Monday, June 17, 2024

This Day In Wrestling History-June 17 (Round Robin 3 and 15 Qualfiers, King Of The Ring 8 Tournament, RJ Hammer had enough of nWo Elite, Commander has had enough of Bison, Hidden Camera, Always read the clause in the contract, Sunday Night Party 67, Cena joins the Real Americans, Million Dollar Money In The Bank Match Announced, Great American Bash 2012/2018, Be careful what you wish for, Broken Inc almost gets fired)

This Day In Wrestling History-June 17:
EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/17/96 results:

1. Steiner Brothers beat Bodannas
2. Undertaker beat Mable
3. Giant beat Warrior
4. Sting beat 911
5. Juventud Guerrera beat Tommy Rich in a Round Robin 3 Qualifying Match.
6. Rob Van Dam beat Basketcase in a Round Robin 3 Qualifying Match.
7. Justin Liger beat Steve Austin in a Round Robin 3 Qualifying Match.
8. Sid beat Nutcase in a Round Robin 3 Qualifying Match.

EUWF's Thursday Night War-6/17/1999 results:

1. Joe and Barbecue beat Texas Hangmen
2. Falcon and Sgt. beat Taion and Duke
3. Doomsday beat Guile
4. Perry Saturn beat Bad Ass Billy Gunn
5. Road Dog Jesse James beat Kannyon
6. Shane Douglas beat Sandman to retain the EUWF US Title.
7. Rob Van Dam and Sabu beat Curt Henning and Bobby Ducam Jr
8. Snake Eyes, Shadow Ninja, White Ninja, Samurai Kid, Ninja Kid, Lady Ninja beat King Bison, Commander, Rhendo, Blanka, Sagat, Baroness in a No Rope Barbed Wire Match.

HCW's Saturday Slam Bash-6/17/2000 results:

1. Spirit beat X-Pac in a First Round Match Of The King Of The Ring 8 Tournament.
2. Hollywood Doomsday beat Eddie Guerrero in a First Round Match Of The King Of The Ring 8 Tournament.
3. Bam Bam Bigelow beat Essa Rios in a First Round Match Of The King Of The Ring 8 Tournament.
4. Konnan beat Mark Night in a First Round Match Of The King Of The Ring 8 Tournament.
5. Triple H beat Falcon in a First Round Match Of The King Of The Ring 8 Tournament.
6. RJ Hammer beat Rick Steiner in a First Round Match Of The King Of The Ring 8 Tournament.
7. Billy Kidman beat Buff Bagwell in a First Round Match Of The King Of The Ring 8 Tournament.
8. Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko beat Tommy Dreamer and Sandman in a Quater-Finals Match of the Heavyweight Tag Team Tournament.
9. Edge and Christian beat Hardy Boys in a Quater-Finals Match of the Heavyweight Tag Team Tournament.
10. Jerry Lynn beat Rob Van Dam in a First Round Match Of The King Of The Ring 8 Tournament.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/17/2002 results:

