Sunday, September 22, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-September 22 (Bison revels in Armageddon Knights/Dark Horsemens problems, Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2002 Day 1, Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2003 Day 2, Mike Wins Second King Of The Death Matches, King Of The Death Matches V/VI, Queen Of The Death Matches II, Delirious Wins EUWF World Heavyweight Title, Jericho taken out, Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2014 Day 3, King Of The Death Matches XVII, Queen Of The Death Matches XIII, Tag Team Death Match Tournament VI, Divas Revolution vs TWF Girls Special, Harrison Boss responses to Prince Thomas)

This Day In Wrestling History-September 22:
Wednesday Night Brawl-9/22/1999 results:

1. Han and Luke beat Trooper 7 and 8
2. Samurai Kid beat Cyborg
3. Ninja Kid beat Trooper 6
4. Shadow Ninja beat Trooper 5
Steven Prazak did a interview with King Bison backstage.  He had to catch him from leaving the arena. 
Steven: "Bison hold up man.  You look more depressed then you did on Sunday and Monday.  Where have you been before last Sunday?"
Bison: "Armageddon Knights and Dark Horseman have been having problems.  They are between the groups and with in the groups.  I guess it has to do with me not winning the company from RJ Hammer and losing the world title to him.  Helmsley started claming he should lead the Armageddon Knights now that he was champ.  I didn't agree, so he and Chyna left the group.  Undertaker and Kane was not to happy.  They left.  Kidman been having problems with me over not getting Venom to give him another shot at the EUWF World Lightweight Title and he left.  I'm no longer associated with Dark Horseman and many members have left."
Steven: "Who is left?"
Bison: "Me, Commander, Sgt. Destroyer, General Destroyer, Blanka, Rhendo, Troopers, Zangief, Taion, Hulk, Massacre, Destroyer, Dark Warriors, Doomsday Warriors, Venom, Crazy, Wildfire, Jade, Queen Baroness, Prince Michael, Vega, Awesome Knight, Giant Knight, Doomsday Knight, Crazy Knight, Duke, Spirit, Fire Knight, Lenny, Lodi, Claws, Guile, Sagat, Warrior Knight, Jungle Man, Jungle Knight, Vengeance, Prince Nightmare, Shark Knight, Water Knight, Sand Knight, Surf Knight, Dash, Darth, Rahin, Vengeance.  Excuse me but I got things to do."  King Bison starts to walk away.
Steven: "What about Vince McMahon?  Why haven't we seen him for weeks?"
Bison: "I'm not his keeper.  Why don't you find him?  I can't.  He won't return my calls or come to a meeting.  I don't know where he is.  I stop by his house and Linda answers the door.  She tells me that he is not there and she won't tell me where he is.  Excuse me but I'm leaving."
Steven: "What about your men?  They still got matches tonight.  Bison?"  He doesn't answer and continues walking away.
5. White Ninja beat Trooper 4
6. Snake Eyes beat Trooper 3
7. Dynamic Duo beat Trooper 1 and 2
8. Venom beat Billy Kidman to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title after Doomsday hit Kidman with the Lightweight title.  Jade, Venom, and Doomsday reunited after the match.

Saturday Slam Bash-9/22/2001 results:

1. Lady Ninja beat Lady Lightning
2. Ariel Bison and Scarlet beat Womankind and Jade
3. Hurricane Helms beat Dash
4. Piloit beat Strong Ninja
5. Ninja Kid beat Snake Eyes
6. New Jack beat Mankind
7. Low Ki beat Scotty 2 Hotty to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
8. Tajiri beat Matsunaga
9. Shadow WX beat Tommy Dreamer
10. Chris Jericho beat Spirit
11. Lance Storm beat Justin Credible to retain the EUWF IC Title.
12. Rhyno beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF US Title.

Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2002-Day 1-9/22/2002 results:
King Of The Death Matches Tournament 5:

EUWF World Hardcore Title Tournament:

Round 1-Barbed Wire Board and Bed Of Nails:
1. Tommy Dreamer beat Honma
2. Supreme beat O.D.D.
3. Homicide beat Mark Manson
4. Abdullah Koyabashi Jr. beat Pogo The Clown
5. Necro Butcher beat Jado
6. 2 Tuff Tony beat John Kronus
7. Justice Pain beat Axl Rotten
8. Angel (Baldies) beat Hardcore Holly

Barbed Wire Board and Thumbtack Ladder Match:
1. Devito beat RJ Hammer.  This match was original ended with a forfeit win for Devito due to RJ's bad knees but RJ attacked Devito.  RJ went for a moonsault but Devito moved and RJ landed on his knees.  The ref ended the match despite the protest of RJ.
2. Vic Grimes beat Dave Donovan
3. Crash Holly beat Alister Fear
4. Ryuji Yamakawa beat Mean Mitch Page
5. Shadow WX beat Iceberg
6. Mike Bison beat Adam Gooch
7. Matsunaga beat Lobo
8. Mike Awesome beat Kintaro Kanemura

Barbed Wire Table Match:
1. Doomsday beat
Nate Webb
2. Mankind beat
Yuichi Taniguchi
3. Guile beat
Corporal Robinson
4. Ian Rotten beat Buggaloo
5. Hido beat
Rollin Hard
6. Sabu beat
Mark Wolf
7. The Messiah beat Gedo
8. Sandman beat Men's Teoh

Light tube Table Match:
1. Onita beat
Cash Flo
2. Mad Man Pondo beat Balls Mahoney
3. New Jack beat Mr. Pogo
4. Nick Gage beat Nate Hatred
5. Crash The Terminator beat Winger
6. Wifebeater beat Tank
7. Zandig beat
Chuck E. Smooth
8. Venom beat
Homeless Jimmy

Round 2-Barbed Wire Rapped Ropes and Thumbtack Matches:
1. Tommy Dreamer beat Supreme
2. Abdullah Kobyashi Jr. beat Homicide
3. Necro Butcher beat 2 Tuff Tony
4. Justice Pain beat Angel (Baldies)

Four Corners Of Pain (Barbed Wire, Thumbtacks, Lighttubes, Bed Of Nails) Matches:
1. Vic Grimes beat Devito
2. Ryuji Yamakawa beat Crash Holly
3. Mike Bison beat Shadow WX
4. Mike Awesome beat Matsunaga

Dog Collar, Barbed Wire Strap, Lighttube Board, Barbed Wire Board Matches:
1. Doomsday beat Mankind
2. Ian Rotten beat Guile
3. Sabu beat Hido
4. Sandman beat The Messiah

Lightube Skyway Of Hell Match:
1. Mad Man Pondo beat Onita
2. Nick Gage beat New Jack
3. Wifebeater beat Crash The Terminator
4. Venom beat Zandig

Non Tournament Matches:
Day 1:

The show began with the whole locker room coming out to the ring.  Naughty By Nature were wearing Public Enemy jerseys.  They were also wearing black arm bands.  So were Doomsday, Venom, Joe, Barbecue
RJ: "Late last night I got a call that at first I thought was a joke.  Someone told a good friend of mine was dead.  I soon got another call and found it out to be true.  Rocco Rock died of a heart attack last night on his way to a wrestling show after wrestling Crowbar on a different show.  For over 6 year Ted and his tag team partner put on a whole lot of fun in this ring and a lot bloody action.  No one knew how old he actually was when this thing started except a few Internet marks.  I never told anyone that I almost wanted to pass on the Public Enemy.  I hadn't had a chance to see them in the ring and Paul told me about them.  I was like why would I want to waste my time with them but they proved me wrong and I'm glad they did.  From the rocky parody to all those hilarious interviews to everything that went into the ring he and grunge made wrestling a little more fun.  I can tell you wrestling in heaven will never be the same."
Basher: "Me and Smasher had a lot blood bathes and a lot of fun with Rock and Grunge.  All four of us pushed each other to our best and beyond each time we got into the ring against each other.  It was fun to wrestle him and Pitbull 1 11 days ago.  I never thought that would be the last time we wrestle each other or saw him.  This moment of silence is for you."  A moment of silence was held and a ten bell solute. 
Smasher: "TPE FOREVER!"  The wrestlers get the crowd into a TPE chant as they leave the ring.
1. Ric Flair beat Jim Brooks in a Chain Match.
2. Vlad and Guile beat Maximo Brothers to win EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
A meeting between RJ Hammer and wrestlers from earlier in the day was shown.  He offered everyone that wants to join a new start with no clique and no having himself wrestling or on screen all the time.  Backseat Boyz, Taion, Lady Trooper, Wildfire, Crazy all agreed to join the TTWF.
3. Christopher Daniels and Donovan Morgan beat Naughty By Nature to win EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
4. Brock Lensar beat Low Ki to win EUWF US Title.  Low Ki was given an option to not wrestle and take a few days off due to the injury he suffered last night at the Ring Of Honor show but Low Ki said he will go through with it now.
5. Rob Van Dam, Joe, Barbecue, Avenging Knights beat Jerry Lynn, Backseat Boyz, Chris Benoit, Speedster Lite
6. Jade beat Ariel Bison, Lady Speed, Lady Gangster, Scarlet, Lady Doomsday, Miss Lee, Lady Hammer, Fire Woman, Lady Xtreme, Crazy Woman in a No Rope, Skyway Of Hell, TLC, 100 Lighttube Death Match to win the second Queen Of The Death Matches.

