Thursday, January 3, 2013

TDIWH-Jan 3 (Hollywood Doomsday?, nWo rules, a rare in ring meeting, Mike/Orton)

This Day In Wrestling History-January 3:

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/3/2000 results:
Impact Players attacked Joe and Barbecue in their locker room with baseball bats to start the show.  They announced that there was going to be a Five Way Ladder Match tonight for Lightweight Tag Titles.  Impact Players v.s. Edge and Christain v.s. Hardy Boys v.s. Joe and Barbecue v.s. Mark Night and Chris Night.
1. Cyborg beat Taion
Doomsday is interviewed but is dressed up liked Hollywood Hogan.
Mean: "What is with this outfit?"
Doomsday: "You see Mean Gean, I am the new Hollywood wrestler in this business.  I been in a few movies.  The only difference between mine and other ones, is that my movies last longer in the theater.  They don't go straight to video."
Mean: "You are also impersonating Hulk Hogan's Hollywood gimmick."
Doomsday: "Hogan is old news in every way.  I am way younger then him and more talented then he ever was.  What is he 80?  I hope he stays home with his family and same goes for Flair.  They do decide to come back, I will kick both their ass."
Mean: "What about how you wrestle in hardcore matches?"
Doomsday: "I don't like wrestling garbage matches.  So I decide to out smart the hardcore wrestlers.  I use my mat and high flying skills to beat them.  Hardcore means working your ass off more then it does working stiff in garbage matches.  I out smart all of them and win all my matches."
2. Hollywood Doomsday beat Norman Smiley to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
3. Kurt Angle beat Venom
4. Red Lightning and Blue Lightning beat David Flair and Crowbar
5. King Bison and Commander beat Trooper 1 and 2
6. X-Pac beat Snake Eyes to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
Mark Night, Chris Night, Shane Douglas are attacked by the Impact Players with baseball bats.
7. PG-13 beat Blanka and Rhendo Nominates
8. Bruise Brothers beat Nightmare
9. Al Snow beat Konnan to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
10. Chris Jericho beat Billy Kidman
11. Edge and Christain beat Impact Players and Hardy Boys in a Three Way Ladder Match to win the EUWF World LW Tag Team Titles.  New Age Outlaws and X-Pac attack Edge and Christain when they had the titles won.  They left the ring and went to the back.  Impact Players had the match won but Joe, Barbecue, Mark Night, Chris Night comes out with baseball bats for revenge on the attack on them earlier in the night.  They let Edge and Christain get the belts.
12. Bret Hart, Kevin Nash, Jeff Jarrett, Tazz beat RJ Hammer, Cactus Jack, Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer in a War Games Match.  The nWo stormed the ring right when Dreamer came in for the last person in the match.  They handcuff RJ, Cactus, Terry, Tommy to the cage and beat them with baseball bats.  Joe, Barbecue, Mark Night, Chris Night, Edge, Christain, Hardy Boys, Bruise Brothers, Sandman all run to the ring but they get taken out too and handcuffed too.  The ref stopped the match and award the victory to the nWo team.  King Bison, Commander, Sagat, Duke, Guile, Prince Michael, Awesome Knight, Blood Knight, Crazy Knight, Prince Nightmare, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Nova, Falcon, Dynamic Duo, Public Enemy, Naughty By Nature, Venom, Crazy, Chris Jericho, Bam Bam Bigelow, Jim Brooks come to the ring with baseball bats wrapped in barbwire to make the save.