The show starts with RJ Hammer talking to his nWo group members in a locker room.
RJ: "Tonight we don't allow Spirit and the losers to take control tonight.  I want you guys to make sure that doesn't happen."
nWo Elite with Commander, Test, Albert came to the ring and they were coming out to Jesus Bison's music.
Spirit: "Doesn't matter who or what they throw at us they can't stop us.  Last night Commander officially joined the nWo elite and so did someone else but hm.  I wonder who that was?  We may found out tonight.   we may found out Brawl or smackdown or maybe even at the king of the ring or maybe we will never find out.  We keep proving that we are the elite of wrestling and no else is better."
Commander: "For the last four years I worked with my best friend Jesus Bison to take over this company.  During those four years he would go on to steal my ideas and claim them for his own.  The whole storyline that has us join up together was my idea 4 years ago but he said it was his.  I came up with the fire scepter idea.  Jesus Bison came up with the ideas that had us with Raven, the Undertaker, RJ Hammer, Steve Corino.  We never once got the company and had to watch that loser Corino do it while we failed time and time again.  I got tired of my ideas being stolen and I went to Spirit and Raven.  They let me join up with them and I'm happy for the first time in three years."  Jesus Bison comes out from the back.
Jesus: "What is this crap about that I stole your ideas?  That is so funny.  You never could come up with a good idea in 4 years that we worked together."  Commander gets out of the ring and brawls with Jesus on the rampway.  The nWo elite attacks Jesus and drags him in the ring.  They pound on Jesus until RJ Hammer's nWo and a ton of security ran to the ring to make the save.
1. Night Brothers beat Joe and Barbecue to win the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.  Vlad and Guile attacked Mark Night and Chris Night backstage with chairs after the match till Joe and Barbecue made the save.
RJ walked into the nWo elite locker room and announced that there will be matches between nWo elite members tonight.
2. Dudleyz beat Xtreme and Ranger
3. Raven beat Balls Mahoney
4. Crazy beat Vlad and Guile.  The end came when Mark Night distracted the ref and Chris Night hit Vlad with a chair.  Nutcase rolled up Vlad for the win.
5. AJ Styles beat Piloit
6. Ninja Kid and Lady Ninja beat Christopher Daniels and Jade to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
7. Homicide beat Crash The Terminator to retain the EUWF World Hardcore Title.  Masato Tanaka ran in and attacked Homicide after the match.  He beat Homicide for the hardcore title.
8. Doomsday beat Low Ki
9. Ric Blade beat Kurt Angle to retain the EUWF IC Title.
10. Joe and Barbecue beat Backseat Boyz, APA, Natural Born Sinners in a Four Way Dance to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
11. Triple H and Hot Stuff beat Rob Van Dam and Impact Players
12. RJ Hammer, Jesus Bison, Brock Lensar, Leviathan beat Venom, Spirit, Commander, Big Show.  The rest of nWo elite and RJ Hammer's nWo ran to the ring and they all brawled after the match.  Doomsday Alliance is shown watching this with a smile to end the show.

TTWF 6/17/2003 results:

The show began with Barbecue shown kissing trish stratus in the back but the view was being shown from a mysterious camera.  It would also show later in the show Torrie Wilson and Jim Brooks, Tough Enough 2's Jackie with Venom and her being the new Lady Venom (There had been one back in 1994 but the original only lasted a week).
1. Womankind beat Molly Holly
2. Red beat Brian XL
American Dragon went to Jim Brooks asking for a rematch for the TTWF World Heavyweight Title and Brooks except but it had to be this Friday at the arena.  Dragon agreed.
3. Paul London beat Red
4. Jerry Lynn beat Ric Blade
4. Eddie Guerrero beat Shadow WX
5. Chris Benoit and American Dragon beat Reckless Youth and Mike Quackenbush
6. American Heroes beat Backseat Boyz to retain the TTWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
Before the match Venom found the camera guy was one of Jesus Bison's men and decide to bring him into the main event.  Once he got the guy to the ring it was revealed that it was commander who filming it.
7. Venom beat Tommy Dreamer and Commander in a 3 Way Light tube Board Death Match to win the TTWF World Hardcore Title.
8. Jim Brooks and Mike Awesome beat Masato Tanaka and Taion

EUWF's Thursday Night Smackdown-6/17/2004 results:

The show started with the contract signing between Chris Jericho and AJ Styles for their EUWF World Heavyweight Title match at Sunday Night Party 49: Great American Bash 2004 on June 27.  AJ signed first and RJ asked if AJ wanted to look at the contract.  AJ said he didn't have to and Jericho signed it while laughing.  RJ grabbed it and said that the contract had special clauses.  First was that AJ could lose the title if he gets DQ or Count-out.  RJ also said the other two were that if AJ uses the top rope he gets dq and if he uses the style's clash he is also dq.  Jericho attacked AJ in the back with the title belt and RJ hit AJ with a chair to the back of AJ.  Jericho put AJ in the walls of jericho till Speedster Lite and Mike Bison made the save.
1. Tajiri beat Mike Bison in a Quater-Final Round Of EUWF's #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament.  It was announced that Low Ki would advance in the tournament due to the fact that Shawn Michaels could not wrestle due to an injury.
2. Taion beat Christopher Daniels in a Quater-Final Round Of EUWF's #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament.
3. Sabu beat Homicide in a Quater-Final Round Of EUWF's #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament.
4. Eddie Guerrero beat Low Ki in a Quater-Final Round Of EUWF's #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament.  It was announced that Shawn Michaels could not wrestle due to injury and Eddie Guerrero took his place.
5. Jimmy Rave beat Joe to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
6. Taion beat Tajiri in a Semifinal Round Of EUWF's #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament.
7. Eddie Guerrero beat Sabu in a Semifinal Round Of EUWF's #1 Contenders Trophy Tournament.
8. Real American Heroes, RJ Hammer, Chris Jericho beat Mike Bison, Taion, Speedster Lite, American Heroes, AJ Styles in an Elimination Match.

