1. Elimination Match: Bayley, Io Shiari. Taylor Lanley (Filling in for Dakota Kai), Lady Bruisers beat Pink Dudley, Hardcore Bytch, Shotzi Blackheart, Sol Ruca, Queen Tabitha
2. War Machine and AOP beat Crow Brothers, Cyrus Bourne, Harrison Boss
3. Thoams Berad beat Ben Apocalypse
4. Hikuleo beat Ulysses Taion
5. Jump Start and Zen Warriors beat Edison Samurai, Jupiter Jordan, Carl War, Brent Jet
6. 2/3 Falls Match: John Cena, Karrion Kross, Raymon Roadblock, Tyler Black, Nathan Frazier, Mathew Jones beat King Stan, CM Punk, Cody Rhodes, Mark Lite, Jim Brooks, Apollo Crews
Friday, January 31, 2025
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-January 31 results
This Day In Wrestling History-January 31 (Jim Brooks proposes, Blood Bowl 5, Best Of Blood Bowl from 2004, Never Trust Ric Flair, Royal Rumble 2010/2021, Eric Bison returns, Xtreme Team Reunited)
This Day In Wrestling History-January 31:
Blood Bowl 5-1/31/1999 results:
1. Joe, Barbecue, Rey Misterio Jr, Ken, Ryu beat Ninjas
2. American Heroes beat General Destroyer and Sgt. Destroyer to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Dark Warriors beat Trooper 9 and 10
4. Doomsday Warriors beat Nightmare
Justin Credible, Bret Hart, Night Brothers, Lady Doomsday were shown talking to two unknown people. The 7 of them were talking about the name to the group they were forming. The camera man was order of the locker room and then Bam Bam Bigelow got up. He pushed the camera man out of the room and closed the door behind him.
5. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Machine and E. Hounda
6. Red and Blue Lightning beat Al Snow and 2 Cold Scorpio
7. Bret Hart beat Rob Van Dam
8. Night Brothers beat New Age Outlaws
9. The Rock beat Chris Jericho
10. Sagat and Psycho beat Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
11. Cactus Jack beat Sabu
12. RJ Hammer beat Justin Credible to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. Bret Hart, Night Brothers, Bam Bam Bigelow attacked RJ from behind after the match. RJ rolled out and grabbed a chair. He held off all four men until a masked man ran to the ring. He had a chair and smashed it in the back of RJ's head. RJ landed head first onto the chair he was holding. The mask man takes his mask off to reveal himself to be Shane Douglas. Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Public Enemy, New Age Outlaws made the save.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/31/2000 results:
Jim Brooks, Francine, Joe, Barbecue, Scarlet, Edge, Christian, Hardy Boys, Dynamic Duo, Falcon, Nova come to the ring.
Brooks: "Last night was pretty wild. I came out here for two reasons. First of all I want to challenge the winner of the world title match tonight at Sunday Night Party this Sunday. Second of all I want to do something for Francine tonight. I know I probably shouldn't have put you on the line last night but I wanted a shot at Speedster. I was thinking of doing but after last night this made me really want to do this tonight." Brooks takes out a small box and gets down on one knee.
Brooks: "Francine will you marry me?"
Francine: "Yes!" Brooks gets up and they hug and kiss. Nature Boy Speedster Lite, Tazz, Triple H, Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall, Scott Steiner, Hollywood Doomsday, New Age Outlaws, X-Pac, Bruise Brothers, Al Snow, Lady Doomsday, Impact Players, Mike Awesome come to the ring.
Speedster: "Well ain't this sweet. Not too sweet but it is sweet. I give it 2 days. Get out of the ring before we beat the crap out of all of you."
Brooks: "No way." Public Enemy, Sabu, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, Mark Night, Chris Night, Billy Kidman, Konnan come to the ring and back up the faces.
Speedster: "Looks like we have a show down. To bad this isn't in the old west."
Brooks: "You will get yours tonight from Cactus. Guys lets leaves these losers alone." Faces leave.
Speedster: "Go ahead. Now to get down to business. Tonight I'm going to be the new world champion and nothing Cactus can do about." Speedster goes on and babel about how he is going to win and then leaves.
1. Cyborg beat Evan Kourageous
2. Taion beat Lash Laroux
3. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Three Count
4. Lady Doomsday beat Scarlet to win the EUWF World Ladies Title.
5. Crash The Terminator beat Hollywood Doomsday to win the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
6. Edge, Christain, Falcon beat Tazz and Impact Players to win the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
7. Chris Benoit beat Super Crazy
8. Billy Kidman beat Tajiri to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
9. Masato Tanaka beat Dean Malenko
10. Joe and Barbecue beat Harlem Heat to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
11. Jim Brooks beat Sid Vicious to retain the EUWF US Title.
12. Speedster Lite beat Cactus Jack to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
Wednesday Night Brawl-1/31/2001 results:
1. Crash Holly beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
2. The Wall beat Machine
3. Lance Storm beat Tajiri
4. Lady Doomsday beat Queen Bison to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
5. Joe beat Mike Bison to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
6. Jerry Lynn beat Piloit
7. Balls Mahoney beat Tommy Dreamer to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
8. Jim Brooks beat Mankind to retain the EUWF IC Title.
9. Venom beat Al Snow to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
10. Raven beat Speedster Lite
11. Rhino and Jesus Bison beat Kevin Nash and Dallas Page
12. RJ Hammer and Steve Austin beat Scott Steiner and Big Show
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-1/31/2002 results:
The show started with the announcement of the Survivor Tournament 2 being canceled due to the fact the nWo said they would interfere in every match of the tournament.
1. Eddie Guerrero beat The Hurricane to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
2. Vlad beat Billy Kidman to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
3. Tajiri beat Trent Acid
4. Matt Hardy and Lita beat Homicide and Lady Gangster to win EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
5. Low Ki beat Shadow WX to win EUWF European Title.
6. Hit Squad and Masato Tanaka beat Chris Jericho, Tazz, Spike Dudley
7. Doomsday wrestled Venom to a double pin to retain the EUWF US Title. This match was set up after Doomsday and Venom were not getting along after Venom won the hardcore title last week. The match ended when venom rolled doomsday up and doomsday held venom's shoulders down. Doomsday look to have had one shoulder up as the count went down but the ref missed it. Doomsday and Venom continued to scream at each other till Naughty By Nature, Hardy Boys, Tajiri, Chris Jericho brook the two up.
8. Triple H beat Speedster Lite to win EUWF World Heavyweight Title. The nWo attacked Speedster Lite after the match and all tries to help Speedster was turned away. Jesus Bison and his Elite was shown watching this. They then left the building instead of doing anything. The lights went out and RJ Hammer showed up in the ring with a flaming barbed wire baseball bat. He chased off the nWo and the Doomsday Alliance checked on Speedster as the show ended.
TTWF 1/31/2003 results:
1. Ken and Ryu beat Trooper 1 and 2
2. American Heroes and Ruckus beat New Demolition
3. Spanky beat Xavier
4. Matt Hardy beat Tony Mamaluke to retain TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
5. Speedster Lite and Jigglin Jimbro Brooks beat American Dragon and Low Ki
6. Backseat Boyz beat Wildfire to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Crash The Terminator and Devon Storm beat Mike Bison and Taion
8. Michael Shane, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Scott Steiner beat Rob Van Dam, Paul London, Jerry Lynn, CM Punk
Saturday Slam Bash-1/31/2004 results:
This is a best of Blood Bowl show with all matches being complete or highlights or music video.
1. High Flyers and Hard Luck Fighters v.s. Ninjas (1/31/99-Blood Bowl 5)
2. RJ Hammer v.s. Justin Credible (1/31/99-Blood Bowl 5)
3. New Jack and Balls Mahoney v.s. Angel and Grimes in a Caribbean Barbed Wire and Spider Net Match (1/30/00-Blood Bowl 6)
4. Tajiri v.s. Super Crazy in a Caribbean Barbed Wire Match (1/30/00-Blood Bowl 6)
5. Hardy Boys v.s. Edge and Christian v.s. Impact Players in a Three Way Caribbean Barbed Wire Ladder Match (1/30/00-Blood Bowl 6)
6. Joe and Barbecue v.s. New Age Outlaws v.s. Tommy Dreamer and Sandman in a Three Way Stairway To Hell Match (1/30/00-Blood Bowl 6)
7. Jim Brooks v.s. Speedster Lite in a Barbed Wire Bat Match (1/30/00-Blood Bowl 6)
8. Cactus Jack v.s. Sabu in a Caribbean Barbed Wire and Spider Net Death Match (1/30/00-Blood Bowl 6)
9. Taion, Mark Night, Chris Night v.s. American Turncoats and Mankind v.s. Sgt. and Dynamic Duo in a TLC Match (1/28/01-Blood Bowl 7)
10. Mike Bison, Honma, Matsunaga v.s. Mike Awesome, Shadow WX, Yamakawa in a Double Hell Death Match (1/28/01-Blood Bowl 7)
11. Joe v.s. Barbecue in a Ladder Death Match (1/28/01-Blood Bowl 7)
12. Jesus Bison, Scott Steiner, Rhino, Tommy Dreamer, Big Show v.s. RJ Hammer, Speedster Lite, Venom, Naughty By Nature in a Elimination Rules Hell In A Cell War Games Death Match (1/28/01-Blood Bowl 7)
13. Edge, Shadow WX, Matsunaga, Justin Credible v.s. Christian, Spirit, Homicidal, Street Warrior in a War Games Match (1/13/02-Blood Bowl 8)
14. Joe, Barbecue, Dynamic Duo, Spider-Man, Chris Night, Tajiri v.s. SAT, Low Ki, Eddie Guerrero, Vlad, Mankind in a War Games Match (1/13/02-Blood Bowl 8)
15. Venom v.s. Triple H (1/13/02-Blood Bowl 8)
16. Hit Squad, Dudleyz, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks v.s. Naughty By Nature, Hardy Boys, Speedster Lite in a War Games Match (1/13/02-Blood Bowl 8)
17. Doomsday, Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho, Steve Austin, The Rock v.s. Jesus Bison, Kurt Angle, Lance Storm, Undertaker, Dallas Page in a War Games Match (1/13/02-Blood Bowl 8)
18. Homicide v.s. Taion (1/26/03-Blood Bowl 9)
19. Ric Blade v.s. Venom (1/26/03-Blood Bowl 9)
20. Christopher Daniels and Donovan Morgan v.s. Naughty By Nature (1/26/03-Blood Bowl 9)
21. Eddie Guerrero v.s. Joe (1/26/03-Blood Bowl 9)
10. Masato Tanaka v.s. Tommy Dreamer (1/26/03-Blood Bowl 9)
11. Low Ki v.s. Edge (1/26/03-Blood Bowl 9)
12. Chris Jericho v.s. Doomsday in a Ladder Match (1/26/03-Blood Bowl 9)
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/31/2005 results:
The show started with EUWF members of The Revolution coming to the ring with their new members Ric Flair and Batistia. Flair got on the mic saying that he, Batistia, Orton, Jesus were planning this for months and wanting for the right time to play their card. Flair said you should never have trusted me because he does only what he feels is right for himself and that Revolution is right. He told Triple H to ask RJ Hammer, Sting, Hogan, and anyone else if that is true.
