This Day In Wrestling History-December 23:
Thursday Night War-12/23/1999 results:
Sting, Tommy Dreamer, Cactus Jack, Joe, Barbecue, Falcon, Bruise Brothers, Chris Jericho, Nova, Jigglin Jimbro Brooks, Francine, Raven, Konnan, Public Enemy, Rick Steiner, Jim Duggan, Steve Williams, Sid Vicious, Big Show, Bam Bam Bigelow, Dynamic Duo, D-Lo Brown, Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko, Perry Saturn, Edge, Christain, New Jack, Balls Mahoney, Axl Rotten, Test, Mark Night, Chris Night, Ninjas, Scarlet, Jade, Holly Cousins, Jerry Lynn, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Super Crazy, Buff Bagwell, Dallas Page, Norman Smiley, Al Snow, Rocky Maivia, British Bulldog, Harlem Heat, Sandman, Spike Dudley, Spirit, Sgt., Roadblock, Juventud Guerrera, Psicosis, Godfather, Troopers, Venom, Val Venis, Rey Misterio Jr., Billy Kidman, Jazz, Jeff Jarrett, Duke, Extreme, Ranger, Extreme Team, Cyborg, Al Snow, Taion, Machine, Evan Hounda, Dynamic Duo, Crazy, Wildfire, Guile, King Bison, Commander, Prince Michael, Queen Bison, Princess Ariel, Awesome Knight, Giant Knight, Crazy Knight, Prince Nightmare, Blanka, Rhendo, Sagat, Zangief, Nightmare, Naughty By Nature, and many other wrestlers were siting in a room. Michael walked into the room.
Michelle: "I have a few announcements to all you wrestlers. There will be no final Armageddon war games match this Sunday. After what happen on Monday, RJ has booked these matches for this Sunday. Taz to go one on one with Goldberg. Bret Hart will defend the EUWF World Heavywiehgt Title against The Rock. Speedster Lite v.s. Jim Brooks in a Cage Ladder Match for the EUWF US Title. The New Japan has withdrew the IWGP title from the EUWF triple crown title after the deciding that the finish and things done by Bret Hart has made them angry. Keiji Muto will be still the IWGP champ and the EUWF will be okay with it. Almost all Japanese wrestlers will return to Japan after Starcade. Mike Awesome has signed a deal with the EUWF. New Age Outlaws will still defend against Edge and Christain but that match will now be a four way dance with Public Enemy and Hardy Boys add to the match. RJ will now talk to you all." RJ Hammer walked into the room with tears in his eyes.
RJ: "Last Monday we all saw something very shocking. If any of you have any problems, please come to me right away."
Cactus Jack: "What are we going to do about the nWo and the Powers That Be?"
RJ: "I don't know. I fire them, they will sue the EUWF and me of all it's money. That is all I have to say." RJ leaves the room and then shown walking to a limo with Michelle. They drive off from the building. Speedster Lite, Lady Speed, Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall are watching the TV and sees this.
Rachel: "You know what this mean guys?"
Hunter: "What?"
Rachel: "Me and Speedster are in control tonight. That means the nWo takes over and we didn't have to do a thing."
Kevin: "If we knew it was this easy, we would have done it sooner." nWo walk to the ring.
Speedster Lite: "Looks like we are in control and nothing anyone could do about. RJ Hammer and Michelle has left the building. There is no D-X left and there is no Extreme Alliance left." D-X's music starts up. Michelle, Jim Brooks, Chris Jericho, Joe, Barbecue, Falcon, Nova, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Rey Misterio Jr, Konnan, Billy Kidman, Eddie Guerrero come from the back area.
Michelle: "That is what you think Speedster."
Brooks: "Looks like D-X is still around and kicking. We are going to be kicking your buts tonight."
Speedster: "D-X doesn't stay without me. I'm the leader."
Michelle: "You and brooks tonight for the control of D-X and the rights to it. Kevin Nash you take Mike Awesome and Sid Vicious in a Three Way Dance. Nova takes Jericho and Doomsday in a Three Way Dance. Bret you are going to defend the EUWF World Heavyweight Title against Sabu. Outlaws you take Konnan and Billy Kidman."