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-6/17/2005 results:

1. Christopher Daniels beat Alex Shelley
2. Dudleyz beat Baka Gaijin and Necro Butcher
3. Taion beat JC Bailey
4. Rey Misterio Jr. beat Elix Skipper
5. Mike Bison and Shadow WX beat Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka to retain the ECW World Hardcore Tag Team Titles.
6. B-Boy beat Juventud Guerrera to retain the ECW World TV Title.
7. America's Most Wanted beat Doomsday and Venom in a Street Fight to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
8. AJ Styles beat Raven to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Saturday Nights At The Arena-6/17/2006 results:

1. Ariel Bison beat MsChif to retain the ECW World Ladies Title.
2. Jesus Bison beat Claudio Castagnoli
3. Jay Lethal beat Masato Tanaka
4. Delirious beat Trooper 1 to retain the ECW World Junior Heavyweight Title.
5. Hoodies beat in a Non Title Match.
6. Spike Dudley and Pink Dudley beat Amazing Red and Tabitha Boshidua to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
7. Mike Bison beat Piloit in a Round Robin 15 Qualifying Match.
8. Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Naughty By Nature beat Homicide, Low Ki, Havana Pitbulls

Sunday Night Party 67-6/17/2007 results:

1. Nattie Neidhart beat Ms. America EUWF World Ladies Title.
2. Impaler and Sabrina beat Joe and Scarlet to retain the EUWF World Mixed Tag Team Titles.
3. Roderick Strong beat Davey Richards to retain the EUWF IC Title.
4. Ray Gordy beat Nick Berk to retain the EUWF World TV Title.
5. Mr. America beat RJ Hammer in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Anything Goes Match: Mr. America v.s. RJ Hammer.  During the match RJ dominated in the anything goes rules and took the first fall easy.  Strong, Richards, Gordy, Berk, Vampire Nation ran out attacking RJ till John Cena came out seemingly made the save but Cena FUed RJ.  Mr. America and Cena beat down RJ while the heals made sure no one made the save.  Mr. America and Cena then forced the ref to count down RJ for two straight falls for the win.  The beat down continued to the faces over ran the heals sending them to the back and rj got on the mic saying payback is a bitch.  He made a match for next sunday with Mr. America, Christian Cage, John Cena, Ms. America v.s. RJ Hammer, Speedster Lite, Jim Brooks, Michelle in a Hell In A Cell War Games Death Match.
6. Vlad and Impaler beat Briscoe Brothers to win the EUWF World Heavyweight Tag Team Titles.
7. Samoa Joe beat Eddie Kingston to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Title.
8. Venom beat Doomsday to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/17/2009 results:

1. Jimmy Jacobs beat Spirit
2. Tyler Black beat Eric Bison in a Non Title Match.
3. Machine beat Randy Orton
4. Primo Colon beat Taion
5. Mike Bison beat Carlito Colon
6. Colt Cabana beat Eric Young in a Non Title Match.
7. CM Punk beat Petey Williams
8. Tommy Dreamer and Jerry Lynn beat Necro Butcher and Toby Klein

TWF/EUWF's Superstars-6/17/2010 results:

Mike Bison opened the show announcing that RJ Hammer, Thomas Boss, Teddy Long have agreed with his idea of a 1 million dollar Money In The Bank Match.  Meaning you not just get the World Heavyweight Title shot whenever you want in a year but a million dollar check that can be cashed after cashing in World Title shot.  If the person that wins ladder match loses the briefcase in a match before cashing in the contract he loses the check too.  The tournament will feature two blocks in each company and the winner of the two will advance to the match.  Losers of tournament will fight for World Title shot at Superbrawl 2010 on July 18.
1. MVP beat Jack Crystal to retain the EUWF IC Title.
2. Mr. America beat Taion to retain the TWF World TV Title.
3. Venom and Naughty By Nature beat Jim Brooks and Hoodies
4. Doomsday, Samoa Joe, CM Punk, Mike Bison beat Speedster Lite, AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Sheamus in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-6/17/2011 results:

