Thursday, August 22, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-August 22 (Von Erich Memorial Tourny 6, RJ Hammer wins Third Von Erich Memorial, Speedster Lite takes a pipe to face, Don't Come A Knocking, Samoa Joe chokes Great Khali out, Sunday Night Party 86, Teddy Long announced as ECW General Manger, Unified World Ladies Title Held Up, Seth Owens Party Ends Quickly, King Of The Ring 2019)

This Day In Wrestling History-August 22:
EUWF's Hardcore Heaven 96-8/22/96 results:

1. Terry Gordy beat Vader
2. Tommy Dreamer and Cactus Jack beat Sid and Brian Lee
3. Troopers beat Doomsday Warriors
4. Steiner Brothers beat Faces Of Fear
5. Bruise Brothers beat Wildfire
6. Eliminators beat Road Warriors
7. Head Hunters beat Crazy
8. EUWF World Lightweight Title Match: Joe (c) beat Ken
9. The Five Way Dance 2 For EUWF IC Title: Mark Night (c) beat Sabu, Eddie Guerrero, Barbecue, Snake Eyes
10. EUWF US Title Match: Sting (c) beat Dean Malenko
11. EUWF World TV Title Match: Chris Jericho (c) beat Chris Benoit
12. EUWF US Tag Team Title Match: Public Enemy (c) beat Gangtas
13. EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match: Nightmare (c) beat Pitbulls
14. EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Shawn Michaels (c) beat Raven

Von Erich Memorial Tournament 6-8/22/1999 results:

First Round:
1. RJ Hammer beat Venom
2. Chris Jericho beat Balls Mahoney
3. Sting beat Lance Storm
4. Bill Goldberg beat Jim Brooks
5. Steve Austin beat King Bison
6. Undertaker beat Rey Misterio Jr.
7. Rob Van Dam beat Christian
8. Sabu beat Gangrel
9. Justin Credible beat Edge
10. Speedster Lite beat Jerry Lynn
11. Taz beat Super Crazy
12. Shane Douglas beat Tajiri
13. Steve Corino beat Jeff Jarrett
14. Cactus Jack beat D-Lo Brown
15. Dallas Page beat Ken Shamrock
16. Road Dog Jesse James beat Bad Ass Billy Gunn
17. Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Billy Kidman
18. Mark Night beat Konnan
19. Juventud Guerrera beat Doomsday
20. Chris Night beat Machine
21. Sandman beat Joe
22. Bam Bam Bigelow beat Barbecue
23. Evan Hounda beat Snake Eyes
24. Eddie Guerrero beat Perry Saturn
25. Chris Benoit beat Dean Malenko
26. Spike Dudley beat Kanyon
27. Falcon beat Prince Michael
28. El Vampiro beat Duke
29. Faarooq beat Bradshaw
30. The Cat beat Sagat
31. Mikey Whipwreck beat Taion
32. Buff Bagwell beat Crash The Terminator

Second Round:
1. RJ Hammer beat Chris Jericho
2. Sting beat Bill Goldberg
3. Steve Austin beat Undertaker
4. Rob Van Dam beat Sabu
5. Speedster Lite beat Justin Credible
6. Taz beat Shane Douglas
7. Cactus Jack beat Steve Corino
8. Dallas Page beat Road Dog
9. Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Mark Night
10. Chris Night beat Juventud Guerrera
11. Bam Bam Bigelow beat Sandman
12. Eddie Guerrero beat Evan Hounda
13. Chris Benoit beat Spike Dudley
14. El Vampiro beat Falcon
15. Faarooq beat The Cat
16. Buff Bagwell beat Mikey Whipwreck

Third Round:
1. RJ Hammer beat Sting
2. Rob Van Dam beat Steve Austin
3. Speedster Lite beat Taz
4. Dallas Page beat Cactus Jack
5. Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Chris Night
6. Eddie Guerrero beat Bam Bam Bigelow
7. Chris Benoit beat El Vampiro
8. Buff Bagwell beat Faarooq

Quater-Final Round:
1. RJ Hammer beat Rob Van Dam
2. Speedster Lite beat Dallas Page
3. Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Eddie Guerrero
4. Chris Benoit beat Buff Bagwell

Semifinal Round:
1. RJ Hammer beat Speedster Lite
2. Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Chris Benoit

Final Round:
1. RJ Hammer beat Hunter Hearst Helmsley to win his Third Von Erich Memorial Tournament.