Bruiser Broody Memorial Tournament-9/22/2003 Day 2 results:
EUWF's King Of The Death Matches Tournament VI:

Quater-Finals-Last Man Standing and Fans Bring The Weapons:

1. Shadow WX beat Tommy Dreamer
2. Vic Grimes beat Necro Butcher

Dog Collar, Taipei, Barbed Wire Strap:

1. Mike Bison beat Yamakawa
2. The Messiah beat Supreme

Barbed Wire Cage Match:

1. Nick Gage beat Crash The Terminator
2. Doomsday beat Mean Mitch Page

Fans Bring Weapons Filled Cage Match:

1. Venom beat Lowlife Louie
2. 2 Tuff Tony beat Sandman

Semifinals-No Rope Barbed Wire, 100 Light Tube, Four Corners Of Pain Death Match:

1. Shadow WX beat Vic Grimes

No Rope Barbed Wire, Weapons, Last Man Standing Death Match:

1. Mike Bison beat The Messiah to win the EUWF World Hardcore Title and retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title.  The Messiah challenged Mike before the match to put his NWA belt on the line and Mike said only if Messiah's hardcore title is on the line.  Messiah agreed.

No Rope Barbed Wire, Skyway Of Hell. I Quiet Match:

1. Nick Gage beat Doomsday

No Rope Barbed Wire, Table Stretcher Match:

1. Venom beat 2 Tuff Tony

Finals-No Rope Barbed Wire, 200 Light Tube, Cactus Plant, Thumbtack Bat, Barbed Wire Bat, Four Corners Of Pain. Last Man Standing, Exploding Ring Death Match:

1. Mike Bison beat Shadow WX, Nick Gage, Venom to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title and to win King Of The Death Matches Tournament VI.  This is his second straight tournament win.  Only RJ Hammer who won the first two tournaments have done that in any Death Match Tournament in any company.

Day 2 Non Tournament Matches:

1. Lita beat Jill Night and Lady Speed to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Special K beat Maximo Brothers/Juventud Guerrera, New Demolition, Divine Storm/Brian XL in a Scramble Match to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. CM Punk beat Sabu in a Tables Match to retain the EUWF European Title.
4. Homicide beat Bryan Danielson to retain the EUWF IC Title.
5. Masato Tanaka beat Brock Lensar to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Backseat Boyz beat Naughty By Nature, Rey Misterio Jr./Billy Kidman, Night Brothers to the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles
7. Kurt Angle beat Joe to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title
8. Christopher Daniels won #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and Shawn Michaels won #1 Contender For TTWF World Heavyweight Title in a 90 Minute Iron Man Match.  Both wrestlers will get their title shot at Halloween Hell 2003 on October 31.  Jim Brooks, Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn, AJ Styles, Chris Jericho, Speedster Lite, Bryan Danielson, Michael Shane, Paul London, Taion were also in the match.

Wednesday Night Brawl-9/22/2004 results:

Dark Matches:

1. Carlito Caribbean Cool beat Guile
2. Venom beat Sexxy Eddy

Velocity Taping:

1. B-Boy beat Shelton Benjamin
2. Ax and Crush From New Demolition beat Dynamic Duo
3. Lady Venom beat Gail Kim
4. Nick Berk beat Little Guido

Brawl Taping:

1. Dangerous Trio beat Nightmare and Sagat to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
2. Alex Shelley beat Randy Orton
3. Chris Sabin beat Nova
4. Chris Benoit beat Austin Aries
5. Chris Jericho beat John Cena
6. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Rhyno and Mr. America
7. Eddie Guerrero beat BJ Whitmer
8. Naughty By Nature beat Doomsday and Venom to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-9/22/2006 results:

1. Beth Phoenix beat Lady Machine to win the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. High Flyers beat New Demolition, Warrior Ninjas 1 and 3 and 5, Dangerous Trio in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. Milano Collection At beat Jack Evans, Matt Sydal, El Generico, Jimmy Yang, Brandon Thomassali in a 6 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
4. Alex Shelley beat Jimmy Rave to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Highlanders beat Matt Bentley/Frankie Karazarian, Hot Shots, Dynamic Duo in a 4 Way Dance to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Paul London and Spanky beat East/West Dragons, Chris Sabin/Super Dragon, Snake Eyes/John Fire in a 4 Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
7. John Cena beat Speedster Lite, Undertaker, Kane, Triple H, RJ Hammer, Shelton Benjamin, Shawn Michaels, Machine, Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, Randy Orton, Ruckus, Batistia, Big Show in a Table Elimination Match to win the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title and get a shot at the EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Halloween Hell October 31.  Shawn Michaels being runner up gets a title shot at EUWF's No Mercy on October 8.
8. Christian Cage beat Jim Brooks and Matt Hardy in a 3 Way TLC Match to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Saturday Night's At The Arena-9/22/2007 results:

The show began with photos of mike bison being treated after last monday attack on him and then showed Kurt Angle attacking Samoa Joe after Brawl went off the air on wednesday and christian cage joining in till Eric Bison, Taion, Guile made the save.
1. Motor City Machine Guns beat Blackout
2. Rhino beat Ace Steel
3. Sabu beat Taion
4. Balls Mahoney beat Spike Dudley to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title.
5. Eddie Kingston beat BJ Whitmer
6. Hardcore Bytch beat Jade to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
7. Christian Cage and Colt Cabana beat Samoa Joe and Machine
8. Matt Cross (M-Dogg 20) won the Open Invitational Gauntlet Battle Royal and Ladder Match to win the Vacant ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title. During the match Christian Cage, Colt Cabana, CM Punk attacked Eric Bison, Guile, Taion causing all 3 to be eliminated from the match. Jimmy Yang, Gran Akuma, Sal Rinauro, Commander, Azrieal, Delirious, Christopher Daniels, Milano Collection At, Sgt., Roadblock, Super Crazy, Doomsday Kid, Venomous, Elix Skipper, Jake Crist, Dave Crist, M-Dogg 20, Chase Stevens, Andy Douglas, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, Little Guido, Tony Mamaluke, Rhendo, Blanka, Street Hustler, Car Jacker, Knockout, Slasher, Sexy Eddy, Basher, Smasher, Nate Webb, JC Bailey, Jimmy Jacobs, Snake Eyes, Brian Thunder, Duke, John Fire, Matt Sydal, Jigsaw, Ruckus, Sabian, Rey Misterio Jr., Paul London, Spanky, Eric Young, AJ Styles, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Jack Evans, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Vlad, Impaler, El Generico, Matt Bentley, Frankie Karazarian, Elijah Burke, Ken, Ryu, Jay Briscoe, Marc Briscoe, B-Boy, Low Ki, Joe, Barbecue, Piloit, Jef Hardy, Sgt. Savior, General Savior, Basketcase, Nutcase, Fireball, Fire Knight, Venom, Doomsday, Davey Richards, Rocky Romero, Roderick Strong, Mike Quackenbush, Human Tornado, Shannon Moore, James Gibson were also in the match.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-9/22/2008 results:

The show started with a bloody Charlie Haas found back stage and announced that Delirious would take Haas place in the match later tonight.
1. Jack Swagger beat Chris Night
2. Matt Hardy beat Gran Akuma
3. Kevin Steen beat John Morrison
4. Rhendo and Blanka beat Joe and Piloit to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Colon Brothers beat Kenny King and Jason Blade
6. Brian Thunder, John Fire, Motor City Machine Guns beat Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, Mr. America, Duke, Snake Eyes
7. MVP beat Bryan Danielson to retain the #1 Contenders Trophy For EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
Before the match it was shown one of the locker rooms was blocked off and no one can get out.  Security and refs tried getting the stuff away from the door as the match started.
8. Delirious beat Mark Night to shockingly win the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Jacobs, Black, Duke, Snake Eyes, Chris Night, Backlot Warriors all got invovled while the ref confenatially looked away.  Delirious went to spray mist into Mark's eyes but hit the ref leading to Brian Thunder, John Fire, Motor City Machine Guns who weren't in the locker room came out but were out numbered.  Vampire Nation ran out surprisingly helping the faces after Sabrina and Thorn Rose lost the Women Tag Titles on saturday.  Heals beat on the faces and Vampire Nation till the lights went out.  Undertaker and Kane were in the ring when they came on clearing house of the heals.  Undertaker choke slammed Delirious and accidentally he landed enough on Mark for the ref to count three.  The heals and the ref leave celebrating as Undertaker, Kane, and the rest of faces and vampire nation are left in shock in the ring to end the show.

