Friday, November 15, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-November 15 (First EUWF Triple Crown, Surviving Weeks 00 Day 1, Rage In The Cage 2004/2005/2007/2017, Mike Bison gets his hands on Paul Haymen, Shane gloats to soon?, Battle Game 18/20/21/25, Raw's Old School Special, Commander gets dupped by Bison, Minds Games continue, Battle Ground 28, Shocking revelations)

This Day In Wrestling History-November 15:
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-11/15/1999 results:

The announcers announced that the EUWF World Heavyweight Title has been held up.  A tournament will be held this week.  The winner will get be the first EUWF World Heavyweight Triple Crown Champion (EUWF, IWGP, TWF Title belts).

EUWF World Heavyweight Triple Crown Title:
First Round:

1. Tommy Dreamer beat Steve Austin
2. Chris Benoit beat Edge
3. Cactus Jack beat Mr. Pogo
4. Jushin Liger beat Jerry Lynn
5. Rob Van Dam beat Tajiri
6. Buff Bagwell beat Matsunaga
7. Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Masato Tanaka
8. Mike Awesome beat Sid Vicious
9. Speedster Lite beat Norman Smiley
10. Justin Credible beat Great Sasuke
11. Jim Brooks beat Yukihiro Kanemura 
12. Sting beat Toshiaki Kawada
13. H beat Chris Jericho
14. Lex Luger beat Shoji Nakamaki
15. Konnan beat Godfather
16. Bret Hart beat Al Snow
17. Christain beat Eddie Guerrero
18. Joe beat Gedoh
19. Barbecue beat Falcon
20. Jedoh beat Venom
21. Kurt Angle beat Hido
22. Chris Night beat Goldberg
23. Ricky Fuji beat Super Crazy
24. Ontani beat Taz
25. Billy Kidman beat Doomsday
26. Dean Malenko beat X-Pac
27. Johnny Ace beat Hardcore Holly
28. Keiji Muto beat Rocky Maivia
29. Bad Ass Billy Gunn beat Balls Mahoney
30. Kensuke Sasaki beat British Bull Dog
31. Road Dog beat Axl Rotten
32. Onita beat RJ Hammer

Surviving Weeks 2000 Day 1-Wednesday Night Brawl-11/15/2000 results:

1. Yamakawa and Honma beat Joey Mathews and Christian York
2. Dynamic Duo beat F.B.I. to retain the EUWF/HCW Unified World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Barbecue beat Elix Skipper
4. Massacre and Destroyer beat Too Cool
5. Machine, Bull Buchanan, Goodfather, Zangief beat Kronic, Sagat, Sgt.
6. Eddie Guerrero beat C.W. Anderson
7. Naughty By Nature beat Mr. Venom and Hollywood Doomsday to retain the EUWF/HCW Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Tajiri beat Val Venis
9. Undertaker beat Joe
10. Steve Austin and Sting beat Rhino and Scott Steiner.  At the end, Rhino went to gore Austin but Rhino ended up hitting Steiner.  Austin hit the Stone Cold Stunner on Rhino and got the pin.  Steiner and Rhino started to fight after the match.  Raven and Undertaker's Old School Kings group ran to the ring and held the two apart.  Steve Corino and his Old School Kings group are shown watching this and smiling.

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-11/15/2001-Surviving Week 2001 Day 2 results:

1. Undertaker, Kane, Mike Awesome beat Shadow WX, Matsunaga, Steve Blackman
2. Naughty By Nature and Spike Dudley beat Dudleys and Mankind
3. Joe and Barbecue beat The Hurricane and The Flash. 
4. Xtreme and Ranger beat Dynamic Duo
5. Dallas Page beat Tommy Dreamer
6. Venom beat Justin Credible to retain the EUWF European Title.
Rob Van Dam did interview from EUWF studios.  He challanged Ki to a lights out death match on monday.  Low Ki then attacked RVD from behind with the sledge hammer until security brook it up.
7. Lance Storm beat Tajiri
8.  Booker T beat Mankind
9. Crazy and Christian beat American Heroes and Edge
10. Hit Squad and Jesus Bison beat Hardy Boys and Mike Bison
11. Chris Jericho beat RJ Hammer to retain the EUWF US Title.
12. Doomsday beat Kurt Angle to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

