This Day In Wrestling History-December 3:
ECW TNN TV Show-12/3/1999 results:
1. Ikuto Aidaka beat Joe
2. Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Lady Speed beat Doomsday/Venom/Lady Doomsday and Barbecue/Falcon/Scarlet in a Three Way Mix Dance. Jade refused to be in the three way before the match and Lady Doomsday was order by Shane Douglas to take her place. The masked woman made her return from through the crowd and came into the ring. All the action stopped and so did the ref. She took off her shirt and she had no bra on but she was only shown from the back. Doomsday rolled up a shocked Falcon and got the pin eliminating his team. The woman pointed Venom over and kissed him. Venom grabbed her mask but she pushed Venom into Speedster Lite and who hit him with Speed Strike (Superkick) after he got pushed. Speedster covered Venom for the win while Falcon and Barbecue covered up the woman. It was Jade and she put her shirt back on. She then walked over to Lady Speed and helped her up. She then planted a big kiss on Lady Speed and then left the ring. Speedster, Brooks, and Rachel stood shocked.
ECW Hardcore TV-Weekend of 12/3-5/1999 results:
Jade was interviewed.
Cyrus: "I'm here with the very beautiful and talented Jade."
Jade: "Thank you Cyrus but coming from a pig like you, makes me just hate you more. Why isn't there any female interviewers anyway?"
Cyrus: "I will talk to the powers that be about that but why all the sudden are you in love with Rachel Lite, also known as Lady Speed?"
Jade: "She is beautiful, cute, smart, talented wrestler, funny, nice. Everything any person would want in a guy or a girl. My problem is that Falcon is the same except a guy. I have feelings for both of them and I'm torn apart." Falcon comes into the part where they are talking.
Falcon: "Did I just hear what I just thought I heard?"
Jade: "Hi Falcon. Yes, you did and you are one the best men I have ever meet. Like I said I'm torn because I have feelings for Rachel too."
Falcon: "I got an idea. Give me one date this Monday Night and we will invite a camera to go with us on the date. I will show you the time of your life but just give me the chance." Falcon walks away.
Jade: "I will. Hm."
Cyrus: "What about Doomsday and Venom?"
Jade: "Those two dorky pigs can go to hell for all I want."
Sunday Night Party 29-Surviving Weeks 2000 Day 19-12/3/2000 results:
The PPV opened with RJ Hammer, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Bam Bam Bigelow talking about the trashing of the EUWF offices and what happen on Saturday. Undertaker walked into the locker room.
Undertaker: "I need to talk to you now!"
RJ: "No problem. Bam Bam get the camera out of here." Bam Bam grabs the camera man and throws him out.
Camera Man: "Not again!"
1. Piloit beat Falcon
2. Barbecue beat Spike Dudley to retain the EUWF Unified World Lightweight Title.
3. Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Justin Credible beat Naughty By Nature and Tommy Dreamer
4. Mike Awesome beat Shadow WX
5. Chris Jericho beat Kid Kash
6. Rob Van Dam beat Val Venis
7. Billy Gunn beat Steve Corino to retain the EUWF Unified IC Title.
8. RJ Hammer, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Undertaker beat Kurt Angle, Rhino, Scott Steiner, Kane
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-12/3/2001-Surviving Weeks 2001 Day 20 results:
Hardcore Club and The Hoodies were shown being down and sad about what happen on Thursday as the show starts. They were all wondering about the future of the Extreme Alliance since several of them have only contracts with the Extreme Alliance and not the EUWF. That meant they would be out of a job if Extreme Alliance disbanded. RJ came into the ring and told them not to worry because he will think of something.
1. Ariel Bison beat Mighty Molly
2. Big Show and Sagat beat Hitmen
3. Hurricane beat Mike Bison
4. Naughty By Nature and Joe beat S.A.T. and Piloit
5. Red beat Tajiri
6. Booker T beat Justin Credible
Doomsday challenged RVD to a title match next Monday on raw.
Triple H challenged Jim Brooks to a match at Holiday Vengeance and Brooks attacked him with a sledge hammer to the back of the head. Brooks said he will be the new game to add to his list of being Mr. PPV, Mr. Monday, Mr. Everything. He also said he will break Triple H's legs and arms.
