This Day In Wrestling History-March 4:
Thursday Night War-3/4/1999 results:
1. Rhendo beat Trooper 5
2. Blanka beat Trooper 4
3. Mike Bison beat Trooper 3
4. Taion beat Trooper 1
5. Doomsday and Venom beat Wildfire
6. Bison and Commander beat Joe and Barbecue
7. The Rock beat Perry Saturn
8. Bad Breed beat Machine and Evan Hounda in a Bad Breed Death Match.
9. Steve Austin beat Hulk
10. Steve Austin beat Massacre
11. Steve Austin beat Destroyer
12. Public Enemy beat Dudleys in a Brawl Game.
Saturday Slam Jam Special: Hostile City War-ECW Arena-3/4/2000 results:
Cactus Jack came to the ring to a standing ovation. He thanked the crowd and then thanked all his fans. All the none nWo wrestlers came to ringside. Cactus thanked them and said the young guys are the future in this business. He went around and shook hands with the wrestlers and fans. nWo came out to ringside.
Speedster: "Don't worry guys. We are here to give our goodbye to Cactus. You were one heck of a guy and one heck of a wrestlers. You will be really missed Mick Foley." Cactus went over to nWo members and shook their hands too. Cactus went up to the stage. He shook hands and hugged Paul Haymen. Shook hands with some of the officials and refs. He walked to the back without a problem. All the wrestlers left without incident.
1. Too Cool and Rakisihi beat Three Count
2. Simon Diamond beat Shark Boy
3. Mikey Whipwreck beat Kid Romeo
4. Venom beat Silver King
5. Crazy beat New Dangerously Alliance
6. Little Guido beat Cyborg
7. Gedoh and Jadoh beat Dynamic Duo
8. Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja, Ninja Kid beat Nova, Chris Chetti, Kid Kash to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
9. Super Crazy beat Essa Rios
10. Tajiri beat Danny Doring to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
11. Rhino beat Bam Bam Bigelow
12. Stevie Corino beat Chris Jericho to retain the EUWF IC Title.
13. Mike Awesome beat Buff Bagwell to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
14. Hollywood Doomsday beat Sandman and Kintaro Kanemura in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
15. Dudleys beat New Jack/Balls Mahoney and Joe/Barbecue in a Three Way Dance to win back the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. The match include a spot where Buh Buh power bombed Balls into an exploding barbed wire board that was on fire and had thumbtacks on it. Also a double stage dive in different directions by Joe and New Jack onto both Dudleys.
16. Jim Brooks beat Masato Tanaka to retain the EUWF US Title.
17. RJ Hammer beat Tazz
18. Speedster Lite beat The Rock to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/4/2002 results:
Vlad came to the ring and put down Joe, Barbecue, Mankind, Steve Austin, Ric Flair. He blamed Joe for embarrassing him in losing the Lightweight Title to maven a few weeks ago. He blamed Flair for putting Piloit and Mankind in the flaming coffin match. Flair came to the ring and said that Vlad has a death wish that he better careful or it will be filled. Vlad called Flair a stupid old man that used other people's talents to get over because his couldn't do it. Flair called Vlad the loser and was about to hit Vlad but decide not to. Vlad hit flair in the head with Lightweight title belt and flair came up bleeding. Vlad hit Flair again in the head with the belt and then Austin ran to the ring. Vlad tried to Austin with the belt but Austin ducked and hit Vlad with a stunner. Scott Steiner ran to the ring and attacked Austin. Austin and Steiner fought till Kurt Angle came down with a chair. Angle attacked Austin in the back with a chair and then put Austin in the ankle lock while Steiner stomped on Steiner. Triple H ran down with a sledge hammer and took out angle. Steiner and Triple H fought while Vlad got back up. Vlad was then attacked by Joe and the two fought till the Undertaker came out. Undertaker hit everyone with a led pipe. Undertaker then choke slammed everyone in the ring and then left. Jesus Bison came up to Undertaker in the backstage area about what he did to Vlad, Steiner, Angel and he said that he was did it to prove that he can win the Ultimate Championship Battle at Wrestlemania. Undertaker asked Bison if he trusts him. Bison said yes but wondered after the Undertaker left if he should at all.
