Monday, January 27, 2025

This Day In Wrestling History-January 27 (Bret Hart/RVD, Slam Jam City 52, Devil Bison/Hellfire/Eve Bison, Christopher Daniels distracted by Curry Man?, ECW a rip off of ECW?, Royal Rumble 2008/2013/2019, The Rock wins TWF World Heavyweight Title, The Shield crumbles, Locker Room stands up to Authority, RJ Hammer returns, Snowmageddon Empty Arena Show, Edge returns)

This Day In Wrestling History-January 27:
Wednesday Night Brawl-1/27/1999 results:

1. Nightmare beat Wildfire
2. Snake Eyes and Shadow Ninja beat Naughty By Nature
3. White Ninja beat Joe
4. American Heroes beat Crazy
5. Al Snow beat Taion
6. Chris Night beat Chris Jericho
7. Mark Night beat Mike Bison
8. Bret Hart beat Rob Van Dam to win the EUWF US Title.  Van Dam was going for a Van Damantor on Bret but missed and hit the ref.  Night Brothers rush the ring and attack Van Dam.  All three beat on Van Dam.  Sabu tried to come out and help but is canned from behind by Justin Credible.  Nights left the ring and Bret put Van Dam in the sharp shooter.  Ref wakes up and notices Van Dam out.  He rings the bell.  Lady Doomsday comes and clotheslines the ref.  She then throws him out and the other four celebrate in the ring.

Slam Jam City 52-1/27/2000 results:

1. Crazy beat Sgt. Destroyer and General Destroyer
2. Ken, Ryu, Raydin beat Hulk, Massacre, Destroyer
3. Extreme and Ranger beat Hoodies
4. Billy Kidman beat Spirit to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Chris Jericho beat Chris Kanyon to retain the EUWF IC Title.
6. Nova beat Artis Formally Known As Prince Iaukea to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
7. Jim Brooks, Edge, Christain, Hardy Boys beat Impact Players, New Age Outlaws, X-Pac
8. Speedster Lite beat Sid Vicious, Big Show, Kane, Kevin Nash in a Five Way Dance to retain the EUWF US Title.

Saturday Slam Bash-1/27/2001 results:

1. K-Kwik beat Trooper 2
2. Ninja Kid beat Rhendo
3. American Turncoats beat Trooper 3 and 4
4. CW Anderson beat Blanka
5. Kid Kash beat Trooper 1
6. Mike Bison and Queen Bison beat Taion and Lady Trooper
7. Edge, Christian, Blood Ninja, Strong Ninja beat Mark Night, Chris Night, Tajiri, Mikey Whipwreck
8. Joe and Acolytes beat Barbecue and Bruise Brothers

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/27/2003 results:

Ric Flair came to the ring and said that last night was a sham to wrestling and fired Barbecue from GM saying that there is no need for him to be anymore.  He then announced that he is putting Eric Bischoff as co head of EUWF and Vince Russo as the one for TTWF.  Barbecue came out to the back and said that Ric Flair better change that.  He also said he better give a Doomsday Alliance member a chance to win the company back and to watch his step or something bad will happen.  Flair told him he didn't matter and then put Barbecue in a match with Big Show later.  Barbecue said that he doesn't have clearance and flair better stop this or it will come back to haunt him.  Flair shook it off like Barbecue couldn't do anything but Barbecue just laughed and left.
1. Psicosis beat Jay Briscoe
2. Big Show beat Barbecue
A spooky version of No Chance In Hell played and lights went out.  A spot light showed several guys in black robes pull three coffins to the ring.  Kevin Sullivan in his own black robe behind the coffins.  Sullivan gets in the ring and the three coffins raise up.  Commander, Samantha Bison, Jesus Bison were in there looking dead.  Jesus and Samantha's hair were red and in all red outfit too.  Commander's hair was black and red.  He was wearing an outfit that red and black fire.  All three sat up with their eyes closed and got into the ring.  Lights turned back on all the way and three opened their eyes.  Each of their eyes looked fiery.  Sullivan introduced Commander as now Hellfire.  He introduced Samantha Bison as Eve Bison and Jesus as Devil Bison.  Lights went out and Sullivan, Bisons, Hellfire, the men, the coffins were all gone.
3. Jerry Lynn and RC Haas beat Impact Players
4. William Regal beat Sabu
Kane was shown around backstage when he was attacked by several members of the Elite and S.E.X. who throw him into trunk of a car.  The car then drove off.
5. Shadow WX beat Christopher Daniels.  Daniels was distracted by someone standing at the entrance way in a Curry Man outfit (Daniels' Japan gimmick).  That led to WX rolling Daniels from behind for the win.  The guy left after the match and Daniels chased after him.
6. Ric Blade beat Juventud Guerrera to retain the EUWF IC Title.
A video showed that said it was paid for by the foundation to take the EUWF and TTWF from Ric Flair.  A very large warehouse was shown and RJ Hammer, Doomsday, Venom, Naughty By Nature, Joe, Lady Hammer, Lady Speed, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Bam Bam Bigelow, Dallas Page, Tommy Dreamer were shown going into it.  The warehouse held a copy of every contract, video tape, and anything else to do with EUWF since the company started.  It also held stuff from pre EUWF days.  RJ and company were there to look for a copy of the real contract that Lady Speed and Ric Flair signed when Rachel bought the EUWF.  Flair was shown very mad and ask why it was shown.  A video guy said that RJ bought time from TNN to air it.
7. Chris Benoit beat AJ Styles
8. Rob Van Dam and Undertaker beat Chris Jericho and Scott Steiner

TTWF 1/27/2004 results:

The show started with Jerry Lynn going up to Chris Benoit and asking for a rematch for the TTWF World Heavyweight Title this sunday. Benoit accepted but it had to be a 2 Out Of 3 Falls submission match. Lynn agreed but wonder why as benoit walked away without giving reason.
1. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Jose Maximo to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
2. Taion beat Johnny Kashmere to retain the TTWF World TV Title.
RJ Hammer came to the ring calling out the sandman and Sandman came out from the back. RJ demanded a reason for what happen at the Royal Rumble and sandman said he was tired of RJ telling him when he could and not drink. He said that he sympathized with Special K and got an offer from MVW to join them. He said that he accepted it because he was tired of not being able to drink when he wanted. RJ said he did that because Sandman was hurting people in the ring and was the only
way to stop it. Sandman didn't care and walked to the back. RJ said that sandman will taste vengeance from him this sunday and that he had something special for him.
3. Samoa Joe beat Jim Brooks
4. Chris Jericho beat Trent Acid
5. Paul London and Spanky beat Night Brothers to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. Gothics attacked London and Spanky with ladders after the match demanding a ladder match for sunday saying that the screwed again at the royal rumble. Barbecue came out making the match for sunday.
6. Naughty By Nature wrestled Dudleyz to a no contest when both teams attacked each other with chairs and the ref. Bubba challenged NBN to a tables match this friday and they accepted.
7. Doomsday beat Rob Conway to retain the TTWF US Title.
8. Jerry Lynn and Christopher Daniels beat Chris Benoit and Bryan Danielson

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-1/27/2005 results:

1. Funaki beat Ax from New Demolition
2. Jim Brooks beat Bradshaw
3. Shadow WX beat Crush from New Demolition to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
4. Izzy and Lacy beat Rosey and Victoria to retain the EUWF World Mix Tag Team Titles.
5. SAT beat La Resistance in a Flag Match to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
6. Raven beat Shawn Michaels
7. Jesus Bison beat Randy Orton
8. Chris Benoit, RJ Hammer, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Undertaker beat Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Gene Snitsky, Machine, Sagat

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-1/27/2006 results:

The show started with a confrontation between Doomsday and James Gibson that led to Chris Sabin return from a personal problem that had Gibson trying to defend and win back the EUWF World TV Title.  Sabin will now wrestle Doomsday this sunday in 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match for EUWF World TV Title.
1. Erica Tempted beat Lady Machine to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Speedster Lite beat Colt Cabana to retain the EUWF IC Title.
Christian Cage did a backstage interview finally explaining why he came back to the EUWF and he said he did because he would have felt his career unfilled if he didn't win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  He said it was his dream to hold the title and main event wrestlemania.  He came back to do that at least once and that's why he came back.  Chris Hero came up to him laughing saying that Christian will not win at the Royal Rumble and that no one will beat him or his Saviors.  Christian called Hero a joke and the two got into a fist fight till security split them apart.  Hero then announced Christian opponent tonight as Abyss and Christian announced Hero's opponent would be the Big Show.  Tonight Christian and Hero got to chose the others opponent tonight.
3. James Gibson beat Roderick Strong to retain the EUWF US Title.
4. Chris Masters won a 20 Man Battle Royal to earn the final spot in the EUWF's 2006 Royal Rumble Match.  Fast Eddie, Heart Throbs, Dicks, Dangerous Trio, Nightmare, Shane Twins, Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch, War Backlot Assassin, Hard Luck Fighters, Crazy were also in the match.
5. Austin Aries beat Randy Orton
6. Doomsday and American Heroes beat Chris Sabin, Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, Knockout, Slasher
7. Christian Cage beat Abyss in a Non Title Match.
8. Chris Hero beat Big Show in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-1/27/2007 results:

The show began with a moment of silence for Doug Gentry who record a lot of ECW House Shows during the first era for RF Video.  Haymen announce a tag team tournament like the one EUWF is putting on next week and then the opening video aired but was interrupted by Edge and Christian Cage.  They forced the people production truck to play a video that they had done.  On it Edge and Christian showed video footage from several indy companies and TNA clamming they all ripped off the real ECW.  The video ended with clips from the current ECW saying that it's just another rip off like the previous and security took edge and christian out of the truck.  They were forced to leave the area.
1. Petey Williams beat Super Dragon
2. Naughty By Nature beat Paul London and Spanky to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
3. CM Punk beat Mike Bison
4. Abyss beat Balls Mahoney
5. Raven and Sabu beat Tommy Dreamer and Sandman
6. Ruckus and Serbian beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks
7. James Storm beat Toby Klieg
8. Jack Crystal beat Matt Sydal to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title. The end came when CM Punk came out hitting Sydal with a chair costing him the match and letting jack get the win.  Punk got on the mic asking why Sydal got a title shot and he didn't a rematch.  Haymen came out and said sydal earned it.  Punk asked because of a tag match and Haymen said if he wants a rematch so bad he will get it tomorrow night but in a 4 Way v.s. Jack v.s. Sydal v.s. Austin Aries.

EUWF's Royal Rumble 2008-1/27/2008 results:

1. LAX, Machine, Sagat, Abyss, Doomsday, Venom beat Hangmen 3, Age Of The Falls, Sabu in a Anything Goes, Weapons, Ladders, Tables Legal Elimination Match.
2. Elix Skipper beat Low Ki and Christopher Daniels in a 3 Way Dance.
3. Samoa Joe beat Roderick Strong to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
4. CM Punk won the 2008 ECW 50 Man Royal Rumble and future world title shot at date to be announced.
Order Of Entrance:

1. Brain Damage
2. Nerco Butcher
3. Little Guido
4. CM Punk
5. Jimmy Jacobs
6. Shelton Benjamin
7. Brandon Thomaselli
8. Joker
9. Nate Webb
10. Finley
11. Jack Crystal
12. James Gibson
13. Nick Berk
14. Doomsday
15. Brent Albright
16. Rey Misterio Jr.
17. AJ Styles
18. Colt Cabana
19. Jerry Lynn
20. Drake Younger
21. Eric Stevens
22. Venom
23. Davey Richards
24. Adam Pearce
25. Claudio Castagnoli
26. Machine
27. Balls Mahoney
28. Machine
29. Sabu
30. Rocky Romero
31. 2 Cold Scorpio
32. Frankie Karazarian
33. Homicide
34. Matt Cross
35. Taion
36. Elix Skipper
37. Eddie Kingston
38. Ray Gordy
39. Justin Credible
40. Eric Young
41. Spirit
42. Colt Cabana
43. Jimmy Yang
44. Hernadez
45. Petey Williams
46.  Nick Berk
47. Abyss
48. Austin Aries
49. Jerrelle Clark
50. Tommy Dreamer