1. Taion beat Simon Diamond
2. Falcon beat Super Calo and Ikuto Aidaka in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
3. Joe and Barbecue beat PG-13 to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Bruise Brothers beat Grimes and News
5. Nova beat Chris Jericho and Doomsday in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Rob Van Dam beat X-Pac
7. Jerry Lynn beat Test to retain the EUWF IC Title.
8. Cactus Jack beat Taz
9. Kevin Nash beat Mike Awesome and Sid Vicious in a Three Way Dance.
10. Jim Brooks beat Speedster Lite to gain full control over D-X.
11. New Age Outlaws beat Konnan and Billy Kidman to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. Bret Hart beat Sabu to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
Michelle: "I have a few announcements to all you wrestlers. There will be no final Armageddon war games match this Sunday. After what happen on Monday, RJ has booked these matches for this Sunday. Taz to go one on one with Goldberg. Bret Hart will defend the EUWF World Heavywiehgt Title against The Rock. Speedster Lite v.s. Jim Brooks in a Cage Ladder Match for the EUWF US Title. The New Japan has withdrew the IWGP title from the EUWF triple crown title after the deciding that the finish and things done by Bret Hart has made them angry. Keiji Muto will be still the IWGP champ and the EUWF will be okay with it. Almost all Japanese wrestlers will return to Japan after Starcade. Mike Awesome has signed a deal with the EUWF. New Age Outlaws will still defend against Edge and Christain but that match will now be a four way dance with Public Enemy and Hardy Boys add to the match. RJ will now talk to you all." RJ Hammer walked into the room with tears in his eyes.
RJ: "Last Monday we all saw something very shocking. If any of you have any problems, please come to me right away."
Cactus Jack: "What are we going to do about the nWo and the Powers That Be?"
RJ: "I don't know. I fire them, they will sue the EUWF and me of all it's money. That is all I have to say." RJ leaves the room and then shown walking to a limo with Michelle. They drive off from the building. Speedster Lite, Lady Speed, Triple H, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall are watching the TV and sees this.
Rachel: "You know what this mean guys?"
Hunter: "What?"
Rachel: "Me and Speedster are in control tonight. That means the nWo takes over and we didn't have to do a thing."
Kevin: "If we knew it was this easy, we would have done it sooner." nWo walk to the ring.
Speedster Lite: "Looks like we are in control and nothing anyone could do about. RJ Hammer and Michelle has left the building. There is no D-X left and there is no Extreme Alliance left." D-X's music starts up. Michelle, Jim Brooks, Chris Jericho, Joe, Barbecue, Falcon, Nova, Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Rey Misterio Jr, Konnan, Billy Kidman, Eddie Guerrero come from the back area.
Michelle: "That is what you think Speedster."
Brooks: "Looks like D-X is still around and kicking. We are going to be kicking your buts tonight."
Speedster: "D-X doesn't stay without me. I'm the leader."
Michelle: "You and brooks tonight for the control of D-X and the rights to it. Kevin Nash you take Mike Awesome and Sid Vicious in a Three Way Dance. Nova takes Jericho and Doomsday in a Three Way Dance. Bret you are going to defend the EUWF World Heavyweight Title against Sabu. Outlaws you take Konnan and Billy Kidman."
1. Taion beat Simon Diamond
2. Falcon beat Super Calo and Ikuto Aidaka in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
3. Joe and Barbecue beat PG-13 to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Bruise Brothers beat Grimes and News
5. Nova beat Chris Jericho and Doomsday in a Three Way Dance to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Rob Van Dam beat X-Pac