TTWF 11/15/2002 Viking Hall Show-Surviving Weeks 2002 Day 5 results:

The show starts with RJ Hammer announcing a match for next friday that will be a gauntlet match with the winner get a TTWF World Heavyweight Title shot at Extreme Nightmare 14 day 3.
1. Hate Club wrestled Hit Squad to a no contest.  The match started as a three way with Island Boyz and they were eliminated.  HC and HS fought all around the building, into a parking lot, and into the street.  The match was thrown out.
2. Maven beat Greg Mathews and Chris Nowinski in the Tough Enough challenge match.
3. Jim Brooks beat Michael Shane, Xavier, Tony Mamaluke, Lance Storm, Syxx-Pac, Sabu, Homicide, Paul London in a 9 Way Dance.
4. James Maritato beat Rey Misterio Jr., Red, Brian XL, Billy Kidman in a Five Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
5. CM Punk beat Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero in a Three Way Dance.
6. Christian York and Joey Mathews beat Tajiri/Super Crazy, Danny Doring/Roadkill, Piloit/Rhendo, Divine Storm, Three Count in a 6 Way Dance.
7. Christopher Daniels and Donovan Morgan beat Backseat Boyz, Briscoe Brothers, Maximo Brothers in a Four Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight tAG Team Titles.
8. Rob Van Dam beat Justice Pain and Masato Tanaka in a Three Way Dance.
9. Low Ki beat Chris Benoit and Spanky in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF US Title.
10. The Messiah, Vlad, Guile, Somoa Joe beat Mike Bison/Tommy Dreamer/Doomsday/Venom and Lobo/Rockin Rebel/Rachies in a Three Way Dance.
11. AJ Styles beat American Dragon, Joe, Speedster Lite in a Four Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
12. Taion beat Chris Jericho, Jerry Lynn, Triple H in a Four Way Dance to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.

Clash Of Champions 2003-11/15/2003-Surviving Weeks 2003 Day 6 results:

1. April Hunter beat Christie in a EUWF World Ladies Champion v.s. TTWF World Women's Champion Non Tile Match.
2. Homicide beat Cima, Taion, Mike Bison, Magnum Tokyo, Bryan Danielson, Trent Acid, Johnny Kashmere in a 8 Way Dance to retain the EUWF IC Title.
3. Spirit wrestled Jack Crystal to a time limit draw in a EUWF World Lightweight Champion v.s. TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Champion Non
Title Match.

4. Doomsday beat Mr. America in a EUWF v.s. TTWF World Hardcore Champion non title match.
5. Piloit and Jeff Hardy beat American Heroes in a EUWF v.s. TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Champion non title match.
6. Jim Brooks beat Venom in a TTWF v.s. EUWF US Champion non title match.
7. Rob Van Dam beat Mike Awesome in a #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF
v.s. EUWF World Heavyweight Holders non title match.

8. Chris Benoit beat Christopher Daniels to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.

Rage In The Cage 2004-11/15/2004-Surviving Month 2004 Day 16 results:

1. Trent Acid beat Spike Dudley in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
2. Mike Bison beat Rob Van Dam in a Cage Match to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
3. Super Crazy beat Billy Kidman in a Cage Match to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
4. Kurt Angle beat Chris Hero in a Cage Match to retain the TTWF US Title.
5. Doomsday beat Shadow WX in a Blood Bowl Cage Match (No Rope Barbed Wire Cage with Weapons) to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.  EUWF World Hardcore Title was not on the line.
6. Naughty By Nature beat Dudleyz in a Weapons Filled Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
7. CM Punk beat Machine and Jesus Bison in a 3 Way Cage Match to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Venom beat Triple H and Christopher Daniels in a 3 Way Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Rage In The Cage 2005-11/15/2005-Surviving Month 2005 Day 15 results:

1. AJ Styles beat Jay Lethal in a Cage Match to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
2. Venom beat Doomsday in a Cage Match to retain the ECW World TV Title.
3. Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelley beat Roderick Strong and Jack Evans in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. KENTA and Marufuji beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Naughty By Nature beat Backseat Boyz in a Cage Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Christopher Daniels beat John Cena in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
7. Samoa Joe beat Randy Orton in a Cage Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
8. Paul Haymen beat Mike Bison in a Non Title Cage Match.  Samoa Joe stood on the entrance ramp and came down after the match started.  While mike beat Haymen to a bloody mess and Joe knocks the ref at the door out.  Joe got in the cage but mike attacked him as he got in and then Jeff Jarrett came from the crowd.  He got in the cage hitting mike with a guitar and then put haymen on mike for the win.  Jarrett and Joe doubled team Mike till what seemed like help from the back of guys from both sides.  Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Jack Evans, Matt Sydal, KENTA, Marufuji, Izzy, Deranged came out but joined in on the attack.  Team Canada, Elix Skipper, Maximo Brothers, Ken Kennedy, Bobby Lashley, Blackout, Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, B-Boy, Chris Hero, Michael Shane, Frankie Karazarian, Iron Saints, Chad Collyer, Jimmy Jacobs, BJ Whitmer, Jimmy Yang, Kid Kash, Mike Awesome, Jay Lethal, Kevin Steen, Naturals, America's Most Wanted, Kudo, Cima, Simon Diamond, Swinger came from the back surrounding ring side preventing any help coming.  Strong and Awesome put Haymen on their shoulders as the heals celebrated over mike bison's body to end the show.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-11/15/2006-Surviving Month 2006 Day 15 results:

The show started with Saviors coming out to the ring and officially announcing that they are shutting down ECW tonight.  Shane tried to continue but RJ Hammer came from the back and Shane told security to escort him out of the building.  RJ said something to them and he was left alone.  Shane was mad and RJ got on the mic and said neither of those things are happening tonight.  RJ said he learned a lot in his almost 20 years of wrestling and he learned a real important lesson from Ric Flair a few years ago.  Never go into anything without a backup plan if things don't work out and RJ showed the contract shane and him signed for last nights main event.  He mentions a secret clause in the contract that allows him loser to overturn the previous nights final decision if the winner cheated to win.  RJ said Saviors cheated by having to many in the cage and for that the match is null and void.  Shane look furious as RJ said that everyone Shane fired is re hired and ECW isn't shutting down.  He said that he will give another shot for the saviors at Extreme Nightmare 22: 10 Year Nightmare Part 4 on November 30 same rules stipulations applied except for the reversal part.  Shane agreed and RJ said this time we are doing it in a real war games match and Shane said bring whoever they got.  They will make it two for two against them and shut down ECW once and for all and do whatever they want to EUWF.
1. Naturals beat Irish Airborne
2. Jimmy Rave beat Roderick Strong, Charlie Haas, Randy Orton in a 4 Way Dance.
3. John Cena beat Chris Hero
4. Cryme Time beat Night Brothers
5. Spanky beat M-Dogg 20
6. Brent Albright beat Chris Sabin
7. Doomsday and Venom beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks
8. Super Crazy and AJ Styles beat Edge and Christian Cage

ECW's Rage In The Cage 07-11/15/2007-Surviving Month 07 Day 15 results:

1. Hardcore Bytch beat Amazing Kong in a Cage Match to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
2. Naughty By Nature beat Dudleyz in a Caged Table Match
3. Machine and Sagat beat Brain Damage and Deranged in a Caged Light Tube Death Match
4. Extreme Alliance (Delirious, El Generico, Homicide) beat Hangmen 3 in a Cage Match.
5. Triple X (Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper) beat Extreme Alliance (2 Cold Scorpio and Rey Misterio Jr.) in a Cage Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Briscoe Brothers beat The Age Of The Fall (Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs) in a Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Claudio Castagnoli beat Chris Hero in a Cage Match.
8. Nick Berk beat Mr. America in a Cage Match.
9. Bison Brothers beat Christian Cage and Randy Orton in a Cage Match.
10. Samoa Joe beat Nerco Butcher in a Cage Match to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Saturday Night's At The Arena-11/15/2008-Surviving Month 2008 Day 15 results:

1. Venom beat Rhino
2. Doomsday beat Eddie Kingston
3. King Jim Brooks beat Doug Williams
4. Tyler Black beat Hiroshi Tanahashi
5. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Volador
6. Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black beat Hardy Boyz to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Bryan Danielson beat Chris Hero in a Non Title Match.
8. Mike Bison beat Claudio Castagnoli in a Special Non Title Challenge Match.