1. Mark Night beat Chris Night
2. Falcon beat Duke
3. Mike Bison beat The Hurricane, The Flash, Green Lantern, Dash, Ninja Kid, Guile, Sho Funaki in a 8 Way Dance.
4. Ken and Ryu beat Snake Eyes and Shadow Ninja to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Vlad beat Barbecue to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title. Mankind came to the ring after the match and challenged him to a re match from last night. Vlad refused it and then called Mankind by his old gimmick Crystal Ball. Mankind then called Vlad by his old gimmick name Sand Knight. Vlad and Mankind fought until security split them up. Vlad told security to leave and then accepted Mankind's challenge
6. Mankind beat Vlad to win EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Temptress beat Lady Doomsday to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
8. Joe and Scarlet beat Matt Hardy and Lita to win EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
9. Rob Van Dam beat Jeff Hardy and Tajiri to retain the EUWF IC Title.
10. Naughty By Nature beat Billy and Chuck to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
11. Doomsday, Venom, Steve Austin beat Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash
12. Chris Jericho beat Eddie Guerrero to retain the EUWF US Title.
13. Triple H beat Scott Steiner to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
TTWF 3/4/2003 results:
1. Devon Storm and Xavier beat Mike Bison and Spanky
2. American Heroes beat Joey Mathews and Christian York
3. Hellfire and Brimstone beat James Maritato and Tony Mamaluke
4. Ax and Smash beat Simon Diamond and Swinger. Simon and Swinger asked to be in the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Title match at Wrestlemania 18. Barbecue came out subbing for RJ Hammer who was in training. He put Simon/Swinger and Night Brothers in the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Title match at Wrestlemania 18.
5. Danny Doring and Roadkill beat Impact Players
6. American Dragon beat Mike Quackenbush
7. Taion and CM Punk beat Homicide and Reckless Youth
8. Jerry Lynn and Night Brothers beat Michael Shane and Backseat Boyz
EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-3/4/2004 results:
The show started with Lady Hammer was talking to someone on the phone about whoever it was facing New Demolition at Wrestlemania. She hangs up and Domaninatrix came up to Michelle. Michelle jokes that she had not taken her advice from Raw. Domin said that she is not afraid and will deal with it when times comes. She asked if Michelle to be in that 10 Year Anniversary Diva Bra And Panties Special Battle Royal at Wrestlemania XX. Michelle said she had not been thinking of it and Domin called her a chicken. Michelle said she is a former EUWF World Ladies champion and is not afraid of any female. She said she will be and looking forward to personally eliminate Domin. Domin walked away laughing as RJ Hammer came up to Michelle and scared Michelle. RJ asked if she knew anything about what was going on with his match and the walk out. Michelle said she had nothing to do with either and RJ should be worried. RJ said that he is going to get his way and that he is not worried. Michelle said she meant also about the police looking at RJ because of the disappearance of Undertaker's family. RJ said that he nothing to do with it as Michelle walked away as RJ said that it sounds like something Jesus Bison would do. RJ looked mad and looked like an idea came to him walking away.
1. Jimmy Rave beat Venom to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
2. Mr. America beat Val Venis to retain the EUWF IC Title.
3. Piloit beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
4. Hard Luck Fighters beat MFers to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. American Heroes beat Spirit and Jack Crystal to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Joe beat Kurt Angle to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. AJ Styles beat John Cena to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title. EUWF World Iron Man Title was not on the line.
8. Mike Bison beat Eddie Guerrero to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
ECW 3/4/2005 ECW Arena Show results:
1. CM Punk beat Spike Dudley to retain the ECW World Title.
2. Pink Dudley beat Molly Holly
3. Jack Evans beat Rey Misterio Jr.
4. Carnage Crew, BJ Whitmer, Danny Maff, Naughty By Nature beat Raven, Mad Man Pondo, Sexy Eddy, Balls Mahoney, Dudleyz
5. Michael Shane and Frankie Karazarian beat Dynamic Duo
6. Tajiri and Super Crazy beat America's Most Wanted
7. Doomsday and Venom beat CM Punk and Ace Steele
8. AJ Styles beat Colt Cabana in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For ECW World Title.
ECW's Saturday Night At The Arena-3/4/2006 results:
1. Red beat Shane Helms
2. Kevin Steen beat BJ Whitmer
3. Delirious beat Sexxy Eddy
4. Iron Saints (Val, Sal, Brandon Thomassali) beat Hoodies and Street Warrior
5. Street Saviors beat Joe and Piloit to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
6. Venom and Millano Collection AT beat Claudio Castagnoli and Super Dragon
7. Shelton Benjamin and Jay Lethal beat Mr. America/Nick Berk and Jack Crystal/Jim Brooks in a 3 Way Dance.
8. Edge, Night Brothers, Nerco Butcher beat Mike Bison, Rob Van Dam, CM Punk, Samoa Joe
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/4/2009 results:
1. Crazy beat Venom and Speedster Lite in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
2. Sgt. and Roadblock beat Delirious and Jimmy Jacobs in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
3. Motor City Machine Guns beat Drake Younger and Danny Havoc in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
4. Cheech and Cloudy beat Power and Blood Backlot Warriors in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
5. Duke and Snake Eyes beat Ruckus and Sabian in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
6. Hoodies beat Irish Airborne in a 12 Way Elimination TLC Qualifying Match.
7. Jack Crystal beat Spirit and Tyler Black in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
8. Sagat beat CM Punk and Machine in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
9. Kurt Angle and Randy Orton beat Mike Bison and AJ Styles
TWF/EUWF's Superstars-3/4/2010 results:
1. American Wolves beat Hart Dynasty in a Non Title Match.
2. Bryan Danielson beat Doomsday
3. Kofi Kingston beat Low Ki
4. Brian Thunder, Edge, CM Punk beat Mark Night, Mike Bison, Shawn Michaels
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-3/4/2011 results:
1. Blonde Ambition wrestled Jade Thunder and Julie Fire to a Double DQ to retain the EUWF/TWF/ECW World Ladies Tag Team Titles. Jade and Julie turned this match into a total brawl leading to the ref getting and then other refs being low blowed while trying to get control. Blondes left with there belts while this went on and the refs ruled the match a double dq. RJ Hammer announced later a rematch at WM27 with Anything Goes, Falls Count Anywhere Weapons Match.
2. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel in a Non Title Match.
3. Beer Money beat Hot Shots
4. Ricochet beat Bryan Danielson in a Non Title Match.
5. Edge and Young Bucks beat Mike Bison, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks
Money In The Bank Qualifier-Triple Threat Matches:
1. Christopher Daniels beat Randy Orton. Daniels and Amazing Red advance.
2. Roderick Strong beat Jay Lethal. El Generico and Roderick Strong advance.
3. Wade Barrett beat Davey Richards. Barrett and Colt Cabana advance. The end came when Eddie Edwards came from the crowd hitting richards with something and letting Barrett pick up the win.
Hostile City Showndown 2012-3/4/2012 results:
1. Blonde Ambition beat Glamazon Trio
2. WN Alpha, Zach Ryder, Christopher Daniels, CM Punk beat Roderick Strong, Claudio Castagnoli, Tyler Black, Brett Wayfield
3. Colony, Naughty By Nature, Briscoe Brothers beat Chuck Taylor, Rich Swan, Future Shock, Young Bucks. Before the match NBN said they are giving up their spot in 12 Way TLC to Vlad and Impaler so they can go after Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Cyrus Bourne beat Riochet and Brian Thunder in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Lightweight Title.
5. Night Brothers beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match to win back the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Vlad and Impaler beat Machine/Sagat and Epico/Primo in a 3 Way Tables Match to win the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles Tables.