1. Machine and Sagat beat Gothics
2. SAT beat Dangerous Trio to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
Jim Brooks was voted off the EUWF team for the Survivor 3 Tournament. The vote was 14-2. Jesus Bison getting the other two votes.
3. Alex Shelley and John Walters beat Austin Aries and Chris Jericho
4. Sho Funaki beat Sabin
5. Hard Luck Fighters beat Izzy and Deranged to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Shelton Benjamin beat Chad Collyer
7. Christopher Daniels beat Raven to retain the EUWF US Title.
8. Randy Orton, Jesus Bison, Ric Flair, Batistia beat RJ Hammer, Chris Benoit, Jim Brooks, Speedster Lite
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/31/2007 results:
The show started with the announcement of the twist of the ECW tournament being that there are totally no dqs, falls count anywhere, and you must beat both members of a team to win a match.
First Round of Tag Team Tournament To Decide Title Shots In February:
1. Petey Williams and Milano Collection At beat Trent Acid and Shelton Benjamin
2. Raven and Jerry Lynn beat Nate Webb and Jimmy Yang
3. Rocky Romero and Jimmy Jacobs beat BJ Whitmer and Claudio Castagnoli
4. Rhino and Colt Cabana beat Chris Benoit and Austin Aries
5. Paul London and Spanky beat Ricky Reyes and Jay Lethal
6. Super Dragon and Brian Thunder beat Chris Sabin and Ruckus
7. Rob Van Dam and Sabu beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks
8. Bison Brothers beat Edge and Christian Cage
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-1/31/2009 results:
1. Brain Damage and Deranged beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous
2. Kofi Kingston beat Michel Elgin
3. Jason Hades beat DJ Gabriel
4. Devon Moore beat Guile
5. Jerry Lynn and Samoa Joe beat Machine and Venom
6. Beer Money Inc. beat Hardy Boyz
7. Randy Orton and Claudio Castagnoli beat Mike Bison and CM Punk
8. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Speedster Lite, Nerco Butcher, Tyler Black, Nigel McGuiness, Jimmy Jacobs, Low Ki in a 7 Way Dance to win a shot at St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2009. Nerco Butcher won a shot at Sunday Night Party 77 on February 22. During the match jacobs attacked black with a chain trying to choke him before the rest of the men in the match split them apart.
EUWF's Royal Rumble 2010-1/31/2010 results:
1. Venom beat Chris Jericho to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
2. Brian Thunder won the TWF Royal Rumble Match to win the TWF World Heavyweight Title shot at Wrestlemania XVI.
Order Of Entrance:
1. Guile
2. Power Warrior
3. Trooper 3
4. Mr. America
5. Brian Thunder
6. Basher
7. Taion
8. Blanka
9. Trooper 5
10. Cyrus Bourne
11. Smasher
12. Doomsday
13. Sagat
14. Eric Bison
15. Trooper 4
16. Speedster Lite
17. Mark Night
18. Duke
19. Blood Warrior
20. Ax
21. Joe
22. Jim Brooks
23. Barbecue
24. Smash
25. Trooper 1
26. Chris Night
27. Machine
28. Piloit
29. Trooper 2
30. Rhendo
Colt Cabana went up to CM Punk and wish him luck later in the EUWF's rumble. Also that if he was in he would let Punk win after recent events between Punk and Shawn Michaels Punk said he is going to win in it. Punk said that what HBK brought up was something you don't bring up and wrestling. He said michaels crossed the line and that is all he will say about but it won't stop him from winning tonight.
3. Mike Bison beat Tyler Black and Christopher Daniels in a 3 Way Dance to win the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
4. Edge won the ECW Royal Rumble Match to win the ECW World Heavyweight Title match at Wrestlemania XVI. Edge took the place of Samoa Joe who was not medically clear to wrestle after dislocating a rib over the week.
Order Of Entrance:
1. Jay Briscoe
2. Eddie Edwards
3. Masada
4. Matt Jackson
5. Low Ki
6. Amazing Red
7. Delirious
8. Necro Butcher
9. Nigel McGuiness
10. Claudio Castagnoli
11. Shelton Benjamin
12. Sheamus
13. Eddie Kingston
14. William Regal
15. Nick Jackson
16. Ruckus
17. John Cena
18. Davey Richards
19. Bison Smith
20. AJ Styles
21. Rhino
22. Rey Misterio Jr.
23. Abyss
24. Yoshitatsu
25. Eric Stevens
26. Sabian
27. Jerry Lynn
28. Homicide
29. John Morrison
30. Edge
5. Shawn Michaels beat Chris Hero to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
6. CM Punk won the EUWF's 30 Man Royal Rumble Match: to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania XVI.
Order Of Entrance:
1. MVP
2. Kenny King
3. Trent Bretta
4. Sami Callihan
5. Austin Aries
6. Player Dos
7. Jack Swagger
8. Batistia
9. El Generico
10. CM Punk
11. Caylan Croft
12. Kofi Kingston
13. Player Uno
14. Kane
15. Cody Rhodes
16. Rhett Titus
17. John Moxly
18. Hernadez
19. Matt Sydal
20. Harry Smith
21. Matt Hardy
22. The Miz
23. Kenny Omega
24. TJ Wilson
25. Bryan Danielson
26. Ted Dibiase Jr.
27. Kevin Steen
28. Undertaker
29. Triple H
30. Christian Cage
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/31/2011 Card:
EUWF's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Tournament:
Block A:
1. Randy Orton beat Justin Gabriel
2. Edge beat RJ Hammer
3. Jay Lethal beat Heath Slater
4. Roderick Strong beat Eddie Edwards
Block B:
1. Michel Elgin beat Petey Williams
2. Christopher Daniels beat Amazing Red
3. Frankie Kazarian beat Tyler Reks
4. Bryan Danielson beat Wade Barrett
Non Tournament:
American Wolves went to RJ Hammer's office and demanded that Hoodies be stripped of the tag titles by the way they keep winning. RJ Hammer said that is not going to happen as Hoodies came in saying Wolves should be suspended for there actions earlier when they attacked Hoodies off camera before show started. RJ said that he is tired of hoodies sneaking out with the belt and signed for Blood Bowl this sunday a cage match for Tag Titles between Wolves and Hoodies. The winner of that match will go to sunday night party 89 to defend the belts in the first ever tag team Elimination Chamber match. RJ Hammer announced on the show also that at Blood Bowl 17 there will be several Dragon Gate v.s. EUWF and ECW matches. Also announced that Best Of Lightweight Tournament 19 will feature stars of New Japan and Dragon Gate. Already confirmed for tournament Jushin Liger, Prince Devitt, No Limit (making there singles tournament debut) and return to tournament of Gedo, Jado, Tiger Mask. The wrestler been as Mistico will make his second tournament appearance.
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-1/31/2012 results:
Elimination Chamber Qualifying Tournament Bracket 1:
1. Machine beat Joe
2, Jack Crystal beat Doomsday
3. Mark Night beat Speedster Lite
4. Power Warrior beat Blood Donity
TWF's Thursday Night Fire-1/31/2013 results:
1. Dagger beat Masion Dixie
2. Knight Hunter beat Jackson Rouch
3. Brett Wayfield beat Vlad
4. Joe and Piloit beat Brian Thunder and Duke
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-1/31/2014 results
1. John Moxly beat Jim Brooks
2. Roman Reigns beat Davey Richards
3. Sami Callihan beaet Speedster Lite
4. Randy Orton beat Drake Younger to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.
5. Chris Hero beat Tyler Black
6. Claudio Castagnoli beat Wade Barrett
7. Jay Lethal and Roman Reigns earned the spots in Elimination Chamber Match, Chris Hero won the spot in Blood Bowl 20 Triple Crown Title Match, and John Cena won the spot in St. Valentine's Massacre 2014 Title Match in the Battle Royal for February Title Shots. Eddie Edwards The Miz, Homicide, The Shield, Kane, Claudio Castagnoli, Hernadez, Young Bucks, Blk Out, John Davis, Roderick Strong, Gran Akuma, FIST, Rich Swan, Ricochet, AR Fox, Prime Time Players, Joe Henning, Alberto Del Rio, Ryback, Albert, Adam Cole, Kyle O'Reily, Bravado Brothers, Uso Brothers, Big Show, Wade Barrett were also in the match
TWF's Saturday Night Fire-1/31/2015 results:
1. Carol Ninja beat Lady Warrior Ninja II
2. Grey and Gold Dragons beat Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley
3. New Dark Warriors beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
4. Rex Lion and Gary Jay beat Team Apocaylpse
5. Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen beat Extreme Sports
6. Remy Who and Tom Master beat Rock Hider and Crasher Jack
7. Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood beat Carson Jackson and Daily Watson
8. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Cyrus Bourne and John Cena
EUWF's Smackdown Live-1/31/2017 results:
1. Randy Orton beat Colt Cabana and Moose in a 3 Way Dance.
2. John Moxly beat Gran Akuma and Ron Killings in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Frankie Kazarian beat Bo Wyatt and ACH in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Heath Slater beat Christopher Daniels and Sami Callihan in a 3 Way Dance.
5. The Miz beat Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe in a 3 Way Dance.
6. John Cena beat Cyrus Bourne in a Non Title Match.
7. Sami Zayn beat Brodie Lee
8. Randy Orton beat John Moxly, Frankie Kazarian Heath Slater, The Miz in a 5 Way Dance won the Blood Bowl 23 Title Shot. John Moxly won the STVM17 Title Shot. The Miz won the spot in the Hostile City Showdown 2017 Elimination Chamber Match Spot.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/31/2018 results:
1. Roderick Strong beat Alien #1 in a Non Title Match.
2. Young Bucks beat Extreme Sports in a Non Title Match.
3. Jay Lethal beat Zach Ryder, TJ Perkins, Mike Benette in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
4. Sheamus beat Shinsuke Nakumara. Rhett Titus, Mojo Riley in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
5. Tommy End beat KENTA, Eddie Kingston, Kenny King in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
6. Prince Devitt beat Boby Fish, Chris Hero, Apollo Crews in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
7. Adam Cole beat Kyle O'Reily. Cedric Alexander, Kofi Kingston in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
8. Johnny Gargano beat Sami Zayn, Joe Henning, ACH in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
TWF's Thursday Night Wars-1/31/2019 results:
1. 4 Way Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2019 on February 14): Justine Hounda beat Tabitha Boushida, Ms. America, Crazy Woman
2. 4 Way Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2019 on February 14): Felicia Sword beat Firebird, Lady Trooper, Ariel Bison
3. 4 Way Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At After The Dawn 2019 on February 24): Jackson Rouch beat Bloody Donity, King Theodore III, Sagat
Harrison Boss was interview saying he will prove all the loser critics wrong sunday at Blood Bowl PPV. That there will be question after he beats Peter Spider in a Cage Match. Then announced that he will have celebration at the end of show of his win. He then saw Cyrus Bourne and invited him to celebration. He wanted to make him a member of TWF Mafia. Cyrus turned it down saying he wanted nothing to do with his Mafia or the way he won the title on sunday. Harrison claimed he wanted to make Cyrus his right hand man but he better stay out of TWF Mafia's way. If he doesn't he will get crushed and walked away. Cyrus sighed looking conflicted and Daryl Ranger and Daryl Xtreme walked up to him.