EUWF's Battle Game 18-November 15 (5 PM Start Time)-Surviving Month 2009 Day 15 Card:
ECW Extermination Squad v.s. ECW/Extreme Alliance Best Of 7 Battle Game Series:

1. Miss Lee, Ariel Bison, Lady Trooper beat Jade Thunder, Star Pryde, Laurie Hammer in a Barbed Wire Boards Match.
2. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Joe and Piloit in a I Quiet Elimination Match.
3. Colon Brothers beat Naughty By Nature in a TPE Brawl Game Match.
4. Night Brothers beat Brian Thunder and Duke in a Dog Collar Match.
5. Davey Richards beat Doomsday in a Table Match.
6. Low Ki beat Randy Orton in a Submission or Knockout Out Match.
7. D-X beat Kings Of Wrestling in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.

Non Best Of 7 Series Match:

1. Eric Bison beat Venom, B-Boy, Amazing Red, Taion, Sgt. in a 6 Way Ladder Match to win back the TWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw: Old School Special-11/15/2010-Surviving Month 2010 Day 15 results:

1. David Otunga, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, Duke Rotunda, Joe Henning beat Raven, Balls Mahoney, Sabu, Naughty By Nature
2. Christopher Daniels beat MVP
3. Dolph Ziggler beat Petey Williams
4. The Miz beat Amazing Red
5. Colt Cabana beat Claudio Castagnoli
Piper's Pit happen with the contract signing for Triple Crown Title Match at EN30 between Mike Bison and AJ Styles (being represented by Star Pryde).  This lead to Wade Barrett and Hero attacking Mike after Mike signed the contract.  AJ had signed the contract the day before.  This lead 2 Cold Scorpio coming out as a surprise helping Mike.  Mike said Scorpio was Barrett surprise person he was facing but said that why don't they just move them into the main event instead.
6. Miss Lee, Jade Thunder, Julie Fire, Pink Dudley, Nattie Neidhart, Mae Young beat Star Pryde, Sara Del Rey, Michelle McCool, Layla, Christine Crystal, Savage Girl Backlot Warrior
7. Tyler Black beat John Morrison in a Non Title Match.
8. Low Ki, Eric Bison, Homicide beat John Moxly, Sami Callihan, Commander.  Before the match Eric asked Commander to sign a contract for EN30 saying he wanted to make sure it is in writting and wasn't going to sneak out of it like he did 20 years ago against RJ Hammer.  Eric said that he already signed it and  Commander laughed signing it.  As he did the limp Eric had been walking around seemingly just disappeared.  Commander turned around after signing as Moxly and Callihan tried to tell him what was going on.  Eric said he lied about his knee still being hurt till he got what he wanted and went after Commander to start the match.
9. Bryan Danielson beat Ares in a Non Title Match.
10. Mike Bison, Night Brothers, Randy Orton, 2 Cold Scorpio, RJ Hammer beat Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Wade Barrett, Chris Hero, Sheamus, Kane.  After the match the rest of Nexus ran out attacking Mike, Nights, Orton, Scorpio, RJ.  Raven, Balls Mahoney, Sabu, Naughty By Nature ran out helping out.  Then the gangstas music started and New Jack and Mustafa came from the back brawling with alliance till more members of Alliance came out.  This stopped when Extreme Alliance ran making the save.  The Alliance members tried to run to the back but TWF/EUWF legends stopped them took a couple of shots at them.  They tried to exit one of the exits but a weird light and Lite went in.  He came out screaming and ran through the crowd holding his behind.  The rest of The Alliance ran following him.  The show end with RJ bring legends to the ring to give them some love to end the show.

EUWF's Battle Game 20-11/15/2011-Surviving Month 2011 Day 15 results:
Doomsday Alliance v.s. Real Patriots Best Of 7 Series:

1. Brett Wayfield beat Piloit in a Ladders Are Legal.
2. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Joe and Barbecue in a Dog Collar Match.
3. Hoodies beat Naughty By Nature in a TPE Brawl Game Match.
4. Machine and Sagat beat New Bruise Brothers in a Tables Match.
5. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Doomsday and Venom in a Weapons Match.
6. Mark Henry, Bubba Jones, Rhino, Davey Richards beat John Cena, Necro Butcher, Eddie Kingston, Broadie Lee in a Falls Count Anywhere.
7. Mike Bison beat Mr. America in a No Rope Barbed Wire, Light Tube, Weapons, and Barbed Wire Strap Match.