Wednesday Night Brawl-8/22/2001 results:

1. Sgt. and Roadblock beat Wildfire
2. Sand Knight, Rhendo, Blanka beat Extreme, Ranger, Cyborg
3. Street Warrior beat Extreme Sport
4. Homicide beat White Ninja
5. Hoodies beat Snake Eyes and Shadow
6. Hit Squad beat Blood Lightning and Crazy Lightning
7. Crazy beat Extreme Knight and Extreme Warrior to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
8.  Spirit beat Hurricane Helms
9. Crash The Terminator beat Machine
10. Low Ki beat Chavo Guerrero Jr. to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
11. Shadow WX and Matsunaga beat Night Brothers
12. Doomsday beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the EUWF US Title.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-8/22/2002 results:

The show begins with Speedster Lite attacking Taion from behind but Scott Steiner attacked.  He hit Speedster Lite in the mouth with a led piper and then a shot to the jaw with it.  Taion walked away with a smile as Steiner beat on Speedster till nWo Elite members make the save.
1. Ric Blade beat Crash Holly
Joe confronts Chris Benoit backstage about Jim Brooks saying that Benoit thought Joe didn't deserve to be EUWF World Heavyweight Champion.  Benoit denies ever saying it and explains that he respects Joe as champion.  Benoit then wonders about what has happen to nWo Elite that he original joined.  Benoit apologized about what happen and says he is looking forward to wrestling him tonight and this sunday.  Benoit walks away with Joe looking stunned.
2. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Eddie Guerrero
Rob Van Dam and Taion walk up to Scarlet's office and Taion knocked on the door but no answered.  They both kept knocking.
Scarlet: "Can you come back later."
Taion: "What happen last night?"  It took a few minutes for an answer.
Scarlet: "Sorry but I got real busy.  I really liked the fact that Scott Steiner beat the hell out of Speedster tonight.  That what he gets."
RVD: "That is true.  We will leave you to whatever work you are doing."  Both walk away and afterwards strange noises can be heard.
3. Masato Tanaka beat Steven Richards
4. Tajiri beat Chris Nowinski
Naughty By Nature walks by Scarlet's office and hears the noises.
Basher: "What in the world?"  Basher and Smasher puts their ears against the door.  Taion and Rob Van Dam walk by.  They start listening too. 
5. Super Crazy beat Billy Kidman
6. Avenging Knights beat APA
Several other Doomsday Alliance members listen to the door when someone accidentally opens the door from their side and everyone falls into the room.  The camera couldn't get a look into the room or get into the room.
Wrestlers: "Sorry!"  They all part from the room and away from the door except RVD and Taion.  Scarlet and Joe walk out of the office with their clothes messed up big time.
Taion: "I guess that explains that."  RVD and Taion walk away.
7. Donovan Morgan and Island Boyz beat Taion, Edge, Christian
8. Joe and Naughty By Nature beat Chris Benoit and Hit Squad

TTWF 8/22/2003 Viking Hall results:

1. Tom Carter wrestled Mike Quackenbush to a time limit draw in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match.  This was a rematch from last week and the winner was supposed to take up the challenge Tony Mamaluke made on Smackdown for a shot at the EUWF World Lightweight Title in a Submission match this sunday.  RJ came out after the match and told them both that both can be in the match this sunday.
2. Ultimo Dragon beat Chris Sabin. It was showed that Sabin had asked for a try out match and that he had been asking for weeks.  RJ finally gave one tonight but against Ultimo Dragon.
3. Jerry Lynn beat Ruckus
4. Tommy Dreamer beat Necro Butcher
5. Shadow WX beat Axl Rotten
6. JC Bailey and Nate Webb beat Naughty By Nature
7. Ian Rotten and Mad Man Pondo beat Chris Hero and Venom.  The end came when Hero turned on Venom leading Pondo to get the pin.  Hero, Ian, Pondo pounded on Venom till Naughty By Nature, Tommy Dreamer, Shadow WX made the save.
8. Chris Benoit beat Jim Brooks, Eddie Guerrero, Brian Thunder in a Special Challenge Non Title Match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/22/2005 results:

The show started with a tribute to Chris Cash who died last thursday in a motorcycle accident.  Cash had first wrestled with TTWF during the TTWF v.s. CZW feud in 2002.  Also made a few Best Of Lightweight Tournament and Tag Tournament appearances and surviving month appearances
1. JC Bailey beat Shane Helms
2. Chad Collyer beat Sylvain Grenier
Mike Bison, Shadow WX, Taion, CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Ace Steele, Lady Trooper, Tracy Brooks, Jill Night, Night Brothers came to the ring.  Mike was pretty banged up and was limping a little and got on the mic.  He said that last night went the way he could have hoped and that he is happy.  He said that Michelle or Paul Haymen can't change what happen last night despite what they may want.  Spirit and Jesus Bison came out and Spirit demanded his EUWF World Heavyweight Title belt and Jesus demanded the ECW World Heavyweight Title.  Mike was started laughing and was about to answer when John Cena and Eddie Guerrero came from the back.  Both of them each demand one more shot at the title and Michelle showed up on the big screen.  She said she may have not liked some of the things mike has said or done recently but has to say she respect for what he and the others did.  She congratulated him and then announced the main event for this Sundays ECW Hardcore Heaven 2005 PPV.  It will be John Cena v.s. Eddie Guerrero v.s. Spirit v.s. Paul London v.s. Kurt Angle v.s. Mike Bison v.s. Jesus Bison v.s. returning AJ Styles in a 8 Way 3 Fall Title Match for EUWF, TTWF, ECW World Heavyweight Titles.
3. B-Boy beat Orlando Jordan to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
4. Chris Hero beat Bradshaw to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
It was announced the matches to decide the next #1 Contenders Trophy Holder will be or start on thursday.
5. John Cena and Eddie Guerrero beat Mike Bison and Taion
6. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Ax/Crush from New Demolition, 2 Dangerous Trio, Maximo Brothers, Homicide/Low Ki, Shane Twins, Machine/Sagat, Hardy Boyz, Austin Aries/Roderick Strong, Ring Crew Express, Rhendo and Blanka, Gothics in the Tag Title TLC Match.  Homicide got the 6 Man Tag Titles for Rottweilers, Hardy Boyz won the Heavyweight Tag Titles, Guile won the mix tag team titles, Brooks and Lite retain the Lightweight Tag Team Titles.  After all the belts were gotten there was one final fall to decide who won the match which Lite and Brooks won.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/22/2007 results:

The show started with footage of great kahli coming out attacking Little Guido and Brian Thunder in a Dark Match for the crowd and destroyed both.  Kahli then got on the mic just saying samoa joe.  Joe trying coming to the ring but security stopped him and then Haymen came out announcing that the two will battle later tonight for ECW World Heavyweight Title.
1. Mickie Knuckles and Blackout beat Hardcore Bytch, Machine, Sagat
2. Doomsday Kid beat Tommy Dreamer
3. Sandman beat Venomous
4. Drake Younger beat Abyss to become the #1 Contender For ECW World Triple Crown Hardcore Title and a title shot at Summerslam 2007.
5. Gran Akuma beat Milano Collection At
6. Jerry Lynn beat Homicide, Spanky, Paul London in a 4 Way Dance to become #1 Contender for ECW US Title and a title shot at Summerslam 2007.
7. Bison Brothers beat Rey Misterio Jr./CM Punk and Rhino/AJ Styles in a 3 Way Dream Partner Tag Team Match.  Rey had chose Punk after being asked by Mike who told him that Eric would chose him as his partner.
8. Samoa Joe beat Great Kahli to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.  Kahli seemed to have Joe down for the win but Joe got his foot on the rope.  Kahli went to chokeslam joe off the top rope but joe fights out of it.  Joe put the choke on kahli getting him to pass out in it for the win and Joe didn't want to release it.  CM Punk came out attacking Joe with a chair and Punk said that after he beats mike bison and ends his career he will come after joe when he lest ready.  Mike Bison ran in making the save to end the show.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-8/22/2008 results:

1. Jay Lethal beat Piloit
2. Nigel McGuiness beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
3. Bryan Danielson beat John Cena
4. Delirious beat Hallowicked
5. Brian Kendrick and Ezekiel Jackson beat Kofi Kingston and Paul London
6. Jeff Hardy and Speedster Lite beat Chris Hero and Mr. America
7. Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Kevin Steen/El Generico, Duke/Snake Eyes, Kurt Hawkins/Zach Ryder, Motor City Machine Guns in a 5 Way Non Title Match.
8. Mark Night beat King Jim Brooks to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-8/22/2009 results:

The show began with Mike Bison coming to the ring announcing Theodore Long as the new GM of ECW.  He said he need a fair gm that could would keep things down the middle.
1. Nattie Neidhart beat Lady Trooper in a Non Title Match.
2. Jack Crystal beat Dingo in a Non Title Match.
3. Alex Shelley beat Cody Rhodes
4. Ted Dibiase Jr. beat Chris Sabin
5. Colt Cabana beat Primo Colon
6. Carlito Colon beat CM Punk
7. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Drake Younger
8. Jimmy Rave, Claudio Castagnoli, Randy Orton, Doomsday, Ray Gordy, Hart Dynasty, Bison Smith beat Tommy Dreamer, Mike Bison, Tyler Black, Venom, Machine, Blackout in a Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Match.

Sunday Night Party 86-8/22/2010 results:

1. Jim Brooks, Hoodies, Jinx beat Doomsday, Naughty By Nature, Lady Doomsday in a No Rope Barbed Wire Match
2. Mr. America beat Kenny Omega to retain the TWF World TV Title.
3. AJ Styles and Beer Money Inc. beat Mike Bison, Machine, Sagat
4. Kings Of Wrestling beat Motor City Machine Guns and John Moxly/Sami Callihan in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Samoa Joe beat Claudio Castagnoli to retain the ECW World TV Title.
6. Piloit beat Speedster Lite to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
7. Venom beat Abyss to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
8. Christian Cage beat Eric Bison to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/22/2011 results:

1. Laurie Hammer beat Rose (formerly Thorn Rose)
2. El Generico and Davey Richards beat The Miz and Alberto Del Rio
3. Heath Slater beat Jim Brooks
4. Jackson Rouch beat Alex Riley
5. Sabrina beat Alicia Jacks
6. Dangerous Trio, Rhino, Mark Henry beat John Cena, Tyler Black, Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin, Christopher Daniels
7. New Bruise Brothers beat AJ Styles and Frankie Kazarian in a Non Title Match.
8. RJ Hammer beat Mr. America in a Non Title Match to force him to defend the title on ECW shows.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/22/2012 results:

1. Ariel Bison, Janet Lee Bison, LuFisto, Mercedes Martinez beat Ms. America and Glamazon Trio
2. Kofi Kingston won the 30 Man Battle Royal For Future Title Shots at BBMT 2012 and Christopher Daniels won the Forever 2012 title shot. Rhino, Frankie Kazarian, Beer Money, Sheamus, Zach Ryder, Alex Riley, CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Broadie Lee, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Kevin Steen, Jimmy Jacobs, Justin Gabriel, Jimmy Rave, Heath Slater. Cody Rhodes, All Night Express, Eddie Kingston, Joey Ryan, Yoshitatsu, Curt Hawkins, Tyler Reks, Alex Shelley, Amazing Red, Charlie Haas were also in the match.

Bracket 1-Quarter-Final Round:

1. Bryan Danielson beat Rey Misterio Jr.
2. AJ Styles beat El Generico

Bracket 2-Quarter-Final Round:

1. Samoa Joe beat Mike Bennet
2. Austin Aries beat TJ Perkins

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-8/22/13 results:

1. Star Pryde and Jinx beat Doomsday Girl and Lady Venomous
2. Bloody Donity beat Duke
3. Bubba Jones beat Zangief
4. Machine beat Speedster Lite
5. Venom beat WN Alpha
6. Jim Brooks beat Doomsday in a Non Title Match.
7. Mr. America beat Jackson Rouch
8. Spirit and Mark Night beat Brett Wayfield and Power Donity

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-8/22/2014 results:

1. Sara Jane Wyatt beat Ariel Bison
2. Pac beat Tyler Black in a Non Title Match.
3. Bo Dollas beat Speedster Lite in a Non Title Match.
4. Adam Rose beat Brian Thunder in a Non Title Match.
5. Cyrus Bourne beat Brodie Lee to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.
6. Daryl Ranger, Daniel Xtreme, Dolph Ziggler beat John Cena and Night Brothers
7. Rusev beaet Trooper 3 in a Non Title Match.
8. Machine and Mike Bison beat Randy Orton and Bryatt Wyatt to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-8/22/2015 results:

1. Charolette beat Sabrina and Tiffany Lane in a 3 Way Dance.
2. reDragon beat Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom
3. Jeffery Alpha beat Prince Devitt
4. Dogs Of War and Roderick Strong beat Sagat and Black Valkyrie
5. Paige beat Justine Hounda in a Non Title Match.
6. Pac beat Speedster Lite
7. Jim Brooks beat Sheamus
8. The Shield, Zach Ryder, Bryatt Wyatt beat Ash Hyde, Samoa Joe, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Mr. America, Cyrus Bourne in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-8/22/2016 results:

The show started with the announcement that due to review of the tape that Star Pryde escaped the cage touching the floor before Sasha Banks feet touched Unified World Ladies Title has been held up.  Due to injury suffered in the match Sasha will not compete in the match.
1. Star Pryde beat Moonshine, Charlotte, Jade Thunder to win back the Vacant Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Joe Henning beat Jeffery Alpha
3. Kota Ibushi beat Jack Crystal in a Non Title Match.
4. Rusev beat Guile
Seth Owens comes to the ring to celebrate his EUWF World Heavyweight Title win last night.  Sami Zayn came to the ring saying that if it wasn't for Brock Lensar he still be champion and demanded his rematch tonight.  Shane McMahon came to the ring making that for main event.
5. John Cena beat Taion
6. Christopher Daniels beat Heath Slater
7. Bryatt Wyatt beat Masion Dixie
8. Sami Callihan beat Piloit in a Non Title Match:
9. Ash Hyde v.s. Roman Reigns
10. Sami Zayn beat Seth Owens to win back the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Smackdown Live-8/22/2017 results:

1. Pink Dudley and Hardcore Bytch beat Mickie James and Naomi in a Non Title Match.
2. Aiden English beat Piloit
3. Alex Shelley beat Jack Crystal
4. Mr. America, John Fire, Apollo Crews beat Bryatt Wyatt, Cyrus Bourne, Jim Brooks
5. Bad Influence beat Sanity
6. Mark Night and Brian Thunder beat American Alpha in a Non Title Match.
7. AJ Styles and Tyler Black beat Roman Reigns and John Moxly
8. Samoa Joe beat Eric Young in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-8/22/2018 resultss:
Lethal Lottery Tournament
-Winners go to Battle Royal for future title shot on firday.

1. Drew McIntyre and Tyler Breeze beat TJ Perkins and Matt Taven
2. AJ Styles and Rhett Titus beat Colt Star and Kenny King
3. Robert Roode and Akira Tozawa beat Jack Crystal and Baron Corbin
4. Braun Strowman and Adam Page beat Jay Briscoe and Lio Rush
5. Bo Wyatt and Seth Owens beat Brodie Lee and Jeff Hardy
6. Drew Gulak and Bruce Doomsday beat Tony Neese and Bryatt Wyatt
7. Mr. America and Karl Anderson beat Bobby Lashley and Dolph Ziggler
8. Ricochet and Adam Cole beat Tyler Black and Joe Henning

TWF's Thursday Night Fire-8/22/2019 results:
King Of The Ring TWF Bracket First Round:

1. Brian Thunder beat Tyson Bronx
2. King Theodore III beat Jim Brooks
3. Power Donity beat Eddie Venom
4. Gary J beat Mark Night
5. Stanley Hammer beat Bruce Doomsday
6. Marcus Croft beat Jack Crystal
7. Seth Owens beat Cyrus Bourne
8. Harrison Boss beat Mark Lite

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-8/22/2020-Surviving Monts 2020 Day 19 results:

1. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: Gavin Guile and Ulysses Taion beat Nightwings
2. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 3 Match: Jennifer Roadie beat Io Shirari
3. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 3 Match: Jeffery Alpha beat Phillip Donity
4. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: Danny Dagger and Knight Hunter beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
5. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 3 Match: Mercedes Martinez beat Nikki Cross
6. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 3 Match: Johnny Garganno beat KUSHIDA
7. Surviving Months 2020 Tag Team Tournament Round 2 Match: Isaac Block and Trey Widow beat Lucha Dragons
8. Surviving Months 2020 Women's Tournament Round 3 Match: Mandy Rose beat Debbie Summers
9. Surviving Months 2020 Men's Tournament Round 3 Match: Prince Devitt beat Jeff Hardy
10.Sir Stan, Jim Brooks, Greyson America, Karion Kross beat Keith Lee, Akira Tozawa, Victor America, Bryatt Wyatt

Taped Exclusively For EUWF Network:
Surviving Months 2020 Round 3 Matches:

1.  Ken Knockout and Santigo Slasher beat Ligi Brothers
2. Kyle Donity beat Jim Brooks
3. Peyton Royce beat Melody Trooper
4. Kappa Knights beat Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed
5. Karion Kross beat Kevin Steen

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-Surviving Months 2022 Day 21-8/22/2022 results:
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 4 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket D Match: Layla Spider beat Kathy Uranosis
2. Men's Bracket A Match: Akira Tozawa beat Ben Apocalypse
3. Women's Bracket D Match: Lash Legend beat Wendy Choo
4. Men's Bracket A Match: Ulysses Taion beat Bruce Doomsday
5. Women's Bracket D Match: Fallon Henley beat Stacy America
6. Men's Bracket A Match: Tyler Black beat Dolph Ziggler
7. Women's Bracket D Match: Caroline Venom beat Debra Dominatrixic
8. Men's Bracket A Match:  Von Wagner beat Joe Gacy
9. Women's Bracket D Match: Nikki Cross beat Jade Thunder
10. Men's Bracket A Match: Ridge Holland beat Humberto
11. Non Tournament Pick Your Poison Match: Karrion Kross beat King Stan

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 4 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket A Match: Olivia Down beat Jennifer Roadie
2. Men's Bracket D Match: Mustafa Ali beat John Fire
3. Women's Bracket A Match: Nattie Neidhart beat
Jessica Maine
4. Men's Bracket D Match: Mercury Manson beat Josh Briggs
5. Women's Bracket A Match: Raye Action beat Faith Fire
6. Men's Bracket D Match: Ralph Doctor beat JD McDonagh
7. Women's Bracket A Match: Auroa Stone beat Daniel Westernlock
8. Men's Bracket D Match: Gary J beat Santos Escobar
9. Women's Bracket A Match: Pink Dudley beat Gigi Dolin
10. Men's Bracket D Match: Brian Thunder beat Apollo Crews

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-Surviving Months 2023 Day 16-8/22/2023 results:
Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Group Stage Round 3 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket B Match: Lily Basher beat Mia Yim
2. Men's Bracket B Match: LA Knight beat Hanson Snower
3. Women's Bracket B Match: Piper Niven beat Jacy Jayne
4. Men's Bracket B Match: Edris Enofé beaet Santos Escobar
5. Women's Bracket B Match: Emma Blaster beat Scarlet Jones
6. Men's Bracket B Match: Charlie Demsey beat Tony D'Angelo
7. Women's Bracket B Match: Athena Thunder beat Tiffany Stratton
8. Men's Bracket B Match: Brentley Justice beat Victor America
9. Women's Bracket B Match: Cora Jade beat Shotzi Blackheart
10. Men's Bracket B Match: Walter beaet Austin Theory

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:
Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Group Stage Round 2 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket B Match: Lilith Venomous beat Mary Jane Sonid
2. Men's Bracket E Match: Brian Thunder beat Anthony Venomous
3. Women's Bracket B Match: Julie Fire beat Nattie Neidhart
4. Men's Bracket E Match: Bruce Doomsday beat Ridge Holland
5. Women's Bracket B Match: Io Shiri beat Selene Dragon
6. Men's Bracket E Match: Raheem Rhendo beat Dijak
7. Women's Bracket B Match: Donna Springs beat Alicia Jacks
8. Men's Bracket E Match: Kenneth Knockout beat Leoroy Piloit
9. Women's Bracket B Match: Emma beat Thea Hall
10. Men's Bracket E Match: Kofi Kingston beat Mark Lite

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