1. Colony beat Hard Luck Fighters in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
2. Hot Shots beat Throwbacks in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
3. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat Uso Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
4. Davey Richards beat Drew McIntyre in a Non Title Match.
5. El Generico beat Heath Slater
6. Jay Lethal beat Ron Killings
7. Naughty By Nature beat Dark City Fight Club in a Summer Tag Festival Match.
8. Speedster Lite and Jim Brooks beat Kofi Kingston/Tyler Black, Chris Hero/Claudio Castagnoli, Night Brothers in a 4 Way Non Title Match.

EUWF's Great American Bash 2012-6/17/2012 results:

1. High Flyers and Hot Shots beat Vampire Nation, Night Brothers, Taion in a Elimination Weapons War Games Match.
2. Brian Thunder and Duke beat All Night Express in a Summer Tag Festival II Match.
3. Doomsday and Venom beat Machine and Sagat in a Summer Tag Festival II Match.
4. Briscoe Brothers beat Kings Of Wrestling in a Summer Tag Festival II Match.
5. Mike Bison, Jim Brooks, Kevin Steen, Jim Brooks beat RJ Hammer, Speedster, Austin Aries, Eric Bison in a War Games Match. The end came when Eric Bison turned on his team rejoining with his brother Mike.  That surprised Jim and Mike said trust him.
6. Power Donity beat Low Ki to retain the EUWF World Triple Crown Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/17/2013 results:

The show started with a mad Chris Hero coming to the ring.  He said despite Punk's actions last night they won't be stopped.  That he won't defend the title against punk any time soon saying he doesn't deserve it for walking out after Wrestlemania.  He then demanded to know who he will be defending the EUWF World Heavyweight Title against at Superbrawl.  He said that he didn't want to wait for a battle royal and Laurie Hammer came on the tron.  She said that she didn't have anyone ready as battle royal was suppose to decide but since hero couldn't wait she decide to go with this surprise.  Rob Van Dam video aired and then Laurie announced that Hero v.s. RVD for EUWF World Heavyweight Title at Superbawl 2013.
1. WN Alpha and Sigma beat Joe and Piloit in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
2. Bad Influence beat Jigsaw and Hallowicked in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
3. East/West Dragons beat Uso Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
4. Donity Brothers beat Doomsday and Venom in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
5. El Generico and Kevin Steen beat Colony in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
6. Primo and Epico beat Throwbacks in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
7. Eric Bison and Guile beat Spirit and Jack Crystal in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
8. Austin Aries and Robert Roode beat Motor City Machine Guns in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
9. Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano beat American Wolves in a Summer Tag Festival III Match.
10. Chris Hero beat Mike Bison to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.  CM Punk attacked Hero after the match and Rhino tried to save hero but mike attacked him.  Eventually hero and rhino were thrown out of the ring and Punk got on the mic.  He said he is not with Mike or Hero but will put together his own guys of honor and respect.  Punk said he get a title shot against Hero by Summerslam before he left threw the crowd leaving mike alone confused to end the show

TWF's Tuesday Night Wars-6/17/2014 results:

1. Cyrus Bourne won the Battle Royal For Spots In Million Dollar Money In The Bank Ladder Match. Cyrus, Mike Bison, Peter Spider advance to the match.  American Heroes, Night Brothers, Piloit, Masion Dixie, Naughty By Nature, Donity Brothers, Warrior Ninjas, Troopers, Young Guns Army, Wildfire, Crazy, New Demolition, Backlot Warriors, Dangerous Trio, Dragons, Hoodies, Vampire Nation, Bubba Jones, Zangief, Spirit, Machine, Jackson Rouch, Speedster Lite, Ash Hyde, Freddie Waldeno were also in the match.

