto the crossface after the match. He injured my shoulder and it would have been worse if not for my friends. It will be my pleasure to win the belt back on September 23." Chris Benoit shows up on the big screen say that he has back brought respect and honor to the euwf world title that hasn't had in a long time. Chris Benoit ran through the crowd while the video of him was showing and attacks Joe. He german suplexes Joe and then rips the sling off of him. He then puts Joe into the crippler crossface till Naughty By Nature and Mike Bison made the save.
1. Maximo Brothers beat Guile and Rhendo
2. Red beat Super Crazy
8 matches were announced for forever. See the opening of the web site to see the eight matches.
3. Donovan Morgan beat Tajiri
4. Shadow WX beat Hardcore Holly.
Shadow WX was interview after the match and said that Mike Bison should be stripped of the Hardcore Title and the belt to be put up at in the Death Match Tournament at Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament shows. Shadow then announced that all the hardcore wrestlers in the EUWF will go on strike for the tournament if the GM and owners don't do it. Scarlet then said that she will talk with Barbecue and Rachel with an announcement coming soon at least by monday.
5. Kurt Angle beat Raven
6. Mike Bison beat Crash Holly to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Avenging Knights to retain the EUWF Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Chris Benoit and Backseat Boyz beat Low Ki, Edge, Christian
TTWF 8/29/2003 Viking Hall results:
The show started with Ian Rotten calling out RJ Hammer and said that the feud with Hardcore Alliance was about who has the most hardcore wrestlers. He said that RJ Hammer should stop hiding behind his wife. RJ cam out and told ian not to go their. Ian said that RJ wasn't really to hurt to wrestle regularly but retired because it was the only way him and Michelle could get back together. He said that they been together the whole time and never got divorce. RJ didn't respond except with to tell Ian to shut up. Ian said that this feud had no moral high grown and left.
1. Ariel Bison beat Nadia to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Tommy Dreamer, Crash The Terminator, Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Shadow WX beat JC Bailey, Nate Web, Mad Man Pondo, Cash Flo, Mean Mitch Page
3. Chris Benoit beat Trent Acid
4. Paul London beat Ultimo Dragon and Jerry Lynn in a 3 Way Dance.
5. Ric Blade beat Jamie Knoble to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio Jr. beat Night Brothers and Naughty By Nature in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Spanky beat Johnny Kashmere to retain the TTWF US Title.
8. Doomsday, Venom, Eddie Guerrero, Abdullah The Butcher beat Bad Breed, Chris Hero, Necro Butcher. Abby came out of one of three boxes brought to ring side. IWA Mid South and Hi Five attacked Doomsday, Venom, Abby after the match. Hardcore Alliance ran out and terry funk came out of the second. Bad Breed got a third guy with a blanket covering him into the ring. Ian and Axl turn around bragging what they were about to do when the guy took the blanket off revealing it to the real Cactus Jack (Mick Foley). Cactus then double cactus clothesline Ian and Axl to the floor. Hardcore Alliance, Terry, Cactus, Abby cleaned the arena of the IWA and HIV to end the show.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/29/2005 results:
The show started with Carlito Cabana with RJ Hammer and claiming that RJ was scared of Hardy Boyz. Carlito said that there was an open challenge from the hardyz to RJ and that RJ would not except. RJ said that he rather be focus on beating the hell out of Orton at Forever first then worry about the hardy boyz. Carlito then brought the hardyz out and matt called RJ a pussy. RJ said he didn't have time for this and tried to leave but carlito blocked his way. RJ threaten to fire him if he didn't move and Matt and Jeff attacked RJ. Carlito joined in till Ric Flair made the save clearing the ring and after rj just looked at Ric standing back from him. RJ asked him why and flair got on the mic saying that MVW/Revolution Alliance fired him because he took to much time off. RJ looked very careful then made a match between the hardyz v.s. RJ Hammer and Ric Flair for tonight.