7. Jim Brooks beat Homicide to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
8. Speedster Lite and Edge beat Christian and Lance Storm
9. Venom beat Steve Austin to retain the EUWF European Title.
10. Doomsday beat Low Ki
11. Barbecue and Michelle beat RJ Hammer and Jill Night
12. Rob Van Dam beat Jesus Bison to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. RJ ran to the ring after the match and attacked both men with a chair. He hits a doomsday driver onto a chair on Bison. He then grabbed a table wrapped in barbed wire and light tubes taped to it. He pours gasoline onto the table and grabbed RVD. He was about to try to put RVD through it on fire but Undertaker and Kane came to the ring. They double choke slammed RJ through the table on fire. They then double choke slammed RVD and helped Bison up. Hardcore Club and Hoodies ran to the ring to make the save. Dudleys, Steve Blackman, Crash Holly turned on Shadow WX and Matsunaga and attacked them. Hoodies attacked RJ. Undertaker, Kane, Bison attacked RVD. That all went on till Doomsday Alliance surprisingly made the save. Doomsday Alliance checked on RJ, RVD, Shadow WX, Matsunaga as the show ended.
TTWF 12/3/2002 Show results:
1. Spanky beat Piloit
2. Josh Prohibition beat Colt Cabana and Tony Mamaluke in a Three Way Dance to become the #1 Contender for Junior Title and get a shot at the TTWF World Junior Title at December 8 Viking Hall PPV Show.
3. Jill Night beat Simply Luscious to win TTWF World Women Title.
4. Mike Bison beat CM Punk to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
5. James Maritato beat M-Dogg 20 to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. American Heroes beat Backseat Boyz to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Michael Shane beat Paul London to retain the TTWF US Title.
8. Venom beat American Dragon to win the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
Wednesday Night Brawl-12/3/2003-Surviving Weeks 2003 Day 24 results:
1. Nadia beat Lady Ninja
2. Mr. America beat Jamie Knoble in a 20 Minute Iron Man Match (3-0) to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
3. Doomsday beat Colt Cabana to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Mike Bison beat Balls Mahoney to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
5. Piloit beat Sabu
6. Venom beat Matt Hardy to retain the TTWF US Title.
7. Rob Van Dam beat Taion and Joe in a 3 Way Dance to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Jim Brooks beat Booker T to retain the EUWF US Title.
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-12/3/2005 results:
The show began with Samoa Joe coming to the ring demanding a rematch for his title happen at Christmas Bash 2005 and Jesus Bison came out. He called joe boring and fat and that he shouldn't get his rematch at all despite what says in his contract. CM Punk came to the ring saying he should get the next big title shot since he feels Foley and Haymen screwed him during the Surviving Month Tournament by keeping him off shows. The three looked to get into a fight when Venom came to the ring saying that he should be the one because he was the winner of the ECW bracket for the SM tournament. Mike Bison came out says if it was up to him he would defend against all of three of them but Mick Foley is the GM. Mike says that Mick made a four way between the guys in the ring for the main event that would see who would maybe face him at christmas bash 2005.
1. Nate Webb beat Piloit
2. Chris Benoit beat Johnny Kashmere
3. Nerco Butcher beat Shadow WX to retain the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title.
4. Dudleyz beat Rhino and Nick Berk in a Tables Match to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
5. AJ Styles beat Trent Acid to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Briscoe Brothers beat Naughty By Nature in a Non Title Match.
7. Doomsday beat Mr. America to win the ECW US Title.
8. CM Punk beat Samoa Joe, Venom, Jesus Bison in a Non Title 4 Way Dance.
ECW's December To Dismember 2006-12/3/2006 results
1. Mickie Knuckles beat Ariel Bison to win the ECW World Ladies Title. Ariel seemed really off her game all match long and the end came when she seemed to have snapped. She hit mickie with a chair and then went for a one woman double chair shot but Mickie sweep her legs out. Ariel hit face first into the chairs and then mickie hit a shimmer warlock on Ariel as she sat up for the win. After the match ariel just laid there for a bit crying but not because she was hurt but sad. She slowly got up Bison Brothers, Taion, Guile came out to help her to the back.