5. Real American Alliance (Dudleyz) beat Motor City Machine Guns in a Steel Cage Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Human Tornado beat Chuck Taylor, Delirious, Matt Sydal in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Mike Bison wrestled Triple H to a Double DQ to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. This match was bloody and out of control right from the start.  The ref let it all go till they each brought out a sledge hammer.  He wouldn't let them use leading them to hit the ref with them instead leading to the double dq.  The two kept brawling till more refs, security, wrestlers came from the back to split them up.  RJ Hammer came out and made a sledge hammer match between the two for next sunday at the Blood Bowl PPV.
8. Jeff Hardy won the 2008 EUWF 40 Man Royal Rumble to win a world title shot at a future date.

Order Of Entrance:

1. Delirious
2. Chuck Taylor
3. Matt Sydal
4. John Morrison
5. Piloit
6. Brian Thunder
7. Chris Sabin
8. Jimmy Rave
9. Umaga
10. JBL
11. Nigel McGuiness
12. Human Tornado
13. Shannon Moore
14. Randy Orton
15. Batistia
16. Jeff Hardy
17. Alex Shelley
18. Edge
19. Undertaker
20. Great Khali
21. MVP
22. Harry Smith
23. Kenny King
24. Jim Brooks
25. Mr. Kennedy
26. Ric Flair
27. Mr. America
28. Chris Hero
29. Mike Quackenbush
30. William Regal
31. Chris Jericho
32. Shawn Michaels
33. Milano Collection At
34. Jay Lethal
35. Cody Rhodes
36. Speedster Lite
37. Kevin Steen
38. Carlito
39. Batistia
40. Bryan Danielson

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/27/2010 results:

1. Necro Butcher and Delirious beat Spirit and Jack Crystal in a Non Title Match.
2. Yoshitatsu beat Ruckus
3. Sheamus beat Venom in a Non Title Match.
4. Machine beat Eric Stevens
5. Bison Smith beat Doomsday in a Non Title Match.
6. Christopher Daniels beat Shelton Benjamin
7. Mike Bison beat Abyss
8. Samoa Joe beat Chris Hero in a Non Title Match.

TWF/EUWF's Superstars-1/27/2011 results:

The show began with the announcement there will be 7 men in Elimination Chamber at Sunday Night Party 89 on February 20.  2 from EUWF, 2 from ECW, and 2 from ECW v.s. EUWF World Triple Crown Champion.  Starting next week there will be 2 brackets for each company with winner of both going to the match.  Also announced the match will start with 3 instead of two and will still have the four in pods.
1. Homicide and Low Ki beat Michel Elgin and Roderick Strong
2. Motor City Machine Guns beat Rey Misterio Jr. and Kofi Kingston
3. John Morrison beat Petey Williams in a Non Title Match.
4. Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Doomsday, Venom beat Joe, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Mr. America

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-1/27/2012 results:

1. Low Ki beat Bloody Donity
2. Claudio Castagnoli beat John Cena
3. Davey Richards beat Jim Brooks
4. Speedster Lite beat Wade Barrett
5. Mr. America beat Chris Hero
6. Randy Orton, Samoa Joe, Machine, Davey Richards, Zach Ryder, Brett Wayfield, Power Warrior, Bloody Donity, Jackson Rouch, Future Shock advance to royal rumble in a Last Chance Guantlet Battle Royal-Last 6 from EUWF and last 5 from ECW goes to rumble as first 10 in the match. Future Shock, Epico, Primo, Sagat, John Fire, Duke, Drew McIntyre, Santino Marella, Snake Eyes, Havanna Pitbulls, Wade Barett, Ezikael Jackson, Young Bucks, Vampire Nation, Philly's Most Wanted, John Davis, Bloody Donity, Joe, Barbecue, Piloit, Maison Dixie Abyss, Petey Williams, Uso Brothers,  Hunico, Hoodies,  Broadie Lee, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Justin Gabriel, Jimmy Rave, Cody Rhodes, Taion, Hallowicked, Jigsaw, Briscoe Brothers, New Bruise Brothers, Eddie Kingston, Cheech, Devon Moore, Yoshitatsu, Kenny Omega, Super Smash Brothers, Mike Bennett, Tommaso Ciampa, Jimmy Jacobs.  One more was added to the match due to Johnny Gargano pulling out of the match due to injury.