7. Jerry Lynn beat Test to retain the EUWF IC Title.
8. Cactus Jack beat Taz
9. Kevin Nash beat Mike Awesome and Sid Vicious in a Three Way Dance.
10. Jim Brooks beat Speedster Lite to gain full control over D-X.
11. New Age Outlaws beat Konnan and Billy Kidman to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. Bret Hart beat Sabu to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
Saturday Slam Bash Special-December To Dismember 2000-
ECW Arena-12/23/2000 Results:
ECW Arena-12/23/2000 Results:
1. American Turncoats and Mankind beat Commander, General Gold, General Blood
2. Steven Richards, Val Venis, Bull Buchanan, Goodfather, Zangief beat Matsunaga, Yamakawa, Honma, Balls Mahoney, Sandman
3. Jerry Lynn beat Eddie Guerrero
4. Tajiri beat Dean Malenko
5. Chris Jericho beat Super Crazy
6. Shadow WX and Miss Lee beat Mike Bison/Jackie, Jeff Hardy/Lita, Crash Holly/Molly Holly in a Four Way Dance.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Dudleys
8. Billy Gunn beat CW Anderson to retain the EUWF Unified IC Title.
9. Lady Speed beat Jazz to retain the EUWF Unified World Ladies Title.
10. Justin Credible beat Triple H to retain the EUWF Unified World TV Title.
11. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Simon Diamond and Swinger to retain the EUWF Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. Jesus Bison, Raven, Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Rhino, Kane beat RJ Hammer, The Rock, Goldberg, Steve Corino, Steve Austin, Undertaker
2. Steven Richards, Val Venis, Bull Buchanan, Goodfather, Zangief beat Matsunaga, Yamakawa, Honma, Balls Mahoney, Sandman
3. Jerry Lynn beat Eddie Guerrero
4. Tajiri beat Dean Malenko
5. Chris Jericho beat Super Crazy
6. Shadow WX and Miss Lee beat Mike Bison/Jackie, Jeff Hardy/Lita, Crash Holly/Molly Holly in a Four Way Dance.
7. Naughty By Nature beat Dudleys
8. Billy Gunn beat CW Anderson to retain the EUWF Unified IC Title.
9. Lady Speed beat Jazz to retain the EUWF Unified World Ladies Title.
10. Justin Credible beat Triple H to retain the EUWF Unified World TV Title.
11. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Simon Diamond and Swinger to retain the EUWF Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
12. Jesus Bison, Raven, Kurt Angle, Scott Steiner, Rhino, Kane beat RJ Hammer, The Rock, Goldberg, Steve Corino, Steve Austin, Undertaker
Starcade 2001: A New Tradition-12/23/2001 results:
1. Spirit beat Justin Credible
2. Homicidal beat Tazz
3. Joe, Barbecue, Naughty By Nature, Mike Bison, Edge beat S.A.T., Backseat Boys, Piloit, Christian
4. Spider-Man and Chris Night beat Vlad and Mankind in a Double Coffin Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Venom beat Dallas Page to retain the EUWF European Title.
6. Booker T beat Raven
7. Speedster Lite beat Big Show
8. Chris Jericho beat Kurt Angle
9. Undertaker and Kane beat Outsiders
10. Lance Storm beat Tajiri
11. Doomsday kept the hardcore title and tv title in the double title ladder match against Jim Brooks.
12. Low Ki beat Steve Austin
13. Rob Van Dam beat Jesus Bison to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. Eddie Guerrero ran in and hit RVD with a brain buster but RVD kicked out. Venom attacked Guerrero and Big Bossman came out from the back to attack RVD but Doomsday attacked him. Bossman, Guerrero, Doomsday, Venom all fought to the back. RVD won following the van damanitor and van terminator.
2. Homicidal beat Tazz
3. Joe, Barbecue, Naughty By Nature, Mike Bison, Edge beat S.A.T., Backseat Boys, Piloit, Christian
4. Spider-Man and Chris Night beat Vlad and Mankind in a Double Coffin Match to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Venom beat Dallas Page to retain the EUWF European Title.
6. Booker T beat Raven
7. Speedster Lite beat Big Show
8. Chris Jericho beat Kurt Angle
9. Undertaker and Kane beat Outsiders
10. Lance Storm beat Tajiri
11. Doomsday kept the hardcore title and tv title in the double title ladder match against Jim Brooks.
12. Low Ki beat Steve Austin
13. Rob Van Dam beat Jesus Bison to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title. Eddie Guerrero ran in and hit RVD with a brain buster but RVD kicked out. Venom attacked Guerrero and Big Bossman came out from the back to attack RVD but Doomsday attacked him. Bossman, Guerrero, Doomsday, Venom all fought to the back. RVD won following the van damanitor and van terminator.