1. Rottweilers (Low Ki, Smokes, Ricky Reyes) beat New Demolition to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
2. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Gothics to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Eddie Guerrero beat Carlito Caribbean Cool to retain the EUWF IC Title and #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
4. B-Boy beat Orlando Jordan to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Chris Hero beat Nick Berk to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
6. Homicide beat Jack Crystal to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. RJ Hammer and Ric Flair beat Hardy Boyz to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. During the match Flair would not tag in and then walked off. Flair stood laughing screaming at RJ that it was a trap. Randy Orton ran from the crowd RKOing RJ with the ref distracted but RJ kicked out. Jeff distracted the ref while came down Michelle distracting Orton and RJ pushed Matt into Orton. Orton rkoed Matt thinking it was RJ and RJ knocked Orton into the post. RJ then hit a top rope leg drop for the win. Orton, Hardy Boyz, Flair worked on RJ till Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Jack Crystal, John Cena, Eddie Guerrero made the save.
8. John Cena beat Spirit to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/29/2007 results:
1. AJ Styles beat Ruckus
2. Jimmy Jacobs beat Justin Credible
3. Austin Aries beat Ace Steel
4. Sabu beat Drake Younger
5. Christian Cage beat Brian Thunder
6. Colt Cabana beat Jim Brooks
7. Speedster Lite beat CM Punk
8. Abyss beat Jerry Lynn in the Match to win the 2 Ring, 72 Man Rumble Games Match (1 Matches going on in each ring till there are two guys left) to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title and get a title shot at Forever 2007 on September 11. Jerry Lynn won the title shot at Bruiser Broody Memorial Tournament 2007 Night 3 on September 17.
Ring One Went:
1. Matt Sydal beat Guile
2. Matt Sydal beat Rhendo
3. Blanka beat Matt Sydal
4. Machine beat Blanka
5. Machine beat Sal Rinauro
6. Machine beat Jigsaw
7. BJ Whitmer beat Machine
8. BJ Whitmer beat Trent Acid
9. BJ Whitmer beat Knockout
10. BJ Whitmer beat Slasher
11. Stevie Richards beat BJ Whitmer
12. Doomsday Kid beat Stevie Richards
13. Venomous beat Doomsday Kid
14. Eric Young beat Venomous
15. Finley beat Eric Young
16. Abyss beat Finley
17. Abyss beat Jimmy Jacobs
18. Abyss beat Sabu
19. Abyss beat Kikatoro
20. Abyss beat Ricky Reyes
21. Abyss beat Elix Skipper
22. Abyss beat Paul Burchill
23. Abyss beat Danny Doring
24. Abyss beat Gran Akuma
25. Abyss beat Speedster Lite
26. Abyss beat Raven
27. Abyss beat Eric Bison
28. Abyss beat Toby Klein
29. Abyss beat Claudio Castagnoli
30. Abyss beat JC Bailey
31. Abyss beat Jimmy Yang
32. Abyss beat Super Crazy
33. Abyss beat Nerco Butcher
34. Abyss beat Sandman
35. Abyss beat Balls Mahoney
36. Abyss beat Rey Misterio Jr.
Ring Two Went:
1. Paul London beat Spanky
2. Christopher Daniels beat Paul London
3. Christopher Daniels beat John Fire
4. Christopher Daniels beat Duke
5. Christopher Daniels beat Snake Eyes
6. Christopher Daniels beat Sgt.
7. Christopher Daniels beat Roadblock
8. Eddie Kingston beat Christopher Daniels
9. Eddie Kingston beat Taion
10. Eddie Kingston beat Eric Bison
11. Eddie Kingston beat Commander
12. Eddie Kingston beat Sagat
13. Roadkill beat Eddie Kingston
14. Colt Cabana beat Roadkill
15. Colt Cabana beat M-Dogg 20
16. Delirious beat Colt Cabana
17. AJ Styles beat Delirious
18. Austin Aries beat AJ Styles
19. Christian Cage beat Austin Aries
20. Rhino beat Christina Cage
21. 2 Cold Scoprio beat Rhino
22. Nate Webb beat 2 Cold Scorpio
23. Nate Webb beat Sexxy Eddy
24. Milano Collection At beat Nate Webb
25. Chris Sabin beat Milano Collection At
26. Alex Shelley beat Chris Sabin
27. Kid Kash beat Alex Shelley
28. Chris Harris beat Kid Kash
29. Chris Harris beat Tommy Dreamer
30. Tony Mamaluke beat Chris Harris
31. Little Guido beat Tony Mamaluke
32. Mad Man Pondo beat Little Guido
33. CW Anderson beat Mad Man Pondo
34. CW Anderson beat Azrieal
35. Jim Brooks beat CW Anderson
36. Jerry Lynn beat Jim Brooks
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-8/29/2008 results:
The show began with the announcement that John Cena had emergency surgery on tuesday and is doing better then expected. Now looking at a 2 to 4 months return with luck. There was a confrontation after Raw went off the air between Cena and Mr. America because Cena not being very invovled in the match on raw on then standing on the apron. Mr. America almost attacked Cena but was stopped by other Real American Alliance members.
1. Joe, Piloit, Jay Lethal, Kofi Kingston beat The Brian Kendrick, Sonjay Dutt, Kurt Hawkins, Zach Ryder
2. Motor City Machine Guns beat John Morrison and The Miz
3. Paul London beat Chris Hero
4. Bryan Danielson beat Mr. America in a Non Title Match.
5. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Delirious and Hallowicked to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles. Early in the night a video aired of Jimmy Jacobs inviting Hallowicked to join the Age Of The Fall just like Delirious had. Word came back was that Hallowicked had turned several offers to join the AOTF and had done it again. The end came when Delirious turned on Hallowicked hitting him with one of the belts letting trooper 1 get the pin. After the match Delirious attacked Hallowicked till Troopers came back to make the save.
6. Chris Jericho, Chris Night, Duke, Snake Eyes, Matt Sydal beat Mark Night, Brian Thunder, John Fire, Hardy Boyz in a War Games.
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-8/29/2009 results:
1. Kevin Steen and El Generico beat Colon Brothers in a Non Title Match.
2. Drake Younger and Scotty Vortekz beat Rey Misterio Jr. and Yoshitatsu
3. Ruckus and Eddie Kingston beat Hart Dynasty
4. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat TJ Perkins and Little Guido in a Non Title Match.
5. Priceless beat Beer Money Inc. to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Paul Burchill beat Jimmy Rave to win the Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament Day 1 Title Shot.
7. Matt Sydal beat Ray Gordy to win the Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament Day 2 Title Shot.
8. Petey Williams and Eric Young beat Tyler Black and Necro Butcher
ECW's Hardcore Heaven 2010-8/29/2010 results:
The show began with Beer Money Inc., Hoodies, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Kings Of Wrestling attacking Machine, Sagat, High Flyers, Naughty By Nature. Lite said that so they couldn't compete later as Storm hit HC Bytch in the head with a beer bottle.
1. Lady Naughty By Nature Scarlet, Mickie Knuckles (taking HC's place), LuFisto (taking Miss Lee's place) beat Jinx, Star Pryde, Lady Gangster, Sara Del Ray, Amazing Kong in a Elimination Street Fight Match.
2. Kings Of Wrestling (Claudio/Ares) beat American Wolves/Hoodies in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Jim Brooks beat Big Show (replacing Machine) to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title. Show had been called in to help tonight by Mike and it took Abyss and Nightmare interference for Brooks to get the win.
4. Kings Of Wrestling (Hero/Sheamus) beat Briscoe Brothers and Young Bucks (Replacements for Naughty By Nature) in a 3 Way Dance to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Christopher Daniels beat Frankie Kazarian to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Chris Jericho and Rey Misterio Jr. beat Beer Money Inc.
