The show began with Theodore Richard Bornado III being crowned the new king of the ring. Theodore then knighted his cousin Tristan Heartsend and introduced everyone to Patricia Bryan as his queen. Theodore says he is moving on from Peter Spider and looking to TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot at Wrestlemania 34. Peter Spider came from the back saying he is not done with Theodore as matter of fact because Peter won Lightweight Title last sunday that is for sure true. Theodore looked confused as Peter explained that Best Of Lightweight Tournament is coming up and either he can defend the title in tournament or vacated it for a TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot. Peter said he just gone talking to Barbecue and he confirmed that title shot will be at Wrestlemania 34. Theodore was mad saying he will never make it to WM34 and Peter started to come to the ring. Theodore mocked him for being alone and Peter stopped. Freddie Waldeno came from the crowd standing next to Peter and they headed to the ring. Queen Patricia stood infront of Theodore and Tristan. Freddie got on the mic saying he ran into old friend of Patricia while watching this mess backstage and Misty Dawnner came out. Patricia up until now had been one third of queens of wrestling with Misty and Caroline Dimelight. Peter, Freddie, Misty cleared the ring of heals and Barbecue came from the back. He made a Hardcore Match between Theodore and Tristan v.s. Peter and Freddie and Patricia v.s. Misty for Queens Of Wrestling name at After The Dawn PPV.
1. Ligi Brothers beat Purple Haze
2. The Players beat Maro Sisters
3. Dogs Of War beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
4. Seth Owens beat Speedster Lite, Guile, Eric Bison in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
5. Cyrus Bourne beat Brian Thunder, Stanley Cross, Jack Crystal in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
6. Mark Night beat Ash Hyde, Bubba Jones, Jack Pink in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
7. Bruce Doomsday beat Will Nightmare, Jeffery Alpha, Taion in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
8. Eddie Venom beat Jim Brooks, Spirit, Sagat in a 4 Way Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match.
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