4. 4 Way Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At After The Dawn 2019 on February 24): Eddie Venom beat Cyrus Bourne, Spirit, Brett Wayfield
5. 4 Way Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At After The Dawn 2019 on February 24): Bruce Doomsday beat Jack Crystal, Power Donity, Freddie Waldeno
6. 4 Way Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At After The Dawn 2019 on February 24): Jim Brooks beat Guile, John Fire, Tyson Bronx
7. 4 Way Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At After The Dawn 2019 on February 24): Mark Lite beat Brian Thunder, Taion, Marcus Croft
8. 4 Way Lightweight Tag Team's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At After The Dawn 2019 on February 24): Black Valkyrie beat Gambit Inc, Purple Haze, Snake Byte
Harrison Boss coming out celebrating his win at Royal Rumble 2019. He takes shot at the critics saying he only got Theodore screwed up and had nothing to do with his interference. He will prove everyone wrong and TWF Mafia work will continue. Eric Bison made his return in a wheel chair. Eric said that Harrison didn't deserve to be champion and that joke of him and his father being Mafia Bosses need to stop. Harrison mocked Eric asked what was he going to do in a wheel chair. Eric said he didn't need this and he was just being lazy coming out here. Eric stands up from wheel chair and Harrison looked shocked. Eric said that his career was not over despite what Bruce tried but need little more time from surgeries on linerging injuries he had. Harrison said there 7 of them and one of him. Taion, Guile, Sagat came from the back. This was followed by reunited Xtreme Team (aka former New Demolition) of Cyrus Bourne, Daniel Xtreme, Daryl Ranger. Eric and company clear the ring of TWF Mafia to end the show
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-1/31/2020 results:
1. 4 Way Sunday Night Party 127 Women's Elimination Chmber Qualifying Match: Lacy Evans beat Bella Backlot, Sarah Logan, Norah Dragon
2. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Gavin Guile and Ulysses Taion beat Remy Who and Tom Master
3. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Guardian Knights v.s. Naughty By Nature
4. Johnny Garganno beat Sir Stan
5. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Kushida and Alex Shelley beat Hot Shots
6. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Drew Gulak and Tony Neese beat The New Day
7. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn beat Jay Lethal and Jonthan Gresham
8. 4 Way Sunday Night Party 127 Men's Elimination Chmber Qualifying Match: Roman Reigns beat Eddie Edwards, Rusev, Eric Rowan
EUWF's Royal Rumble 2021-1/31/2021 results:
Pre Show:
1. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Chris Prime and Matt Pigpen beat Road Ragers
2. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Chris Gun and Jack Flap beat Rock Holder and Crusher Jack
3. Triple Threat Match-Winner Gets 30th Spot and Loser of fall gets #1: Adam Cole beat AJ Styles (AJ gets pinned) and Punishment Martinez
1. Rhea Ripley won the EUWF 2021 Women's Royal Rumble Match: Lacy Evans, Charlotte Flair, Bayley, Alcarda Vania, Bianca Belair, Mandy Rose. Helena Bytch, Misty Dawnner, Pink Dudley, Sasha Banks, Xia Li, Molly Moonshine, Tabitha Boshuda, Carol Ninja, Star Pryde, Iconics, Queens Of Wrestling, Io Shirai, Dakota Kai, Ember Moon, Liv Morgan, Candice LaRae, Justine Hounda, Alexia Bliss, Nikki Cross, Jade Thunder, Alicia Jacks also in the match.
2. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Eric Bison and Raymond Roadblock beat Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal
3. 3 Way Rematch For TWF World Heavyweight Title: Kevin Steen (c) beat Tommaso Ciampa and Big E
4. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Gavin Guile and Ulysess Taion beat Naughty By Nature
5. EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Shinsuke Nakuamara (c) beat Claudio Castagnoli
6. Randy Orton won the EUWF 2021 Men's Royal Rumble Match: Bruce Doomsday, Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode, Theodore Borando, Phillip Donity, Matt Riddle, Punsihment Maritnez, Braun Strowman, Roman Reigns, Elias, Johnny Garganno, Bryan Danielson, Sami Zayn, Eddie Venom, Matt Riddle, Jeff Hardy, Bobby Lashley, MVP, Adam Cole, Greyson America, AJ Styles, Prince Devitt, Rey Misterio Jr, Dominik Mysterio, Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch, Ricochet, Apollo Crews, Ash Hyde were also in the match. Eddie was #2, Devitt #3, Bruce #4. Eddie and Bruce worked together for a minute against AJ and Devitt. Then eddie shocked bruce throwing him out. Eddie last to the final four with Orton, Bryan, Cole. Eddie thrown out by orton as he went for a venom stinger on cole. Venom just sat at ringisde for the rest of the match shocked. Orton celebrated as Venom sat there at rinigside.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/31/2022 results:
The show started with a Special edition of Miz TV with surprise guest. Who ended up being MJF along with Wardlow and Shawn Spears. Looked like the two weren't going to get along but they ended up by the end complimenting each other. This lead to CM Punk interputing them. Punk mocked the two for kissing the others ass and said that MJF might have run at the rumble but won't wednesday in dynamite in chicago. Miz challenged punk to get in the ring but Punk didn't want to alone. Brought out The New Day and Drew McIntyre heals scattered.
Tag Festival XII Round 3 Matches:
1. Non Tournament EUWF Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Aliyah beat Rhea Ripley, Alice Destiny, Karen Kelly
2. Bracket D Match: Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
3. Bracket A Match: Malik Blade and Edris Enofé beat Mr. Williams and Mr. Donald
4. Bracket D Match: Chris Prime and Matt Pigen beat Quinton Snyder and Clyde Neptune
5. Bracket A Match: Colin East and Colton West beat Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal
6. Bracket D Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
7. Bracket A Match: Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher beat Rafel Lake and Horus Venus
8. Bracket D Match: Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Security Knights
9. Bracket A Match: Bobby Lashley and Cederick Alexander beat American Brothers
10. Non Tournament EUWF Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Apollo Crews beat Barbecue Jones, Jindar Mahaul, Tyson Bronx
TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-1/31/2023 results:
The show started Cody Rhodes officially announcing he will go after TWF World Heavyweight Title at WM39. Mentioing how Kyle took him out before War 2022 match against his brother.
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 3 Matches:
1. Bracket B Match: Mr. Williams and Mr. Donald beat Dean Nuke and Nick Acid
2. 4 Way TWF's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Peter Spider beat Brett Wayfield, Drew Gula, Wes Lee
3. Bracket E Match: Isaac Block and Trey Widow wrestled Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher to a Draw.
4. Bracket B Match: Uso Brothers beat Clifford Darkness and Emanuel Fire
5. 4 Way TWF's Women's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Raquel González beat Alcarda Vania, Harley Wayfield, Zelina Vega
6. Bracket E Match: Gambit Inc beat Nate Blaster and Caleb Scare
7. Bracket B Match: Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson beat Apollo Crews and Ricochet
8. 4 Way TWF's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Drew McIntyre beat Phillip Donity, Raymond Roadblock, Baron Corbin
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/31/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 3 Matches:
1. Bracket C Match: Malik Blade and Edris Enofé beat Phat Boys
2. 4 Way ECW's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Leoroy Piloit beat Otis, Ridge Holland, Raheem Rhendo
3. Bracket F Match: Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc beat Kong Remer and Link Rod
4. Bracket C Match: Hoodies beat Prowl Brothers
5. 4 Way ECW's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Pete Dunne beat Masion Dixie, Tony D'Angelo, Joe Jr
6. Bracket F Match: Drew Gulak and Charlie Demsey beat Nate Blaster and Caleb Scare
7. Bracket C Match: Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday beat Street Profits
8. 4 Way ECW's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Chad Gable beat Cederick Alexander, Steven Doomsday, Barbeue Jones
Thursday, January 30, 2025
TWF's Thursday Night Wars-January 30 results
Tag Festival XV Group Stage Round 2 Matches:
1. Hardcore Match: Maxxine Massacre, Penny Firebird, Jade Thunder, Alcarda Vania, Raquel González, Tiffany Straton beat Justine Hounda, Kelani Jordan, Raye Action, Layla Spider, Rhea Ripley, Piper Niven
2. Bracket B Match: Vincent Vlad and Ian Impaler beat Jacks Brothers
3. Bracket E Match: Tom Master and Remy Who beat Barney White and Black Jack
4. Bracket B Match: Night Brothers beat Fisher Star and Felix Bolt
5. Bracket E Match: Shaun Spears and Brooks Jenson beat Brce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday
6. Bracket B Match: Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight beat Prince Devitt and JD Mcdonagh
7. Elimination Match: Punshiment Martinez, Carlito, LA Knight, Bruce Doomsday, Walter, Kyle Donity beat Wes Lee, Tony D'Angelo, Lexis King, JD Mcdonagh, Prince Devitt, Theodor Borando
This Day In Wrestling History-January 30 (Evan Hounda Dies, Blood Bowl 6, Royal Rumble 2005 and 2011, Triple H abounded, Saviors Celebrate but Hero can't get what he wants)
This Day In Wrestling History-January 30:
Saturday Slam Jam-1/30/1999 results:
1. White Ninja beat Spirit. After the match, the Ninjas tried to break Spirit's ankle but Joe, Barbecue, Sgt., and American Heroes made the save.
2. Commander and Taion beat Ken and Ryu
3. General Destroyer and Sgt. Destroyer
4. Samurai Kid and Ninja Kid beat Dark Warriors
5. Snake Eyes and Shadow beat Doomsday Warriors
6. Sagat, Blood Knight, Giant Knight beat Nightmare and Trooper 9
7. Fit Finley beat Sgt.
8. Trooper 10 beat Norman Smiley
9. Yoshihiro Tajiri beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
10. Super Crazy beat Billy Kidman
11. Dudleys beat Al Snow and 2 Cold Scorpio
12. Night Brothers and Justin Credible beat New Age Outlaws and Rob Van Dam
EUWF's Sunday Night Heat-1/30/2000 results:
EUWF announced the death of Evan Hounda. Houdna had died earlier in the day of a heart attack while training to lose weight. The EUWF was afraid of Hounda's weight had done damage to his heart and had pulled him from tv. They asked him to lose weight and then he would return.
Blood Bowl 6-1/30/2000 results:
1. Scarlet beat Jade in a Catfight to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. New Jack and Balls Mahoney beat Angel and Grimes in a Caribbean Barbwire and Spider Net Match.