7. Venom beat Doomsday to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
8. Mike Bison beat Samoa Joe to retain the Million Dollar Money In The Bank. After the match Mike and Joe shook hands. The ring was then surrounded by Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Hoodies, Kings Of Wrestling, Beer Money Inc., AJ Styles, Frankie Kazarian, Abyss, Nightmare, Spirit, Jack Crystal before they could jump Joe and Mike security and locker room ran keeping anything from happening. Mike and Joe went after Abyss as he had to kept back and Big Show came out attacking Jim Brooks causing even more. More wrestlers came out splitting the mess to end the show.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/29/2011 results:
1. Ms America beat Ariel Bison to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Brett Wayfield beat The Miz
3. Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Sara Del Rey beat Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Lady Speed
4. Tyler Black beat Sin Cara
5. Rose and Sabrina beat Blonde Ambition in a Non Title Match.
6. Davey Richards beat Alberto Del Rio to retain the Unified World TV Title.
7. Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin, Christopher Daniels beat New Bruise Brothers and Mark Henry
8. Mr. America beat AJ Styles and Frankie Kazarian in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/29/2012 results:
1. Moonshine and Firebird beat Ariel Bison and Janet Lee Bison in a Non Title Match. During the match Peter Spider, Freddie Waldino, Richie Borndo, Tristin Heartsend, Lightning Duo came out drinking. They went to announce both asking if drinking beer is what they had to do to go noticed around here. Security came bringing them to the back but not before Peter spit beer in Ariel face leading to moonshine getting the pin with a roll up. Moonshine and Firebird left with the guys.
2. Alex Shelley v.s. Jimmy Jacobs
3. Sagat beat Colt Cabana in a Non Title Match.
4. Kings Of Wrestling beat Colony in a Non Title Match.
5. El Generico beat WN Alpha in a Non Title Match.
6. Super Smash Brothers beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch in a Non Title Match.
7. CM Punk beat Machine in a Non Title Match.
8. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth beat AJ Styles/Austin Aries and Christopher Daniels/Frankie Kazarian in a 3 Way Dance.
TWF's Thursday Night Fire-8/29/2013 results:
1. Harley Wayfield, Nattie Neidhart, Lady Speed beat Star Pryde, Jinx, Ms. America
2. Mr. America beat Jackson Rouch
3. Doomsday beat Speedster Lite in a Non Title Match.
4. Jim Brooks beat Venom in a Non Title Match.
5. Brian Thunder beat Trooper 1
6. Piloit beat Freddie Waldeno
7. Peter Spider beat WN Alpha
8. Night Brothers beat Brett Wayfield/Masion Dixie, Spirit/Jack Crystal, Donity Brothers in a 4 Way Dance.
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-8/29/2014 results:
1. Piloit beat The Miz
2. Mr. America beat Daniel Xtreme
3. Daryl Ranger beat John Cena
4. Eddie Edwards beat Chris Jericho
5. Goldust and Cody Rhodes beat Mike Bison and Machine in a Non Title Match.
6. Mr. Venom beat Adam Rose in a Non Title Match.
7. Pac beat Ash Hyde in a Non Title Match.
8. Cyrus Bourne beat Rusev by DQ to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. The end came when Rusev wouldn't break his finisher while cyrus foot was on the bottom rope. After the ref dqed him he didn't break it either till Samoa Joe made the save who chased rusev out of the ring to end the show.
TWF's Saturday Night Fire-8/29/2015 results:
1. Moonshine and Firebird beat Charlotte and Becky Lynch in a Non Title Match.
2. Snake Eyes bea Danny Red
3. Black Jack beat John Fire
4. Sheamus beat Freddie Waldeno to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
5. Prince Devitt beat King Peter to retain the Unified IC Title.
6. Pac beat Spirit to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
7. Jim Brooks won the Battle Royal For BBMT Night 1 Triple Crown Title Mactch. American Heroes, Mark Night, Piloit, Masion Dixie, Naughty By Nature, Donity Brothers, Warrior Ninjas, Troopers, Young Guns Army, Wildfire, Crazy, New Demolition, Backlot Warriors, Dangerous Trio, Dragons, Hoodies, Vampire Nation, Bubba Jones, Zangief, Spirit, Taion, Guile, Jackson Rouch, Piloit, Masion Dixie, Speedster Lite, Freddie Waldeno were also in the match.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/29/2016 results:
1. Moonshine and Hardcore Bytch beat Star Pryde and Nia Jax
2. Moose beat Johnny The Kid
3. AJ Styles beat Jeffery Alpha
4. Bad Influnece beat Lucha Dragons
5. Rich Swan beat Masion Dixie
6. Roman Reigns and John Moxly beat Ash Hyde and Seth Owens in a Non Title Match.
7. Briscoe Brothers beat Uso Brothers
8. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Blk Jeez and Pepper Parks
9. Eric Bison, Sagat, Guile Taion beatWyatt Family in a Hardcore Match.
10. Joe Henning and Heath Slater beat Sami Zayn and Randy Orton
EUWF's Smackdown Live-8/29/2017 results:
1. King Peter and Tristin Heartsend beat Lucha Dragons to retain the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Drew Gulak beat Masion Dixie in a Non Title Match.
3. AJ Styles beat Alexander Wolfe
4. Jim Brooks beat Aiden English
It was announced that on September 10 there will be a special $9.99 Hurricane Harvey Charity ppv. It will air first exclusivily on ppv and then in october on network. All procedes for the PPV will go to charity towards relief for victims of the Hurricane. Same with Forever 2017 the following day. With this weekend being holiday weekend it was decide the show better suited to take place on 10 instead. PPV will be headlined by Samoa Joe v.s. Mike Bison and AJ Styles v.s. Shinske Nakuamara.
5. Mr. America beat Cyrus Bourne
6. Pink Dudley beat Naomi
7. Randy Orton won the Battle Royal For #1 Contendership and Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament Title Shot Night 3. Brisoce Brothers, John Moxly, American Alpha, Wyatt Family, #Broken Hardies, Fire Ant, Aiden English, Robert Roode, Sanity, Bad Influnece, Apollo Crews, Lucha Dragons, The Miz, Tyler Black, Roman Reigns, Motor City Machine Guns, Big Show, Drew Gulak, Tony Neese, Jigsaw, Akira Tozawa, Gran Metalik, Pac, Trevor Lee were also in the match.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/29/2018 results:
1. Riot Squad beat Blonde Ambition
2. Akira Tozawa beat Seth Owens
3. Ricochet beat Eddie Venom
4. Adam Cole beat Bruce Doomsday
5. Robert Roode beat Mr. America
6. Ash Hyde beat TJ Perkins in a Non Title Match.
7. Marcus Croft beat Lio Rush in a Non Title Match.
8. Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat Bryan Danielso and Adam Page
TWF's Thursday Night Fire-8/29/2019 results:
1. King Of The Ring TWF Bracket Quarter-Final Round Match: Seth Owens beat Marcus Croft
2. Surviving Months 2019 Qualfying Match: Brentley Justice and Frank Pluto beat Road Ragers
3. Connor Stark beat Dominick Dark
4. Surviving Months 2019 Qualfying Match: Brett and Chris Prowl beat Road Knights
5. Brandon Scarlet beat John Crazy
6. Surviving Months 2019 Qualfying Match: Macrus Dove and Owen Star beat Clifford Darkness and Elijah Crash
7. Gabriel Lock beat Rock Holder
8. King Of The Ring TWF Bracket Quarter-Final Round Match: Gary J beat King Theodore III. After the match Theodore locked shocked losing and begged the ref restart the match saying he had his shoulder up. Replay showed he didn't and Queen Patricia got in the ring with 6 Man Tag Title belt and Iron Man Title belt. Theodore said that he still the real king and this doesn't change it. Theodore went to grab the belts but Patricia wouldn't give it to him. Theodore demanded to be given them as Princess Caroline came in the ring behind him and low blowed Theodore. Sir Tristan came out questioning the queens of wrestling when he was attacked by black valkyrie. Dogs Of War tried to come out and make the save but they were attacked by Snake Byte. Theodore, Tristan, Dogs left laying as Gary just wastched from entrance way confused. Patricia said there was time for a new king as Theodore failed the Knights Of Squared Circle. Patricia left the ring kneeling before Gary giving him the iron man title belt. Gary was just confused and Patricia said she snuck in the contract the belt was on the line. Gary took the belt and left as Patricia smiled saying they found their new king to end the show
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