Tuesday, September 24, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-September 24 (Slam Jam City 37, Unforgiven 2000, Steve Austin and Goldberg destroy the heals, Barbecue forced to wrestle for his Commissioner Job, Real American join Haymen's fight at Halloween Hell, Christian Run over and stripped of EUWF World Heavyweight Title, Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2016 Night 1, King Of Death Matches XIX/XX, Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2017 Night 2, Extreme Thursdsay 2020)

This Day In Wrestling History-September 24:
Slam Jam City 37-9/24/1998 results:

1. Doomsday and Venom beat Trooper 3 and 4 to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles
2. Syxx beat Spike Dudley to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Title.
3. Jim Brooks beat Ken Shamrock to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
4. Hunter Hearst Helmsley beat Dallas Page to retain the EUWF IC Title.
5. Scott Hall beat Undertaker
6. Rob Van Dam beat 2 Cold Scorpio to retain the EUWF US Title.
Nights came out and impersonated New Age Outlaws fully.  They entrance, the music, and calling themselves the New Age Nights.
7. New Age Nights beat Hart Brothers to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. RJ Hammer, New Jack, Speedster Lite beat Dudleys to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.

HCW/EUWF's Unforgiven 2000-9/24/2000 results:

On Heat Corino and the Undertaker sent all of the Old School Kings after Austin when he gets to the building.  There was one big problem.  Austin didn't come alone.  He came with Goldberg.
1. Kronic and Acolytes beat R.T.C.
2. Dynamic Duo beat Hardy Boys, Edge/Christian, Mark Night/Chris Night in a Four Way Cage Match to retain the HCW World Lightweight Tag Team Titles..
3. Joe beat Kid Kash to retain the HCW/EUWF Unified World Lightweight Title.
4. Yamakawa and Honma beat Naughty By Nature to retain the HCW/EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
5. Shadow WX beat Kurt Angle to win the HCW/EUWF Unified US Titles.  The ref was down and Matsunaga tried to interfere but Balls Mahoney made the save.  Balls and Matsunaga was fighting when Yamakawa ran to the ring and hit Kurt in the head with a lightbulb from the top rope.  He laid Shadow WX onto Kurt and woke up the ref.  Shadow WX walk to the back after the match and was attacked by Steve Austin.  Austin and Goldberg had already attacked and knocked out Rhino, Wall, Machine, Blood Massacre, Destroyer, Hulk, Troopers, Gedo, Jado, Armageddon Knights, Kane, Jack Victory, Blanka, Rhendo, Yamakawa, Honma, R.T.C., Spirit, Ninjas, Team Lightning, Falcon, Lance Storm, Justin Credible, Tazz, Barbecue, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Shane Douglas, Bruise Brothers, Acolytes, Kronic, Baldies, Big Vito, Jeff Jarrett, Mike Bison, King Bison, Commander, Guile, Duke, Public Enemy, Dudleys, Diamond, Swinger, C.W. Anderson, Raven.
6. Matsunaga, Headhunters, Kasai, Kanemura, Tanaka beat Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Eddie Guerrero, Mike Awesome, Hollywood Doomsday, Mr. Venom in a Hell In A Cell Death Math.  Austin and Goldberg attacked the Japanese team after the match.
7. The Rock beat Booker T to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. RJ Hammer beat Undertaker to retain the HCW World Heavyweight Title.  Steve Corino ran and attacked RJ Hammer during the match.  Austin's music started and Steve Austin came to the ring.  Corino smiles and offers Austin his hand but Austin hits the stone cold stunner on him instead.  He hits Corinne over the head with the chair and dropped it.  He then starts beating on Corino and bloodies him big time.  The two started to fight into the crowd.  Undertaker hit the last ride onto the chair but RJ kicked out.  Matsunaga ran to the ring and tried to throw a fireball into RJ's face but hits the Undertaker.  Eddie Guerrero runs to the ring and attacks Matsunaga.  RJ rolls Undertaker up for the win.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-9/24/2001 results:

The show starts with Rob Van Dam storming into Barbecue's office and order Barbecue to put him in a match with RJ Hammer.  Barbecue books the match.  The Rock then came to the ring and challenged Doomsday to a title match as payment for helping him out last night.  Doomsday comes to the ring and agrees to the match saying he will be a fighting champion again unlike RJ Hammer.  The two start joking around and Jill Night comes out from the back.  She says that RJ Hammer called her from the limo just a minute ago to tell her to book Doomsday in a rematch with RJ Hammer and the Rock in a handicap match with Kronik and Big Show.  Doomsday said that RJ has already been booked in a match with Rob Van Dam tonight.  The Rock then told Jill to take the cell phone, shine it up real nice, and shove it up RJ's ass when he shows up.
1. Green Lantern beat Flash
2. Hurricane Helms beat Dash
RJ hammer arrives in the building screaming about the security at the airport and the poor driving of the limo driver.  Lillian Garcia tried to tell him about the main events but he kept telling her that he knew about them.  Lillian tells him his matches were not booked and informed him of what was.  RJ looks even more pissed and then throws Chavo Guerrero Jr. threw a table after he bumped into RJ.  RJ went to the ring and screamed about RVD, Barbecue, Doomsday, The Rock.  All four came from the back.  RJ said that he has had enough of all of them and Extreme Alliance.  RJ said that Barbecue will face Rhyno on smackdown and if he does he will lose the commissionership.  Before RJ could say anything else Michelle mad her return and came from the back.  She said that won't happen unless the us title is on the line.  She also said that none of them are going away any soon and RJ better get use to it.  RJ said they will all be destroyed and Michelle said try it.  RJ left the ring and went after Michelle but was jumped by RVD, Barbecue, Doomsday, The Rock.  They all hit there finishers onto him and then Extreme Alliance made the save.  Faces leave the ring and head to the back laughing at RJ.
3. American Heroes beat Crazy
4. Mankind and Womankind beat Speed Lightning and Lady Lightning
5. Mike Bison, Guile, Tommy Dreamer, New Jack, Sandman beat Shadow WX, Matsunaga, Homicide, Hit Squad
6. Joe, Barbecue, Piloit, Ninja Kid beat Ki, Sean Stasaki, Dudleys
7. Tommy Dreamer and Mike Awesome beat Jesus Bison and Rhyno
8. Venom beat Kurt Angle to retain the EUWF European Title.
9. Speedster Lite beat Lance Storm to win the EUWF IC Title.
10. Hardy Boys beat Naughty By Nature to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titels.
11. Rob Van Dam beat RJ Hammer to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.  Extreme Alliance members kept trying to interfere all match long but Doomsday Alliance members stopped them.  RVD won with a Five Star Frog Splash onto RJ from a ladder in the ring through a table to the floor.
12. Doomsday wrestled The Rock to a no contest to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  The Rock had the match but Steve Austin dragged the ref out of the ring and rammed the ref into the steel post.  Extreme Alliance ran to the ring but Doomsday and The Rock fought them off.  RVD and Doomsday Alliance ran to the ring and backed up Doomsday and The Rock.  RJ limped out from the back.  He said that this isn't over and that the Extreme Alliance will destroy them.  The Rock tells him to just bring it but Extreme Alliance heads back to the back as the show ends.

Wednesday Night Brawl-9/24/2003 results:

1. Dynamic Duo beat La Resistance
2. Special K beat Carnage Crew to retain the EUWF World 6 Man Tag Team Titles.
3. Masato Tanaka beat Colt Cabana to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
4. Spirit beat Super Crazy
5. Chris Jericho beat Jay Briscoe
6. Rhyno beat Randy Orton
7. Piloit beat Matt Hardy
8. Jim Brooks and Lance Storm beat Joe and Speedster Lite

TTWF 9/24/2004 Viking Hall Show results:

The show started with Jack Evans and Roderick Strong coming to the ring and challenging Piloit and Jeff Hardy to defend the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles against him and Roderick Strong tonight.  Barbecue came from the back saying that Piloit wasn't here tonight but would give Strong and Evans a the match at No Mercy 2004 on October 3.  Barbecue then announced that he is making Evans work without pay for 2 months for his actions against Lita and Evans said that it was Lita's fault not his.  Evans said that Lita was pregnant so she should have been at home in the kitchen and barefoot where a woman belongs.  Barbecue starts heading to the ring but Joe and Jeff Hardy comes from the back holding him.  Joe mentions Barbecue's back and Barbecue said that he would risk a broken back to get back at him.  Jade and American Heroes came to the ring.  Jade said that Evans was a sexiest pig.  Evans tries to hit Jade but she ducks leading to american heroes attacking Strong and Evans and then the first match.
1. Joe, Jeff Hardy, Big Show, American Heroes (Duke, Snake Eyes, John Fire, Brian Thunder) beat Roderick Strong, Jack Evans, Kane, Kurt Angle in a Handicap Street Fight Match.
2. Baroness beat Victoria to TTWF World Women's Title.
3. Rhendo beat Super Crazy to retain the TTWF World Junior Heavyweight Title.
4. Chris Hero beat Justin Credible to retain the TTWF US Title.
5. Jesus Bison beat Rey Misterio Jr. to retain the TTWF World Hardcore Title and his share of the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
6. Machine beat Taion to retain the TTWF World TV Title and his share of the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
7. CM Punk beat Mike Bison to retain his share of the #1 Contenders Trophy For TTWF World Heavyweight Title.
8. Rob Van Dam beat Masato Tanaka to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-9/24/2005 results:

The show started with Real Americans giving their services to Paul Haymen for Halloween Hell 2005 but Kurt Angle refused to take part in this after what happen to the TTWF.  Angle walked away while America and Haymen walked the other way talking.
1. Chris Hero beat William Regal to retain the EUWF World Iron Man Title.
2. AJ Styles beat Shelton Benjamin
3. Shadow WX beat Nerco Butcher to retain the ECW World Hardcore Triple Crown Title.
4. Eddie Guerrero beat Taion to retain the EUWF IC Title.
5. Venom beat Jimmy Rave to retain the ECW World TV Title.
6. Samoa Joe beat Spanky to retain the ECW US Title.
7. Backseat Boyz beat Naughty By Nature to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.  This was original Doomsday and Venom's title shot for winning the recent tag team battle royal but they gave it to NBN.  The end came when Kashmere hit Basher with a baseball when he went for the drive by on Acid and then backseats hit basher with T-Gimick for the win.
8. Mike Bison, Taion, Samoa Joe, John Cena beat Randy Orton, Rhino, Nick Berk, Mr. America

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-9/24/2007 results:

1. Hard Luck Fighters beat Hot Shots
2. Matt Bentley beat Venom
3. Sonjay Dutt beat Shannon Moore
4. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Hardy Boyz
5. Human Tornado and Mike Quackenbush beat Ray Gordy and Roderick Strong
6. Doomsday beat Joe to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Kevin Steen, Low Ki, B-Boy beat Night Brothers and Jay Briscoe.  Generico is out with a hamstring injury but not for long and Marc is out with an injured foot but hopefully not for long either.
8. Randy Orton, Chris Hero, Mr. America, John Cena beat Nick Berk, Piloit, Undertaker, RJ Hammer

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-9/24/2008 results:

1. Savage Girl and Lady Backlot Warriors beat Sabrina and Thorn Rose to retain the ECW/EUWF World Ladies Tag Team Titles.
2. Ruckus and Sabian beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous
3. LAX, Briscoe Brothers, Austin Aries beat Jimmy Jacobs, Tyler Black, 3 Backlot Warriors.  After the match Dudleyz and the rest of Backlot Warriors attacked LAX, Briscoes, Aries till Super Crazy, Taion, Danny Havoc, Doomsday, Machine, Sagat, Naughty By Nature, Finley made the save.
4. Eddie Kingston beat Finley
5. Super Crazy beat Taion to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
6. Power and Blood Backlot Warrior beat Matt Bentley and Frankie Karazarian in a Non Title Match.
7. Danny Havoc beat Venom to retain the ECW World Triple Crown HC Title,
8. Doomsday and Lady Doomsday beat Claudio Castagnoli and Jill Night

TWF/EUWF's Superstars-9/24/2009 results:

1. Hart Dynasty beat Ax and Smash to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
2. Vlad and Impaler beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks in a Non Title Match.
3. John Cena beat Mr. America in a Cage Match.  Before the match MA brought two tables into the cage and the end came when MA tried to FU cena from the top of the cage through the tables.  Cena blocked it and did to MA holding onto to cage to stay on top while MA crashed through the tables.  Cena climbed down and covered MA for the win.
4. Sagat, Eric Bison, Chris Hero, Jimmy Rave beat Machine, RJ Hammer, Rhendo, AJ Styles

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-9/24/2010 results:

The show began with Christian Cage walking into the building earlier in the day just to be attacked much like Chris Jericho minus the car.  He was taken from the arena in a ambulance.  Speedster Lite said after the attack that they will attack anyone who is on Mike's team for October Bloodfest 2010 and anyone who could possibly be on it.
1. Ariel Bison beat Jade Thunder to retain the EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Warrior Ninja Alpha (#1) beat Primo Colon
3. Mr. America beat Joe Hennig
RJ Hammer announced that due to attack earlier tonight and existing injury that was furthered in the attack Christian has been stripped of the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  Title match later tonight will now be decide who will be the new champion.
4. Icarus and Chuck Taylor beat Hard Luck Fighters
5. CM Punk beat Alberto Del Rio, Chris Night, Edge, Bryan Danielson, Warrior Ninja Alpha in a 6 Way Dance to win back the Vacant EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  After the match celebrating to Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Kane, Kings Of Wrestling came from the back.  They look like they were about to attack Punk when gong hits and lights go out.  When they come on a casket was at ringside and Punk was gone.  Kane opened it up and instead of Undertaker in it was Paul Bearer who raised the urn in his hand.  The lights went out again and Undertaker was in the ring clearing house of the heals.
7. Austin Aries/Speedster won the Tag Team Gauntlet Match For Future Title Shots. They will fight for title shot with winner gets EUWF World Heavyweight Title at
Halloween Hell 2010 on October 31 and loser gets Sunday Night Party 87 title shot on October 24.  The runner up team Jim Brooks and Tyler Black will wrestle for October Bloodfest 2010 Title shot.  Undertaker/Blanka, Rhendo/Kane, Kevin Steen/Jack Swagger, The Miz/Kenny Omega, Kenny King/Rhett Titus, Roderick Strong/Josh Raymond, Priceless, Heart Dynasty, Super Smash Brothers, John Moxly/Sami Callihan, Hernadez/Colt Cabana, Randy Orton/Mark Henry were also in the match.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-9/24/2011 results:

1. Machine beat Jack Swagger in a Non Title Match.
2. Zach Ryder beat Taion
3. Kofi Kingston beat Johnny Gargano
4. Rich Swan beat Matt Syadl
5. Jimmy Jacobs beat Kenny Omega
6. Austin Aries beat Sami Callihan
7. Chris Hero beat Claudio Castagnoli to win the
Halloween Havoc 2011 Title Shot.
8. Eddie Edwards beat Mike Bison to retain the Unified US Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-9/24/2012 results:

1. Janet Lee Bison beat Jade Thunder.  After the match Doomsday Inc. attacked Janet trying to injury her neck again till Bison Brothers, Taion, Guile made the save.
2. Doomsday and Naughty By Nature beat Eric Bison, Taion, Guile.  Doomsday Inc beat down on faces continued after the match Mike, Machine, Sagat made the save,  Mike went searching for Doomsday Inc rest of the show before being told everyone but lite left in a bus later in the show.  He, Eric Bison, Guile, Taion, Machine, Sagat, Night Brothers left in cars.
3. Sheamus beat Bubba Jones in a Non Title Match.
4. CM Punk and Wade Barrett beat AJ Styles and Rey Misterio Jr.
5. Sami Callihan beat Alberto Del Rio
6. John Moxly beat The Miz
7. Venom and Brian Thunder beat Power Donity and Mike Bison
8. Rhett Titus beat Tyler Black in a Non Title Match.
9. Kings Of Wrestling beat Homicide/Low Ki and Roderick Strong/Michel Elgin in a 3 Way Dance to retain the Unified World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
10. Eddie Edwards beat Speedster Lite to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title Rematch. Towards the end of the match the ref knocked out The Family, Doomsday Inc., TWF Veterans Army while lite was taping.  They attacked edwards till the lights went out Mike Bison and his group was in the ring.  Them with help from the back cleared the ring of the heals and Mike hit Lite with a chair letting Edwards get the win.  After the match Lady Speed came from the back calling the whole thing crap and booking another title shot for Lite at
Halloween Hell 2012.  Edwards excepts even though mike was going to cancel it but Edwards doesn't back down from anyone.  Mike says he got a perfect idea then it will be a Hell In A Cell Match at HH2012 which angered Lite and Rachel to end the show

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-9/24/2013 results:

1. Harley Wayfield and Lady Speed beat Laurie Hammer and HC Bytch
2. Chris Night beat Freddie Waldeno
3. Peter Spider beat Mark Night
4. Venom and Donity Brothers beat Danny Havoc, Devon Moore, Lucky 13
5. Doomsday Kid, Venomous, Hot Shots beat American Heroes
6. Street Hustler beat Taion
7. Guile beat Car Jacker
8. Jackson Rouch and Speedster Lite beat Brett Wayfield and Machine in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-9/24/2014 results:

1. Cyrus Bourne beat Zangief to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.
2. Bryatt Wyatt beat Rhino
3. Jigsaw beat Taion
4. TJ Wilson beat Guile in a Non Title Match.
5. Briscoe Brothers beat Mike Bison and Machine in a Non Title Match.
6. Ash Hyde beat Kofi Kingston
7. Christopher Daniels won the Battle Royal For
Halloween Havoc 2014 Title Shot on October 26. Kevin Steen as runner up won the ECW spot in Halloween Hell 2014 Triple Crown Title shot on October 31.  AJ Styles, Frankie Kazarian, Honor Brigade, TJ Wilson, Sheamus, SCUM, Dolph Ziggler, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater, Colony, Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Briscoe Brothers, Drake Younger, Eddie Kingston, Kofi Kingston, Chris Sabin, TJ Perkins, Super Smash Brothers, Sin Cara, Wyatt Family, Rhino, Kofi Kingston, Ron Killings, Jigsaw, Hallowicked, James Storm, Kenny King, Sonjay Dutt, Curt Hawkins, Willie Mack, Tommaso Ciampa, Amazing Red, Mike Bennet, 3.0, Zach Ryder were also in the match

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-9/24/2015 results:

1. Seth Owens, Roman Reigns, Tyler Black beat The Kingdom
2. Roderick Strong beat Jackson Rouch in a Non Title Match.
3. Wade Barrett beat Bloody Donity
4. Claudio Castagnoli beat Johnny Gargano
5. John Moxly beat Ricochet
6. Bubba Jones beat Sami Callihan
7. American Wolves beat Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks
8. Kevin Steen beat Matt Tremont to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2016 Night 1-September 24 results:
King Of The Death Matches XIX:

First Round-Bracket 1-Four Corner Buckets:
1. RJ Hammer (KOTDM 1 and 3 Winner) beat JJ Garrett
2. Spider Boodrow beat Mark Night
3. Freddie Waldeno beat Eric Rowan
4. Alex Colon beat Chris Night
5. Power Donity (KOTD 14 Winner) beat Ron Mathes
6. Markus Crane beat Taion
7. Jackson Rouch (KOTD 16 Winner) beat Deadly Dale
8. Ricky Shane Page beat Brett Wayfield

Second Round-Plate Glass:
1. Spider Boodrow beat RJ Hammer
2. Freddie Waldeno beat Alex Colon
3. Power Donity beat Markus Crane
4. Ricky Shane Page beat Jackson Rouch

Third Round-Barbed Wire Corners:
1. Freddie Waldeno beat Spider Boodrow
2. Ricky Shane Page beat Power Donity

First Round-Bracket 2-Chains and Carpet Strips:
1. Bryatt Wyatt beat Mike Bison (KOTDM 5/6/10 Winner)
2. Ash Hyde beat Jeff King
3. Masada beat Daniel Xtreme
4. Daryl Ranger beat Devom Moore
5. Jeff Cannonball beat Jack Crystal (KOTD 9 Winner)
6. Cyrus Bourne beat Reed Bently
7. Speedster Lite beat Jim Brooks
8. Connor Claxton beat Venomous

Second Round-Barbed Wire Dog Collar:
1. Ash Hyde beat Bryatt Wyatt
2. Masada beat Daryl Ranger
3. Cyrus Bourne beat JefF Cannonball
4. Connor Claxton beat Speedster Lite

Third Round-Swing For The Fences:
1. Ash Hyde beat Masada
2. Connor Claxton beat Cyrus Bourne

First Round-Bracket 3-Tables:
1. Lucky 13 beat Hollywood Doomsday (KOTDM 3 and 15 Winner)
2. Brian Thunder beat Viking
3. Guile beat Josh Crane
4. John Waynne Murdoch beat Street Warrior
5. Tim Donst beat Eric Bison (KOTDM 13 Winner)
6. Jeffery Alpha beat Joseph Schwartz
7. King Peter (KOTD 17 Winner) beat G-Raver
8. Bryant Woods beat Sagat

Second Round-Tables and Chairs:
1. Brian Thunder beat Lucky 13
2. John Wayne Murdoch beat Guile
3. Jeffery Alpha beat Tim Donst
4. Bryant Woods beat King Peter

Third Round-Tables and Ladders:
1. John Wayne Murdoch beat Brian Thunder
2. Jeffery Alpha beat Bryant Woods

First Round-Bracket 4-Barbed Wire:
1. Mr. Venom (KOTD 4 Winner) beat Tristan Heartsend
2. Brad Cash beat Spirit
3. Mr. America beat Zodiak
4. Danny Havoc beat Richie Borndo
5. Abyss (KOTD 12 Winner) beat Masion Dixie
6. Seth Owens beat Aidan Blackheart to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
7. Matt Tremont (KOTD 18 Winner) beat Duke
8. Doomsday Kid beat Dale Patricks

Second Round-Barbed Wire Strap:
1. Mr. Venom beat Brad Cash
2. Danny Havoc beat Mr. America
3. Seth Owens beat Abyss to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.
4. Matt Tremont beat Doomsday Kid

Third Round-Barbed Wire Weapons:
1. Danny Havoc beat Mr. Venom
2. Seth Owens beat Matt Tremont to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.