Summer Tag Festival IV:

1. Wildfire beat Trooper 5 and 6
2. Road Knights beat Snake Eyes and John Fire
3. Samurai Ninja II and Ninja Kid III beat Hoodies
4. Dangrous and Nightmare Backlot Warriors beat Brett Wayfield and Piloit
5. Naughty By Nature beat Trooper 7 and 8 to retain the EUWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.
6. Crazy and Lightning Backlot Warriors beat Masion Dixie and Jackson Rouch
7. New Bruise Brothers beat Donity Brothers to win the Unified World HC Tag Team Titles.
8. Ash Hyde and Mr. America beat Vlad and Impaler

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/17/2015 results:
Summer Tag Festival V

1. Kenny King and Low Ki beat Colony
2. Oi4K beat Dolph Ziggler and Ash Hyde
3. The Kingdom beat Austin Aries and Robert Roode
4. Bad Influence beat World's Cutest Team
5. Primo and Epico beat Wade Barrett and Sheamus
6. James Storm and Abyss beat Prince Devitt and Pac
7. Brodie Lee and Eric Rowan beat Lucha Dragons
8. Cyrus Bourne and Samoa Joe beat Rhino and Guile

ECW's Friday Nights At The Arena-6/17/2016 results:
Summer Tag Festival VI:

1. Extreme Knights beat Primo and Epico
2. Dagger and Knight Hunter beat Bruise Brothers
3. All Night Express beat Brett and Chris Prowl
4. The Revival wrestled Blood Ninja and Samurai Ninja II to a Draw.
5. Osirin Portal wrestled Trooper 1 and 3 to a Draw.
6. Marvel Warriors beat War Machine
7. Drew Gulak and Tracy Williams beat Iron Gloves II
8. Eric Young and Dolph Ziggler beat Extreme Sports
9. The Batari beat King Peter and Freddie Waldeno

TWF's Saturday Night Fire-6/17/2017 results:

1. Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx beat Ash Hyde and Speedster Lite.  After the match Marcus told tyson something and he went back to the ring.  He got on the ring aparon and scream cash it in marcus.  Ash looked around and then realized marcus was still on the ramp.  Tyson and Marcus laughed at Ash.  Marcus held up TWF Money In The Bank briefcase.

Summer Tag Festival VII:

1. Link Rod and Kong Remer beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
2. Ligi Brothers beat Masion Dixie and Piloit
3. Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch beat Black Valkyrie
4. Road Knights beat Tempura Boyz
5. Naughty By Nature beat Dogs Of War
6. Spirit and Jack Crystal beat King Peter and Richie Borndo
7. Stu Bomb and Rick Knife beat PYT
8. Donity Brothers beat Freddie Waldeno and Tristin Heartsend to retain the TWF World Lightweight Tag Team Titles.

Great American Bash 2018-6/17/2018 results:

Pre Show:
1. Oney Lorcan won the Batttle Royal for Tommaso Ciampa spot in MITB Ladder Match. Titus O'Neil, Chad Gable, Andrade Almas,. Sami Zayn, Eddie Edwards, Big E, No Way Jose, Rusev, Aiden English, Apollo Crews. Roman Reigns, Sheamus, Mojo Riley.  Before the match it was announced that due injuries Ciampa recevied last night at NXT he was not cleared to compete tonight and match was made to see who would take his place.
2. Rusev and Aiden English beat Bruise Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival VIII-Poiunts v.s. Points  Match.
3. Lucha Dragons beat Donity Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival VIII-Poiunts v.s. Points  Match.
4. Sanity beat Nightmare in a Summer Tag Festival VIII-Poiunts v.s. Points  Match.