3. Tajiri beat Super Crazy in a Caribbean Barbwire Match
4. Chris Jericho beat Chris Benoit to retain the EUWF IC Title.
5. Hardy Boys beat Edge/Christian and Impact Players in a Three Way Caribbean Barbwire Ladder Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Joe and Barbecue beat New Age Outlaws and Tommy Dreamer/Sandman in a Three Way Stairway To Hell Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Jim Brooks beat Nature Boy Speedster Lite in a Barbed Wire Bat Match to win the EUWF US Title. New Age Outlaws, Impact Players, Tazz, X-Pac, Triple H, Hollywood Doomsday attack Brooks after he gets in the ring. Speedster gets in the ring and tries to use the bat to take out Brooks left eye. They tie up Brooks in the ropes and then handcuff him to the ropes. Francine gets in the ring to beg the nWo members to stop. Speedster tries to hit Francine but the ref grabs her out of the way. Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Hardy Boys, Edge, Christain, Joe, Barbecue, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko come to make the save. Cactus runs down and gets Brooks out of the ropes and handcuffs. Francine hands Brooks a chair and Brooks smashes the chair into Speedster. That sends the bat and chair into Speedster's head. Speedster falls down to the mat. Brooks falls onto Speedster and the ref makes the count. The faces helps Brooks out of the ring.
8. Cactus Jack beat Sabu in a Caribbean Barbwire and Spider Net Death Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
Wednesday Night Brawl-1/30/2002 results:
1. Sagat beat Green Lantern
2. Piloit beat Machine
3. Flash and Dash beat Wildfire
4. The Hurricane beat Blanka
5. Night Brothers beat Hoodies
6. Tajiri beat Rhendo
7. Hit Squad beat American Heroes to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Vlad, Homicide, Temptress, Dudleys beat Joe, Barbecue, Scarlet, Low Ki, Mankind
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-1/30/2003 results:
Speedster Lite came to the ring with a chair, light tube, barbed wire bat. He demanded a match tonight saying that flair has kept him off since he took over. Flair then put him in a hardcore match with the big show.
1. Speedster Lite beat Big Show in a Hardcore Match.
2. Nathan Jones beat Ken and Ryu in a handicap match.
3. Mike Awesome beat Crash The Terminator in a non title match.
4. Homicide beat Al Snow to retain the EUWF European Title.
5. Christopher Daniels and Donovan Morgan beat Three Count to retain the EUWF World Tag Team Titles.
6. Scott Steiner beat Rikishi
7. Brimstone (Machine) beat Undertaker
8. Rob Van Dam beat Kane to retain the #1 Contendership for EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
TTWF 1/30/2004 Viking Hall results:
1. Paul London and Spanky beat Night Brothers to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Taion beat Samoa Joe to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
3. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Vlad to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
4. Shadow WX and RJ Hammer beat Sandman and Abyss. Shadow WX asked for a special hardcore title match for the TTWF title this sunday and invited anyone to be in the match.
5. Dudleyz beat Naughty By Nature in a Tables Match to win the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. Both team shook hands after the match but Night Brothers attacked both teams with chairs and till Doomsday and Spike Dudley made the save. Basher got on the mic and challenged Dudleyz and Nights to a barbed wire match of some kind sunday. Dudleyz agreed but Nights didn't. Barbecue came out and announced that it will be Dudleyz v.s. NBN v.s. Night Brothers in a No Rope Barbed Wire match sunday at Blood Bowl.
6. Doomsday beat Matt Hardy to retain the TTWF US Title.
7. Christopher Daniels beat Lance Storm to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Chris Benoit beat Bryan Danielson in a Submission Match to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
Royal Rumble 2005-1/30/2005 results:
1. Mad Man Pondo, Sexxy Eddy, Balls Mahoney, Masato Tanaka, Messiah, Shadow WX beat Doomsday, Venom, Naughty By Nature, Hardcore Holly in a Falls Count Anywhere, Barbed Wire Board, Light Tube, Weapons Death Match to earn the right to wrestle on ECW shows. The end came when Raven ran out attacking Venom and ddting him on a chair letting heals win. Raven, Pondo, Eddy, Mahoney, Tanaka, WX, Messiah, was joined by JC Bailey as started to beat on Doomsday Alliance wrestlers till RJ Hammer, High Flyers, American Heroes, Samoa Joe, John Cena, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit made the save.
2. RJ Hammer beat Gene Snitsky
3. America's Most Wanted beat Dudleyz in a Tables Match to retain the ECW World Tag Team Titles.
4. Samoa Joe and John Cena beat Homicide and Low Ki in a Street Fight to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Randy Orton and Jesus Bison beat Triple H and Batistia. Batistia wasn't able to tag in most of the match and when he did he looked at Triple H. He smiled and clotheslined him. Batistia then powerbombed Hunter letting Orton pin him for the win. Ric Flair comes in question Batistia but then the three look to attack Flair and Flair backs away. Flair relaxed and then hugged the three. Jesus Bison and Baroness grab a two tables from under the ring. Batistia powerbombs triple h through the first and then orton rko's hunter through the second. The four stood over hunter's body and then left together.
6. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Machine and Sagat to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. AJ Styles wins the first ECW 30 Man Royal Rumble Match to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Title and a shot at the title at Wrestlemania XXI.
Order Of Entrance:
1. AJ Styles
2. Doomsday
3. Muhammad Hassan
4. Christian
5. Frankie Karazarian
6. Venom
7. Steve Corino
8. Colt Cabana
9. Nova
10. Val Venis
11. Rey Misterio Jr.
12. James Storm
13. Michael Shane
14. Matt Sydal
15. Chris Candido
16. RC Haas
17. Roderick Strong
18. Super Crazy
19. Jamie Knoble
20. Sonjay Dutt
21. Ace Steele
22. Trent Acid
23. Edge
24. Ultimo Dragon
25. Chris Harris
26. Tajiri
27. B-Boy
28. Danny Maff
29. Mike Awesome
30. Doug Williams
8. Bryan Danielson won the TTWF's 2005 30 Man Royal Rumble Match to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title and a shot at the title at Wrestlemania XXI.
Order Of Entrance:
1. Petey Williams
2. Piloit
3. Jack Crystal
4. Nate Webb
5. Little Guido
6. Homicide
7. Chris Hero
8. Bryan Danielson
9. Booker T
10. Spirit
11. Joe
12. Kurt Angle
13. Rhyno
14. Low Ki
15. Masato Tanaka
16. Joey Mathes
17. William Regal
18. John Cena
19. Jay Lethal
20. Rocky Romero
21. Jimmy Rave
22. Brian Thunder
23. Jeff Hardy
24. Taion
25. Samoa Joe
26. Nick Berk
27. Ricky Reyes
28. Mr. America
29. Maven
30. Duke
9. Jim Brooks win the EUWF's 2005 30 Man Royal Rumble Match to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and a shot at the title at Wrestlemania XXI.
Order Of Entrance:
1. Shelton Benjamin
2. Machine
3. Batistia
4. Shadow WX
5. Alex Shelley
6. Jesus Bison
7. Randy Orton
8. Jim Brooks
9. Kane
10. Shawn Michaels
11. Chad Collyer
12. Undertaker
13. Ric Flair
14. Sagat
15. Speedster Lite
16. Izzy
17. Red
18. RJ Hammer
19. Deranged
20. La Park
21. Gene Snitsky
22. John Hendinright
23. Bradshaw
24. John Walters
25. Chris Jericho
26. Christopher Daniels
27. Vlad
28. Daniel Puder
29. Guile
30. Abyss
10. CM Punk beat Nigel McGuiness to retain the ECW World Title.
11. Eddie Guerrero beat Mike Bison to win the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
12. Chris Benoit beat Austin Aries to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/30/2006 results:
The show started with Saviors coming to the ring and Chris Hero got on the mic. He said last night was almost perfect other then Edge winning the ECW royal rumble and that he didn't get the wrestlemania main event he want it went the rest of the way they wanted it. Erica still ladies champion, Knockout/Slasher still lightweight tag champs, Gothics still heavyweight tag team champs, Edge still ECW us champ, and that he was still EUWF World Heavyweight Champion. Hero said that he remembered that Brian Thunder still has to make it to Wrestlemania and that he saviors will make sure he doesn't while no will be able to stop them. RJ Hammer came to the ring calling Hero boring and said that he should just take things as they are. He then said Hero may not be the champion come wrestlemania and be luck if he was. Hero said it sounds like RJ doesn't want him to make it to WM22 and told him to try do that tonight. RJ said no and then was goated by Hero but RJ wouldn't. Hero then hit RJ with the title belt and beat on him till Speedster Lite and American Heroes made the save. RJ got on the mic saying that Hero got his match tonight.
1. Erica Tempted beat Julie to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Gothics beat Ax and Smash from New Demolition in a Non Title Match.
3. Jack Evans beat Nate Webb to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
4. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Trent Acid, Petey Williams, Booker T, Jimmy Rave, Randy Orton, Chris Sabin in a 7 Way Dance to win a shot at EUWF World Heavyweight Title at St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2006 on February 14.
5. AJ Styles beat Roderick Strong, Michael Shane, Colt Cabana, Ruckus, James Gibson, Alex Shelley in a 7 Way Dance to win a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Sunday Night Party 59 on February 12.
6. Shawn Michaels beat Speedster Lite, Austin Aries, Christian Cage, Matt Hardy, Spirit, Doomsday in a 7 Way Dance to win a shot at EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Blood Bowl XI on February 5.
7. Brian Thunder beat Kurt Angle to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Chris Hero beat RJ Hammer to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/30/2008 results:
The show started with haymen announcing the ECW World Heavyweight Title Match for Blood Bowl 14 this sunday will be a 3 way with Samoa Joe defending v.s. Low Ki and Roderick Strong.
1. Adam Pearce beat Machine, Abyss, Nerco Butcher in a 4 Way #1 Contenders Tournament Match. After the match Hangmen 3, Sabu, Age Of The Fall attacked Machine and Abyss with chains and ropes trying to hang them till Doomsday, Venom, Sagat, Naughty By Nature, LAX made the save. Doomsday challenged the heals to a no barbed wire match at Blood Bowl 14 but Pearce wanted a dog collar match and haymen said why not put them both into one match. So at Blood Bowl 14 this sunday it will be Hangmen 3, Sabu, Age Of The Fall v.s. Doomsday, Venom, Machine, Sagat, Abyss, LAX in a No Rope Barbed Wire and Dog Collar Match.
2. Doomsday beat Christopher Daniels, Jimmy Jacobs, BJ Whitmer in a 4 Way 1 Contenders Tournament Match.
3. Eric Stevens beat Austin Aries, Eddie Kingston, Brain Damage in a 4 Way 1 Contenders Tournament Match.
4. Petey Williams beat Jimmy Yang, James Gibson, Rey Misterio Jr. in a 4 Way 1 Contenders Tournament Match.
5. Joker beat Spirit, Justin Credible, Davey Richards in a 4 Way 1 Contenders Tournament Match.
6. Brandon Thomaselli beat Homicide, Jack Crystal, Rocky Romero in a 4 Way 1 Contenders Tournament Match.
7. Colt Cabana beat Elix Skipper, Venom, 2 Cold Scorpio in a 4 Way 1 Contenders Tournament Match.
8. Joker beat Doomsday, Eric Stevens, Petey Williams, Adam Pearce, Brandon Thomaselli, Colt Cabana in a 7 Way Ladder Match to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Heavyweight Title and win a title shot at No Way Out 2008 on February 17. This satuday the 6 losers will go to a 2 Fall Match. First fall will decide who gets the St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2008 Title Shot on February 14. The one who gets the fall is no longer in the match and remanding 5 will face each other in the second fall in a elimination match for Sunday Night Party 71 Title Shot on February 24.