7. Chris Jericho, Christian Cage, Kevin Steen beat Bubba Jones, Mark Henry, Rhino
8. Mike Bison and CM Punk beat Mr. America and Taion in a Handcuff Match. At one point MA and Taion isolated Mike and handcuffed to the ropes early and MA told taion to hit him with a chair. To take all the frustrations he has been holding back out now and Mike said he was sorry. Taion looked confused but Mike said he was sorry again and that forgives taion. That he made mistake and took taion's friendship for granted. He told Taion to hit him or he won't forgive mike. Taion looked confused and wouldn't do it but Mike screamed at him to hit him. Taion looked like he was going to as MA screamed to hit Mike too and Taion hit MA instead. Punk got back in and hit go to sleep. Taion took the cuffs off mike and they hugged. Mike, Taion, Punk each put a foot on MA for the win. MA then was cuffed and all three beat on him till refs got them off of him. All three left and show ended with Mike saying all that is left is The Rock.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw: Rivalry Monday-3/4/2013 results:
The show began with Paul Haymen coming to the ring with Brock Lensar and says that this weekend with SCUM/ROH proves that tendrills they have is larger then they TWF and friends know. Is giving Mike Bison and Laurie Hammer till the end of the show to hand over ownership to him. If they don't they will make them do it and that no one will stop them. He dared anyone to come out and say other wise. Ric Flair came from the back calling Haymen a coward and Haymen says that is funny since Flair had to balls to show up in original ECW. Flair brings up Brock attacking Laurie a couple of weeks ago saying that true act of a coward and Haymen says Flair would know about that wouldn't he. Flair went after him but Brock grabbed him and went to hit F5. RJ Hammer and Brett Wayfield came out with barbed wire bats chasing brock and haymen out. Laurie showed up big screen announcing that they need a new match since jay briscoe is hurt. She announced Jacobs, Corino, Rhino, Zangief vs Wolves, Marc, Brett Wayfield in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.
1. Dolph Ziggler beat Michel Elgin in a Non Title Match.
2. Masion Dixie and Jackson Rouch beat Joe and Piloit
3. Claudio Castagnoli beat Mike Bison
4. New Public Enemy beat Doomsday and Venom in a Non Title Match.
5. Jimmy Jacobs, Steve Corino, Rhino, Zangief beat American Wolves, Marc Briscoe, Brett Wayfield in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.
6. Nattie Neidhart beat Pink Dudley in a Non Title Match.
7. CM Punk beat Chris Hero
8. RJ Hammer beat Big Show in a HC Match.
9. Samoa Joe beat John Cena
10. Jay Lethal beat Kevin Steen in a Non Title Match.
The show ends with Paul Haymen and Brock Lensar come to the ring. He says time is up Zangief and Rhino drag laurie to the ring. Shown RJ Hammer and Brett Wayfield knock out in laurie's office while huge brawl went on backstage. Laurie was thrown to Brock who went to F5 her again and Haymen says she has one more chance. Laurie says never and asks mike to forget her never give in to haymen. Haymen says it's over and then lights go out. Sting was in the ring when they came on and hits brock with a baseball bat. He hits Zangief and then went after Haymen but Rhino gored him. Security took laurie out of ringside area through the crowd and Haymen says she won't get away that easy. He smiles as mask men brought laurie back to the ring. Zangief grabbed Laurie so Rhino can gore him but the lights go out again and Sabu was in the ring. Sabu throws a chair at rhino and then zangief. He threw it at haymen and put him on the table rhino had gotten out earlier. Sabu went to put Haymen through it but Lensar dragged him off. Kane came out chokeslaming Sabu through the table and this left Laurie alone with heals. The lights went out again and Undertaker was in the ring and he started to clear the ring of the heals. Mike Bison, RJ Hammer, Brett Wayfield came out with barbed wire weapons to help clear the area. Laurie tells Haymen to go to hell because he will never get the companies. Undertaker tells Haymen Hustle and allies that they will are Rest In Pieces. Faces check on the others to end the show
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-3/4/2014 results:
1. Ariel Bison beat Lady Doomsday
2. Lady NBN beat Samantha Bison and Lady Trooper
3. Smasher beat Guile
4. Taion beat Basher
5. Eric Bison beat Venom in a Non Title Match.
6. Peter Spider beat Mike Bison in a Non Title Match.
7. Freddie Waldeno beat Doomsday in a Non Title Match.
8. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Ash Hyde and Mr. America
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/4/2015 results:
1. Dolph Ziggler and Sonjay Dutt beat Kofi Kingston and Big E
2. Sami Zayn and Austin Aries beat AJ Styles and Samoa Joe
3. Kevin Steen and Rhino beat TJ Wilson and TJ Perkins
4. Randy Orton beat Cyrus Bourne
12 Way TLC 5 Qualifying Tournament:
1. Briscoe Brothers beat Naughty By Nature
2. Colony beat Richie Borndo and Tristin Heartsend
3. Rockness Monster beat Wildfire
4. Hot Shots beat 3.0
ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-3/4/2016 results:
1. reDragon beat Black Valkyrie
2. Kenny King beat Silver Ant
3. Marc Briscoe beat Adam Rose
4. Sin Cara beat Frightmare
5. Jack Crystal beat Eric Rowan
6. Frankie Kazarian beat Xavier Woods
7. Basher beat Zach Ryder
8. Beer Money, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio beat Kevin Steen, Young Bucks, Adam Cole, AJ Styles, Seth Owens, Dolph Ziggler, Sami Zayn. Ash Hyde, Cyrus Bourne, Goldust, Cody Rhodes in a 4 Way Dance.