Wednesday Night Brawl-1/3/2001 results:
Taion and Lady Trooper sitting around backstage talking about getting paid to do nothing.  Mike Bison bursts into the locker room.
Mike: "Taion I need your help.  I got a match against Mike Awesome and Shadow WX tonight but I need a partner or that match is going to be a handicap match."
Taion: "Why should I help you?  You been nuts of late and I don't trust you."
Mike: "Just trust me this one time and I won't hurt you or Lady Trooper."
Taion: "One last time."  Mike walks out of the room and Taion sighs.
1. Boxer and Vega beat Trooper 9 and 10 in a second round match of the EUWF's Best Of Lightweight Tag Team Tournament.
2. K-Kwik beat Devon Storm
3. Dynamic Duo beat General Mind and General Blood in a second round match of the EUWF's Best Of Lightweight Tag Team Tournament.
4. Barbecue and Mankind beat Blanka and Rhendo in a second round match of the EUWF's Best Of Lightweight Tag Team Tournament.
5. Balls Mahoney beat Steve Blackman to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
6. Naughty By Nature beat Taka Michinoku and Sho Funaki in a second round match of the EUWF's Best Of Lightweight Tag Team Tournament.
7. Mike Awesome and Shadow WX beat Taion and Mike Bison.  Mike seemed to refuse to tag in the match and then turns on Taion.  Mike leaves the ring and Lady Trooper screams at Mike.  Mike throws Lady Trooper into the guard rail and then pile drives her on the floor.
8. Scott Steiner, Tommy Dreamer, Raven beat Doomsday, RJ Hammer, Steve Austin

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-1/3/2002 results:
Triple H came to the ring and put Rob Van Dam.  He then announced that he would be getting a world title shot at the royal rumble instead of Doomsday.  Doomsday came out and said he would get the world title shot and no one would stop him.  Michelle came out and announced that Triple H had already asked for a world title shot at the rumble before doomsday and RVD set up the match.  Doomsday then told Michelle that he would do anything to get the world title shot.  She then said that it will a three way at the rumble.  Chris Jericho came out and said he is the one that should be in a three way at the rumble for the world title.  He said that he is the US Champion and the number one contender.  Michelle then made a match with Doomsday and Y2J for the US Title and spot in the three way at the royal rumble later in the night.
1. Vlad beat Ninja Kid
2. Spike Dudley beat Jose Maximo
3. Tajiri beat Joel Maximo to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
4. Piloit beat Barbecue
5. Red beat Crash Holly
6. Joe beat Sho Funaki to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
7. Matsunaga beat Big Bossman
8. Steve Austin beat Shadow WX
9. Speedster Lite beat The Rock to retain the EUWF IC Title.
10. Venom beat Kurt Angle to retain the EUWF European Title.
11. Doomsday beat Chris Jericho to win EUWF US Title and a World Title shot at the Royal Rumble.
12. Triple H, Ki, Undertaker, Kane beat Rob Van Dam, Booker T, Outsiders

TTWF 1/3/2003 results:
RJ Hammer opened the show by saying that Ric Flair can fake whatever evidence he wants but he will not get the TTWF or EUWF.
1. Spanky beat Jesus Bison
2. Jill Night beat Crazy Woman to retain the TTWF World Women's Title.
3. James Maritato beat CM Punk to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
4. Mike Bison beat Taion to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
5. American Heroes beat Danny Doring and Roadkill to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Michael Shane beat Johnny Kashmere to retain the TTWF US Title.
7. Doomsday beat Trent Acid
8. Venom beat Paul London to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.