Non BO7 Series Match:

1. Bryan Danielson beat Eddie Edwards

EUWF's Battle Game 21-11/15/2012-Surviving Month 2012 Day 15 Card:
Battle Game Best Of 7 Series:

1. Sara Del Rey and Nattie Neidhart beat Pink Dudley and HC Bytch in a Tables Match.
2. Venom beat Roderick Strong in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.
3. John Moxly beat Power Donity in a Strap Match.
4. Jay Lethal beat Kevin Steen in a Ladders Legal Match.
5. CM Punk beat Doomsday in a Dog Collar Match.
6. Mike Bison beat Davey Richards in a Street Fight Match.
7. Cyrus Bourne beat Eddie Edwards in a Hardcore Submission Match.

Non BO7S Match:

1. Jack Crystal beat Sonjay Dutt

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-11/15/2013-SM 2013 Day 15 results:

1. Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno beat Crazy to retain the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
2. Machine beat Chris Night
3. Kofi Kingston and Ron Killings beat Knockout and Slasher
4. TJ Perkins beat Brodie Lee
5. Gran Akuma beat Big E. Langsteen
6. Young Bucks beat Havana Pitbulls
7. Chuck Taylor beat John Davis
8. Bison Brothers beat Austin Aries and Chris Hero and Bryan Daneislon and El Generico in a 3 Way Dance.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-11/7/2014-Surviving Month 14 D7 results:

1. Star Pryde beat Rosa Mendez
2. Sami Zayn beat Brett Wayfield
3. Throwbacks beat Naughty By Nature in a Non Title Match.
4. Jack Swagger beat Speedster Lite
5. Young Bucks beat Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston
6. Austin Aries beat Jackson Rouch
7. reDragon beat Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel
8. Cyrus Bourne and Bad Influence beat Kevin Steen, John Cena, Jimmy Jacobs

Battle Game 25-11/15/2015-Surviving Month 2014 Day 44 resiults:

Pre Show:
1. Hollywood Doomsday beat Black Jack
2. Jade Thunder beat Laurie Hammer
3. Dudleyz wrestled Bad Influence to a Double Count-Out.
4. Jackson Rouch beat Ron Killings


1. Samoa Joe beat Gran Akuma

TWF Army v.s. Authority Best Of 7 Series:

1. Austin Aries beat Power Donity
2. Hardcore Bytch beat Nattie Neidhart
3. Wyatt Family beat Richie Borndo and Tristin Heartsend
4. Sami Callihan beat Bubba Jones
5. Sagat beat Jay Lethal
6. Mark Night beat John Moxly
7. Mr. America beat Kevin Steen.  Before the match Steen was handed a box with cut up t-shirt and what looked like limps and head of an Steen action figure.  Steen questioned who it was from but no answers.  The end came when Steen went for a package piledriver on MA but a mysterios figure came on screen.  Face was never shown and never said a word.  He was shown cutting up the steen t-shirt.  Then took a steen figure and tore off each its limbs and head.  Then taking the body smashing it to pieces with a hammer.  The person holds up a sign saying this is what will happen to steen and MA rolls up distracted steen to win the Battle Game for TWF Army.  MA runs out of the ring as Steen is mad screaming for the person to show his face but never does to end the show

EUWF's Smackdown Live-11/15/2016-Surviving Months 2016 Day 43 results:

1. Samoa Joe beat Eric Bison
2. John Fire and Snake Eyes beat Gran Metalik and Akura Tozawa
3. Joey Ryan beat Speedster Lite
4. Dynamic Duo beat Los Ice Creams
5. Freddie Waldeno beat ACH
6. reDragon beat Nightmare and Dangerous Warriors
7. Chris Jericho beat Jeffery Alpha
8. Hallowicked and Frightmare beat Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn
9. AJ Styles beat The Miz

ECW's Rage In The Cage 2017 (All Cage PPV)-11/15/2017-Surviing Months 2017 Day 43 results:

Pre Show:
1. Naomi beat Becky Lynch
2. Oney Lorcan beat Heath Slater


1. Mercedes Maritnez beat Billie Kay
2. Authors Of Pain beat Masion Dixie and Piloit
3. Sanity beat Bad Influence
4. Jay Lethal beat Rusev
Clip showed of post Smackdown on Youtube with Bruce Doomsday and Ash Hyde saying they need real help.  Ash says that he has an idea.  Then Ash and Doomsday were shown backstage with Ash telling Bruce to ask someone.  Bruce wouldn't but Kurt Angle came over to him.  Ash says they had something to ask and Kurt ask what.  Bruce said they were wondering if they could get Kurt to be their 5th man at Survivor Series 2017 as honoray member of Doomsday Inc.  Kurt was a bit reluncent but says he missed being in the ring and loved another shot at Brock Lesnar.
5. Nikki Cross beat Sonja Deville
6. Ricochet and Rich Swan beat All Night Express
7. Michel Elgin beat Joe Henning
8. Roderick Strong and Freddie Waldeno beat Shinsuke Nakuamara and Marcus Croft.  After the match Freddie challenged Marcus to a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match at Extreme Nightmare 44: The Trilogy Day 1 but Marcus says he won't.  Kurt Angle came from the back announcing that he is making for EN44 Day 1 and looked at his phone.  Kurt says Mike Bison just made the match a Barbed Wire Fence Match.

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-11/15/2018-Surviving Months 2018 Day 45 results:

1. Dominatrixic beat Daniel Westernlock
2. Bruise Brothers beat Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen
3. ECW World Hardcore Title Match:  Jeffery Alpha beat Ash Hyde (c)
4. Becky Knight beat Karen
5. ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles Match: Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson (c) beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
6. EUWF World Iron Man Title Match: Tommy End beat Prince Devitt (c)
7. Temptress beat Doomsday Girl
8. TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles:  Gambit Inc beat Vlad and Impaler (c)
9. Mike Bison beat Roderick Strong

Filmed for EUWF Network:
Surviving Months 2018 Round 7:

1. Laurie Hammer beat Queen Patricia
2. Prince Thomas beat Matt Riddle
3. Harley Wayfield beat Ariel Bison
4. Hot Shots beat Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz
5. Johnny Garganno beat Andrade Almas

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-11/15/2019-Surviving Months 2019 Day 71 results:
Surviving Months 2019 Tournament Round 11:

1. Billy Kay beat Felicia Sword
2. Breezango beat Gabriel Lock and Bruno Crazy
3. Boa beat Jackson Rouch
4. Peyton Royce beat Mandy Rose
5. Bruise Brothers beat Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn
6. Jeff Cobb beat Arturo Ruas
7. Pink Dudley v.s. Shayna Baszler
8. Briscoe Brothers beat Outliners
9. Sami Callihan beat Randy Orton

Non Tournament Surviving Months 2019 Tournament Round 11 Points vs Points Matches:

1. Harley Wayfield beat Tiffany Lane
2. Daryl Ranger and Daryl Xtreme beat The New Day
3. Prince Thomas beat Drew McIntyre
4. Dakota Kai beat Sarah Temptress
5. Colt Star and Patrick Thorne beat Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins
6. Prince Devitt beat Sir Rex
7. Dinah Spade beat Taylor Lanley
8. Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight beat Zen Warriors
9. Tristan Heartsend beat Cezar Bononi
10. Helena Bytch beat Tessa Blachard
11. The Revival beat Shot Busters
12. Pete Dunne beat Lio Rush
13. Princess Caroline beat Kathy Uranosis
14. Snake Byte beat Titus World Wide

EUWF's Battle Ground 28-11/15/2020-Surviving Months 2020 Day 98 results:
Surviving Months 2020 Tournament Round 15 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed beat Crow Brothers
2.  Jill Night beat Lilly Basher
3. Jake Atlas beat Curt Stallion
4. Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight beat Snake Byte
5. Ember Moon beat Daniel Westernlock
6. Greyson America beat Velveteen Dream
7. Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler beat Eric Bison and Raymond Roadblock
8. Toni Storm beat Lilith Venomous
9. Sami Zayn beat Tommaso Ciampa
10. Non Tournament Battle Ground War Game Rules Death Match: Theodore Borando, Tristan Heartsend, Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, Dogs Of War beat King Gary, Sir Rex, Sir Felix, Sir Fisher, Purple Haze