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-1/30/2009 results:
1. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Brian Thunder and John Fire in a Non Title Match.
2. American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) beat John Morrison and The Miz
3. Doomsday beat Austin Aries in a Non Title Match.
4. Brent Albright beat Sim Snuka
5. LAX beat Vlad and Impaler in a Non Title Match.
6. Roderick Strong and MVP beat Chris Hero and Santino Marella
7. Undertaker beat King Jim Brooks, Mark Night, Christian Cage, Kane in a 5 Way Dance to win a shot At St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2009 on February 14. Mark Night won the title shot at Sunday Night Party 77 on February 22.
8. Edge, Triple H, Shawn Michaels beat RJ Hammer, Brian Thunder, John Cena
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-1/30/2010 results:
1. Alexis Lariee beat Erica Tempted and Scarlet in a 3 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
2. Amazing Red beat John Morrison in a Non Title Match.
3. Claudio Castagnoli beat Christopher Daniels and Jay Briscoe in a 3 Way Dance to retain the ECW World TV Title.
4. Necro Butcher and Delirious beat Doomsday and Venom to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
5. Machine and Sagat beat Eric Stevens and Bison Smith to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Dudleyz beat American Wolves, Ruckus/Sabian, Young Bucks, Joe/Piloit in a 5 Way Dance to retain the ECW/EUWF/TWF US Tag Team Titles.
7. Sheamus beat Mike Bison to retain the ECW IC Title.
8. Chris Hero beat AJ Styles to retain the Non Title Match.
EUWF's Royal Rumble 2011-1/30/2011 results:
1. Young Bucks beat Night Brothers to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles. Machine and Sagat attacked Nights after the match and tried to take each of them out. They seem to injury Chris hand and bloody Mark with both being taken to the hospital.
2. Naughty By Nature beat Brian Thunder and Duke to retain the TWF/EUWF/ECW US Tag Team Titles.
3. Hoodies beat American Wolves to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Machine, Sagat, Street Warrior, Drake Younger beat Doomsday, Venom, Eric Bison, Homicide in a HC Match.
5. Mike Bison beat Edge to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title. During the match Alex Kisnner and Miss Lee got into it fighting after Edge hit the spear on Mike distracting the ref. CM Punk came from the crowd hitting go to sleep on Edge and putting Mike on Edge for the win.
6. CM Punk won the EUWF/ECW/TWF 50 Man Royal Rumble to get a EUWF Triple Crown Title Shot at Wrestlemania 27. Kane, American Wolves, Ted Dibiase Jr., Christopher Daniels, Amazing Red, Michel Elgin, Bryan Danielson, Wade Barrett, Petey Williams, Jay Lethal, Tyler Black, Roderick Strong, Randy Orton, El Generico, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Briscoe Brothers, CM Punk, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Samoa Joe, Claudio Castagnoli, Sheamus, Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, Rey Misterio Jr., TJ Perkins, Low Ki, Homicide, Machine, Sagat, Doomsday, Venom, Eric Bison, Brian Thunder, Duke, Taion, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Mr. America, Booker T, Kevin Nash, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Kenny Omega, Joe, The Miz were also in the match. After the match Edge came from the back to spear Punk but was stop by Kings Of Wrestling and Punk said it was all part of the plan. Edge left mad saying that wasn't over as Punk celebrated to end the show.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/30/2012 results:
Elimination Chamber Qualifying Tournament Bracket 1:
1. Claudio Castagnoli beat John Cena
2. Randy Orton beat War Backlot Warrior
3. Roderick Strong beat Kane
4. Chuck Taylor beat Petey Williams
5. Gran Akuma beat Icarus
6. Adam Cole beat Hunico
7. Homicide beat Drew McIntyre
8. Tyler Black beat Chris Hero
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/30/2013 results:
1. Richie Steamboat beat Mike Bennet
2. Night Brothers beat Colony
3. Rockness Monsters beat Sgt. and Roadblock
Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches:
4. CM Punk beat Kenny King, Kofi Kingston, Rhett Titus, Joey Ryan in a 5 Way Dance.
5. Dolph Ziggler beat Heath Slater, Jigsaw, Hallowicked, Cody Rhodes in a 5 Way Dance.
6. Kevin Steen beat Sheamus, Rhino, Justin Gabriel, El Generico in a 5 Way Dance.
7. Austin Aries beat Christopher Daniels, Robert Roode, Alex Shelley, Zach Ryder in a 5 Way Dance.
8. Bryan Danielson beat James Storm, Samoa Joe, Colt Cabana, Christian Cage in a 5 Way Dance.
Thursday Night Fire-1/30/2014 results:
1. Ms. America beat Harley Wayfield
2. Queens Of Wrestling beat Scarlet and Karen
3. Alex Kisnner beat Crazy Woman
4. The Players beat North/South Side Dragons
5. Moonshine beat Kathy Uranosis
6. Lady Warrior Ninja beat Ninja Girl
7. Mr. America and Mike Bison won spots in the Elimination Chamber, Doomsday won the spot in Triple Crown Title Match at Blood Bowl 20, Brett Wayfield won the spot in title match at St. Valentin'e Day Massacre 2014 in the Battle Royal For Future February Title Shots and Spots In Elimination Chamber Match at SNP107. American Heroes, Night Brothers, Piloit, Masion Dixie, Naughty By Nature, Bloody Donity, Warrior Ninjas, Troopers, Young Guns Army, Wildfire, Crazy, New Demolition, Backlot Warriors, Dangerous Trio, Dragons, Hoodies, Vampire Nation, Bubba Jones, Zangief, Spirit, Machine, Sagat, Ash Hyde were also in the match.
ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-1/30/2015 results:
1. Briscoe Brothers beat Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan
2. Willie Mack beat Bryatt Wyatt
3. Kofi Kingston beat Chris Sabin
4. Mr. America beat Pac in a Non Title Match.
5. Ash Hyde and Mr. America beat Hoodies in a Non Title Match.
6. Cyrus Bourne beat Jack Swagger
7. Sami Zayn beat TJ Wilson in a Non Title Match.
8. Claudio Castagnoli beat Jim Brooks in a Non Title Match.
TWF's Saturday Night Fire-1/30/2016 results:
1. Taion beat Masion Dixie in a Fatal 4 Way Match. Taion, Jim Brooks, Freddie Waldeno advance.
2. Seth Owens beat Samurai Ninja II in a Fatal 4 Way Match. Seth Owens, Jackson Rouch, Sagat advance.
3. King Peter beat Blood Ninja in a Fatal 4 Way Match. Brett Wayfield, King Peter, Eric Bison advance.
4. Ash Hyde beat John Fire in a Fatal 4 Way Match. Bloody Donity, Ash Hyde, Guile advance.
5. Power Donity beat Snake Eyes in a Fatal 4 Way Match. Power Donity, Cyrus Bourne, Piloit advance.
6. Chris Night beat Jack Pink in a Fatal 4 Way Match. Chris Night, Duke Thunder, Mr. America advance.
7. Jeffery Alpha beat Trooper 1 in a Fatal 4 Way Match. Mark Night, Jeffery Alpha, Brian Thunder advance.
8. Seth Owens won the Battle Royal for After The Dawn 2016 Triple Crown Title Shot. Jackson Rouch as runner up gets the TWF spot in Title match at SNP119. Taion, Jim Brooks, Freddie Waldeno, Sagat, Brett Wayfield, King Peter, Eric Bison, Bloody Donity, Ash Hyde, Guile, Power Donity, Cyrus Bourne, Piloit, Chris Night, Duke Thunder, Mr. America, Mark Night, Jeffery Alpha, Brian Thunder were also in the match. The end was controversial as Seth had eliminated Jim and Mark earlier. They came back out with Speedster Lite and the three grab Seth from the ring under the bottom rope. They put him through the announcers table and while this medical checked on Seth, Jackson and Power battled as last two. They both went over at the same time but the refs said jackson hit last as power dragged him down after hitting. Refs discussed it and decided to give the match to Seth since he never was eliminated. A shocked seth was announced the winner as Ash helped him back to his feet to end the show.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/30/2017 results:
1. Moonshine beat Alicia Fox
2. Ascension beat Colt Star and Patrick Thorne
3. Briscoe Brothers beat Connor Stark and Bruce Summers
4. Motor City Machine Guns v.s. Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
It was announed that at Hostile City Showdown 2017 Bryatt Wyatt will defend his WM33 Title shot in Elimination Chamber Match. Featuring Claudio Castagnoli, him, 2 TWF Stars, 1 more ECW Star, 1 more EUWF Star.
5. Cyrus Bourne beat Dasher Hatfield in a Non Title Match.
6. AJ Styles beat Colt Cabana, Moose, Randy Orton in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match to advance to one at SNP121.
7. Brodie Lee beat John Moxly, Gran Akuma, Ron Killings in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match to advance to one at SNP121.
8. Sami Zayn beat Frankie Kazarian, Bo Wyatt, ACH in a in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match to advance to one at SNP121.
9. Sheamus beat Christopher Daniels, Sami Callihan, Heath Slater
10. John Cena beat The Miz, Roman Reigns, Samoa Joe in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match to advance to one at SNP121.
