The show began Kevin Steen coming to the ring calling out whoever sent him the mask on saturday. Adam Cole came from the back saying he didn't send it but does he have a message to Steen, Authority, TWF Army there is a insurrection coming. A uprising that will change everything and nothing anyone from Authority or TWF can do about it. Steen went after cole and the two fought till static showed up on screen. Steen distracted got jumped by the rest of the kingdom and Samoa Joe. The Shield made the save.
1. Star Pryde beat Cheerleader Melissa. After the match Star left a business card on Melissa before leaving.
2. Vermin beat Vlad and Impaler
3. Samoa Joe beat Tyler Breeze
4. Pink Dudley bea Tamina
5. Young Bucks beat Darkness and Lightning Backlot Warriors
Triple H confronted Mike Bison claiming the TWF Army is behind the attacks and strange messages. Mike says he is as confused as HHH well maybe not that much. HHH asks if mike thinks this is funny but Mike says a lot of weird things been going on. First attacks been on TWF guys. Whatever going on has nothing to do with the other but he wouldn't surprised if HHH thining his group. HHH looks mad as Mike says that he leave the Authority to deal with their business and TWF will do so when it comes this uprising. He doesn't trust HHH and after Extreme Nightmare 40 TWF Army can deal with it without the Authority.
6. Bo Wyatt beat Michel Elgin
7. ODB beat Emma
8. Prime Time Players beat The Masters
9. Tyler Black beat Sami Callihan
10. The Kingdom beat Kevin Steen, Seth Owens, Roman Reigns when mask man came from the crowd hitting steen with a baseball bat in the back while ref distracted by brawl. This let cole roll up steen for the win.
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