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-12/23/2002 results:
The show starts with Doomsday waiting for a limo in a parking lot with a baseball bat. One drives up in Flair and Low Ki tried to get out but Doomsday starts hitting the limo with the bat. The limo drives away. Videos were shown of wrestlers saying what they wanted for christmas.
1. RC Haas beat Ken
2. Spirit beat D'Lo Brown
The beat up limo pulls back into the parking entrance of the building. Flair, Low Ki, Bison get out and run to their locker room. Doomsday was shown watching this and saying time to get really rough.
3. Marc Briscoe and Divine Storm beat Jay Briscoe and Night Brothers
4. Rob Van Dam beat Tommy Dreamer
Elite was shown in their locker room when a chain saw ripped through the door and cutting a whole in it. Doomsday puts his head through it.
Doomsday: "Here's Johnny!" Doomsday cuts a bigger whole through the door goes through. Big Show, Lensar, Steiner held off Doomsday and the chain saw with chairs while Jesus Bison got away in the limo. Doomsday starts chasing Elite around the building with the chain saw till Barbecue order him to stop. Barbecue then made a tag match for the main event with Doomsday and Jim Ross v.s. Low Ki and Jerry Lawler. JR and Lawler had been fighting all night long with words and Doomsday wanted his hands on Low Ki so bad.
5. Jerry Lynn beat Lance Storm
6. Edge beat Booker T to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Joe and Barbecue beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Low Ki and Jerry Lawler beat Doomsday and Jim Ross
1. RC Haas beat Ken
2. Spirit beat D'Lo Brown
The beat up limo pulls back into the parking entrance of the building. Flair, Low Ki, Bison get out and run to their locker room. Doomsday was shown watching this and saying time to get really rough.
3. Marc Briscoe and Divine Storm beat Jay Briscoe and Night Brothers
4. Rob Van Dam beat Tommy Dreamer
Elite was shown in their locker room when a chain saw ripped through the door and cutting a whole in it. Doomsday puts his head through it.
Doomsday: "Here's Johnny!" Doomsday cuts a bigger whole through the door goes through. Big Show, Lensar, Steiner held off Doomsday and the chain saw with chairs while Jesus Bison got away in the limo. Doomsday starts chasing Elite around the building with the chain saw till Barbecue order him to stop. Barbecue then made a tag match for the main event with Doomsday and Jim Ross v.s. Low Ki and Jerry Lawler. JR and Lawler had been fighting all night long with words and Doomsday wanted his hands on Low Ki so bad.
5. Jerry Lynn beat Lance Storm
6. Edge beat Booker T to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Joe and Barbecue beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. Low Ki and Jerry Lawler beat Doomsday and Jim Ross
TTWF December 23 Show results:
Best Of TTWF 2003 Part 1
ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-12/23/2006 3 Hour Special results:
1. Rob Van Dam beat Chris Benoit, AJ Styles, CM Punk in a 4 Way Dance to win a shot at the ECW World Heavyweight Title later tonight.
2. Trent Acid beat Chris Hero and Jimmy Jacobs in a 3 Way Dance.
3. BJ Whitmer beat Colt Cabana and Mr. Kennedy in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Dudleyz beat Austin Aries/Roderick Strong, FBI, Briscoe Brothers in a 4 Way Dance to win a shot at ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles at Christmas Bash 2006.
5. Shane Helms beat James Gibson and Jerry Lynn in a 3 Way Dance.
6. Homicide beat Low Ki and Rocky Romero in a 3 Way Dance to retain the ECW US Title.
7. Eric Young beat Super Crazy to retain the ECW IC Title.
8. Larry Sweeny beat Harry Smith to retain the ECW World TV Title.
9. Christopher Daniels beat B-Boy to win the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
10. Naughty By Nature beat Hoodies, Mr. America/Nick Berk, Knockout/Slasher in a 4 Way Dance to win a shot at the ECW World Hardcore Tag Title at Christmas Bash 2006. It was down to NBN and Real Americans but Rhino came in spearing Berk letting NBN win. After the match Rhino announced that he would face Berk and America in a Handicap Match at Christmas Bash 2006.