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-9/22/2009 results:

1. Road Knights beat Hot Shots
2. Hard Luck Fighters beat Johnny The Kid and Roadblock
3. Wildfire beat Crazy
4. Sagat won a 23 Man Battle Royal to win a TWF World Heavyweight Title shot at EUWF's 15 Year Birthday Party.  Power Warrior, Snake Eyes, Sagat, Mark Night, Cyrus Bourne, Piloit, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Darkness Backlot Warrior, Nightmare Backlot Warrior, Vlad, Impaler, Eric Bison, Blood Warrior, Spirit, Jack Crystal, Road Knights, Hard Luck Fighters, Wildfire, RJ Hammer was also in the match.  RJ put himself in the match after a argument earlier between himself and Eric.  The two fought the whole time they were in the match leading to everyone jumping them and eliminating them both.  RJ and Eric kept fighting after the match to the back where security split them up.  RJ then made match between himself and Eric for 15 Year Birthday Party.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-9/22/2010 results:

The show began with Chris Jericho heading into the building earlier in the day when a car barley hit him.  Then out of a bus came Kings Of Wrestling, Speed Inc, Fortune, MVWs attacking him laying him out and blooding him.  They even took a chair put it over his throat and slammed another on top.  AJ said this message that they will get they want.  Mike Bison was seen later coming into the building and was told by one producers that Jericho was attacked.  To the ring live Mike was already in the ring calling the Alliance out as this has to end and AJ came to the ring.  Mike challenged AJ and buddies to Hell In A Cell Elimination War Games match at October Bloodfest 2010 on October 3.  AJ said they won't do that but Star Pryde came out whispering something in his ear and AJ said they agree to it only if there group is allowed on EUWF or ECW shows whenever they want.  Not just the members that won the right already and Teddy Long came from the back saying he liked that idea.  Teddy said he hopes Mike wins and then announced a Dream Partner Tag Match between AJ and Mike for Syfy Premier of Friday Night Smackdown on October 1.  Then announced that the Hell In A Cell Cages will be down the whole show as the whole PPV will be contested in it.  AJ and Star had already left and mike seemed to like it.  Teddy then announced that Machine won't be teaming with Guile at October Bloodfest 2010 so he can be apart of the match for Triple Crown Hardcore Title.  Masada, Scotty Vortekz, Jack Crystal, Jim Brooks, Jackson Rouch, Doomsday, Sagat will also be in the match.
1. Jackson Rouch beat Christopher Daniels to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
2. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Necro Butcher and Eric Stevens to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
3. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Young Bucks to retain the ECW/EUWF/TWF US Tag Team Titles.
4. Lady Doomsday beat Cheerleader Melissa to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
5. Christopher Daniels/Homicide/Low Ki and American Wolves/Cyrus Bourne were last two teams in 6 Man Tag Team Gauntlet Match-For Future World Title Shots. Daniels/Cide/Ki will fight for the
Halloween Havoc 2010, SNP87, and Halloween Hell 2010 title shots.  American Wolves/Cyrus Bourne will fight for October Bloodfest 2010 title shot. Doomsday/Jackson Rouch/Joe, Masada/Jim Brooks/Jack Crystal, Rhino/Yoshitatsu/Mike Bison, Necro Butcher/Eric Stevens/AJ Styles, Machine/Sagat/Taion, Beer Money Inc./Frankie Kazarian,  Samoa Joe/Briscoe Brothers were also in the match.