TWF's Saturday Night Fire-March 4 results:
1. Ms. America and Julie Fire v.s. Star Pryde and Nia Jax to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
2. Masion Dixie beat Jim Brooks to retain the TWF World Lightweight Title.
3. Hollywood Doomsday beat King Peter to retain the ECW World Hardcore Title.
4. Ash Hyde beat Mr. Venom, Machine, Brian Thunder. Power Donity in a #1 Contenders Guantlet Match for Future TWF World Heavyweight Title Match.
12 Way TLC Qualfiying Matches:
1. Hoodies beat Guile and Taion. Hollywood Doomsday/Mr. Venom and Hoodies advance.
2. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Vlad and Impaler. Spirit/Jack Crystal and Naughty By Nature advance.
3. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat John Fire and Mr. America. Brett/Jackson and Piloit/Masion Dixie
4. Hard Luck Fighters beat Ligi Brothers to retain the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles. HLF and Jeffery Alpha/Jack Pink advance.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/4/2019 results:
1. Jade Thunder beat Charlotte Flair
2. DIY beat Dogs Of War
3. Tommy End beat Sir Tristan
4. Samoa Joe beat King Theodore III
5. Shelton Benjamin beat Mojo Riley
6. Chad Gable v.s. Zach Ryder
7. 12 Way TLC 19 Qualifying Match: Lucha Dragons beat Gabit Inc
8. Sheamus beat Xavier Woods
9. Kofi Kingston beat Claudio Castagnoli
10. Non Title Match: Chris Hero beat Big E
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-3/4/2020 results:
1. Bobby Fish beat Josh Woods
2. Ian Impaler beat Derek Vamp
3. Princess Caroline beat Samantha Bison
4. Drew McIntyre and Outliners beat Tommy End and The North
5. Alexia Bliss beat Bianca Blair
6. Keith Lee and The Revival beat Eric Bison and Nightwings
7. Deonna Purrazzo beat Nikki Cross
8. Faith Fire beat Candice LaRae
9. Victor America, Marcus Croft, Tyson Bronx beat Chris Hero and Uso Brothers
TWF's Thursday Night Wars-3/4/2021 results:
1. Jade Thunder beat Ruby Riot
2. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Bernard Cast and Jacob Clark beat Hot and Spicy
3. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Bobby Lashley and Cederick Alexander beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
4. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Barney White and Black Jack beat Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme
Eddie Venom was seen talking to someone on phone asking for their help. That was his desperate to get back the edge his lost. That he tried everything. He said he would do whatever he asked and then hangs up.
5. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Imperium beat Ever Rise
6. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Carl War and Brent Jet beat Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson
7. Tag Festival XI Round 6 Match: Johnny Garganno and Austin Theory beat Greyson America and Mustafa Ali
8. Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn beat Mark Night and Victor America. Eddie Venom didn't show up for the match having left the arena. Adam Pearce came out saying Eddie had left and not sure if he was coming back. This left steen and zayn confused. Pearce says that he is not sure Eddie going to be at Wrestlemania. Steen asks what he suppose to do Pearce says they will find a alternate to face Steen if Eddie does not show up.