11. Guile and Taion beat Doomsday and Venom in a Christmas Death Match to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. Chris Hero ran in to try to cost Guile and Taion the match leading to Venom trying to superplex Guile through a table and weapons. That didn't happen because Mike Bison came out hitting Venom with a chair sending him crashing through the table and stuff. Guile covered Venom for the win. It was announced during the title match that the Tag Title match at Christmas Bash will be 3 Way Dance with Guile and Taion v.s. Dudleyz v.s. Doomsday and Venom.
12. Jack Crystal beat Rob Van Dam to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
2. Trent Acid beat Chris Hero and Jimmy Jacobs in a 3 Way Dance.
3. BJ Whitmer beat Colt Cabana and Mr. Kennedy in a 3 Way Dance.
4. Dudleyz beat Austin Aries/Roderick Strong, FBI, Briscoe Brothers in a 4 Way Dance to win a shot at ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles at Christmas Bash 2006.
5. Shane Helms beat James Gibson and Jerry Lynn in a 3 Way Dance.
6. Homicide beat Low Ki and Rocky Romero in a 3 Way Dance to retain the ECW US Title.
7. Eric Young beat Super Crazy to retain the ECW IC Title.
8. Larry Sweeny beat Harry Smith to retain the ECW World TV Title.
9. Christopher Daniels beat B-Boy to win the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
10. Naughty By Nature beat Hoodies, Mr. America/Nick Berk, Knockout/Slasher in a 4 Way Dance to win a shot at the ECW World Hardcore Tag Title at Christmas Bash 2006. It was down to NBN and Real Americans but Rhino came in spearing Berk letting NBN win. After the match Rhino announced that he would face Berk and America in a Handicap Match at Christmas Bash 2006.
11. Guile and Taion beat Doomsday and Venom in a Christmas Death Match to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles. Chris Hero ran in to try to cost Guile and Taion the match leading to Venom trying to superplex Guile through a table and weapons. That didn't happen because Mike Bison came out hitting Venom with a chair sending him crashing through the table and stuff. Guile covered Venom for the win. It was announced during the title match that the Tag Title match at Christmas Bash will be 3 Way Dance with Guile and Taion v.s. Dudleyz v.s. Doomsday and Venom.
12. Jack Crystal beat Rob Van Dam to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
Winter Bash 2007-12/23/2007 results:
1. Jimmy Jacobs and Nerco Butcher beat Machine and Sagat to retain the ECW World HC Tag Team Titles.
2. Paul London and Spanky beat Briscoe Brothers to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Taion beat Guile to retain the ECW World TV Title.
4. Cody Rhodes beat Ray Gordy to win the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Claudio Castagnoli beat 2 Cold Scorpio to retain the ECW IC Title.
6. Jeff Hardy beat Roderick Strong to win the EUWF IC Title.
7. AJ Styles beat CM Punk to retain the ECW US Title.
8. MVP beat Doomsday to win the EUWF US Title.
9. Iron Saints beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks to win the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Real Americans Alliance (Great Kahli and Umaga) beat Spirit and Jack Crystal to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Titles Rematch: Mr. America and Chris Hero v.s. Spirit and Jack Crystal. Before the match Mr. America came and announced that because of the fact that contract was signed Real Americans Alliance that any member of the group could defend the belts. After the match RJ said he couldn't do anything about the any member but said that they better get some that can climb ladders. He made a match spirit and jack crystal v.s. RAA members in a TLC Match for tag titles.
11. Samoa Joe beat Chris Harris to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
12. Mike Bison beat Randy Orton to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
2. Paul London and Spanky beat Briscoe Brothers to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. Taion beat Guile to retain the ECW World TV Title.
4. Cody Rhodes beat Ray Gordy to win the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Claudio Castagnoli beat 2 Cold Scorpio to retain the ECW IC Title.