Saturday Slam Bash-1/3/2004 results:
1. Lita beat Temptress to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Venom and Lady Venom beat Rhyno and Jade to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
3. Homicide beat Jim Brooks to retain the EUWF IC Title.
4. Spirit beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
5. Los Guerreros beat Briscoe Brothers to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Joe beat Rob Van Dam to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Mike Bison beat Masato Tanaka to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and EUWF World Hardcore Title.
8. Piloit beat Ric Flair to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title and EUWF World TV Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/3/2005 results:
The show started with a long video of highlights of the first 10 years in EUWF history.  Michelle came out from the back explaining the draft rules and announcing RJ Hammer as the new GM of EUWF.  She also announced the main event of the show being a Non Title 3 Way Dance between EUWF First Draft Pick v.s. TTWF's First Draft v.s. ECW's First Draft Pick
1. Shelton Benjamin beat John Cena to retain the EUWF IC Title.
2. Undertaker beat Batistia
3. Second City Saints beat Doomsday and Naughty By Nature
4. Hard Luck Fighters beat Backlot Assassin by dq to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.  A third BA came out with a spike attacking both Ken and Ryu causing the dq.  The other two male BA were angry at him and female one had power over the third.
5. Venom beat Gene Snitsky to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.
6. Samoa Joe beat Triple H
7. Christopher Daniels beat AJ Styles to win the EUWF US Title.
8. Rob Van Dam beat Chris Benoit and Mike Bison in a The 3 Way Non Title First Draft Pick Dance.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-1/3/2009 results:
1. Speedster Lite and King Jim Brooks beat Rocky Romero and Ricky Reyes
2. Venom beat Nigel McGuiness
3. Machine beat Abyss
4. Samoa Joe beat Claudio Castagnoli
5. Low Ki beat Christopher Daniels
6. AJ Styles beat Chris Hero in a Non Title Match.
7. CM Punk beat Edge in a Non Title Match.
8. Randy Orton beat Mike Bison in a Non Title Match.  After the match Orton went to kick mike in the head but Taion and CM Punk ran out to make the save.  Mike got on the mic saying that this wasn't over and Orton said that if he wanted him again then he would have to put ECW Title on the line.  Haymen didn't give mike the chance to reply as he made the match for Guilty As Charged 2009 on January 18.  He then announced Wednesday will see a 30 Man Battle Royal with the winner getting the #1 Contenders Trophy and the ECW World Heavyweight Title shot at the Royal Rumble 2009 PPV on January 25.  The losers will be in the rumble compete next saturday in tournament for 29th spot.   RJ Hammer has given the 30th spot to a member of Age Of The Fall Alliance that will remain a mystery till he comes out during the rumble match.  Mike got out of the ring running after Orton and the two brawled.  Punk and Taion tried to keep them apart but couldn't and locker room emptied to get them apart to end the show.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-1/3/2011 results:
The show began with RJ Hammer bringing out John Moxly and Jackson Rouch.  He had them beat each with Moxly leaving with ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title and Rouch EUWF World Lightweight Title.  It was announced that Rouch would take Moxly place tonight.  Moxly taking Rouch's place on Brawl and also announced that Doomsday Kid and Venomous can defend ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles on three brands/companies.
1. Philly's Most Wanted beat Crazy
2. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Hot Shots
3. Mr. America beat Jackson Rouch and Tyler Black in a 3 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
4. Hoodies beat Heart Dynasty and American Wolves in a 3 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. AJ Styles beat The Miz to win a spot in Royal Rumble 2011 Match and with lose Miz doesn't get another Triple Crown Title Shot as long as Mike is champion.
6. Edge won the Battle Royal to move face the other Battle Royal Winners from ECW and TWF for Royal Rumble Title Shot on TWF/EUWF's Superstars on January 13.  Losers go to Royal Rumble Qualifiers. Tyler Black, Bryan Danielson, American Wolves, Frankie Kazarian, Wade Barrett, Jay Lethal, Ron Killings, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero Jr., El Generico, Christopher Daniels, Amazing Red, Beer Money, Priceless, Randy Orton, Jigsaw, Drew McIntyre, Roderick Strong, JTG, Michel Elgin, Petey Williams, Broadie Lee, Colt Cabana, Young Bucks were also in the match.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-1/3/2012 results:
1. Laurie Hammer, Sandy Gales, Pink Dudley, HC Bytch, Miss Lee, Ariel Bison beat Ms. America, Alcarda Jones, Christine Crystal, Lady Bruisers, Harley Wayfield in a War Games Match.
2. Bubba Jones beat Sagat
3. Doomsday, Venom, Machine, Hot Shots beat Hoodies and Vampire Nation in a War Games Match.

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