EUWF's Smackdown Live-1/30/2018 results:
1. Ruby Riot beat Mandy Rose, Sonjay Deville. Naomi in a 4 Way Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
2. Robert Roode beat Elias Sampson
3. Jay Briscoe beat Alex Shelley
4. Tyler Black beat Marc Bricoe
5. AJ Styles beat Bo Wyatt
6. Rusev beat Frankie Kazarian
7. Christopher Daniels beat Aiden English
8. Nattie Neidhart beat Sara Logan, LuFisto, Nia Jax. Dana Brooks in a 5 Way Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/30/2019 results
1. 4 Way Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2019 on February 14): Ruby Riot beat Sarah Logan, Becky Lynch, Peynton Royce
2. 4 Way Women's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2019 on February 14): Asuka beat Naomi, Billy Kay, Mandy Rose
3. 4 Way Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At HCS2019 on March 10: Roderick Strong beat Akira Tozawa, Caprice Coleman, Jay Lethal
4. 4 Way Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At HCS2019 on March 10: Jeff Hardy beat Dasher Hashfield, John Silver, Lio Rush
5. 4 Way Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At HCS2019 on March 10: The Miz beat Drew Gulak, Tyler Black, Bobby Lashley
6. 4 Way Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At HCS2019 on March 10: Adam Cole beat Joe Heening, Mark Briscoe, Bo Wyatt
7. 4 Way Men's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At HCS2019 on March 10: Ricochet beat Johnny Garganno, Jay Briscoe, Tony Neese
8. Mike Bison beat Robert Roode
TWF's Thursday Night Wars-1/30/2020 results:
1. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Hard Luck Fighters beat Snake Byte
2. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Hoodies beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno
3. 4 Way TWF's After The Dawn 2020 Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Matt Riddle beat Mike Benett, Dalton Castle, Bo Wyatt
4. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Alex Havoc and Jeff Shot beat PYT
5. 4 Way TWF's After The Dawn 2020 Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Bryan Danielson beat Solomon Spirit, Sami Callihan, AR Fox
6. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Prowl Brothers beatLigi Brothers
7. 4 Way TWF's After The Dawn 2020 Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Mark Lite beat Dominik Dijakovic, Dolph Ziggler, Peter Spider
8. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Lucha Dragons beat oVe
ECW's Saturday Nights In The Thunderdome-1/30/2021 results:
Tag Festival XI Round 3 Matches:
1. Prowl Brothers beat Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc
2. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Sir Felix and Sir Fisher
3. Hugo Robin and Ivan Shroud beat Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka
4. Black Valkyire beat AJ Styles and Prince Devitt
5. Hot and Spicy beat Remy Who and Tom Masters
6. Snake Byte beat Ash Hyde and Mark Lite
7. Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Road Ragers
8. Bruise Brothers beat Ricochet and Apollo Crews
9. Non Tournament Elimination Match: Star Pryde, Queens Of Wrestling, Iconics beat Sasha Banks, Xia Li, Molly Moonshine, Tabitha Boshuda, Carol Ninja
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/30/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 3 Matches:
1. Bracket A Match: Cheesy Warriors beat Tom Master and Remy Who
2. 4 Way EUWF's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Santos Escobar beat Jinder Mahal, Bishop Rider, Barbecue Jones
3. Bracket D Match: Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight beat Kong Remer and Link Rod
4. Bracket A Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Veer and Sanga by DQ.
5. 4 Way EUWF's Women's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Patricia Bryan beat Maro Ligi, Sonjay Deville, Bella Backlot
6. Bracket D Match: Gallus beat Elroy Stone and Wendell Cheetah
7. Bracket A Match: Hit Row beat Street Profits
8. 4 Way EUWF's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Marcus Croft beat Trevor Lee, Humberto, Brian Thunder
TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-1/30/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 3 Matches:
1. Bracket B Match: Donity Brothers beat Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal
2. 4 Way TWF's Men Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: AJ Styles beat King Stan, Ash Hyde, Baron Corbin
3. Bracket E Match: Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Abel Moon and Isaiah Saturn
4. Bracket B Match: Indus Sher beat Punishment Martinez and Prince Devitt
It was announced that due to injury CM Punk will not main event Royal Rumble 2024 as scheduled. Punk will retain the right for future title shot when able to return.
5. 4 Way TWF's Men Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Seth Owens beat Solo Sukoa, Duke Thunder, Theodore Borondo
6. Bracket E Match: Black Valkyrie beat Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley
7. Bracket B Match: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks beat Night Brothers
8. 4 Way TWF's Men Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Jonnny Garganno beat Jinder Mahel, Brian Thunder, Tristan Heartsend
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-January 29 results
Tag Festival XV Group Stage Round 2 Matches:
1. Bracket F Match: Rock Holder and Crasher Jack beat Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher
2. Non Title Match: Lucy Warrior beat Cora Jade
3. Bracket C Match: Dutch Lane and Abram Max beat David Omega and Gabriel Lock
4. Bracket F Match: Snake Byte beat Isaac Block and Trey Widow
5. Non Title Match: Dragon Lee beat Phillip Donity
6. Bracket C Match: Eddie Venom and Anthony Venomous beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
7. Bracket F Match: Axiom and Nathan Frazier beat Dean Nuke and Nicky Acid
8. Non Title Match: Greyson America and DIY beat Victor America, Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn
This Day In Wrestling History-January 29 (#1 Contenders Trophy, Royal Rumble 2006/2012/2017/2022/2023, RVD and Brian Thunder win Royal Rumbles, Hero tries to play favorites, Booker T/Mr. America, Chris Jericho returns, Bryatt Wyatt wins Royal Rumble?, Victor America apologizes, Queen Patricia explains, Edge makes a challenge for WM36 but gets interrupted)
This Day In Wrestling History-January 29:
Saturday Slam Jam-1/29/2000 results:
1. Taion beat Simon Diamond
2. Sagat beat Machine
3. Ken beat Kid Romeo
4. Ryu beat Spirit
5. Naughty By Nature beat Sgt. and Roadblock
6. Nova beat Tommy Rogers to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
7. Acolytes beat Dynamic Duo
8. Wildfire beat Mamalukes
9. Hollywood Doomsday beat Norman Smiley to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
10. Trooper 1 and 2 beat Edge and Christian
11. Joe and Barbecue beat New Age Outlaws to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. Billy Kidman and Hardy Boys beat Impact Players and X-Pac
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/29/2001 results:
Scott Steiner came to the ring and challenged Steve Austin. Austin was heading to the ring when Steve Corino came through the crowd and attacked Steiner with a sledge hammer. Austin gets in the ring and starts brawling with Corino. Steiner gets back up. He and Austin starts fighting and Corino tries to hit Austin with the sledge hammer. He instead hits Steiner again and Austin hits Corino with a Stone Cold Stunner.
1. Machine beat Chavo Guerrero Jr.
2. Mankind beat Piloit
3. Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio Jr. beat American Turncoats
4. Venom and Ariel Bison beat Mike Bison and Queen Bison
5. Tajiri and Mikey Whipwreck beat Three Count and Yung Dragons
6. The Rock beat Jeff Jarrett
7. Big Show, Kane, Rhino beat Undertaker, Kevin Nash, Dallas Page
8. Steve Corino beat Steve Austin and Scott Steiner to retain the EUWF US Title. Steiner beat Austin with a chair and end up bleeding. That led to Austin getting beat. Steiner had the match won but the lights go out. The lights come on and Corino is ontop of a very blood Steiner. Jack Victory wakes up the ref who got hit earlier with the chair by steiner and ref makes the three count. Austin comes back out and hits a stone cold stunner onto Victory and Corino to end the show.
Wednesday Night Brawl-1/29/2003 results:
Ric Flair comes to the ring and announces that Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn will have to defend their #1 contendership for the world title at No Way Out 2003. RVD will face Kurt Angle and Jerry Lynn will face The Rock. He gave jericho St. Valentine's Day Massacre off and then said that Jericho got defend against Eddie Guerrero at No Mercy 2003. That didn't make Jericho to happy but Jericho changed him mind after flair whispered something in his ear. Flair also said that if anyone even interferes in any elite business and is not a member of the elite or s.e.x. they will be suspended or fired. Flair then announced that Jericho will defend his world title and wrestle in a six man. That made jericho mad again but Flair announced that Jericho will be defending against Spike Dudley which made Jericho happy.
1. Jay Briscoe beat Ric Blade in a non title match.
2. Night Brothers beat Divine Storm in a non title match.
The scary version of no chance in hell started up again. Kevin, Sullivan, Devil Bison, Eve Bison, Hellfire. Two more coffins were brought out. Someone looking like machine and kane were in the coffins. Undertaker ran to the ring attacked Bisons, Hellfire before Sullivan could talk. The two guys in the coffin attacked the Undertaker and so did Scott Steiner, Nathan Jones, Big Show. Sullivan once again spiked Undertaker in the head several times and then left him bloody again.
3. Chris Jericho beat Spike Dudley to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
4. Rob Van Dam beat Homicide in a non title match.
Flair walked up to RVD and gave him a trophy saying that it represent that he is the #1 contender for the belt. RVD said that he stole the idea from Ring Of Honor and Flair just ignored it.
5. Masato Tanaka beat Balls Mahoney in a non title match.
6. Christopher Daniels and Donovan Morgan beat Impact Players to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Jim Brooks beat Low Ki in a non title match.
8. Goldberg, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam wrestled Chris Jericho, Brock Lensar, Eddie Guerrero to a no contest. The end came when Angle turned on Goldberg and hit the angle slam onto him. He then put Goldberg into the ankle lock while Jericho, Lensar, Guerrero stomped onto him. The Rock came out but instead of helping goldberg hit him with a rock bottom. He then rock bottomed RVD and hit a people's elbow onto goldberg. Elite members stood over Goldberg and RVD to end the show.
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-1/29/2004 results:
1. Briscoe Brothers beat American Heroes and FBI (Guido/Mamaluke) in a 3 Way Dance.
2. Jimmy Rave, Mark Jindrak, Garrison Cade beat Spirit, Jack Crystal, Mr. America
3. Homicide beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF IC Title.
4. Los Guerreros beat Hoodies and High Rollers in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Sandman and Abyss beat RJ Hammer and Masato Tanaka
6. Piloit beat Joe to retain the EUWF World TV Title. The EUWF US Title was not on the line. After the match Joe demanded another match with Piloit and Lady Hammer made a double title ladder match for both US and TV Title.
7. AJ Styles beat Randy Orton to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Mike Bison and Tommy Dreamer beat Jesus Bison and Commander
TTWF's Saturday Slam Bash-1/29/2005 results:
1. Lady Trooper beat Lady Gangster to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
2. Spanky and Paul London beat Ring Crew Express to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Mad Man Pondo and Sexxy Eddy beat Knockout and Slasher
4. Nate Webb beat Psicosis
5. Petey Williams beat JC Bailey
6. Joe and Piloit beat Mr. America and Nick Berk
7. Kurt Angle, Masato Tanaka, Homicide, Low Ki beat Chris Hero, Bryan Danielson, Samoa Joe, John Cena
8. Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Jimmy Rave beat Mike Bison, Taion, Jay Lethal
EUWF's Royal Rumble 2006-1/29/2006 results:
1. Sabu beat Nerco Butcher in a No Rope Barbed Wire Match to win the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title.
2. Erica Tempted wrestled Jade to a draw in a 30 Minute Hair v.s. Title I Quiet Iron Man Match to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title. The match ended tied 2-2 and Erica didn't want an overtime. Left through the crowd before one could start.
3. Edge beat Jim Brooks to retain the ECW US Title.
4. Doomsday beat Chris Sabin in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Venom beat B-Boy in a Ladder Match to retain the ECW World TV Title.
6. Knockout and Slasher beat John Fire and Snake Eyes to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Havana Pitbulls, 3 Minute Warning, Dudleyz in a 4 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Gothics beat Briscoe Brothers, Jimmy Rave/Alex Shelley, Brian Thunder/Duke, Mahine/Sagat in a 5 Way Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
9. Mike Bison beat Low Ki to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title Match.
10. Rob Van Dam won the ECW's 2006 40 Man Royal Rumble Match. Piloit, Kid Kash, Jerry Lynn, Jack Crystal, CM Punk, William Regal, Brandon Thomassali, John Cena, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Triple H, Nigel McGuiness, Taion, Venom, B-Boy, Rocky Romero, Super Dragon, Edge, Raven, Nick Berk, Jesus Bison, Rhino, Shelton Benjamin, Jim Brooks, Sabu, BJ Whitmer, Jimmy Jacobs, Jay Lethal, Shane Helms, Masato Tanaka, Chris Benoit, Mr. America, Paul London, Spanky, Shadow WX, Joe, Delirious, Nova, Sho Funaki, Azrieal were also in the match.