6. Jeff Hardy beat Roderick Strong to win the EUWF IC Title.
7. AJ Styles beat CM Punk to retain the ECW US Title.
8. MVP beat Doomsday to win the EUWF US Title.
9. Iron Saints beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks to win the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Real Americans Alliance (Great Kahli and Umaga) beat Spirit and Jack Crystal to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Titles Rematch: Mr. America and Chris Hero v.s. Spirit and Jack Crystal. Before the match Mr. America came and announced that because of the fact that contract was signed Real Americans Alliance that any member of the group could defend the belts. After the match RJ said he couldn't do anything about the any member but said that they better get some that can climb ladders. He made a match spirit and jack crystal v.s. RAA members in a TLC Match for tag titles.
11. Samoa Joe beat Chris Harris to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
12. Mike Bison beat Randy Orton to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl Special:
12 Death Matches Of Christmas 3 (From The Arena)-December 23 results:
12 Death Matches Of Christmas 3 (From The Arena)-December 23 results:
The show began with Tommy Dreamer announcing that due to personal reasons he rather not say he is leaving ECW. The whole locker room came from the back to thank Tommy.
1. Naughty By Nature beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous in a Christmas Gift Wrapping Death Match.
2. Sexxy Eddy beat Mr. America in a Christmas Fans Bring The Weapons Death Match.
3. Danny Havoc beat Power Warrior in a Reindeer Reins Death Match.
4. Drake Younger beat Taion in a Naughty or Nice on Santa's List Death Match.
5. Necro Butcher beat Street Warrior in a Christmas Present Death Match.
6. Doomsday beat Masada in a Christmas Stocking Death Match.
7. Cyrus Bourne beat Guile in a Skyway Of Barbed Wire Christmas Wreath and Weapons Death Match to retain the TWF World TV Title. After the match Guile attacked Cyrus with the barbed wire and Cyrus challenged Guile to a cage match at Christmas Bash 2009. Guile agreed.
8. Abyss beat Stevie Richards in a Golden Ring Thumbtack Death Match.
9. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Night Brothers in a Candy Canes Light Tube Death Match.
10. Dudleyz beat Colon Brothers in a Christmas Dinner Table Match to retain the ECW/EUWF/TWF US Tag Team Titles.
11. Venom beat Eric Bison in a Christmas Eve Shoppers Lumberjack Match to win the TWF World Heavyweight Title and Doomsday Inc members gets to keep their hair. Earlier Eric, Guile, Commander were shown having a secret stratogy meeting about making sure Eric wins. Eric and Guile walk off as Bella Twins walk up to Commander. Commander and Bellas walk away. Commander didn't show up as lumberjack till the end when Guile started a fight with Cyrus Bourne leading to a huge fight between lumberjacks. Commander came in the ring with a chair but instead of hitting Venom he hit Eric. He took his mask off to reveal it wasn't Commander but Mike Bison. He helped Venom hit a double team venom stinger for the win before leaving.
12. Hoodies beat Spirit and Jack Crystal in a No Rope Barbed Wire, Electrified Christmas Lights, and Weapons Death Match to win the TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles and keep their EUWF/TWF/ECW careers. During the match Spirit and Jack handcuffed Car Jacker and threw him into back of a car that was waiting out front of the arena. They double teamed Street Hustler till Street Warrior came out to even the match. Spirit and Jack then tried to leave the arena in another car but Jack opened the car door as he says the car looked fimilar. Car Jacker was in as he had gotten free and taken over the car driving it back to the arena. All three hoodies bring Spirit and Jack back into the building and Street Warrior went back to the back. The end came when Car Jacker hit a superplex off a ladder through a table on Spirit that was followed by Hustler hitting a elbow on Spirit from the ladder for the win. Street Warrior, Venom, Doomsday, Taion, Lady Gangster, Machine, Sagat, Mike Bison, Night Brothers, Cyrus Bourne, Dudleyz, Power Warrior, Necro Butcher, Sexxy Eddy, Naguhty By Nature, Danny Havoc, Drake Younger, Masada came from the back to celebrate with the Jacker and Hustler. Hustler got on the mic and thanked the fans for coming out tonight and in 2009. He said without the fans there would be no ECW, Hoodies, no TWF, no EUWF. He also said that just Rocco Rock said almost 12 years ago if wasn't for them they wouldn't be able to do half the things they do. He then wished everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year before saying that will be in the arena January 2 to end the show.