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-9/22/2011 results:

1. Venom beat Jackson Rouch
2. Doomsday beat Joe
3. Brian Thunder beat Spirit
4. Taion beat Mike Bison to win the Sunday Night Party 93 Triple Crown Title Shot.  The end came when Rhino gored Mike with ref distracted and put taion ontop of mike for the win.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-9/22/2012 results:

1. Lady Doomsday and Lady Naughty By Nature beat Janet Lee Bison, Samantha Bison, Lady Trooper
2. Christopher Daniels beat Justin Gabriel
3. Sheamus and Rhino beat Machine and Sagat
4. El Generico beat Colt Cabana in a Non Title Match.
5. Cody Rhodes beat Rhett Titus in a Non Title Match.
6. Alex Shelley beat Ted Dibiase Jr.
7. Briscoe Brothers, Kevin Steen, Jimmy Jacobs beat Kings Of Wrestling and Night Brothers
8. CM Punk, Doomsday, Venom beat AJ Styles, Mike Bison, Rey Misterio Jr.

Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2014 Day 3-September 22 results:
King Of The Death Matches XVII-Quarter-Final Round:

1. Brett Wayfield beat Johnny The Kid beat in the Bracket 1-Barbed Wire TLC and Light Tubes Match.
2. Masasda beat Danny Havoc in the  Bracket 2-Light Tube Bundles and Fans Bring The Weapons Match.
3. Freddie Waldeno beat Lucky 13 in the Bracket 3-Light Tube Boards and Kenzai Match.
4. Peter Spider beat Devon Moore in the Bracket 4-Barbed Wire Bat and Dog Collar Match: Devon Moore v.s. Peter Spider

Semifinal Round-Weapons Filled Cage Match:

1. Masada beat Brett Wayfield
2. Peter Spider beat Freddie Waldeno

Final Round:

1. Peter Spider beat Masada in a No Rope Barbed Wire, Light Tube, Fans Bring The Weapons, Cindar Block, Plate Glass Death Match.

Queen Of The Death Matches XIII-Quarter-final Round:

1. Moonshine beat Alcarda Vania in the Bracket 1-Extreme Tables Match.
2. Harley Wayfield beat Mickie Knuckles in the Bracket 2-Barbed Wire and Light Tube Boards Match.
3. Firebird beat Lady Donity in the Bracket 3-Dog Collar and Fans Bring The Weapons Match.
4. Justine Hounda beat Jinx in the Bracket 4-Barbed Wire TLC: Jinx v.s. Justine Hounda

Semifinal Round-Light Tube Steel Cage Match:

1. Moonshine beat Harley Wayfield
2. Justine Hounda beat Firebird

Final Round:

1. Moonshine beat Justine Hounda in a No Rope Barbed Wire, Thumbtack, Swing For The Fences, Glass Plate Death Match.

Tag Team Death Match Tournament VI-Final Round:

1. Doomsday Kid and Venomous beat Hollywood Doomsday and Mr. Venom in a No Rope Barbed Wire, Scafold, Fans Bring The Weapons Match to win the Tournament.

Non Tournament Matches:

1. Corporal Robinson, Matt Tremont, Mean Mitch Page beat Machine/Mike Bison/Taion, Eric Bison/Sagat/Guile, Freakshow/Spider Bradow/John Wayne Murdoch in a 4 Way Anything Goes Match.
2. LuFisto beat Star Pryde
3. Cyrus Bourne, Sami Zayn, Austin Aries beat Wyatt Family
4. AJ Styles beat Piloit
5. Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian beat Tristan Heartsend and Richie Borndo
6. KENTA beat Ash Hyde

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars: Divas Revolution vs TWF Girls Special-
9/22/2015 results:

1. Bayley beat Lady Trooper
2. Ms. America beat Emma
3. Jade Thunder beat Alicia Fox
4. Naomi beat Janet Lee Bison
During the show another static message showed up saying only Forgotten.
5. Sasha Banks beat Pink Dudley
6. Hardcore Bytch beat Tamina
7. Natttie Neidhart beat Coroline Ninja
8. Jinx beat Charlotte
9. Paige beat Star Pryde
10. Alcardia Vana beat Brie Bella
11. Moonshine beat Becky Lynch, Sara Jane, Nikki Bella in a 4 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Ladies Title.