11. Chris Hero beat Christian Cage to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
12. Brian Thunder won the EUWF's 2006 40 Man Royal Rumble Match. Duke, Snake Eyes, John Fire, Ruckus, Ric Flair, Austin Aries, Kane, Randy Orton, James Gibson, Speedster Lite, Chris Sabin, Jimmy Rave, JBL, Bryan Danielson, Roderick Strong, Colt Cabana, Trent Acid, Kurt Angle, Spirit, Shawn Michaels, Doomsday, AJ Styles, Rey Misterio Jr., Jack Evans, Matt Sydal, Sagat, Abyss, Alex Shelley, Jimmy Yang, Nate Webb, Mark Henry, Fit Finely, Guile, Sonjay Dutt, Big Show, Machine, Elix Skipper, Petey Williams, Chris Masters were also in the match. Chris Hero and Erica Tempted stayed at ringside watching the match after the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match. Hero was cheering for some of the bigger named wrestlers because he said earlier in the show an interview that he wanted his first Wrestlemania main event title match to be big. It was down to Angle and Brian with Hero cheering for Angle but Angle didn't want it. Angle had knocked Brian to the ring apron and tried knocking him off. Brian ducked and Angle went sailing over the top eliminating him. Brian got back in the ring on his knees crying in happiness that he won and Hero was pissed. Hero ran in clipping the ankle Angle was working on and then the rest of Saviors came from the back helping Hero. Angle, Mike Bison, Christian Cage, Taion, Naughty By Nature, American Heroes made the save.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/29/2007 results:
The show started with Mr. America and Ms. America coming to then ring. Mr. America said that last night was the start of the future of EUWF with the domination over the company by the real americans that will come full force at Wrestlemania XXIII when he wins the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. Booker T comes out attacking Mr. America till Ms. America got him off him and Sharmell attacked Ms. America till Mr. America who had left the ring pulled her out. Booker T demanded a match against Mr. America for World Title shot at WM23 but Mr. America said the show is full and then Booker said how about on smackdown. Mr. America said he had other plans. RJ Hammer came out and granted the match for Smackdown which made Mr. and Ms. America angary.
First Round Tag Team Tournament For Future EUWF World Heavyweight Title Shots:
1. Roderick Strong and Jack Evans (filling in for Booker T) beat Machine and Sagat
2. Doomsday and Venom beat Taion and Guile
3. Nick Berk and Davey Richards beat Randy Orton and Ray Gordy in a Non Title Match.
4. Eric Young and Jimmy Rave beat Chris Hero and Larry Sweeny
5. James Gibson and Paul Burchill beat Bobby Lashley and Piloit
6. Carlito and Mr. Kennedy beat William Regal and Nigel McGuiness
7. John Cena and Batistia beat Briscoe Brothers
8. Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair beat Undertaker and Kane
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-1/29/2010 results:
1. Night Brothers and Ariel Bison beat Priceless and Laurie Hammer
2. Bryan Danielson beat Santino Marella
3. MVP beat Speedster Lite and The Miz in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF IC Title.
4. Super Smash Brothers beat Colon Brothers
5. Jim Brooks beat Trent Bretta
6. CM Punk beat Kenny King in a Non Title Match.
7. El Generico, Matt Hardy, Matt Sydal beat Dolph Ziggler and House Of Truth
8. Tyler Black beat RJ Hammer in a Non Title Match.
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-1/29/2011 results:
1. Miss Lee and Jill Night beat HC Bytch and Lady Gangster
2. Chuck Taylor beat Taion
3. Machine and Sagat beat Doomsday and Venom after Drake Younger came to the ring interfering costing Venom the match. Machine announced after the match that Drake is now a member of his new group Hardcore Warriors.
4. John Morrison beat Austin Aries in a Non Title Match.
5. Hoodies beat Havana Pitbulls in a Non Title Match.
6. Motor City Machine Guns beat Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli
7. Samoa Joe, Homicide, Low Ki, Kofi Kingston beat Nexus and John Moxly
8. Mike Bison beat David Otunga in a Non Title Match. After the match Mike called the Machine out and he did but with the rest of Hardcore Warriors through the crowd. They attacked Mike and Nexus came out attacking Mike too. This went out till Night Brothers, Taion, Eric Bison, Naughty By Nature, Doomsday, Venom, Samoa Joe, Low Ki, Homicide, John Morrison made the save.
EUWF's Royal Rumble-1/29/2012 results:
1. Austin Aries beat Low Ki, Roderick Strong, Wade Barrett in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
2. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat American Wolves, Future Shock, Primo/Epico in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Tyler Black beat Ricochet to retain the Unified US Title.
4. Doomsday and Venom beat Young Bucks and Joe/Barbecue in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified US Tag Team Titles.
5. Mike Bison beat Chris Jericho and Chris Hero in a 3 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title Match. After the match Mike stayed down this lead to Steen running out attacking him with Jericho. They went for stuff package piledriver but Hero came out making the save with Samoa Joe and Doomsday Inc. Mike still had to be helped to the back.
6. AJ Styles won the 2012 Royal Rumble Match to get a EUWF World Triple Crown Title Shot either at WM28 or EN33 depending on if Mike is champ at wm. Davey Richards, Tyler Black, The Miz, Eddie Edwards, John Moxly, Sami Callihan, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Kane, Big Show, Hernadez, Low Ki, Homicide, Claudio Castagnoli, Brian Thunder, Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin, Chuck Taylor, Rich Swan, CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Frankie Kazarian, Robert Roode, Bryan Danielson, TJ Wilson, Sheamus, Alex Riley, Dolph Ziggler, Kevin Steen, Doomsday Inc., Austin Aries, Kenny King, Night Brothers, Joey Ryan, Randy Orton, Samoa Joe, Machine, Zach Ryder, Brett Wayfield, Power Warrior, Bloody Donity, Jackson Rouch, Future Shock were also in the match.
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-1/29/2013 results:
The show started with The Rock coming to the ring calling TWF company and it's belt pieces of crap. He hasn't totally decided what to do with the belt after he beats Mike Bison at Wrestlemania. Thomas Boss came out announcing that The Rock will have to defend the TWF World Heavyweight Title at Sunday Night Party 101 against Doomsday. If he doesn't then he will not get his rematch against Mike and will be stripped of the belt. The Rock complained but Thomas said there was another surprise for The Rock. There will be a special guest ref for that match and then the lights went out. Chris Jericho returned being announced as special guest ref. Jericho said that The Rock had become nothing but coward only after one thing. Jericho said that he hopes to make sure The Rock doesn't get that. The Rock tried to reply but his mic was cut off.
1. New Demolition beat Snake Eyes and John Fire
2. Joe beat Impaler
3. Jackson Rouch beat Vlad
4. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Sgt. and Roadblock
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/29/2014 results:
The show started with Mike Bison announcing that due to injury El Generico will not get his rematch with Randy Orton tonight. When that will happen is unknown and Orton came out challenging Mike to a match. Mike said that won't happen and then Kevin Steen came from the crowd attacking Mike. Orton ran to the ring joining in the attack till Samoa Joe made the save. Mike then made the new main event Orton and Steen v.s. Mike and Joe.
1. Doomsday beat Robert Roode in a Non Title Match.
2. Venom beat Eddie Kingston in a Non Title Match.
3. Austin Aries beat Brett Wayfield
4. Ash Hyde beat Christopher Daniels to retain the Unified World TV Title.
5. Cyrus Bourne beat TJ Wilson
6. Power Donity beat Frankie Kazarian
7. AJ Styles beat Bryatt Wyatt. After the match Rowan and Lee attacked AJ till Kings Of Wrestling came from the crowd making the save.
8. Mike Bison and Samoa Joe beat Randy Orton and Kevin Steen
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-1/29/2015 results:
Tournament For Future Triple Crown Title Shots:
1. Jay Lethal and Big E beat Epico and Primo
2. Joe Henning and Titus O'Neil beat reDragon
3. Uso Brothers beat Bravado Brothers
4. Ascension beat Throwbacks
5. Roderick Strong and Michel Elgin beat Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargno
6. Ricochet and Rich Swan beat Young Bucks
7. Tyler Black and Roman Reigns beat The Miz and Damien Shadow
8. American Wolves beat Chris Hero and Jack Swagger
ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-1/29/2016 results:
1. Becky Lynch beat Moonshine in a Non Title Match.
2. The New Day and Naughty By Nature beat American Heroes
3. Alberto Del Rio beat Mr. Venom
4. Hollywood Doomsday beat Rusev
5. Bo and Bryatt Wyatt beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
6. Firebird beat Charlotte
7. AJ Styles won the Gauntlet Match For Triple Crown Title Shot at Hostile City Showdown 2016. Dolph Ziggler as runner up wins ECW spot in Title Match at Sunday Night Party 117. Samoa Joe, Robert Roode, James Storm, Christopher Daniels, Zach Ryder, Brodie Lee, Austin Aries, Hallowicked, Cody Rhodes were also in the match.
Royal Rumble 2017-1/29/2017 results:
Pre Show:
1. Becky Lynch beat Moonshine
2. Machine and Sagat beat Braun Strowman and Brodie Lee
3. Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson beat Naughty By Nature, Harrison Boss/Tommy Bernard, Brett Wayfield in a 4 Way Dance to win back the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
4. Star Pryde and Nia Jax beat Pink Dudley and Hardcore Bytch in a Hardcore Match to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
1. John Moxly beat Ash Hyde to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
2. Sasha Banks beat Harley Wayfield to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
3. Seth Owens beat Mr. America to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
4. Wyatt Brothes wrestled Hardy Boyz to a No Contest to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles when match turned into a wild, crazy, bloody pull apart brawl.
5. Cyrus Bourne beat Samoa Joe to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
6. Bryatt Wyatt won the 50 Man Royal Rumble Math.: Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, RJ Hammer, Roman Reigns, John Moxly, The Miz, Sami Zayn, Rich Swan, AJ Styles, Sheamus, Icarus, John Cena, Sami Callihan, Jay Briscoe, Randy Orton, Bad Influence, Drew Gulak, Tyler Black, Kevin Steen, Eddie Edwards, Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin, Adam Cole, Chris Jericho, Jay Lethal, James Storm, Claudio Castagnoli, Eddie Kingston, Moose, Dalton Castle, TJ Perkins, Brian Thunder, Mark Night, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Power Donity, Hollywood Doomsday, Mr. Venom, Brett Wayfield, Ash Hyde, Jackson Rouch, Piloit, Taion, Guile, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Undertaker, Tyler Bates were also in the match. The end came when Claudio looked to win the match having eliminated Bryatt earlier but Bryatt came back in the ring throwing Claudio out. The ref awarded Bryatt the match and replays showed no ref around the side Bryatt was thrown out. The refs were taking care of Lesnar/Goldberg/RJ Hammer brawl. Wyatt Empire celebrated their victories to end the show
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/29/2018 results:
The show started with the announcement that Elimination Chamber match at SNP123 will be for EUWF World Heavyweight Title shot at WM34.