1. Naughty By Nature beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous in a Christmas Gift Wrapping Death Match.
2. Sexxy Eddy beat Mr. America in a Christmas Fans Bring The Weapons Death Match.
3. Danny Havoc beat Power Warrior in a Reindeer Reins Death Match.
4. Drake Younger beat Taion in a Naughty or Nice on Santa's List Death Match.
5. Necro Butcher beat Street Warrior in a Christmas Present Death Match.
6. Doomsday beat Masada in a Christmas Stocking Death Match.
7. Cyrus Bourne beat Guile in a Skyway Of Barbed Wire Christmas Wreath and Weapons Death Match to retain the TWF World TV Title. After the match Guile attacked Cyrus with the barbed wire and Cyrus challenged Guile to a cage match at Christmas Bash 2009. Guile agreed.
8. Abyss beat Stevie Richards in a Golden Ring Thumbtack Death Match.
9. Brian Thunder and Duke beat Night Brothers in a Candy Canes Light Tube Death Match.
10. Dudleyz beat Colon Brothers in a Christmas Dinner Table Match to retain the ECW/EUWF/TWF US Tag Team Titles.
11. Venom beat Eric Bison in a Christmas Eve Shoppers Lumberjack Match to win the TWF World Heavyweight Title and Doomsday Inc members gets to keep their hair. Earlier Eric, Guile, Commander were shown having a secret stratogy meeting about making sure Eric wins. Eric and Guile walk off as Bella Twins walk up to Commander. Commander and Bellas walk away. Commander didn't show up as lumberjack till the end when Guile started a fight with Cyrus Bourne leading to a huge fight between lumberjacks. Commander came in the ring with a chair but instead of hitting Venom he hit Eric. He took his mask off to reveal it wasn't Commander but Mike Bison. He helped Venom hit a double team venom stinger for the win before leaving.
12. Hoodies beat Spirit and Jack Crystal in a No Rope Barbed Wire, Electrified Christmas Lights, and Weapons Death Match to win the TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles and keep their EUWF/TWF/ECW careers. During the match Spirit and Jack handcuffed Car Jacker and threw him into back of a car that was waiting out front of the arena. They double teamed Street Hustler till Street Warrior came out to even the match. Spirit and Jack then tried to leave the arena in another car but Jack opened the car door as he says the car looked fimilar. Car Jacker was in as he had gotten free and taken over the car driving it back to the arena. All three hoodies bring Spirit and Jack back into the building and Street Warrior went back to the back. The end came when Car Jacker hit a superplex off a ladder through a table on Spirit that was followed by Hustler hitting a elbow on Spirit from the ladder for the win. Street Warrior, Venom, Doomsday, Taion, Lady Gangster, Machine, Sagat, Mike Bison, Night Brothers, Cyrus Bourne, Dudleyz, Power Warrior, Necro Butcher, Sexxy Eddy, Naguhty By Nature, Danny Havoc, Drake Younger, Masada came from the back to celebrate with the Jacker and Hustler. Hustler got on the mic and thanked the fans for coming out tonight and in 2009. He said without the fans there would be no ECW, Hoodies, no TWF, no EUWF. He also said that just Rocco Rock said almost 12 years ago if wasn't for them they wouldn't be able to do half the things they do. He then wished everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year before saying that will be in the arena January 2 to end the show.
