Sunday, November 15, 2015

EUWF's Battle Game 25-Surviving Months 2015 Day 44 results

Pre Show:
1. Hollywood Doomsday beat Black Jack
2. Jade Thunder beat Laurie Hammer
3. Dudleyz wrestled Bad Influence to a Double Count-Out.
4. Jackson Rouch beat Ron Killings


1. Samoa Joe beat Gran Akuma

TWF Army v.s. Authority Best Of 7 Series:

1. Austin Aries beat Power Donity
2. Hardcore Bytch beat Nattie Neidhart
3. Wyatt Family beat Richie Borndo and Tristin Heartsend
4. Sami Callihan beat Bubba Jones
5. Sagat beat Jay Lethal
6. Mark Night beat John Moxly
7. Mr. America beat Kevin Steen.  Before the match Steen was handed a box with cut up t-shirt and what looked like limps and head of an Steen action figure.  Steen questioned who it was from but no answers.  The end came when Steen went for a package piledriver on MA but a mysterios figure came on screen.  Face was never shown and never said a word.  He was shown cutting up the steen t-shirt.  Then took a steen figure and tore off each its limbs and head.  Then taking the body smashing it to pieces with a hammer.  The person holds up a sign saying this is what will happen to steen and MA rolls up distracted steen to win the Battle Game for TWF Army.  MA runs out of the ring as Steen is mad screaming for the person to show his face but never does to end the show.

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