Bruiser Brody Memorial Tournament 2017 Night 2-9/24/2017 results:
Queen Of The Death Matches XVI:

First Round-Bracket 1-Chains:
1. Becky Lynch beat
Ariel Bison (QOTDM 1 Winner)
Tabitha Boshidua beat Diana Falls
Kathy Uranosis beat Temptress
Misty Dawner beat Maro Lugi
Pink Dudley (QOTDM 10 Winner) beat Maro Maro
Tammy Knightshade beat Lady Basher
7. Samantha Bison beat
Janet Lee Bison (QOTDM 11 Winner)
Alex Kisnner beat Nattie Neidhart

Second Round-Whips and Chains:

1. Becky Lynch beat Tabitha Boshidua
2. Kathy Uranosis beat Misty Dawner
3. Tammy Knightshade beat Pink Dudley
4. Alex Kisnner beat Samantha Bison

Third Round-Strips and Chains:

1. Kathy Uranosis beat Becky Lynch
2. Alex Kisnner beat Tammy Knightshade

First Round-Bracket 2-Bundles:

HC Bytch (QOTDM 6 Winner) beat Alicia Jacks
Justine Hounda beat Sasha Banks
3. Scarlet beat
Carol Ninja (QOTDM 15 Winner)
Julie Fire beat Daniel Westernlock
5. Ms America beat
Jill Night (QOTDM 7 Winner)
Becky Knight beat Karen
Tiffany Lane beat Alcarda Vania (QOTDM 14 Winner)
8. Tara Ninja beat Lady Gagntas

Second Round-Boxes Of Death:

1. Justine Hounda beat Hardcore Bytch
2. Julie Fire beat Scarlet
3. Ms. America beat Becky Knight
4. Tiffany Lane beat Tara Ninja

Third Round-Buckets Of Death:

1. Justine Hounda beat Julie Fire
2. Ms. America beat Tiffany Lane

First Round-Bracket 3-Tables:

1. Jinx beat
Jade Thunder (QOTDM 2 and 4 Winner)
2. Lady Doomsday beat
Lady Trooper
3. Taylor Lanley beat Sally Gunnstone
4. Sabrina beat Crazy Woman
Lady Speed (QOTDM 9 Winner) beat Savage Girl Backlot Warrior
6. Lady Donity beat Fire Woman
Star Pryde (QOTDM 12 Winner) beat Lady Savior
8. Christine Crystal beat Lady Smasher

Second Round-Chairs:

1. Jinx beat Lady Doomsday
2. Taylor Lanley beat Sabrina
3. Lady Donity beat Lady Speed
4. Christine Crystal beat Star Pryde

Third Round-Swing For The Fences:

1. Taylor Lanley beat Jinx
2. Lady Donity beat Christine Crystal

First Round-Bracket 4-Pits of Death:

Donna Springs beat Sara Jane (QOTDM 3 Winner)
2. Ninja Girl beat Rose
3. Jennifer Roadie beat North Side Dragon
4. Harley Wayfield beat Gangstas Girl
Lightning Girl beat Laurie Hammer (QOTDM 8 Winner)
6. Firebird beat South Side Dragon
Debbie Summers beat Moonshine (QOTDM 13 Winner)
Caroline Dimelight beat Lady Hammer

Second Round-Barbed Wire Dog Collars:

1. Ninja Girl beat Donna Springs
2. Harley Wayfield beat Jennifer Roadie
3. Firebird beat Lightning Girl
Caroline Dimelight beat Debbie Summers

Third Round-Thumbtacks:

1. Harley Wayfield beat Ninja Girl
2. Firebird beat Caroline Dimelight

Tag Team Death Match Tournament IX-First Round:

1. Hot Shots beat Naughty By Nature (TTDMT1 Winners) in a Dog Collar Match.
Bruce Doomsday and Ash Hyde beat Eddie Venom and Matt Tremont in a Barbed Wire Boards Match.
Guile and Taion (TTDMT5 Winners) beat Freddie Waldeno Tristan Heartsend in a Carpet Strips Match when Tyson Bronx distracted Freddie.
Knight Hunter and Dagger beat Doomsday Kid and Venomous (TTDMT6 Winner) in a Chains Match.
The Awakening beat  Eric Bison (TTDMT 2 Winner) and Sagat (TTDMT3 Winner) in a Tables Match.
Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Nightmare in a Bundles Match.
Storm of Entrails beat Bruise Brothers (TTDMT4 Winners) in a Chairs Match.
Hoodies beat Vlad and Impaler (TTDMTVII Winner) in a Weapons Match.

