The show began with Authority celebrating Kevin Steen winning EUWF World Triple Crown Title and welcoming their new member Tony Rocker. Triple H gave Tony a new name Seth Owens saying that he shedding his TWF name for a real NXT name. Seth said his brother ash held him down and even was embarrsed by him so he sent away from TWF training. He is glad to because TWF was horrible and claimined he learned more 5 minutes about what the buisness should be then 10 months in TWF training. He just taught his brother a lesson and that things are about to change. HHH said that Authority is not going to let things last night stop them from getting rid of Mike Bison and Laurie Hammer as owners. To changing this business and thats what is best for business.
1. Team Bella beat Lady Bruisers and Hardcore Bytch
2. Sagat, Hollywood Doomsday, Mr. Venom, Naughty By Nature beat Roderick Strong, Michel Elgin, The New Day
Rusev and Zangief came to the ring and said that they should be given a tag title shot since Rusev's injury kept them from fulling being in Summer Tag Festival V. King Peter and Freddie Waldeno came out saying that don't deserve one since they haven't wrestled anyone in months and pretty haven't won a match in 2015. Peter and Freddie said they agree to the match at Hardcore Heaven 2015 this sunday because they are fighting champions.
3. Young Bucks beat Prime Time Players
4. Oi4K beat Donity Brothers in a Non Title Match.
Kevin Steen came out bragging about winning the EUWF World Triple Crown Title. He said he got word that Ash Hyde is out of this sunday as there was talk today that if he was able to wrestle then he face Ash in the rematch then. Kevin took total pride saying that he was the one really put Ash out with package pile drivers he hit on him. Kevin says he got the night off sunday but Mike Bison came out and says he got someone for Kevin to face. Someone who beat Kevin on saturday. Mike said it will be Prince Devitt who will Kevin this sunday and that made Kevin mad.
5. Prince Devitt and Pac beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous in a Non Title Match,
6. Pink Dudley, Jade Thunder, Ms. America beat PCB
7. John Cena and Randy Orton beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks
Wyatt Family and Bo Dallas came to the ring. Bryatt said then when the chips are down that there is only one thing family can look to. That is another family member and that his younger brother Bo needed his help. Bo said he been on losing streak and despite all he has done to try to help wrestlers in the back and EUWF Universe they just hate him. Bolieve just gotten him nothing but scorn and hatred even from mangement. He said his big brother came to him saying he help him and just that he have to help him first. Bo said he no problem taking care of Mr. America. Bryatt said that Wyatts will take everything from Mr. America just like he did to him stealing Sara Jane Wyatt from him. They won't stop till TWF army is dead and Mr. America has to watch as it crumbles around him.
8. Bryatt Wyatt and Brodie Lee beat Samoa Joe and Mr. America. Earlier in the show Ziggler had called Seth Owens a coward that didn't belong in TWF or NXT after what he did to Ash Hyde. Owens attacked Ziggler during the match laying him out.
9. Rhino and Zach Ryder beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
10. Jushin Liger, King Peter, Freddie Waldeno beat Tyler Black and reDragon. Peter and Freddie came out without a partner cause of the injury to Ash. Peter said they got a partner and brought out Liger. After the match Moxly, Callihan, Reigns attacked Liger, Peter, Freddie and Tyler wanted a 4 man power bomb through a table on liger. This brought out Prince Devitt and Pac trying to make the save. Steen came out attacking Devitt leading them to brawl into the crowd. Rusev and Zangief attacked Peter and Freddie. The Shield went for the power bomb again but then out of nowhere from the crowd Shinsuke Nakamura, Alex Shelley, Kushida, Kazuchika Okada, AJ Styles, Young Bucks, RPG Vice, Takaaki Watanabe, Hirooki Goto, Davey Boy Smith Jr, Lance Archer saving liger. Authority members running towards brawling with New Japan wrestlers then the TWF army came out helping New Japan guys clearing out the Authority. HHH came demanding the new japan guys who didn't belong here thrown out and Mike Bison came out. He said that he brought them here as TWF Army has allies in Japan now. HHH look mad to end the show
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