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-9/22/2016 results:

1. The Players beat Sandy Gales and Partricia Bryan
2. Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Purple Haze
3. Chris Gun beat Tommy Bernard
4. John Rose beat Tom Master
5. Remy Who beat Johnny The Kid
6. Connor Stark beat Vlad
7. Bruce Summers beat Rick Knife
8. Jim Brooks, Bo/Bryatt Wyatt, Naughty By Nature beat Seth Owens, Bison Brothers, Hollywood Doomsday, Mr. Venom

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-9/22/2019 results:

1. Lady Bruisers beat Queens Of Wrestling to win the vacant Unified World Ladies Tag Team Titles.  Belts were vacated after Sasha Banks was announced to be injured.
2. Eddie Venom beat John Fire
King Theodore III congrulated Square Stanley on winning the battle royal on thursday.  He said he give him a full knight hood if he won TWF World Heavyweight Title at
October Bloodfest 2018.
3. Bubba Jones beat Brian Thunder
4. Jackson Rouch beat Mark Night
Commander announced that the winner Harrison Boss v.s. Prince Thomas Hell In A Cell Match at
October Bloodfest 2018 will get TWF World Heavyweight Title Shot at Halloween Hell 2018.  Jim Brooks interputed him asking to put TWF World Heavyweight Tilte match at October Bloodfest 2018 since he has beaten Square Stanley several times in recent months.  Commander agreed.
5. Brett Wayfield beat Jeffery Alpha
6. Marcus Croft beat Seth Owens in a Non Title Match.
7. Ash Hyde beat Mr. America
8. King Theodore III, Sir Tristan, Square Stanley, Prince Thomas beat Peter Spider, Freddie Waldeno, Jim Brooks, Harrison Boss.  Before the match Harrison was interviewed.  He talked how he never knew jealously that Thomas harbored or that he wanted in KOTDM.  Harrison promised that he is going to make.  All he had to do was go to Machine, Barbecue, Commander, Thomas Boss to do it.  No he had no balls to and wanted blame him for it.   He said Prince Thomas scrwed him out of great moment.  That their will be blood at
October Bloodfest 2018 and lots of it.  The end came when Harrison brought out a bundle of light tubes.  He went to hit Thomas but ended up hitting peter.  This lead to stanley rolling Peter up for the win.  Peter and got into Harrison face over it till Jim and Freddie kept them apart to end the show

TWF's Tuesday Night Fire-9/22/2020-Surviving Months 2020 Day 47 results:
Surviving Months 2020 Tournament Round 8 Matches:

1. Benson Fire and Clay Ninja beat Drew Gulak and Tony Neese
2. Mandy Rose beat Justine Hounda
3. Andrade beat Jack Crystal
4. Nathan Blaster and Caleb Scare beat Imperium
5. Serena Vilonasis beat Nikki Cross
6. KUSHIDA beat Santos Escobar
7. Marvel Warriors beat The Miz and John Morrison
8. Queen Patricia beat Peyton Royce
9. Riddick Moss beat Timothy Thatcher

Taped Exclusively For EUWF Network:
Surviving Months 2020 Round 8 Matches:

1. Team Apocaylpse beat Gambit Inc
2. Janet Lee Bison beat Sandy Gales
3. Mercury Manson beat Roderick Strong
4. Purple Haze beat Kong Remer and Link Rod
5. Lucy Warrior beat Stacy Doomsday
6. Hugo Robin beat Trevor Lee
7. Hot Shots beat Remy Who and Tom Master
8. Dinah Spade beat Sophia Warrior
9. Jacob Clark beat
Tehuti Miles
10. Steven Doomsday and Anthony Venomous beat Jupiter Jordan and Xander Seed
11. Becky Knight beat Lilth Venomous
12. Jeff Hardy beat Adam Cole

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-Surviving Months 2021 Day 47-9/22/2021 results:
Surviving Months 2021 Tournament Round 8 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket F Match: Gigi Doolin beat Ariel Bison
2. Men's Bracket C Match: Axel Grey beat Chad Gable
3. Women's Bracket F Match: Queen Patricia beat Nattie Neidhart
4. Men's Bracket C Match: Athur Star beat Harrison Boss
5. Women's Bracket F Match: Sabrina Bruiser beat Molly Moonshine
6. Men's Bracket C Match: Mercury Manson beat Yuri Knight
7. Women's Bracket F Match: "The Baroness" Mandy Rose beat Samantha Bison
8. Men's Bracket C Match: Abel Moon beat Joe Jr
9. Women's Bracket F Match: Shayna Baszler beat Kay Lee Ray
10. Men's Bracket C Match: Spud beat Keith Lee