2. Lady Naughty By Nature beat Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew to retain the ECW/EUWF World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
3. Eric Young beat Spirit to retain the ECW IC Title.
4. Tommy Dreamer beat Nick Berk to retain the ECW World HC Triple Crown Title.
5. Doomsday and Venom beat Samoa Joe and CM Punk to win the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Claudio Castagnoli beat Chris Hero
7. Harry Smith and TJ Wilson beat Mr. America and Rhino to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
8. Matt Hardy and Jack Crystal beat Edge and Christian in a Ultimate Jeopardy Match with RJ Hammer as special ref. By winning the match Matt wins the EUWF World Heavyweight and Jack wins the ECW World Heavyweight Title. The end came with Matt hitting a super twist of fate on Christian and Jack hitting a top rope driver of some kinda. RJ counted both Edge and christian down for the win. After the match locker room came out to congratulate Jack and Matt for the win to end the show.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-12/3/2007 results:
1. Joe and Scarlet beat Vlad and Sabrina to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
2. Ariel Bison and Jill Night beat Queens Of Wrestling to retain the EUWF World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Cheech and Cloudy to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Roderick Strong beat John Morrison to retain the EUWF IC Title.
5. Ray Gordy beat El Generico to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Human Tornado beat Low Ki to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Doomsday beat Jeff Hardy to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Bryan Danielson and Chris Hero beat Mike Bison and RJ Hammer
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-12/3/2008 results:
The show began with a pre tapped message from Mike Bison who said he won't be here tonight or saturday because a very special thing he and Venom will be apart for this holiday season. He said that they can watch it on December 20 on NBC. He also confirmed that Claudio will be getting his rematch at December To Dismember 2008 PPV and was shocked to find out that he had requested the Last Warrior Standing Match. He told Claudio to bring his A game because he will bring his and end the problems between them once and for all.
1. Ricky Ortiz beat Guile
2. Ruckus beat Jack Evans
3. Eddie Kingston beat Sagat
4. Shelton Benjamin beat Ricky Reyes
5. Brain Damage beat Power Backlot Warrior
6. James Gibson beat Scott Lost
7. Davey Richards beat Josh Raymond
8. CM Punk won the Gauntlet Battle Royal Match and the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title to win the Starcade 2008 title shot on December 28. Jerry Lynn won the title shot at Winter Bash 2008 on December 21. Colt Cabana, Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, LAX, Drake Younger, Dudleyz, 2 Backlot Warriors, Danny Havoc, Abyss, Samoa Joe, Low Ki, Roderick Strong, Brent Albright, 2 Cold Scorpio, Spirit, Eric Bison, Jay Briscoe, Super Crazy, Austin Aries, Rey Misterio Jr., Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Tommy Dreamer, Taion, Machine, Doomsday, Ricky Ortiz, Ruckus, Eddie Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, Brain Damage, James Gibson Davey Richards were also in the match.
TWF/EUWF's Superstars-12/3/2009 results:
The show began with Hoodies coming from the back challenging Spirit and Jack for another shot at TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles and take place 12 Death Matches Of Christmas 3 on December 23. Spirit and Jack came from the back saying that would only happen if Hoodies put their career on the line. Hoodies agree.
1. Hernadez beat Claudio Castagnoli in a Non Title Match.
2. Miss Lee beat Star Pryde to retain the TWF World Ladies Title Rematch.
3. Venom and Naughty By Nature beat Eric Bison, Guile, Commander
4. Cyrus Bourne beat Jim Brooks, Power Warrior, Doomsday in a 4 Way Dance to win the Top 20 #1 Contenders Tournament Finals and TWF World Heavyweight Title shot at Christmas Bash 2009 on December 25. Doomsday won the shot at Starcade 2009 on December 27, Brooks won the Winter Bash 2009 on December 19 title shot, and Power Warrior won the Sunday Night Party 82 on December 6 title shot.
