Monday, October 21, 2019

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-October 21-Surviving Months 2019 Day 46 results

1. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 8 Match: Allyah beat Delliah Doomsday
2. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 8 Match: Lucha Dragons beat Ulysses Taion and Gavin Guile
3. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 8 Match: Moose beat Raymond Roadblock
4. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 8 Match: Jade Thunder beat Bayley
5. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 8 Match: The Forgetton Sons beat Kings Of Wrestling
6. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 8 Match: Johnthan Gresham beat Ali
7. Surviving Months 2019 Women's Tournament Round 8 Match: Candice LaRae beat Io Shirai
8. Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 8 Match: Beaver Boys beat Desi Hit Squad
9. Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 8 Match: Angel Garza beat Dolph Ziggler
10.  Johnny Garganno and AJ Styles beat King Gary and Ash Hyde

Filmed For EUWF Network:
Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 8 Matches:

1. Jessica Jane beat Lilth Venomous
2. oVe beat Jump Start
3. Roderick Strong beat Marcus Croft
4. Karen Kelly beat Carmella
5. Tate Twins beat Kong Remer and Link Rod
6. Prince Thomas beat Jim Brooks
7. Sophia Warrior beat Loretta Savior
8. Sir Fisher and Sir Felix beat PCO and Brody King
9. Seth Owens beat Kofi Kingston
10. Pink Dudley beat Tiffany Lane
11. Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Hoodies
12. No Way Jose beat EC3

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