Filmed For EUWF Network/Peacock Exclusivily:
Surviving Months 2021 Tournament Round 8 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket C Match: Donna Springs beat Gabbe Gangstas
2. Men's Bracket F Match: Rey Misterio Jr beat Freddie Waldeno
3. Women's Bracket C Match: Jade Thunder beat Delilah Doomsday
4. Men's Bracket F Match: Greyson Walker beat Raymond Roadblock
5. Women's Bracket C Match:  Joise Jinx beat Auroa Stone
6. Men's Bracket F Match: Punishment Martinez beat Jim Brooks
7. Women's Bracket C Match: Karen Kelly beat Taylor Lanley
8. Men's Bracket F Match: Alistair Hound beat Dominik Dijakovic
9. Women's Bracket C Match: Pink Dudley beat Tegan Knox
10. Men's Bracket F Match: John Morrison beat Oney Lorcan

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-Surviving Months 2022 Day 50-9/22/2022 results:
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 8 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket B Match: Amari Miller beat Christine Crystal
2. Men's Bracket E Match: Benson Fire beat Brooks Jensen
3. Women's Bracket B Match: Mary Jane Sonid beat Serena Vilonanis
4. Men's Bracket E Match: Dexter Lumis beat Anthony Venomous
5. Women's Bracket B Match: Laura Smasher beat Star Pryde
6. Men's Bracket E Match: Theodore Borando beat Gavin Guile
7. Women's Bracket B Match: Ariel Bison beat Casey Crazy
8. Men's Bracket E Match: Riddick Moss beat Jack Crystal
9. Women's Bracket B Match: Alba Fyre beat Julie Fire
10. Men's Bracket E Match: Baron Corbin beat Carmello Hayes

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:
Surviving Months 2022 Tournament Round 8 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket E Match: Sandy Gales beat Rhea Ripley
2. Men's Bracket B Match: Jeffery Alpha beat Chad Gable
3. Women's Bracket E Match: Miranda Chaos beat Savanna Eve
4. Men's Bracket B Match: Roderick Strong beat Trick Williams
5. Women's Bracket E Match: Thea Hall beat Melody Trooper
6. Men's Bracket B Match: Tommaso Ciampa beat Mace
7. Women's Bracket E Match: Sally Gunnstone beat Yulisa Leon
8. Men's Bracket B Match: Nathan Blaster beat Sheamus 
9. Women's Bracket E Match: Bianca Belair beat Cora Jade
10. Men's Bracket B Match: Ricochet beat Sami Zayn

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-Surviving Months 2023 Day 45-9/22/2023 results:
Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Group Stage Round 7 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket A Match: Megan Wells beat Nikki Cross
2. Men's Bracket D Match: Jeffery Alpha beat Rex Lion
3. Women's Bracket A Match: Zelina Vega beat Delilah Doomsday
4. Men's Bracket D Match: Dante Chan beat Alan Jacks
5. Women's Bracket A Match: Jasmine Caronella beat Tiffany Lane
6. Men's Bracket D Match: Karrion Kross beat Mercury Manson
7. Women's Bracket A Match: Bethany Belle beat Ivy Nile
8. Men's Bracket D Match: Dennis Destroyer beat Carmelo Hayes
9. Women's Bracket A Match: Josie Jinx beat Rhea Ripley
10. Men's Bracket D Match: Drew Gulak beat Xavier Woods

Filmed For EUWF/Peacock Network Exclusively:
Surviving Months 2023 Tournament Group Stage Round 7 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket D Match: Millie Host beat Rebecca Knight
2. Men's Bracket A Match: Horus Venus beat llja Dragunov
3. Women's Bracket D Match: Lia Trooper beat Sarah Temptress
4. Men's Bracket A Match: Steven Doomsday beat Gary J
5. Women's Bracket D Match: Tegan Knox beat Katana Chance
6. Men's Bracket A Match: Gabriel Lock beat Sheamus
7. Women's Bracket D Match: Gina Gangstas beat Alcarda Vania
8. Men's Bracket A Match: Clifford Darkness beat Bishop Rider
9. Women's Bracket D Match: Christine Crystal beat Blair Davenport
10. Men's Bracket A Match: AJ Styles beat Eric Bison

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