1. Piink Dudley beat Sasha Banks. Nattie Neidhart, Bailey, Sabrina. Moonshine, Asuka, Becky Lynch, Ruby Riot in the Women's Money In The Bank Match.  Pink after the match says she in cashing in her contract right now.  Queen Patricia and Lady Tabitha came out saying Princess Carolina isn't here tonight so its not going to happen.
2. Motor City Machine Guns beat Ascension in a Summer Tag Festival VIII-Poiunts v.s. Points  Match.
3. Heath Slater and Rhino beat Mr. America and Cyrus Bourne in a Summer Tag Festival VIII-Poiunts v.s. Points  Match.
4. Chris Hero beat Oney Lorcan,Kofi Kingston, Chuck Taylor, Zach Ryder, Claudio Castagnoli in EUWF Men's Money In The Bank Match.
5. LAX beat Young Bucks in a Summer Tag Festival VIII-Poiunts v.s. Points  Match.
6. Bruce Doomsday, Eddie Venom, Naughty By Nature beat Bison Brothers, Sagat, Taion in a Hardcore Match. After the match Broken Empire jumped Bison Family and Bruce grabbed a barbed wire bat from under the ring.  Mike was held back as Bruce decide who to take out and chosing Eric saying it would hurt more then anyone else.  He said that he would say that "I love you.  I'm sorry" to eric but that be a lie.  Bruce hits Eric in the back of the neck with bat and TWF army was finally able to make the save.  Mike sat in the corner of the ring in shock while EMTs came down to check on Eric.  They undid the bottom rope before eric was strapped to a stretcher and stretchered to the back.  Mike finally got up and garbbed a mic.  He told bruce he didn't need to worry about clique wars anymore because he was fired.  But before he got to the word fire Luaire Hammer stopped him saying not to and there is going to be a board meeting tomorrow about Bruce's fate.  Mike agrees with it saying that Bruce will pay one way or another.
7. Heavy Machinery beat Briscoe Brothers in a Summer Tag Festival VIII-Poiunts v.s. Points  Match.
8. Samoa Joe beat Kevin Steen to retain the EUWF World Heavyweight Title.

EUWF's Monday Night Raw-6/17/2019 results:
#1 Contenders Mini Tournement-Winners Go To Smackdown Tag Team Battle Royal:

1. Jeff Cobb and Bobby Lashley beat AOP
2. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Heavy Machinery beat Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins
3. Shelton Benjamin and Chad Gable beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
4. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Kings Of Wrestling (Hero and Danielson) beat Ascension
5. Briscoe Brothers beat Taion and Guile
6. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: Lucha Brothers beat Adam Cole and Roderick Strong
7. Mojo Riley and Randy Orton beat Uso Brothers
8. Non Tournament Match: Rex Lion beat Drew Gulak
9. Summer Tag Festival IX Round 11 Points v.s. Points Match: The Revival beat reDragon
10. Non Tournament Match: Tommy End and Power Donity beat Drew McIntyre and Robert Roode

Filmed exclusively for EUWF Network:
Summer Tag Festival IX-Round 11 Points v.s. Points:

1. Donity Brothers beat Hot Shots
2. James Drake and Zach Gibson beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
3. Hoodies beat Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson
4. Gallus beat Cornelius Crummels and Sonny Defarge

ECW's Wednesday Night Brawl-6/17/2020 results:

1. Tag Festival X Round 18 Points v.s. Points Match: Bruise Brothers beat Rock Holder and Crusher Jack
2. Tag Festival X Round 18 Points v.s. Points Match: Brian Thunder and John Fire wretled Shane Thorne and Brendon Vink to a 15 Minute Draw.
3. Stacy America and Samtantha Bison beat Faith Fire and Casey Crazy
4. Tag Festival X Round 18 Points v.s. Points Match: Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler beat Storm Wave
5. 4 Way #1 Contenders Match For ECW World TV Title: Akira Tozawa beat Seth Owens, Tommy End, Ricochet
6. Tag Festival X Round 18 Points v.s. Points Match: Taylor Wad and GQ Wiley beat Breezango
7. Pick Your Posion Match: Braun Strowman beat Randy Orton
8. Tag Festival X Round 18 Points v.s. Points Match: Sir Rex and Sir Fisher beat  Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch
9. Pick Your Posion Match: Keith Lee beat Mike Bison

TWF's Thursday Night Wars-6/17/2021 results:

1. Pete Dunne and Oney Lorcan beat Eddie Venom and Mark Night
2. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Carl War and Brent Jet beat Phat Boys
3. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Street Profits beat American Brothers
4. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Barney White and Black Jack beat Prowl Brothers
5. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: The Way beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno
6. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Road Knights beat Zen Warriors
7. Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Match: Bobby Lashley and Cederick Alexander beat Marcus Croft and Tyson Bronx
8. Rematch For TWF World Ladies Title: Caroline Venom (c) beat Shotzi Blackheart