Royal Rumble 2013-1/27/2013 results:

1. Cyrus Bourne beat Zach Ryder to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
2. Super Smash Brothers beat Young Bucks, Vlad/Impaler, Briscoe Brohters in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. The Rock beat Doomsday to win the TWF World Heavyweight Title.  Bait and switch towards the end when Rhino came out with ref distracted and gored The Rock.  This lead the ref taking Rhino from the ring letting Punk hitting Doomsday in the back with TWF World Heavyweight Title letting The Rock win.
4. Zangief beat Randy Orton
5. Jay Lethal beat Tyler Black to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
6. Mike Bison won the EUWF Royal Rumble Match to win World Title Shot of his chosing at WM 29.  The Miz, John Cena, Davey Richards, Ryback, Kane, Drew McIntyre, LAX. Low Ki, Kings Of Wrestling, Ruckus, Sabian, Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin, Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian, Sheamus, Dolph Ziggler, Christian Cage, Brodie Lee, Colt Cabana, Rhino, Kevin Steen, El Generico, Justin Gabriel, Rhett Titus, Joey Ryan, Jigsaw, Machine, Sagat, Night Brothers, Brian Thunder, Brett Wayfield, Mr. America, Piloit, Bubba Jones, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Jackson Rouch, Vlad, WN Alpha, John Moxly, Sami Callihan, Big Show, Akira Tozawa, AR Fox were also in the match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/27/2014 results:

The show started with Mike Bison saying that nothing will change despite Triple H's claim last night.  He went to talk about tonight's show but his mic was turned off.  Hunter came to the ring with security guards and he told Mike that he laurie are no longer in charge.  Hunter told mike that neither of them are welcomed in New EUWF and told him to leave the ring.  Mike wouldn't and got hit from behind by one of the guards and then Hunter pedigreed him.  Eric Bison, Guile, Taion came from the back helping Mike from the ring.  Hunter said some of the changes of tonights card and asked the locker room to come out.  Hunter invited anyone to join with them as tonight things change.  The Shield, SCUM, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, Big Show, Kane, Wyatt Family, Wrestle Factory, TJ Wilson, Bad Influence, Robert Roode, Chris Sabin, Joe Henning, Brock Lensar with Paul Haymen came down to ringside.  Hunter said people better decide soon because the fate ECW and TWF will be announced later when Randy Orton is presented as The Face Of EUWF.
1. Roman Reigns beat Speedster Lite.  Moxly after the match berated Reigns for eliminating Davey Richards during Royal Rumble Match.  The Shield turn on hitting a 4 Man power bomb on him.
2. Great Khali beat Peter Spider
3. Jim Brooks beat Jimmy Jacobs
4. Cyrus Bourne beat Kevin Steen
Batista came to the ring calling out Brock Lensar saying that after he eliminated Brock his attack caused Batista to be eliminated.  Haymen came out saying that he won't get his hands on Brock and Batista grabbed him.  Brock came from the crowd grabbing a chair and beat on Batista with it.  This went on till Machine came from the back making the save.  Machine challenged Brock to get a tag partner for SNP107 to face Machine and Batista.  Brock agreed to it.
5. Kings Of Wrestling beat Big Show and Kane by DQ.
6. Ash Hyde beat AJ Styles in a Non Title Match.
7. Adam Cole beat Austin Aries in a Non Title Match.
8. Wyatt Family beat Doomsday and Venom in a Handcap Match.
9. Randy Orton and The Shield beat Drake Younger and Jackson Rouch in a Handcap Match.  Generico was to injured to compete in the match.  Orton replaced Reigns as the fifth man in the match.
After the last match Orton stayed in the ring and The Shield stood at ringside.  Triple H and Stephanie came from the back.  The locker room came from the back forced to stand on the stage.  Those with authority came down to ringside.  They gave Randy Orton the EUWF World Triple Crown Title belt taking the EUWF, TWF, ECW World Heavyweight Title belts.  Stephanie said that wrestlers better get a good look at ECW and TWF belts because that is last time they will see them.  After Tuesday and Wednesday shows TWF and ECW will shut down.  With that the locker room members on the stage turned their backs to the ring.  Triple H said that is fine then if they don't like things they can leave.  They are not welcomed in the New EUWF.  Someone got on the mic saying that he should have expected this from Hunter and Steph considering they tricked him during HCW.  Wrestlers parted and RJ Hammer walked slowly from the crowd.  He was in neck brace on crutches still from what Brock Lensar did to him last year.  If he doesn't give the Mike a chance to win ownership back then there will be no WM30 and will have to work with skelton crew.  RJ said he has been talking with people secretly all night long.  He said that announcers, camera men, and i'm sure even fans will leave if he doesn't.  He told fans to change the channel too and Triple H dared RJ Hammer to do it.  Wrestlers on stage, fans, announcers, camera men started to leave and Hunter changed his mind.  He gave into RJ giving Mike the match but as No DQ and No Count-Out Match.
10. Mike Bison beat Randy Orton in No DQ and No Count-Out Match to win back his and Laurie Hammer's Ownshership of EUWF, TWF, ECW.  The end came with huge brawl between SCUM, The Shield, Wyatt Family, Authority, and the locker room orton hit mike with the Triple Crown belt but the refs were distracted by the brawl.  Triple H came down hitting Mike with a pedigree again.  Orton grabbed a chair saying he is going to end Mike's career like he should have years ago.  RJ came down to the ring and Hunter said what is he going to do.  RJ pulled off the neck brace and threw down one crutch.  He hit Hunter with the crutch and the two brawled out of the ring.  While that went down Chris Hero came down putting the loaded elbow pad on mike's arm.  Orton pick mike up he hit orton with roaring elbow for a 2 count.  Mike then hit a rko onto the chair on Orton and locked in Bison Lock #2.  The ref stopped the match as orton was passed out and American Heroes, Eric Bison, Guile, Taion, Doomsday, Venom, Honor Brigade, Ash Hyde, Roman Reigns, High Flyers, Night Brothers, and more came out toe celebrate with Mike.  The Shield helped Orton to the back as Mike thanked Hero who was standing on stage watching with what was left of Hero's Brigade.  Hero nodded and left as faces celebrated to end the show

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars:
Snowmaggeddon Empty Arena Show-1/27/2015 results:

note: The show filmed early afternoon on monday with no audience just like raw which was filmed after this. Though there was wrestlers, employs, and others sitting in the seats.
1. Pink Dudley beat Justine Hounda
2. WN Pink and Rose beat Ligi Brothers
3. Black Valkyrie beat Knockout and Slasher
4. Rhendo and Blanka beat Thomas Bernard and Harrison Boss
5. Remy Who and Tom Master beat Lightning Ninja and War Ninja
6. Road Ragers beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
7. Speedster Lite won the Battle Royal For Spot In Sunday Night Party 113 Title Match.  Jim Brooks won the spot in
St. Valentine's Day Massacre 2015 Title Shot.  American Heroes, Night Brothers, Piloit, Masion Dixie, Naughty By Nature, Donity Brothers, Warrior Ninjas, Troopers, Young Guns Army, Wildfire, Crazy, New Demolition, Backlot Warriors, Dangerous Trio, Dragons, Hoodies, Vampire Nation, Bubba Jones, Zangief, Spirit, Mike Bison,Taion, Guile, Jackson Rouch, Piloit, Masion Dixie, Ash Hyde, Freddie Waldeno, Rhendo, Blanka were also in the match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/27/2016 results:

1. Moonshine and Firebird beat Charlotte and Becky Lynch in a Non Title Match.
2. The New Day beat John Fire and Snake Eyes
3. Mr. America beat Kofi Kingston
4. Brian Thunder and Duke Thunder beat Naughty By Nature in a Non Title Match.
5. Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom beat Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio in a Non Title Match.
6. Tyler Breeze beat Roderick Strong in a Non Title Match.
7. Jack Crystal beat Bryatt Wyatt in a Non Title Match.
8. Jim Brooks beat Kevin Steen in a Non Title Match.