1. Tony Neese beat Freddie Waldeno
2. American Alpha beat Dailey Watson and Carson Jackson
Candice LaRae and Johnny Gargano came out to celebrate Candice's win last night. This lead to Ruby Riot, Mandy Rose, Sonjay Deville, Naomi, Alicia Fox, Sara Logan, Nattie Neidhart, LuFisto, Nia Jax, Dana Brooks all coming to the ring wanting the first title shot. Ronda Rousey came out wanting in on it too but Shane McMahon came to the ring announcing their will be women's elimination chamber match at TWF's After The Dawn 2018 PPV. With the winner facing candice at WM34.
3. Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc beat Gran Matelik and Akira Tozawa
4. Taion and Guile beat Ascension
5. Robert Roode beat Matt Tremont, Elias Sampson, Tony Neese in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
6. AJ Styles beat Bo Wyatt, Goldust, Baron Corbin in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
7. Tyler Black beat Eric Rowan, Marc Brisoce. Chris Sabin in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
8. Rusev beat Ricochet, Jay Bricoe, Alex Shelley in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
9. Bryatt Wyatt beat Christopher Daniels, Aiden English, John Cena in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
10. The Miz beat Roman Reigns. Brodie Lee. Randy Orton in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
EUWF's Smackdown Live-1/29/2019 results:
1. US Tag Tean's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At SNP125 on February 17): oVe beat Donity Brothers
2. Women's Tag Team Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2019 on February 14):Liv Morgan and Sonjay Deville beat Nia Jax and Tamina
3. US Tag Tean's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At SNP125 on February 17): Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable beat Snake Byte
4. EC3 beat John Moxly
5. US Tag Tean's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At SNP125 on February 17): Rusev Day beat Crazy Lightning
6. Prince Devitt beat Kofi Kingston
7. US Tag Tean's Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match (At SNP125 on February 17): Titus O'Neil and Apollo Crews beat Gambit Inc.
8. Tommy End beat Claudio Castagnoli
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/29/2020 results:
The show began with Victor America coming to the ring. He apologized to Mike Bison that he never meant to hurt at Wrestlemania 35. He said that he felt betrayed last year by Mike but he never wanted to do that. He now feels more betrayed by Kings Of Wrestling and Dragon Club. He claims that there would not be any KOW or DC without him. Queen Patricia came out saying that he lost any right to care about Dragon Club when he walked out on KOW and DC last year. You didn't care one bit about group when he didn't want to wrestle Taiji Ishimori during Best Of Lightweight Tournament and walked out of the company. Patricia said that she was the real brain behind Kings Of Wrestling and Bryan Danielson was brain behind Dragon Club. Why its called Dragon Club and not American Club. Patricia then said good thing Victor wasn't as every group Victor lead has fallen apart. Victor had to be held back by Greyson America and Stacy America as Patricia left.
1. Akira Tozawa beat Colt Star
2. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: The Revival beat Dogs Of War
3. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Bruise Brothers beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
4. Tommy End v.s. Seth Owens
Mike Bison came out to make a challenge to Bryatt Wyatt for Wrestlemania 36. He was interrupted by Edge who said he had to work hard to get back but was cleared to wrestle again. He doesn't know for how long but he wants to end his career on his terms. One of things he wanted to do was wrestle Mike one more time and at WM36. That they never got to have the closure in the ring. Mike seem conflicted but agreed to it saying that he can take care of Bryatt before. Lights went out when they came on Bryatt Wyatt was in the ring. Members of Kings Of Wrestling attacked holding him back as Bryatt put mandible claw on Edge. Bryatt then did a one man double chair shot while KOW held back mike anyone to stop this. Finally locker room was able to make the save lead by Victor America. Mike as they strechered Edge to the back challenged Bryatt Wyatt to a No Rope Barbed Wire Hair v.s. Mask Death Match at Hostile City Showdown 2020.
5. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Creed Gatson and Derek Vamp
6. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Uso Brothers beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
7. 4 Way Hostile City Showdown 2020's Men Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Faith Fire beat Lacy Lane, Peyton Royce, Dana Brooks
8. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Brian Thunder and John Fire v.s. Vincent Vlad and Ian Impaler
9. 4 Way Hostile City Showdown 2020's Men Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match: Keith Lee beat Mojo Rawley, Ali, Raymond Roadblock
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-1/29/2021 results:
1. Naught By Nature and Nightwings beat Gavin Guile, Ulysses Taion, Crow Brothers
2. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Crow Brothers beat Nightwings
3. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode beat Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend
4. Eric Bison, Raymond Roadblock, Chris Gun, Jack Flap beat Solomon Spirit, Jack Crystal, Rock Holder, Crusher Jack
5. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Creed Gatson and Derek Vamp beat Quinton Synder and Clyde Neptune
6. Tag Festival XI Round 3 Match: Claudio Castagnoli and Sheamus beat William Shock and Ethan Rogue
7. Elimination Match: Lacy Evans, Charlotte Flair, Bayley, Alcarda Vania, Bianca Belair beat Mandy Rose. Helena Bytch, Misty Dawnner, Pink Dudley, Rhea Ripley
EUWF's Royal Rumble 2022-1/29/2022 results:
1. TWF World Ladies Title: Queen Tabitha (c) beat Lucy Warrior
2. Sasha Banks won the 2022 40 Women Royal Rumble Match: Nattie Neidhart, Io Shiari, Cora Jade, Sarray, Dana Brooks, Indi Hartwell, Stacy America, Jade Thunder, Julie Fire, Charlote Flair, Amari Miller, Alcarda Vania, Xia Li, Piper Niven, Rachel Speed, Carol Ninja, Harley Wayfield, Tammy Knightshade, Star Pryde, Kay Lee Ray, Nikki Cross, Shotzi Blackheart, Samantha Bison, Gigi Dolin, Pink Dudley, Helena Bytch, Naomi, Mandy Rose, Lita, Mickie James, Bella Twins, Summer Rae, Kelly Kelly, Ivory, Alicia Fox, Beth Phoenix, Rounda Rousey, Melina were also in the match.
3. Rematch For TWF World Heavyweight Title: King Stan (c) beat Phillip Donity
4. ECW World Heavyweight Title: Prince Devitt (c) beat Edge
5. EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Claudio Castagnoli (c) beat Randy Orton
6. Harrison Boss won the 2022 40 Men Royal Rumble Match: Uso Brothers, Punsihment Martinez, American Brothers, Legado del Fantasma, Austin Theory, Bobby Lashley, LA Knight, Carmello Hayes, Drew Gulak, Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn, Ash Hyde, The New Day, Eddie Venom, Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode, Theodore Boradno, Shinsuke Nakumara, Eric Bison, Greyson Waller, AJ Styles, Pete Dunne, Bruce Doomsday, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, Moose, John Moxly, CM Punk, MJF, Chris Jericho, Bryan Danielson, Adam Cole. Jungle Boy, Luchasaurus was also in the match. MJF came in 12. Punk came in at 15. MJF eliminated himself to stay away from Punk. Later MJF distracted Punk leading him to be eliminated by Roman Reigns. Punk then got back in hitting a GTS onto Roman leading him to be eliminated. Lesnar was eliminated after Green gunk from Eddie Venom and then black gunk by Bruce Doomsday. Pete Dune eliminated him then. Eddie and Bruce starred down before being broken up by Carmello and LA Knight.
EUWF's Royal Rumble 2023-1/29/2023 results:
1. EUWF World Ladies Title Rematch: Jade Thunder (c) beat Liv Morgan
2. TWF World Ladies Title Rematch: Sophia Warrior (c) beat Taylor Lanley
3. Candice LaRae won the Women's Royal Rumble Match. Damage Ctrl, Cora Jade, Zoey Starks, Tegan Knox, Emma, Bianca Belair, Indi Hartwell, Joise Jinx, Lilith Venomous, Norah Gold, Fiona Port, Penny Firebird, Caroline Venom, Zelina Vega, Xia Li, Ivy Nile, Molly Moonshine, Delliah Doomsday, Layla Spider, Kacy Catanzaro. Kayden Carter, Lia Trooper, Becky Lynch, Lady Bruisers, Nikki Cross, Alba Fyre was also in the match.
4. TWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Kyle Donity (c) beat Eddie Venom
5. EUWF World Heavyweight Title Rematch: Kevin Steen (c) beat Karrion Kross
6. Cody Rhodes (Mystery 30th spot) won the Men's Royal Rumble Match. American Brothers, Austin Theory, Mark Night, Johnny Garganno, Bloodline, Punishment Martinez, Mark Lite, Jim Brooks, Andre Chase, Carmelo Hayes, Ash Hyde, Seth Owens, Tyler Black, New Day, Shinsuke Nakuamara, Good Brothers, Dominik Misterio, Brock Lesnar (taking rey misterio jr place) Prince Devitt, Harrison Boss, Ricochet, Joe Gacy, The Miz was als in the match. Brock came down at 29. It was down to Bloodline, Black, Brock, Victor America (came in at number 1), Good Brothers, Devitt, Shinsuke. Bloodline and friends dominate but don't eliminate anyone when brock and roman seem to have issues. Bloodline tries to keep them from going at it. Cody comes down at number 30. Rallying the Original Club (being a former member of Bullet club too) Victor causes Brock to bump into Roman while he talked to Haymen and eliminating him. Club jumped rest of bloodline and Roman spears brock. Leading to cody eliminating him. Brock grabs victor from the ring and posts him. Causing Victor to bleed. Came down to Cody and bloody Victor. Both men came close several times till cody reversed attempt of crossroads by Victor hitting it on Victor and throwing him out.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/29/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 3 Matches:
1. Bracket A Match: Andre Chase and Duke Hudson beat Security Knights
2. 4 Way EUWF's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Phillip Donity beat Humberto, Akira Tozawa, Anthony Venomous
3. Bracket D Match: Dark Brothers beat Sheepard Mars and Edison Samurai
4. Bracket A Match: Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Ligi Brothers
5. 4 Way EUWF's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Carmello Hayes beat Angel Garza, Gavin Guile, Tyson Bronx
Kevin Steen did a interview on winning the EUWF World Heavyweight Title last night and if he was for him or Black. Steen wasn't to keen to answer the question but did say that will be answered sooner or later. Steen was then confronted by Eddie Venom and Phillip Donity. Eddie didn't like the fact that Steen tried to seriously injury Cyrus Bourne last night. Saying that he went to far. Steen said that bounr should have stayed down. Eddie was mad and had to held back. Phillip challenged steen to find a partner and face them on raw next week. Steen agrees. Eddie says Cyrus will be back for Elimination Chamber match.
6. Bracket D Match: Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde beat Bronco Nima and Lucien Price
7. Bracket A Match: Frank Lanley and Fin Sandy beat Josh Brigs and Brooks Jensen
8. 4 Way EUWF's Men's Elimination Chamber Match Qualifying Match: Eddie Venom beat Marcus Croft, Joe Coffey, Bronson Reed