The show started with CM Punk coming to the ring challenging Mike Bison to a best of 3 series tonight. Mike agreed but said that only if fans chose first fall and next two decided by the winner of the previous. Punk agreed to it.
1. CM Punk beat Mike Bison in a Tables Match after The Rock got involved.
2. Ariel Bison, Samantha Bison, Jade Thunder, Temptress beat Glamazon Duo, Katylin, Eve
3. Speedster Lite beat Jim Brooks
4. Tyler Black beat Wade Barrett
5. Jay Lethal beat Low Ki to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
6. Samoa Joe beat Bryan Danielson, Christopher Daniels, Homicide in a 4 Way Dance.
7. Mike Bison beat CM Punk in a Submission Match where mike had one armed tied behind his back.
8. Machine and Sagat beat Kings Of Wrestling, American Wolves, Briscoe Brothers, Future Shock, Night Brothers in a 6 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
9. Doomsday beat Venom to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
10. Sheamus beat Randy Orton, Mr. America, John Cena in a 4 Way Dance to retain Unified World TV Title.
11. CM Punk beat Mike Bison in a No Rope Barbed Wire Match to win Best Of 3 Series 2 to 1. The Rock tried to get invovled again but secruity stopped him this time. The distraction let Rhino and Ryback to come through the crowd attacking Mike. Machine and Sagat came out attacking them while this went on haymen passed punk old school phone. Punk hit mike with it for th win. The Rock went to attack mike again but he fought back and then the rock escaped. Mike said he knows what the rock is doing by trying to screw him every chance he can. He told the rock two can play at that game.
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