TWF/EUWF's Superstars-12/23/2010 results:
1. Doomsday beat Sagat in a Non Title Match.
2. Joe, Barbecue, Hoodies beat High Flyers, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks
3. Venom beat Machine to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
4. Bryan Danielson beat Mike Bison and Wade Barrett in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
2. Joe, Barbecue, Hoodies beat High Flyers, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks
3. Venom beat Machine to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
4. Bryan Danielson beat Mike Bison and Wade Barrett in a 3 Way Non Title Match.
EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-12/23/2011 results:
1. Ms. America, Lady Bruisers, Harley Wayfield, Alcarda Vania beat Glamazon Trio, Laurie Hammer, Sandy Gales
2. Power Warrior beat Robert Roode
3. Piloit and Jackson Rouch beat Brett Wayfield and Ricochet
4. Tyler Black and Roderick Strong beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
5. Taion and Jack Swagger beat Jay Lethal and El Generico
6. Young Bucks and Davey Richards beat Hoodies
7. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Wade Barrett and Ezkiael Jackson in a Non Title Match.
8. Mr. America, New Bruise Brothers, Mark Henry, Bubba Jones, Christopher Daniels beat Mike Bison, Tyler Black, Bryan Danielson, TJ Wilson, Machine, Sagat in a The Christmas Brawl Match.
2. Power Warrior beat Robert Roode
3. Piloit and Jackson Rouch beat Brett Wayfield and Ricochet
4. Tyler Black and Roderick Strong beat Spirit and Jack Crystal
5. Taion and Jack Swagger beat Jay Lethal and El Generico
6. Young Bucks and Davey Richards beat Hoodies
7. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Wade Barrett and Ezkiael Jackson in a Non Title Match.
8. Mr. America, New Bruise Brothers, Mark Henry, Bubba Jones, Christopher Daniels beat Mike Bison, Tyler Black, Bryan Danielson, TJ Wilson, Machine, Sagat in a The Christmas Brawl Match.
Sunday Night Party 100-12/23/2012 results:
1. Pink Dudley beat Eve, Layla Moonshine in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.
2. Super Smash Brothers beat Future Shock to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. SCUM beat El Generico and LAX
4. Doomsday beat Brian Thunder to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
5. Michel Elgin wrestled Roderick Strong to a 20 Minute Draw to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
6. Briscoe Brothers and New Public Eneemy beat Machine, Sagat, Venom, Jack Crystal
7. Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Rhino beat Bison Brothers and Cyrus Bourne
8. Eddie Edwards beat Low Ki to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
2. Super Smash Brothers beat Future Shock to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
3. SCUM beat El Generico and LAX
4. Doomsday beat Brian Thunder to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
5. Michel Elgin wrestled Roderick Strong to a 20 Minute Draw to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
6. Briscoe Brothers and New Public Eneemy beat Machine, Sagat, Venom, Jack Crystal
7. Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, Rhino beat Bison Brothers and Cyrus Bourne
8. Eddie Edwards beat Low Ki to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
TWF's Tuesday Night Wars: Christmas Special 2014-12/23/2014 results:
1. Eric Rowan, Brodie Lee, Daryl Ranger, Daniel Xtreme, Hardcore Bytch, Sara Jane Wyatt beat Hoodies, Naughty By Nature, Pink Dudley, Jade Thunder in a Christmas Wrapping Match.
2. Guile beat Taion
3. Spirit beat Masion Dixie
4. Jackson Rouch and Brett Wayfield beat Eric Bison and Sagat in a Druken Eggnog Match.
5. Jack Crystal beat Piloit
6. Crazy beat Wildfire
7. Warrior Ninjas beat Ash Hyde and American Heroes in a Christmas Fans Bring The Weapons Match.
8. Kevin Steen, Bubba Jones, Hollywood Doomsday beat Cyrus Bourne, Rusev, Bryatt Wyatt in a Miracle On 34th Street Fight Match.
2. Guile beat Taion
3. Spirit beat Masion Dixie
4. Jackson Rouch and Brett Wayfield beat Eric Bison and Sagat in a Druken Eggnog Match.
5. Jack Crystal beat Piloit
6. Crazy beat Wildfire
7. Warrior Ninjas beat Ash Hyde and American Heroes in a Christmas Fans Bring The Weapons Match.
8. Kevin Steen, Bubba Jones, Hollywood Doomsday beat Cyrus Bourne, Rusev, Bryatt Wyatt in a Miracle On 34th Street Fight Match.
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