Being Taped For EUWF Network Exclusively:
Preliminary Round Matches Of Best Of Lightweight Tournament 41:
1. Isaac Block (1-0-0) v.s. Isaiah Saturn (2-11-0)
2. Keith Byte (2-6-0) beat Percy Grimm (0-1-0)
3. Tristan Heartsend (14-14-0) beat Clyde Neptune (0-1-0)
4. Simon Stagg (3-5-0) beat Leo Kappa (3-9-0)
5. Bishop Rider (1-0-0) beat Ray Fire (0-1-0)
6. Joe Jr (1-0-0) beat Shaggy Brown (0-1-0)
7. Mansoor (1-0-0) beat Flap Jack (0-1-0)
8. Quinton Synder (1-1-0) beat Ligi Ligi (1-13-0)
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-3/4/2022 results:
Tag Festival XII Round 6 Matches:
1. Bracket D Match: Mac Yates and Mane MacAlister beat Jack Flap and Chris Gun
2. Bracket A Match: Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander wrestled Malik Blade and Edris Enofé to a Double Count-Out
3. Bracket D Match: Nathan Blaster and Caleb Scare beat Fisher Star and Felix Bolt
4. Bracket A Match: Solomon Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher
5. Bracket D Match: Security Knights beat Crow Brothers
6. Bracket A Match: Street Profits wrestled Gambit Inc to a Double DQ.
7. Bracket D Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Cheesy Warriors
8. Bracket A Match: Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Baker Badar and Kagen Kass
9. Non Tournament .Match: America Brothers beat Claudio Castagnoli and AJ Styles
ECW's Saturday Nights Back On The Road-3/4/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 5 Matches:
1. Bracket F Match: Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Road Ragers
2. Non Tournament Pick Your Poison Match: Stacie Doomsday beat Caroline Venom
3. Bracket C Match: Harrison Boss and Phillip Donity beat Stew Rosen and Leo Ambrose
4. Bracket F Match: Bruno Crazy and Fin Sandy beat Baron Corbin and Riddick Moss
5. Non Tournament Pick Your Poison Match: Sabrina Bruiser beat Harley Wayfield
6. Bracket C Match: Eric Bison and Frank Pluto beat Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz
7. Bracket F Match: Wade Wallace and Westley Watson beat Angel Garza and Humberto
8. Non Tournament Pick Your Poison Match: Shotzi Blackheart beaet Emma
EUWF House Show-3/4/2023 results:
1. 4 Way Dance For ECW World TV Title: Bruce Doomsday (c) beat Dolph Ziggler, Drew Gulak, Elias
2. 3 Way Dance For ECW World Heavyweight Title Match: Walter (c) beat Pete Dunne and Sheamus
3. TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks (c) beat Uso Brothers
4. EUWF IC Title Match: Bronson Reed (c) beat Gary J
5. Unified US Tag Team Titles: Street Profits (c) beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
6. TWF World Ladies Title Match: Sophia Warrior (c) beat Charlotte Flair
7. Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles: Hurt Business (c) beat American Brothers and Mark Night
8. 4 Way Dance For EUWF World Heavyweight Title Match: Kevin Steen (c) beat Karrion Kross, Sami Zayn, Bray Wyatt
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-3/4/2024 results:
Tag Festival XIV Group Stage Round 5 Matches:
1. 4 Way 12 Way TLC Qualfying Match: Zen Warriors beat Bruise Brothers. Atlas River/Hanson Snower, Bronco Nima/Lucien Price
2. Bracket D Match: Dutch Lane and Abram Max beat Sheepard Mars and Edison Samurai
3. 4 Way 12 Way TLC Qualfying Match: Chase U beat Frank Lanley/Fin Sandy, Cruz Del Toro/Joaquin Wilde, Jump Start
4. Bracket A Match: Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Security Knights
5. Bracket D Match: Hot and Spicy beat Rock Holder and Crasher Jack
6. 4 Way 12 Way TLC Qualfying Match: Axiom and Nathan Fraizer beat Gavin Guile/Ulysses Taion, Elroy Stone/Wendell Cheetah, Jeffery Alpha/Jack Pink
7. Bracket A Match: AOP beat Jack Flap and Chris Gun
Uso Brothers came demanding to be in the next match since Roman Regins didn't answer their challenge. Roman came from the crowd attacking usos. He went to spear Jey but Solo Sukoa hit a samoan spike on him. Usos and Solo left Roman laying. Jey said that see Roman at Wrestlemania 40.
8. 4 Way 12 Way TLC Qualfying Match: Angel Garza and Humberto beat Phoenix Edge/Scott Shock, Crow Brothers, Stew Rosen/Leo Ambrose
9. Non Tournament Match: Kevin Steen and Sami Zayn beat Eddie Venom and Cyrus Bourne
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