Quarter-Final Round:

1. Hot Shots beat Bruce Doomsday and Ash Hyde in a Fists Of Death Match.
2. Guile and Taion beat Knight Hunter and Dagger in a Bed Of Nails Death Match.
3. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat The Awakening in a Barbed Wire Bats Match.
4. Hoodies beat Storm of Entrails in a Rumble Weapons Match.

Semifinal Round:

1. Hot Shots beat Guile and Taion in a Barbed Wire Ropes, Carpet Stripes, Bed Of Nails Death Death Match.
2. Hoodies beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch in a Barbed Wire Ropes, Light Tube, Barbed Wire Boards Match.

Non Tournament Matches:

Sanity beat Heath Slater, Rhino, Joe Henning in a Unified 6 Man Tag Team Tournament Semifinal Round Match.
2. Adam Cole and reDragon
beat Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn, Eddie Edwards in a Unified 6 Man Tag Team Tournament Semifinal Round Match.
3. Speedster, Brett Wayfield, Jackson Rouch beat American Heroes in a Unified 6 Man Tag Team Tournament Semifinal Round Match.
4. Marcus Croft lost to Freddie Waldeno by DQ to retain the TWF World Heavyweight Title.  Freddie had the win but Tyson Bronx pulled the ref out.  Ref tried to throw him out but Tyson went into the ring attacking freddie leading to call for the DQ.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-9/24/2018 results:

1. Rusev beat Piloit
2. Jim Brooks and Speedster Lite beat Roman Reigns and John Moxly

EUWF's #1 Contenders Tournament:

1. Xavier Woods beat Aiden English
2. Randy Orton beat Eddie Edwards
3. Kofi Kingston beat Kevin Steen
4. Chris Hero beat Samurai Del Sol
5. Claudio Castagnoli beat Ron Killings
6. Shinsuke Nakumara beat Apollo Crews
7. Curt Hawkins beat Roman Reigns
8. Big E. beat Shelton Benjamin

EUWF's Smackdown Live-9/24/2019-Surviving Months 2019 Day 21 results:
Surviving Months 2019 Tag Team Tournament Round 4:

1. Laurie Hammer beat Mandy Rose
2. reDragon beat Zen Warriors
3. Jackson Rouch beat Kushida
4. Tamina beat Donna Springs
5. Gambit Inc beat The Revival
6. Killian Dane beat Mojo Rawley
7. Sonjay Deville beat Harley Wayfield
8. Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins beat Marvel Warriors
9. Keith Lee beat Samoa Joe

Filmed For EUWF Network:
Surviving Months 2019 Men's Tournament Round 4 Matches:

1. Lilth Venomous beat Felicia Sword
2. Phat Boys beat Hot and Spicy
3. Samurai Del Sol beat Jack Crystal
4. Sally Gunstone beat Jennifer Roadie
5. Link Rod and Kong Remer beat Naughty By Nature
6. Humberto Carrillo beat Mustafa Ali
7. Stacy America beat Dinah Spade
8. Chris Gun and Jack Flap beat 3.0
9. Dolph Ziggler beat Shane Taylor
10. Penny Firebird beat Stacy Doomsday
11. Creed Gatson and Derek Vamp beat Uso Brothers
12. Randy Orton beat Mark Lite

TWF's Thursday Night Wars: Extreme Thursday 2020-9/24/2020-Surviving Months 2020 Day 49 results:
Surviving Months 2020 Tournament Round 8 Matches:

1. Thumbtack Death Match: Axel Grey and Andrew Gold beat Eric Bison and Raymond Roadblock
2. Door Death Match: Sally Gunnstone beat Princess Caroline
3. Street Fight: Daxton Hustler beat Baron Corbin
4. Bats Death Match: Rock Holder and Crusher Jack beat Hoodies
5. Table Death Match: Deliah Doomsday beat AJ Stine
6. Light Tube Death Match: Ash Hyde beat Greyson America
7. Trash Cans Death Match: Naughty By Nature beat Zen Warriors
8. Falls Count Anywhere Match: Stacy America beat Melody Trooper
9. Barefoot Death Match: Theodore Borando beat Harrison Boss

Taped Exclusively For EUWF Network:
Surviving Months 2020 Round 8 Matches:

1. Rahem Rhendo and Ben Blanka beat Vincent Vlad and Ian Impaler
2. Diana Falls beat Kathy Uranosis
3. Sami Zayn beat Johnny The Kid
4. Raul Mendoza and Joaquin Wilde beat Hot and Spicy
5. Taylor Lanley beat Lisa Ninja
6. Ariya Daivari beat GQ Wiley
7. Alan Jacks and Tony Torpedo beat Danny Dagger and Hunter Knight
8. Sabrina Bruiser beat Tiffany Lane
9. Leon Ruff beat Victor America
10. Stu Bomb and Rick Knife beat Guardian Knights
11. Tammy Knightshade beat Lacy Evans
12. Tyler Black beat Peter Spider

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-Surviving Months 2021 Day 49-9/24/2021 results:
Surviving Months 2021 Round 8 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket D Match: Donna Blaster beat Emma Blaster
2. Men's Bracket A Match: Trevor Lee beat Guru Raaj
3. Women's Bracket D Match: Bella Backlot beat Felicia Sword
4. Men's Bracket A Match: Akira Tozawa beat Greyson America
5. Women's Bracket D Match: AJ Stine beat Jennifer Roadie
6. Men's Bracket A Match: Raul Mandez beat Trey Baxter
7. Women's Bracket D Match: Tabitha Bosuda beat Kacy Catanzaro
8. Men's Bracket A Match:  Brett Wayfield beat Benjamin Apocalypse
9. Women's Bracket D Match: Zelina Vega beat Megan Wells
10. Men's Bracket A Match: Big E beat Bobby Lashley

Filmed For EUWF Network Exclusivily:
Surviving Months 2021 Round 8 Matches:

1. Women's Bracket A Match: Tammy Knightshade beat Miranda Chaos
2. Men's Bracket D Match: Austin Theory beat Humberto
3. Women's Bracket A Match: Misty Dawner beat Tamina
4. Men's Bracket D Match: Shelton Benjamin beat Mustafa Ali
5. Women's Bracket A Match: Nora Gold beat Stacy America
6. Men's Bracket D Match: Shepard Mars beat Mansoor
7. Women's Bracket A Match: Sally Gunnstone beat Olivia Down
8. Men's Bracket D Match: King Gary beat Tristan Heartsend
9. Women's Bracket A Match: Dana Brooks beat Jill Night
10. Men's Bracket D Match: Kyle O'Reily beat Tommaso Ciampa

EUWF House Show-9/24/2022 results:

1. EUWF World Ladies Title Match: Liv Morgan (c) beat Stacy America
2. TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks (c) beat Eddie Venom and Cyrus Bourne
3. ECW World TV Title Match: Akira Tozawa (c) beat Ricochet
4. 3 Way Dance For EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Prince Devitt and Shinsuke Nakumara (c) beat Legado del Fantasma and Imperium
5. Unified World 6 Man Tag Team Titles: American Brothers and Mark Night (c) beat Kevin Steen, Sami Zayn, Tyler Black
6. Phillip Donity and Lucy Warrior beat Kyle Donity and Sophia Warrior
7. 3 Way Dance EUWF World Heavyweight Title: Karrion Kross (c) beat Trevor Lee and AJ Styles
8. 30 Minute Iron Man Match For ECW World Heavyweight Title: Walter (c) beat Drew McIntyre

EUWF House Show-9/24/2023 results:

1. 3 Way Dance For EUWF World Ladies Title: Candice LaRae (c) beat Samantha Bison and Jade Thunder
2. 4 Way TPE Brawl Game Match For TWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Dennis Destroyer and Braxton Bulk (c) beat AJ Styles/Karl Anderson, Mark Lite/Jim Brooks, Naughty By Nature
3. TWF World Heavyweight Title: Cody Rhodes (c) beat Bruce Doomsday
4. EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Title: Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams (c) beat Eddie Venom and Cyrus Bourne
5. 3 Way Tables Match For ECW World Heavyweight Title: Raymond Roadblock (c) beat Prince Devitt and Chad Gable
6. 3 Way Chairs Match For TWF World Ladies Title: Maxine Massacre (c) beat Queen Tabtiha and Patricia Bryan
7. 3 Way Cage Match For EUWF World Heavyweight Title: Ricochet (c) beat Sami Zayn and Kevin Steen
8. No Rope Barbed Wire, Lighttube, Weapons Elimination Match: American Brothers, Raymond Roadblock, Jefery Alpha, Jack Pink, Frank Bison beat Thunder Brothers, Simon Seyes, Stephen Shadow, Night Brothers

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