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-12/3/2010 results:
Mike Bison came out for another celebration for winning the Triple Crown on tuesday but was interrupted by Michael Cole and The Miz. Cole first complained how Mike screwed Miz out of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and what have his spot in that match tuesday. Miz then complained about unfair rematches and cheating Mike did and demanded a fair Title Match tonight against him. Mike said he couldn't beat a TWF rookie then he ain't going to beat him. Mike said if he could beat Maison Dixie tonight in the rematch then maybe he think about giving him another shot.
1. Brett Wayfield beat Drew McIntyre
2. TJ Perkins beat Jack Swagger
3. Edge beat Brian Thunder
4. Mark Night beat MVP
5. Colt Cabana beat Chris Night
6. Maison Dixie beat The Miz in a EN30 Day 2 Rematch. The end came when arguing Mike and Cole lead to Mike looking like he was going to hit him. This distracted Miz long enough for Maison to roll him up for the pin. Miz and Cole complained as Mike coagulated Maison on the way to the back.
7. Bryan Danielson beat Eric Bison in a Non Title Match.
8. RJ Hammer, Jerry Lawler, Jim Brooks, Speedster Lite, Alex Koslov beat Nexus (Wade Barrett, Joe Henning, Duke Rotunda, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel)
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-12/3/2012 results:
1. Glamazon Duo beat Pink Dudley and HC Bytch
2. Power Donity beat Damien Shadow
3. Jim Brooks beat Roman Regins
4. Warrior Ninjas beat Doomsday Inc.
5. Alberto Del Rio beat Speedster Lite
6. Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, Low Ki beat Mr. America, Michel Elgin, John Cena
7. AJ Styles and CM Punk beat Cyrus Bourne and Mike Bison
8. Tyler Black beat John Moxly in a Non Title Match.
9. Briscoe Brothers and Kings Of Wrestling beat Machine, Sagat, Hoodies
10. Jay Lethal and Homicide beat American Wolves
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-12/3/2013 results:
1. Star Pryde beat Jinx in a Non Title Match.
2. Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Piloit and Masion Dixie in a Non Title Match.
3. East/West Dragons beat Road Knights
4. CM Punk and Samoa Joe beat Jackson Rouch and Speedster Lite
5. Brett Wayfield beat "The New" WN Alpha
6. Blonde Ambition beat North/South Side Dragons in a Non Title Match:
7. Ash Hyde won the Battle Royal For Christmas Bash 2013 Title Shot. Jack Crystal won the SNP106 and Peter Spider won the Starcade 2013 Title Shot. Sagat, Spirit, American Heroes, Night Brothers, Piloit, Masion Dixie, New Public Enemy, Jack Crystal, Donity Brothers, Warrior Ninjas, Troopers, Young Guns Army, Wildfire, Crazy, New Demolition, Backlot Warriors, Dangerous Trio, Dragons, New Gangtas, Vampire Nation, Jim Broks, Speedster Lite, Bubba Jones, Zangief, Machine, Speedster Lite.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-12/3/2014 results:
1. Pink Dudley and Jade Thunder beat Hardcore Bytch and Firebird
2. Ascension beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
3. Mr. America beat Adam Rose
4. Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan beat Naughty By Nature in a Non Title Match.
5. Hoodies beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
6. Guile beat Mr. Venom in a Non Title Match.
7. Bryatt Wyatt beat Hollywood Doomsday
8. Samoa Joe, Kevin Steen, Mike Bison, Machine beat Cyrus Bourne, Eric Bison, Sagat, Rhino
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-12/3/2015-Surviving Month 2015 Day 62 results:
1. Bryatt Wyatt beat Sonjay Dutt
2. Kofi Kingston beat Robert Roode
3. ACH beat Heath Slater
4. Rich Swan beat Chris Sabin
5. Cyrus Bourne beat Wade Barrett
6. Seth Owens beat Joey Ryan
7. King Peter beat Bo Wyatt
8. James Storm beat TJ Perkins
9. Samoa Joe, Alberto Del Rio, Naughty By Nature beat Ash Hyde, Dolph Ziggler, Doomsday, Venom
TWF's Saturday Night Fire-12/3/2016-Surviving Months 2016 Day 61 results:
1. Moonshine beat Princess Kimber Lee
2. Wildfire beat All Night Express
3. Piloit beat Dolph Ziggler
4. Lady Speed beat Janet Lee Bison
5. Knockout and Slasher beat Trooper 3 and 4
6. Vlad lost to Eddie Kingston by DQ to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Ariel Bison beat Alicia Fox
8. Taion and Guile beat Colony
9. Speedster Lite wrestled Jim Brooks to a Draw.
Taped Exclusively for EUWF Network:
1. Dogs Of War beat Primo and Epico
2. Sgt. and Roadblock beat Young Bucks
3. Mark Night beat Baron Corbin
4. John Fire and Snake Eyes beat Kings Of Wrestling
5. Jeffery Alpha beat Sheamus
6. Bruise Brothers beat Gran Metalik and Akura Tozawa
7. Mr. Venom beat Heath Slater
8. East/West Dragons beat Snake Byte
9. Impaler beat Adam Page
10. Nightmare beat Dule Thunder and Chris Night
11. Jack Crystal beat Mike Bennett
12. Rhendo and Blanka beat Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn
13. Brian Thunder beat Joey Ryan to retain the TWF World TV Title.
14. Gambit Inc beat Hallowicked and Frightmare
15. Dalton Castle beat Randy Orton
16. Crazy beat The New Day
17. Eric Bison beat Rich Swan
18. Black Valkyrie beat American Alpha
19. Icarus beat Michel Elgin
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-12/3/2018-Surviving Months 2018 Day 63 results:
1. 4 Way Surviving Months PVP Match: Candice LaRae beat Ruby Riot, Carmella, Mandy Rose
2. 4 Way Surviving Months PVP Match: The New Day beat The Kingdom, War Machine, Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley
3. 4 Way Surviving Months PVP Match: Roderick Strong beat Sheamus, Adam Cole, Seth Owens. Owens explained before the match why he Ash Hyde joined the Dragon Club. He said it was about betryal from Mike Bison for TWF Army's end and wanting to bring Doomsday/Broken Inc back into fold. After every betryal Doomsday Inc has done to them in last year how can they allow them back in family.
4. 4 Way Surviving Months PVP Match: Sonjay Deville beat Sarah Logan, Serena Villonsis, Princess Caroline
5. 4 Way Surviving Months PVP Match: Rusev Day beat Titus O'Neil and Apollo Crews, Alistar Hound and Travis Jazz, Stu Bomb and Rick Knife
6. 4 Way Surviving Months PVP Match: Randy Orton beat Akira Tozawa, Shinsuke Nakumara, Tyson Bronx
7. 4 Way Surviving Months PVP Match: Asuka beat Mia Yim, Moonshine, Ariel Bison
8. 4 Way Surviving Months PVP Match: Sanity beat Street Profits, Ascension, Link Rod and Kong Remer
9. 4 Way Surviving Months PVP Match: AJ Styles beat Tommy End, Drew McIntyre, Prince Devitt
10. EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Samoa Joe (c) beat Elias
TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-12/3/2019-Surviving Months 2019 Day 89 results:
Surviving Months 2019 Tournament Points v.s. Points Round 17 Matches:
1. Jennifer Roadie beat Loretta Savior
2. Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Hoodies
3. Jaxson Ryker beat Jeffery Alpha
4. Helena Bytch beat Linda Lightning
5. Marvel Warriors beat Colt Star and Patrick Thorne
6. Jeff Cobb beat Tristan Heartsend
7. Dinah Spade beat Jessica Jane
8. Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Jump Start
9. Pete Dunne beat Leoroy Piloit
Filmed For EUWF Network:
Surviving Months 2019 Tournament Points vs Points Round 17 Matches:
1. Faith Fire beat Taylor Lanley
2. Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin beat Ligi Brothers
3. Silas Young beat Shane Strickland
4. Sandy Gales beat Princess Tabitha
5. Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz beat Tate Twins
6. Austin Theory beat Prince Thomas
7. Josie Jinx beat Sarah Temptress
8. Marcus Dove and Owen Star beat Gambit Inc
9. Samurai Del Sol beat Andrade
10. Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson beat Shot Busters
11. Laura Smasher beat Tiffany Lane
12. Sir Fisher and Sir Felix beat Bruise Brothers
13. Alicia Jacks beat Princess Caroline
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