The show began with AJ Styles, Robert Roode, The Miz, Rusev, Bryatt Wyatt, Tyler Black in the ring. Shane McMahone came out announcing that due to complications with injury (that might have to do with his rr match) Samoa Joe has been stripped of EUWF World Heavyweight Title. Its become clear joe won't be cleared for Wrestlemania 34 but if he is he will be added to the main event. Till then a new champion will be crowned this sunday. The Miz and Roode stayed in the ring with Miz saying that it was time for his own group. He says that he Robert Roode are the first two members of The Prestige. Best and most talented in wrestling need only aplly. He then introduced Young Bucks, Prince Devitt, Doc Gallows, Karl Anderson as members too. Jim Brooks and Star Pryde came out asking about Star Enterpises. Miz says its dead and Bucks superkick star. The rest attack Jim till American Heroes and Speedster Lite made the save.
1. Ruby Riot and Sarah Logan beat Nattie Neidhart and Naomi to retain the Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
2. Drew Gulak, Tony Neese, Lucha Dragons beat Spirit, Jack Crystal, Black Valyrie
3. Brodie Lee beat John Fire
4. Piloit and Masion Dixie beat Uso Brothers
5. Tye Dillinger beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
6. Cyrus Bourne beat Cederick Alexander
7. Ricochet beat Seth Owens
8. Robert Roode, Mr. America, Brian Thunder beat Tyler Black and Bad Influnece
9. Bryatt Wyatt and Matt Hardy beat Rusev/Aiden English and Naughty By Nature in a Valentine's Day Hardcore Match to win the EUWF US Tag Team Titles.
10. The Miz beat AJ Styles to retain the EUWF US Title.
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