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-1/27/2017 results:

1. Claudio Castagnoli beat Brett Wayfield
2. Jackson Rouch beat Michel Elgin
3.  Mr America beat Roderick Strong
4. King Peter beat Eddie Edwards in a Non Title Match.
5. Jim Brooks beat Davey Richards in a Non Title Match.
6. Mr. Venom beat Dalton Castle
7. Adam Cole beat Hollywood Doomsday
8. Robert Roode beat Jay Lethal and Speedster Lite in a 3 Way Dance to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-1/27/2018 results:

1. Ruby Riot and Sarah Logan beat Jade Thunder/Temptress, Blonde Ambition, Sasha Bans/Bayley in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Tito Basher beat Nick Jackson
3. Pink Dudley beat Nattie Neidhart
4. Joe Henning and Johnny Gargano beat Speedster Lite/Ash Hyde, The Miz/Robert Roode, Donity Brothers, AJ Styles/Shinsuke Nakuama, Rusev/Aiden English, Freddie Waldeno/Cyrus Bourne, Mark Night/Brian Thunder, Tye Dillinger/Baron Corbin in a Gauntlet Match

EUWF's Royal Rumble 2019-1/27/2019 results:

Pre Show:
1. Rematch For EUWF US Titke: Cyrus Bourne (c) beat Eddie Venom
2. 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match For Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: War Machine beat The Revival (c)


1. Jade Thunder won the Women's 2019 Royal Rumble Match: Naomi, Alicia Fox, Becky Lynch, Riot Squad, Asuka, Peyton Royce, Billie Kay, Tammy Knightshade, Moonshine, Ariel Bison, Janet Bison, Queens Of Wrestling, Tabitha Boshidua, Harley Wayfield, Alex Kissner, Kathy Uranosis, Nattie Neidhart, Dana Brooks, Bailey, Charlotte Flair, Nia Jax, Ronda Rousey, Candice LaRae, Carmella, Liv Morgan, Sonjay Deville were also in the match.
2. TWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Harrison Boss beat Peter Spider (c).  King Theodore III came out with ref down and tried to hit Harrison but missed hitting Peter with TWF World Heavyweight Title Belt.  This let harrison get the win.
3. 4 Way Dance For Unified World Ladies Title: Nikki Cross (c) beat Ms. America, Misty Dawnner, Sasha Banks
4. ECW World Heavyweight Title Match: Bryan Danielson (c) beat Mike Bison and Robert Roode
Peter Spider was looking for Commander but only found Shane McMahon.  He demanded his rematch next week at
blood bowl and be a cage match.  Shane gave it to him.
5. EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Samao Joe (c) beat Sheamus
6. Tommy End won the Male 2019 Royal Rumble Match. The Miz, Adam Cole, Tyler Black, Roderick Strong, Johnny Garganno, Drew Gulak, Jay Briscoe, AJ Styles, Jay Lethal,  Bruce Doomsday, Eddie Venom, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Black Valkyrie, Freddie Waldeno, Mark Night. Mark Lite, Power Donity, Prince Devitt, KENTA, Kings Of Wrestling, Randy Orton, Shinsuke Nakumara, Tomaso Ciampa, Elias, Rusev, John Moxly, Andrade were also in the match

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/27/2020 results:

1. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Zen Warriors beat Bruce Doomsday and Eddie Venom
2. Sunday Night Party 127 Women's Elimination Chmber Qualifying Match: Joise Jinx beat Delliah Doomsday, Ariel Bison, Debbie Summers
3. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: War Machine beat Desi Hit Squad
4. Austin Theory beat Harrison Boss
5. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: AOP beat Crow Brothers
6. Kushida beat Rick Knife
7. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Cheesy Warriors
8. Edge beat Remy Who.  Eddie Edwards was taken out angry Eric Rowan earlier in the show.  Remy came out expecting match still and Edge made surprise return.  Edge ran in speared Remy for the quick win.
9. Tag Festival X Round 5 Match: Donity Brothers beat Theodore Borando and Tristan Heartsend
10. Sunday Night Party 127 Men's Elimination Chmber Qualifying Match: Johnny Garganno beat Cederick Alexander, Shane Strickland, Jay Lethal

