The show began with The Family coming to the ring claiming they are now full owners of the EUWF, TWF, ECW after last night. RJ Hammer said its good to be back in charge and lots of bad things have happen since he lost control. To many injures and he blames Authority, Mike Bison, Laurie Hammer. Speedster Lite then mentions how everything came together during the summer and all pieces were there. From James Storm attacking Trooper 2 before being allowed to take his place. Alberto Del Rio being there after john cena being injured. The Kingdom and Samoa Joe's actions. Naughty By Nature got on the mic with Basher saying that they blame 2015 being a down year on Doomsday and Venom ever trusting Hoodies, Doomsday Kid, Venomous. It blew up in their faces and once The Family got the offer they couldn't turn it down. Night Brothers said they got involved because it was time for a change. Speedster Lite tried to have ring announcer announce them as new owners but Machine came out. He said that they are not for several reasons. Because you couldn't the win the match by pinfall and they weren't even part of the match. If they don't like it they can take it up with board of directors who came down with emergency decision that the match was a no contest.
1. Prince Devitt beat Cyrus Bourne
2. Jackson Rouch beat Sami Callihan
Stephanie McMahon came on screen saying that her and husband are still part owners after last night. Backing up the board of directors decision. Kevin Steen and Seth Owens came up to her afterwords. Kevin says authority in shambles and needs people to protect him from Sami Zayn. Roman Reigns, John Moxly, Sami Callihan, The New Day, Prime Time Players, Ricochet, Apollo Crews, and The League Of Nations of Sheamus, Rusev, Wade Barrett, Pac said they were still with authority and back Steen up. Steen says he felt better.
3. Seth Owens beat Blood Ninja
4. Mr. Venom beat Ricochet
Machine was found backstage bloody and seriously hurt.
5. Taion beat AR Fox
6. Jay Lethal beat Mr. America
Laurie Hammer came on and also backing up board of directors decision. She said her father, her uncle, and friends actions were horrible. They won't stand as them trying to force the decision in their favor didn't work out for them.
7. Freddie Waldeno beat TJ Perkins
8. Kenny King beat Brett Wayfield to win the Unified Word Lightweight Title.
9. Night Brothers and Speedster Lite beat Donity Brothers and Sagat when Donity Brothers turned on Sagat. After the match Backlot Warriors joined The Family in beating down the TWF Army to end the show.
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