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-Surviving Months 2021 Day 99-11/15/2021 results:
Surviving Months 2021 Round 16 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Non Tournament Match: Patricia Bryan and Nattie Nedihart beat Bianca Belair and Rhea Ripley
2. Women's Bracket D Match: Bella Backlot beat Megan Wells
3. Men's Bracket A Match: Brett Wayfield beat Jindar Mahaul
4. Women's Bracket D Match: Queen Tabitha beat Sarah Temptress
5. Men's Bracket A Match: Big E beat Randy Orton
6. Women's Bracket D Match: Nikki Cross beat AJ Stine
7. Men's Bracket A Match: Shinsuke Nakumara beat Barney White
8. Women's Bracket D Match: Zelina Vega beat Serena Vilonanis 
9. Men's Bracket A Match: King Stan beat Akira Tozawa
10. Non Tournament Match: Bobby Lashley and Trevor Lee beat Claudio Castagnoli and Jeff Hardy

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:
Surviving Months 2021 Round 15 Points v.s. Points  Matches:

1. Women's Bracket D Match: Donna Blaster beat Lucy Warrior
2. Men's Bracket D Match: Victor America beat Tristan Heartsend
3. Women's Bracket A Match: Julie Fire beat Lia Trooper
4. Men's Bracket D Match: Drew McIntyre beat Mansoor
5. Women's Bracket A Match: Jill Night beat Miranda Chaos
6. Men's Bracket D Match: Kyle O'Reily beat Elias 
7. Women's Bracket A Match: Janet Lee Bison beat Misty Dawner
8. Men's Bracket D Match: Gary J beat Humberto
9. Women's Bracket A Match: Dana Brooks beat Sally Gunnstone
10. Men's Bracket D Match: Johnny Garganno beat Ikemen Jiro

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-Surviving Months 2022 Day 101-11/15/2022 results:

The show started with Kyle Donity coming to the ring with a contract.  He said he was throwing out a challenge to anyone in locker room to fight him for TWF World Heavyweight Title at Extreme Nightmare 54: It All Comes Crumbling Down Day 1.  In stipulation of his choisng.  Lucy Warrior came out distracting Kyle while phillip came from the crowd hitting Kyle with bundle of light tubes.  Venomized Inc came out blocking the entrance as Lucy brought a table in the ring.  Phillip signed the contract and then put kyle through a flaming table.  American Heroes and Family was able to get through chasing off Venomized Inc.  Later Kyle while being attended to in the back announced that final match between him and Phillip at EN54 will be a No Rope Barbed Wire Ring Of Fire Death.

Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 16 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Women's Bracket E Match: Felicia Sword beat Melody Trooper
2. Men's Bracket B Match: King Stan beat Mace
3. Women's Bracket E Match: Eliana Flynn beat Mina Club
4. Men's Bracket B Match: Johnny Garganno beat Mark Night
5. Women's Bracket E Match: Donna Springs beat Miranda Chaos
6. Men's Bracket B Match: Jim Brooks beat Nate Blaster
7. Women's Bracket E Match: Cora Jade beat Molly Moonshine
8. Men's Bracket B Match: Jeffery Alpha beat Rafel Lake
9. Women's Bracket E Match: Bianca Belair beat Rhea Ripley
10. Men's Bracket B Match: Chad Gable beat Ricochet

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 16 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Women's Bracket B Match: Willow Robin beat Star Pryde
2. Men's Bracket E Match: Benson Fire beat Pete Dunne
3. Women's Bracket B Match: Amari Miller beat Norah Gold
4. Men's Bracket E Match: Tony Torpedo beat Steven Doomsday
5. Women's Bracket B Match: Alba Fyre beat Serena Vilonanis
6. Men's Bracket E Match: Anthony Venomous beat Riddick Moss
7. Women's Bracket B Match: Ariel Bison beat Misty Dawner
8. Men's Bracket E Match: Theodore Borando Xavier Woods
9. Women's Bracket B Match: Tatum Paxley beat Sofia Cromwell
10. Men's Bracket E Match: Baron Corbin beat Prince Devitt

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-Surviving Months 2023-Day 95-November 15 results:

Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Group Stage Round 15 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Women's Bracket F Match: Star Pryde beat Isla Dawn
2. Men's Bracket C Match: Frank Bison beat Ulysses Taion
3. Women's Bracket F Match: Queen Tabitha beat Auroa Stone
4. Men's Bracket C Match: Ash Hyde beat Malik Blade
5. Women's Bracket F Match: Avery Archer beat Raquel González
6. Men's Bracket C Match: Angel Garza beat Nathan Frazier
7. Women's Bracket F Match: Sandy Gales beat Stacy Doomsday
8. Men's Bracket C Match: SCRYPTS beat Tristan Heartsend
9. Women's Bracket F Match: Shayna Baszler vs. Serenity Blossom

10. Men's Bracket C Match: Tommaso Ciampa beat Solomon Spirit

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:

Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Group Stage Round 15 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Men's Bracket F Match: Braxton Bulk beat Masion Dixie
2. Women's Bracket C Match: Fiona Port beat Justine Hounda
3. Men's Bracket F Match: Joe Jr beat Brooks Jensen
4. Women's Bracket C Match: Kayden Carter beat Donna Blaster
5. Men's Bracket F Match: Humberto beat Chad Gable
6. Women's Bracket C Match: Lacy Lane beat Chelsea Green
7. Men's Bracket F Match: BOA beat Mickey Sensation
8. Women's Bracket C Match: Layla Spider beat Caroline Venom

9. Men's Bracket F Match: Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo beat Cyrus Bourne

ECW's Saturday Nights Back On The Road-Surviving Months 2023 Day 98-11/18/2023 results:
Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Group Stage Round 16 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Women's Bracket C Match: Xia Li beat Harley Wayfield
2. Men's Bracket F Match: Tom Master beat Clay Ninja
3. Women's Bracket C Match: Penny Firebrid beat Bella Backlot
4. Men's Bracket F Match: Ben Apocalypse beat Peter Spider.  Lisa Ninja was shown watching the match.
5. Women's Bracket C Match: Rachel Speed beat Alice Destiny
Video from earlier in the day of Jeffery Alpha and Jack Pink heading to a home.  That ended up being home of Ash Hyde and Carol Ninja.  Carol recuncelty let them in.  Saying that she get Ash but he might not want to talk.  Kid went by jeffery and called him uncle jeff,  Jack mentions photos with Jack and Ash as kids together.  It was revealed that Jeffery is younger brother of ash and older brother of seth owens.  Which jack was shocked and had to sit down.  Ash came in saying that they had a lot balls showing up here.  They went into the kitchen and Ash said he knows what he wants.  He won't do it.  He won't help former Warrior Ninjas at Survivor Series 2023.  Jeffery says they need him.  No one else that was part of the group is as good at death matches as Ash.  Ash said maybe he should have thought that before he stole their father's legacy with Warrior Ninjas.  Jeffery said he fucked up stealing it from him .  He was always jealous of Ash but time to take back their legacy at SS23.  Not for him but for their father.  Jeffery left a box on the kitchen table before leaving with Jack from the house.  Jack asked what are they going to do now and said only thing they can go to the other former members.  Carol goes into kitchen where Ash was looking at a photo.  Carol opens the box and is shocked.  She said ash and ash turned to Carol.  He just laughed we don't get to see what was in the box.
6. Men's Bracket F Match: Apollo Crews beat Phillip Donity
7. Women's Bracket C Match: Roxanne Perez beat Valentina Feroz
8. Men's Bracket F Match: Santiago Slasher beat Remy Who
9. Women's Bracket C Match: Stevie Turner beat Taylor Lanley
10. Men's Bracket F Match:  Seth Owens beat Punishment Martinez

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:
Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Group Stage Round 15 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. Women's Bracket F Match: Pink Dudley beat Bonnie Beatrice
2. Men's Bracket C Match: Barbecue Jones beat Joe Gacey
3. Women's Bracket F Match: Felicia Sword beat Lash Legend
4. Men's Bracket C Match: Harrison Boss beat Eddie Venom
5. Women's Bracket F Match: Fallon Henley beat Linda Lightning
6. Men's Bracket C Match:  Dexter Lumis beat Jackson Rouch
7. Women's Bracket F Match: Casey Crazy beat Misty Dawner
8. Men's Bracket C Match: David Omega beat JD McDonagh.  Lisa Ninja was seen watching the match.
9. Women's Bracket F Match: Olivia Down beat Bayley
10. Men's Bracket C Match For ECW World TV Title: Bron Steiner beat Jim Brooks (c) by DQ

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