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-1/27/2021 results:
Tag Festival XI Round 3 Matches:

1. Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson beat The Masters
2. Gambit Inc beat MSK
3. Carl War and Brent Jet beat Bernard Cast and Jacob Clark
4. Elias and Jaxson Ryker beat Purple Haze
5. Zen Warriors beat Barney White and Black Jack
6. Chad Gable and Shelton Benjamin beat PYT
7. 2 Out Of 3 Falls Non Tournament Match For Spot In 3 Way Dance For 30th Spot In Royal Rumble 2021 Match (Person who gets the deciding fall in the match moves on): AJ Styles (AJ advances), Prince Devitt, Rey Misterio Jr, Dominik Mysterio, Brett Wayfield beat Jackson Rouch, Ricochet, Apollo Crews, Ash Hyde, Randy Orton

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-1/27/2022 results:
Tag Festival XII Round 3 Matches:

1. Non Tournament Match: Lucy Warrior, Sophia Warrior, Rachel Speed, Harley Wayfield, Tammy Knightshade, Star Pryde beat Queen Tabitha, Charlote Flair, Amari Miller, Xia Li, Carol Ninja, Piper Niven
2. Bracket E Match: Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Dean Nuke and Nick Acid
3. Bracket B Match: Black Valkyrie beat Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler
4. Bracket E Match: Ligi Brothers beat Hot Shots
5. Bracket B Match: Baron Corbin and Riddick Moss beat Alan Jacks and Tony Torpedo
6. Bracket E Match: Kong Remer and Link Rod beat Isaac Block and Trey Widow
7. Bracket B Match: Creed Brothers beat Raymond Roadblock and Mark Night
8. Non Tournament Elimination Match: Donity Brothers, LA Knight, Carmello Hayes, Drew Gulak, Drew McInytre beat King Stan, Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn, Ash Hyde, The New Day

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-1/27/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 2 Matches:

1. Non Tournament Match: Tegan Knox, Emma, Bianca Belair, Candice LaRae, Indi Hartwell, Liv Morgan beat Damage Ctrl, Cora Jade, Zoey Starks, Jade Thunder
2. Bracket A Match: Atlas River and Hanson Snower beat Axel Grey and Andrew Gold
3. Bracket D Match: Purple Haze beat Bruce Doomsday and Steven Doomsday
4. Bracket A Match: Phoenix Edge and Scott Shock beat Jump Start
5. Bracket D Match: Gallus beat David Omega and Gabriel Lock
6. Bracket A Match: Mac Yates and Mane MacAlister beat Masion Dixie and Leoroy Piloit
7. Non Tournament Elimination Match: Karrion Kross, Austin Theory, Punshiment Martinez, Uso Brothers beat Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn, American Brothers, Mark Night

ECW's Saturday Nights Back On The Road-1/27/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 2 Matches:

1. Non Tournament 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match: Zelina Vega, Valentine Fordz, Bethany Belle, Justine Hounda, Kayden Carter, Katana Chance beat Joise Jinx, Taylor Lanley, Ariel Lanley, Xia Li, Piper Niven, Molly Moonshine
2. Bracket C Match: PYT beat Gambit Inc
3. Bracket F Match: Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc beat The Masters
4. Bracket C Match: Pretty Deadly beat Hoodies
5. Bracket F Match: Nate Blaster and Caleb Scare beat Colt Star and Patrick Thorne
6. Bracket C Match: Naughty By Nature beatTony D'Angelo and Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo
7. Non Tournament Elimination Match: Hanson, American Brothers, Gary J, Bruce Doomsday beat Tyler Bate, Karrion Kross, Dijak, Bron Steiner, The Miz

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