The show began with Mike Bison coming to the ring saying he wants a contract signing for the match against Orton next week. Orton came out said he has no problem with it but he wanted one thing added to the match. That if he wins Mike has to sell his part of the ownership to EUWF, ECW, TWF to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Would be banned from the companies for the rest of his life. Mike agreed to it but only if Mike wins Orton can no longer attack Mike's family. If he does then Orton is banned for life and Authority forfits their ownership. Orton agrees and Mike says he can't wait 13 days. The two start brawling around ringside. Orton went for a chair but Mike grabbed his barbed wire wrapped signapore cane and hit orton in the ribs as he went to hit mike with the chair. He hit Orton several times with the cane till authority members pulled him off Orton. Triple H grabbed Orton trying to get him away but Mike got away and hit orton again. Other members of locker room came out getting Mike away as Orton ran to the back and Mike chased him. Mike and Orton kept brawling and being split apart till finally Triple H getting Orton to leave the building in a car.
1. Pink Dudley and Lady Bruisers beat Paige, Becky Lynch, Charloette and Blonde Ambition in a 3 Way Dance.
2. John Cena beat Speedster Lite
3. Jim Brooks wrestled Sheamus to a Double DQ when Cena and Lite came out. Turned into brawl till security split them apart. Laurie Hammer came out announcing a Brooklyn Street Fight between Lite and Brooks v.s. Cena and Sheamus for Summerslam.
4. Zach Ryder and The Kingdom beat Jack Crystal and Kings Of Wrestling
5. Eric Bison and Sagat beat Michel Elgin and Roderick Strong
6. Power Donity beat Kofi Kingston
Brock Lensar and Paul Haymen came out. Haymen said that Taker and Lensar was one time thing that was based on problem with the same man Sting. Nothing that was planned but just a moment of chance. Machine came out interrupting him. Machine said that he is lensar worst fear as the only guy in the company to give him a real fight. The only one lensar gave any respect to. The only one Lensar could never bully. Once Summerslam is done he will be GM of TWF and won't let Lensar bully the TWF. Haymen backs up that and Machine came to the ring. Lensar looked like he was going to leave but then attacked Machine. The two brawled back and forth till Machine started throwing ring steps and then chairs at Lensar. Lensar was pulled to the back by Haymen as Machine called Lensar back.
7. Bobby Fish beat Freddie Waldeno in a Non Title Match.
8. King Peter beat Kyle O'Reily in a Non Title Match.
9. Samoa Joe beat Brodie Lee
10. Tyler Black, Roman Reigns, Bryatt Wyatt, Kevin Steen beat Ash Hyde, Spirit, Taion, Mr. America
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