Tuesday, October 1, 2019

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-October 1-Surviving Months 2019 Day 27 results

The show started with Machine coming out to make announcement about October Bloodfest 2019 main event after the events of last night's raw.  He was interupted by Harrison Boss who says King Gary getting title shot isn't he.  Machine said maybe.  Harrison said he didn't deserve anything.  He stolen everything from him, Theodore, Tristan.  That is nothing loser that got handed everything to him.  Machine said this was about Prince Thomas.  Harrison said Thomas was a loser that he was only one team up with.  Thomas one claim to fame was he beat Jimmy Rave 6 years ago.  No one remembers who Jimmy Rave is.  That this was more then just thomas.  This was about so much more and as long as King Gary gets title shots he will be there to make sure he doesn't win.  Machine told if he did then he be finned and suspended.  That mangment is tired of him getting invovled in these matches.  Harrison says screw him and mangment and left the ring.  Machine said before goes that he got announcement to make about sunday.  It will be Johnny Garganno defending the EUWF World Heavyweight Title against King Gary and Harrison Boss and maybe 4th person.  Inside Hell In A Cell.

Surviving Months 2019 Tournament Round 5:
1. Delliah Doomsday beat Stacy America
2. Dogs Of War beat PYT
3. Phillip Donity beat Lince Dorado
4. Helena Bytch beat Tabitha Boshidua
5. Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Connor Stark and Bruce Summers
6. Spirit beat Dolph Ziggler
7. Sarah Temptress beat Carol Ninja
8. Marcus Dove and Owen Star beat Shot Busters
9. Sir Rex beat Joe Henning

Filmed For EUWF Network:
Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 5 Matches:

1. Dinah Spade beat Star Pryde
2. Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Rick Knife and Stu Bomb
3. Velveteen Dream beat Brian Kendrick
Jessamyn Duke beat Sandy Gales
5. Colin East and Colton West beat Alistar Hound and Travis Jazz
6. Eddie Venom beat Shane Taylor
7. Ember Moon beat Tamina
8. Brett and Chris Prowl beat Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson
9. Trevor Lee beat Cyrus Bourne
10. Harley Wayfield beat Stacy Doomsday
11. Dagger and Knight Hunter beat Uso Brothers
12. Bruce Doomsday beat AR Fox

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