Filmed For EUWF Network Exclusivily:
Tag Festival XI Round 16 Points v.s. Points Matches:

1. The Masters beat Remy Who and Tom Master
2. Breezango beat Kenneth Knockout and Santiago Slasher
3. Bearnard Cast and Jacob Clark beat Raheem Rhendo and Ben Blanka
4. Matt Riddle and Jeff Hardy beat Bishop Rider and Percy Grimm
5. Carson Jackson and Dailey Watson beat Nathan Blaster and Caleb Scare
6. Brian Thunder and John Fire beat Kappa Knights

EUWF's Friday Night Smackdown-6/17/2022 results:

Mike Bison open the show.  He apologized to EUWF fans for recent scandal that come to life involving minority owner Vince McMahon.  Vince we no longer have day to day involvements with company pending a outside investigation.  EUWF will not have anything to do with said investigation.  Will take actions need be when findings of said investigation has come to light.  EUWF wants fans to have confidence in said investigation and why it will be independent (i.e. not like Blizzard who recent internal investigation cleared themselves).
1. Humberto beat Sheepard Mars
2. Jack Crystal beat Victor America
3. Chris Gun beat Matt Pigpen
4. 4 Way #1 Contenders Match For EUWF IC Title: Dominik Dijakovic beat Austin Theory, Trevor Lee, Tommaso Ciampa
5. Fisher Star beat Daryl Ranger
6. Edison Samurai beat Angel Garza
7. Greyson America beat Solomon Spirit
8. Elimination Match: Marcus Croft, Kenneth Knockout, Santiago Slasher, PYT, Stew Rosen, Leo Ambrose beat AJ Styles, Uso Brothers, Chad Gable, Otis, Street Profits

ECW's Saturday Nights Back On The Road-6/17/2023 results:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 18 points v.s. points Matches:

1. Bracket C Match: Sheepard Mars and Edison Samurai beat Brentley Justice and Percy Grimm
2. Bracket F Match: Rock Holder and Crasher Jack beat Road Ragers
3. Bracket C Match:  Masnor and Mace beat Carl War and Brent Jet
4. Bracket F Match: Nightwings beat Samson Sanchez and Hayden Sander
5. Bracket C Match: Eric Bison and Frank Pluto beat PYT
6. Bracket F Match: Wade Wallace and Westley Watson beat Brandom Scarlet and Braden Olsen
7. Bracket C Match: Harrison Boss and Phillip Donity beat Mickey Sensation and Shaggy Brown
8. Bracket F Match: Fisher Star and Felix Bolt beat Brian Thunder and John Fire
9. Bracket C Match: Mark Lite and Jim Brooks beat Pretty Deadly
10. Bracket F Match: Josh Brigs and Brooks Jensen beat Schism
11. Non Tournament Elimination Match: American Brothers, Raymond Roadblock, Mark Lite, Jim Brooks beat Prince Devitt, AJ Styles, Good Brothers, Shinsuke Nakumara

Being Taped For Peacock/EUWF Network Exclusively:
Tag Festival XII Group Stage Round 18 Matches:

1. Bracket F Match For Unified World Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles: Macrus Dove and Owen Star beat Braxton Bulk and Dennis Destroyer (c)
2. Bracket C Match: Stew Rosen and Leo Ambrose beat Alistair Hound and Travis Jazz
3. Bracket F Match: Daryl Ranger and Daniel Xtreme beat Dark Brothers
4. Bracket C Match: Stu Bomb and Rick Knife beat Vincet Vlad and Ian Impaler
5. Bracket F Match: Baron Corbin and Riddick Moss beat Kent Wonder and Bruce Blood
6. Bracket C Match: Jeff Shot and Alex Havoc beat Hot Shots
7 .Bracket F Match: Alan Jacks and Tony Torpedo beat Peter Spider and Freddie Waldeno
8. Bracket C Match: Jack Flap and Chris Gun beat Raymond Roadblock and Yuri Knight
9. Bracket F Match: Cederick Alexander and Shelton Benjamin beat Angel Garza and Humberto
10. Bracket C Match: Seth Owens and Ash Hyde beat Brett Wayfield and Jackson Rouch

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